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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

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Sorry if this has been answered before... How can I give the friendly AI groups the same abilities as the enemy AI groups? (ie. Artillery, Reinforcement Calling, using of flares at night, and smoke?)

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@Sniper_Pilot, GL4 is mostly an enemy AI mod. It has only limited friendly AI functionality. See the userconfig file for the details.

@SNKMAN, one suggestion... is it possible for you to adjust accuracy values according to unit class? For instance, any unit classname with the word "sniper" could be given a much higher default accuracy than the rest of the units. I thought this might be possible since you already have the means to go into such fine details on the AI accuracy. Currently AI snipers are a joke... simply normal rifleman with single shot weapons...hahhaha.

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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@Sniper_Pilot, GL4 is mostly an enemy AI mod. It has only limited friendly AI functionality. See the userconfig file for the details.

Darn, i was afraid of that... Thanks!

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Which settings do you try to change?

Global Local or Random?

To me the way i have descripted works fine.


is it possible for you to adjust accuracy values according to unit class?

Sure not a problem. ;)

I will add it to my "to do" list.

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sure not a problem. ;)

i will add it to my "to do" list.

at last!!!!! The sniper problem is going to be solved!!!!!!!!! Yayayayyaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you snkman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok after playing Arma with GL4 again I found some Things that really disturb me.

1. All Vehicels are able to pop up Smoke?

I saw a Kamaz Truck and an Chedaki Offroad deploying Smoke. This ain´t good. Only vehicels with smoke shells shoulb be able to do so.

2. AAVP Crew disembarks from Vehicle

They had a simple Task in the second Mission of "Dogs of War" Campaign: Drive my Squad to the Town, stay there and provide Fire Support. What did they do? Drive me there, Dismount and engage the Enemy on Foot.

I have another Suggestion:

When AI is firing up smoke, they always fire straight in the Air which is kind of useless. In RL you would fire it at the enemy. Could you fix that?:)

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is it possible for you to adjust accuracy values according to unit class?

This really is a good point.

I have added another setting where you can set specific "Skill Types" to specific classes.

May at the first look it will look a bit confusing but so far this is the best way i have found:

Example: 1 Class and 1 Skill Type:

Class | Skill Type ( aimingAccuracy ) | Value ( Max. / Min. )

["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.15, 0.15] ] ]

Example: 1 Class and 2 Skill Types:

Class | Skill Type ( aimingAccuracy ) | Value ( Max. / Min. ) Skill Type ( aimingSpeed ) | Value ( Max. / Min. )

["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.15, 0.15], "aimingSpeed", [0.15, 0.15] ] ]

Example: 2 Classes and 1 Skill Type:

Class | Skill Type ( aimingAccuracy ) | Value ( Max. / Min. )

["USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.15, 0.15] ], "RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.35, 0.35] ] ]

You can add as many classes and change every available "Skill Type".

Edit: Found out something really funny while playing around with the "Skill Type AimingAccuracy".

If you set it to 0.50 / 0.50 which will result a really high value between 0.75 then enemy A.I. will not shoot very often but if they shoot they hit their target.

If you set it to 0.15 / 0.15 which will result a value between 0.20 then enemy A.I. will shoot way more often but only hit their target by 50%.

If you set it to 0.05 / 0.05 which will result a value between 0.08 then enemy A.I. will shoot like hell and switch their weapons randomly but only hit by 10%.


1. All Vehicels are able to pop up Smoke?

Yes thats right. This should simulate that units of a vehicle drop smoke bevore unmounting the vehicle.

If they don't drop smoke then it's damn easy to kill every unit unmounting a vehicle step by step.

2. AAVP Crew disembarks from Vehicle

Thanks i will check it.

When AI is firing up smoke, they always fire straight in the Air which is kind of useless. In RL you would fire it at the enemy. Could you fix that?

Yes you are right. It really look's a bit stupid but that's the way how A.I. throw smoke. :)

Group Link 4 do only tell the enemy A.I. in which direction they should throw the smoke.

Also sometimes A.I. do move ( change the direction ) while throwing smoke which makes them throw the smoke in the totally wrong direction.

Look's like we have to live with it.

Edited by SNKMAN

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@SNKMAN, This accuracy by unit class has been a sorely missing feature in arma2 and is what breaks snipers all round without making AK snipers! Your mod is going to make AI snipers useful for the VERY FIRST TIME! THANK YOU SNKMAN!

