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Group Link 4 Special FX Edition

Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?  

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  1. 1. Do you use the "Script/Mission Based" initialize?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Sometimes

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Is it still that way that you have to edit a config file to get this working with Zeus AI? Which one was it again?:D

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Is it still that way that you have to edit a config file to get this working with Zeus AI? Which one was it again?:D

Protegimus suggested to do it this way:

// GL4 Enemy A.I. Difficult Level:

// ==============================================================

// Choose False to disable this feature completly.

// True / False, default is True

GL4_Global set [36, False];

Its in userconfig\GL4\global

This way GL4 and Zeus dont interfere with each other. Im using it since several weeks and it works great.

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I am making a mission with this that I intend to release at some point and I was wondering what the code is to disable, enable or change certain features in the editor or via init.sqf or something?

Edited by Snafu

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can anyone tell me why the AI kill me when i start with this addon, i am on the same side as them, why do they shot me? and also if i dont place any module in the editor the script still fires alone and as a us i can see all russian units on the map with reinforcements tag and dricetion marker, why is that happening i did not use the modules

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argh sorry, wrong thread.

cannot delete post.

Edited by =(+)=TheVoodoo
posted in wrong thread, sorry

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The whole FX Module is random active but mostly not

Thanks for letting me know.

Well to be true in the last few weeks i had not made much things with the modules. But i will check it.


Enable or change certain features in the editor or via init.sqf or something?

You can for example use this:

waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Global") };
#include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Global.sqf";

waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Local") };
#include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Local.sqf";

waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Random") };
#include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Random.sqf";

Note: By using this way the "GL4_Global.sqf" "GL4_Local.sqf" and "GL4_Random.sqf" have to be inside of your mission directory.

Why don't you change the settings directly in the GL4_Settings?


Friendly A.I. kill you?? Sorry but you must have made something really wrong... :)

if i dont place any module in the editor the script still fires alone

Yes that's the default initialize of Group Link 4.

If you don't create a "Group Link 4: System" module then Group Link 4 do initialize everything by default.

i can see them on the map, is that normal?

That's the debug markers.

You can disable them in the "GL4_Global.sqf" by removing the "//" in front of "GL4_Global".

      // GL4 Enemy A.I. Map Marker Debug:
     // Choose if the "Map Marker Debug" should be used.
     // Note: This debug creates a marker at the map for each enemy A.I. group and gives several informations about the group behaviour and moving direction.
     // True / False, default is True
        GL4_Global set [52, False];

If you need more informations please have a look at the Example missions which came with Group Linik 4, there you should find all informations you need.

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You can for example use this:

waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Global") };
#include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Global.sqf";

waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Local") };
#include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Local.sqf";

waitUntil { !(isNil "GL4_Random") };
#include "GL4_Settings\GL4_Random.sqf";

Note: By using this way the "GL4_Global.sqf" "GL4_Local.sqf" and "GL4_Random.sqf" have to be inside of your mission directory.

Why don't you change the settings directly in the GL4_Settings?

Thanks, I'll try those.

The mission I am making with it will be released and there are some features on GL4 that might break if not set a certain way. I just want to make sure the correct settings are used for those that download it.

Also, thanks for GL4 it is a great piece of work. The mission involves moving across enemy terrioty to take out an important enemy asset. To test that the reinforcement was working fine with UPS I shot a guy in a village and the groups from the neighbouring ones quickly started the search.

They moved fast and caught up with me using fire and manoeuvre until I died.

Excellent. :eek:

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I had a quick nooby question, If I save over one of my missions with the GL4 mod activated, and I take it off it should give me a error saying this mission is dependant on Downloadable content that is missing yada yada.

Is there away to not be dependant on it, I only had regular stuff on the map, didnt use any modules that came with it or anything.

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Thanks glad to hear you can use it.

Also good to hear that you have your fun with Group Link 4. :)

@Flash Thunder

As soon as you start/create a mission and ArmA 2 was loaded/started with Group Link 4 the "GL4_System" class will be added to your mission.sqm automatically.

The only way to remove the class and make your mission available to load without Group Link 4 is to manually remove the "GL4_System" class from your mission.sqm.

Top of the "mission.sqm"

class Mission

Remove the "gl4_system" class:

class Mission

After this the mission should work without Group Link 4 again.

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noob question here

how do i know that the mod as installed right and working?

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Simply amazing.

Now, I can start to made mi little Russian-Chinese war in Sbrodj....

Thanks SNKMAN.