This means that sniper classes should be set to 0.5 so they don't shoot often as they take time to aim and when they do, they are deadly. Then the rest of the class should be about 0.15 so it doesn't become a waste of bullets.

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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What would be if you could teach the AI to handle the Smoke grenades (from the underbarrel Launcher) like normal Grenades, so that they fire them directly at the Enemy?

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Edit: Found out something really funny while playing around with the "Skill Type AimingAccuracy".

If you set it to 0.50 / 0.50 which will result a really high value between 0.75 then enemy A.I. will not shoot very often but if they shoot they hit their target.

If you set it to 0.15 / 0.15 which will result a value between 0.20 then enemy A.I. will shoot way more often but only hit their target by 50%.

If you set it to 0.05 / 0.05 which will result a value between 0.08 then enemy A.I. will shoot like hell and switch their weapons randomly but only hit by 10%.

Interesting find. Would it be possible to set aimingaccuracy per group in the editor? For example Sinc a Lowaccuracy module with a group of not-so-trained militia.. or with a init command.

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Underbarrel Launcher? What exactly do you mean by this?

You mean they should fire the smoke with the Grenade Launcher of a weapon?

Well if yes then the smoke defenetly will be shooten way too far becouse A.I. + Grenade Launcher weapon = disaster. :p

Edit: I could increase the veloCity of the grenade given to the direction in where the grenade is thrown.

This will reduce the flight high of the grenade. ;)


Would it be possible to set aimingaccuracy per group in the editor?

Yes of course it would be possible but i simply don't wanna to go too deep into the "Skill Type" coding.

The next release do feature a really wide range of how you can configurate the "Skill Types".

I added a additional check to not only give custom "Skill Types" values to classes you will be able to give custom "Skill Types" values to different ranks too.

You can give units with the rank "PRIVATE" way lower values in each "Skill Type" like units with the rank "CAPTAIN" or "SERGEANT".


["RU_Soldier_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
"USMC_SoldierS_Sniper", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.75, 0.25], "aimingShake", [0.75, 0.25], "spotDistance", [0.75, 0.25] ],
"PRIVATE", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.05, 0.05], "aimingShake", [0.05, 0.05], "commanding", [0.05, 0.05] ],
"CORPORAL", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.10, 0.10], "aimingShake", [0.10, 0.10], "commanding", [0.10, 0.10] ],
"CAPTAIN", ["aimingAccuracy", [0.15, 0.15], "aimingShake", [0.15, 0.15], "commanding", [0.35, 0.35] ]

Edited by SNKMAN

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I like this idea for aiming accuracy - however giving higher ranks better accuracy is imo not entirely realistic as having a higher rank doesnt neccessarily mean they are a better shot. Perhaps using a Random integer to a lower base value on all ranks may work by randomising the values of accuracy. Just a suggestion. Loving how this is panning out good job snakeman.

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Thanks. :)

Well yes of course you can do with the "Skill Types" what ever you want.

It's up to everyone which skills you like to give to specific units or ranks or if you like to use a random value which is used by all units.

So this is something to toying around with.


When AI is firing up smoke, they always fire straight in the Air which is kind of useless. In RL you would fire it at the enemy. Could you fix that?

Fixed. Smoke thown by enemy A.I. now will fly in a realistic angle and high directly in the targets direction instead of straight in the air.

Edited by SNKMAN

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When I load GL4 to play missions,I check the map, I found all the anemy group ID, positions and their moving directions can be seen, it's not real, so how could I don't let them show?

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Open: "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf"

Remove the "//" in front of the variable "GL4_Global"

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug:
// Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used.
// Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction.
// True / False, default is True
 GL4_Global set [52, False];

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you will be able to give custom "Skill Types" values to different ranks too.

You can give units with the rank "PRIVATE" way lower values in each "Skill Type" like units with the rank "CAPTAIN" or "SERGEANT".

Great news! How does this work with the existing skill level of units (Green, Veteran etc.) set up in old missions made without GL4 in mind? Does GL4 automatically by-pass those or adjust the AI according to the unit original skill?

Also, how much does GL4 affect fixed wing aircraft? I admit I haven't been able to test properly yet, but I haven't noticed much changes in AI behaviour for pilots. They may be avoiding known anti aircraft weapons better, though.

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Open: "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Global.sqf"

Remove the "//" in front of the variable "GL4_Global"

SNKMAN,thanks,from now on,I think I'm gonna use GL4 very time.:yay:

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Hey SNKMAN, When will the next version be ready? I'm getting bored with A2 and I'm looking forward to something new from you :-)

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Im thinking that when hes completed it, and made a readme, and packs/zips it, and uploads it, then waits, then gets the url links, and updated the thread and first post, and then presses "Submit" in this thread, with the link .......

.... at that single moment in time and space it will be the moment its ready :)

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Hey SNKMAN, When will the next version be ready? I'm getting bored with A2 and I'm looking forward to something new from you :-)

Please leave by the nearest window !

When will noobs realise that asking when something is going to be released will NOT get it released quicker!

Either shut up or make your own addon so we can pester you.

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Just downloaded it, its pretty damn awesome but is it compatible with JTD fire and smoke and warfxparticles or does it just replace them even if they're in you're target line aswell?

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I was wondering the same thing as DRoberts69.

I use WarFXParticles, and JTD Fire/Smoke....love them.

I've downloaded this mod, and would like to layer some of the GL4 special effects into my mod package, but minus the AI tweaks. I'm simply looking for graphical/sound enhancements.

Is this possible?

I've looked at the "userconfig" sqm's, and they make no sense to me.

Granted, I'm fairly new to the series, and to mods in general; but I've been able to make all the others (WarFX, JTD, panthera, TRSound, Hifi) work.

I've dug through a lot of this thread, but at this point there's 80 pages of info, and I'd really rather be playing ArmA 2 than spending an entire day digging, and trying to set this up.


Could someone be so kind as to tell me how I would set up the GL4 mod(effects only), to work in conjunction with WarFXParticles and HiFi sounds...but with the AI enhancements disabled?

Thanks in advance for any helpful info.

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How does this work with the existing skill level of units (Green, Veteran etc.)

The "setSkill" do overwrite the A.I. abillitys the same way in cadet and veteran mode.

So there will be no different in which mode you set/overwrite the skills.

Also, how much does GL4 affect fixed wing aircraft?

Group Link 4 do not change/fix any pilot skills.

@Lao Fei Mao

Your welcome.


Sorry i can't tell you a exact date.

The next version of Group Link 4 will come with a tone of new stuff.

I wanted to release a new version some weeks bevore but so far i could not find a point. :)

I seriously should find some soon. ;)


Yes that's right.

Kepping a project like Group Link 4 up and running with all the additional stuff ( ReadMe, Testing, Coding ) sometimes really is a very long way.


is it compatible with JTD fire and smoke and warfxparticles

Yes Group Link 4 should be compatible with all other mods which use C.B.A.

@Ben Endless

Is this possible?

Don't worry i know how hard it is for someone with not much knowledge about all this stuff.

Here are two ways of how you can use the "Special FX" only.

1. Setting Based:

Open "UserConfig\GL4\GL4_Core.sqf"

Remove the "//" where i have removed them and you will use the "Special FX" only.

  // GL4 Enemy A.I. Enhancement:
 // ==============================================================
 // Choose if the "Enemy A.I. Enhancement" should be used.
 // Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Enemy A.I. Enhancement" completly.
 // True / False, default is True
    GL4_Core set [0, False];

 // GL4 Player and Friendly A.I. Enhancement:
 // ==============================================================
 // Choose if the "Player and Friendly A.I. Enhancement" should be used.
 // Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Player and Friendly A.I. Enhancement" completly.
 // True / False, default is True
    GL4_Core set [1, False];

 // GL4 Special FX:
 // ==============================================================
 // Choose if the "Special FX" feature should be used.
 // Note: Set this value to False to disable the "Special FX" completly.
 // True / False, default is True
   // GL4_Core set [2, False];

2. Mission Based:

In your mission create a "Group Link 4: System" module and synchronize it with nothing just create it.

Then create the "Group Link 4: Special FX" module.

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I can't talk for the other mods, but I can say that any other mod will not conflict with JTD Fire And Smoke, as it only introduces totally new content. It does not affect any existing BIS or 3rd party content.

Just for information :)

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