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oh then mine isnt working then and ive followed the read me file on how to install it so any ideas wat im doing wrong as i placed thr @GL4 folder in my root directory and the userconfig outa the GL4 and into the root aswell is that right as that wat it said

edit got it working now but i think u need to change the installation notes not to say drag the @GL4 folder into ur root directory but the contents of that folder as that is wat u have to do

Edited by Ghastous

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Why on my user interface screen "Group Link 4 Special FX Edition" is far on the right and not fully readable? I'm missing version number even though all is working fine... (installed with six-updater).

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oh then mine isnt working then and ive followed the read me file on how to install it so any ideas wat im doing wrong as i placed thr @GL4 folder in my root directory and the userconfig outa the GL4 and into the root aswell is that right as that wat it said

edit got it working now but i think u need to change the installation notes not to say drag the @GL4 folder into ur root directory but the contents of that folder as that is wat u have to do

No, you've just gone and installed it the bad way, i.e. installing it straight into the game's addons folder. This can cause havoc when it comes to troubleshooting mods.

The correct method of installing it is to drag the @GL4 folder into the main ArmA directory. Then create a shortcut to the game, with the following in the target line "...\ArmA II\arma2.exe" -mod=@GL4

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I've noticed that GL4 tends to slightly mess up heli insertions, at least in some older SP missions. I've yet to test this exhaustively in the editor or with other missions, but the same glitch occurs repeatedly in Trial By Fire and A Different Kind Of War by UbiquitousUK ( http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=1&cat=solo&id=92).

About two times out of three, when the heli gets to the Landing Zone waypoint, it doesn't land to unload troops, but instead loiters around. it may or may not shoot detected enemies in the ground. It flies away a short distance from the LZ, then howers (allways at the same point, it seems) in place. Usually it starts flying again after a moment and flies away from the target area then stops and howers indefinetly until mission restart.

About one times out of three, the heli behaves as intended, unloads the troops, takes off and flies away or stays to provide CAS as per GL4.

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No, you've just gone and installed it the bad way, i.e. installing it straight into the game's addons folder. This can cause havoc when it comes to troubleshooting mods.

The correct method of installing it is to drag the @GL4 folder into the main ArmA directory. Then create a shortcut to the game, with the following in the target line "...\ArmA II\arma2.exe" -mod=@GL4

again why dont the notes explain better as it doesnt say that either

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Because it's assumed that people know these things as the question 'How to install mods' is asked nearly daily, not like there's a shortage of posts on the subject. Just takes a quick search. :p

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Outstanding work to say the least, I spent a couple of minutes reading your scripts and I appreciate the way you build them up.

I would like to also highlight the way you behave SNKMAN, since you always ensure to further enhance your MOD by taking into account everyone's suggestions.

All in all, keep it up.

Best Regards,


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@SNKMAN, I understand that GL4 AI do not affect friendly units, however, there are times when in a town or city, we would rather the AI do house search on their own instead of following us around and getting stuck randomly in buildings. Would you be able to set a menu option or radio option to order friendly units to conduct house search like the enemy AI do? :)

With this function, attacking build up areas would be a lot more fun. Imagine this... you are assaulting a village or town from the outside, you cleared all the guards, rushed into the town and orders your men to split up and search buildings for hostiles... hows that man??? :)

Also, there is one function almost everyone is asking BIS to do but I doubt it will ever get done, so, I am wondering if GL4 could provide the answer since you are really the tip top in AI mod... the HAULASS function! A single button hit that will order all your men to drop everything they are doing (including a small % chance they drop their weapons too? heheheh) and then just run away in your direction AS FAST AS POSSIBLE in a STRAIGHT LINE, no covers, no tactics, just HAUL ASS! :)

One feedback, please don't take it badly, your explosion effects are too small even on highest setting. Especially cannon hits on concrete ground... its too small and lame... :( I know FX effects isn't your forte but since its there, well...

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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i searched around and couldnt find anything to help me, is there a way to disable the random weather effects?

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@dialektiikka and others.

Yes, GL4 does seem to mess up helo insertion slightly, but that's just because the pilots are not stupid:-)

They are aware of any threats in the area.

When the helo prepares for landing, but refuses to do so, just give the " all dissembark" command, and the helo pilot will check for a clearing and go down to let you guys get out.

Tried this several times on SealTeamSix Camaign mission 1

So as final thought, yea, helo insertions are a hot one now, but they work :-)

I like it, because now you can engage threats from within the helo as well.

just my 0.02ct

tell me if this workes for you guys.

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i searched around and couldnt find anything to help me, is there a way to disable the random weather effects?

Im also interested how to disable random weather, since I would like to use NIM_weather. Or are the effects the same with GL4 random weather?

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Since the last update, it seems I can't hear anymore the wizzz sound of the shell from the MBT's main gun. It should be the arty shell sound.

Before, when you faced a 120mm gun you used to hear that sound everytime. I miss it because it was very good for immersion.

Dunno why.

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