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A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment - Public Beta!

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Have you noticed that all ACOG and other scopes/sights with glass have weird non-glass material, just plain texture. Even the Mk12 SPR (silenced/modified version) has texture only, no glass material like original Mk12 SPR...

Dunno if this counts as a bug but it definetly should because it's just a matter of RVMAT...

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is it really too hard to release weekly patch installers? This system is ridiculous. Finally get everything installed, try to play on a server and have a version mismatch already! fuck!

My translation: Hey, thanks guys for the wickedly fast updates! :D

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Can't figure out this updater. When I try to use the updater, it says " = ACE WARNING: Folder already exists, but does not seem to be a repository. Not Installing." Then same thing for ACEX.

I watched the videos, read the instructions etc, and can't find where I might have zigged when I should have zagged...

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must have missed somethign. When I try to use the updater, it says " = ACE WARNING: Folder already exists, but does not seem to be a repository. Not Installing." Then same thing for ACEX.

I watched the videos, read the instructions etc, and can't find where I might have zigged when I should have zagged...

I have same situation but with @CBA...

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when playing online i randomly get Screen tearing i think it came from a player and later u see weird effects in air and ground and evuantally it Crashs to deskop

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@Baron/Minoza, that happens when you download the folders without using the updater and then try to update them using the updater...doesn't work. You should do all that with the updater right from the start.

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i have win7 what kind of issues? i noticed CTD's

I haven't had any CTD's but I've had ArmA2 ... minimise(?), it's still running in the processes and using about 1200mb, but it's no longer alt-tabbable and it's gone from the "applications" tab.

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so were in the config do i choose english...

with there be english replacement files for us english speakers with the german version?


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Sorry if this has been asked before, but how do you use balaclava or tactical glasses once they're in your inventory?

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What the hell happened here?

(183 update, running just a quick local server)

Also, can we get a variable in the client config to set the language that the user desires and have it run the appropriate stringtable with just that language in it? That way we don't have to deal with BI's shortcomings.

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Anyone can distribute the mod however he wants. Anyway, Does seeing the big picture here change your mind?

It does. As I wrote, I love the Idea.

I think what I miss most in the current state is a simple "Download and install ACE2 mod now" option, optimally in the first console menu that opens. I wouldn't mind configuring and setting up things with the server later on.

Anyway, don't use the web-client if it despises you :) http://dev-heaven.net/wiki/ace-mod2/Lazy

I'll check it out

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For anyone who just wants to DL the ACE2 mod folders, unpacked ready to use, here's a link. Mind you it's 109mb and you wont get any updates from me(it's the most recent beta) but at least you can try it. And you need to DL @CBA from DH.


Just place the @ACE folder in your main A2 directory and then take the "userconfig-Place in main ArmA 2 folder" from the @ACE folder and place this in the main A2 folder.(Make sure you change the name to userconfig after you move it). Now add @ACE to the target line of the A2 "beta" shortcut.

Again, you also need CBA to play.

This is only ACE2, not ACEX. Thus far I haven't uploaded it or archived it. It's 1GB, not sure I will upload it.

Thank you so much! DL now. :D

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Just wanted to say thanks to the team for putting together such a great compiliation of changes/features. :) Really improves gameplay and adds alot of nice touches that i felt were missing, and some that weren't exactly necessary, but are damn fun!

Nice to see you spending so much time to try and sort out all the problems people are having too.

Looking forward to the full release, but just out of curiosity, will the final version be uploaded as a simple zip/rar file?

That way we can get our not so computer savvy friends to download and enjoy the mod too. Already given up trying to explain it to a couple friends...

I haven't had any CTD's but I've had ArmA2 ... minimise(?), it's still running in the processes and using about 1200mb, but it's no longer alt-tabbable and it's gone from the "applications" tab.

I can't say for sure, but i don't believe this to be caused by ACE. I have been getting this randomly for a while now. Either when using mods or just running the vanilla game, haven't tried any of the recent betas so it may be fixed by now..

But from what i've read here on the forums, at dev heaven etc.. It appears to be a general game bug, possibly linked to the random save=CTD bugs that plague the SP campaign. When it used to crash during the campaign it often left the game running under processes, but not as an application.

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It does. As I wrote, I love the Idea.

I think what I miss most in the current state is a simple "Download and install ACE2 mod now" option, optimally in the first console menu that opens. I wouldn't mind configuring and setting up things with the server later on.

I'll check it out


Did overlook it a bit because of the laughing part :rolleyes:

Once things slow down a little, i'd be happy to discuss things properly :)

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Guyz just a quick question:

I never played ARMA so i don't know what ACE 1 had but will ACE2 feature alot of new Russian equipment too as well as US equipment just like in WGL for OFP?

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There's definitely a lot more western than eastern gear at the moment, I bet they wouldn't mind more modders with a love to the east to join the ACEX team.

Edited by sparks50

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I don't have an action menu option! :(

Did you set up the stuff in the clientside_config.hpp? If not, you need to do a thread search for the info. Step by step info has been giving a whole bunch.

If you have added the profile to ACE2 then just equip the mask and the action menu should have an option.

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I can't say for sure, but i don't believe this to be caused by ACE. I have been getting this randomly for a while now. Either when using mods or just running the vanilla game, haven't tried any of the recent betas so it may be fixed by now..

But from what i've read here on the forums, at dev heaven etc.. It appears to be a general game bug, possibly linked to the random save=CTD bugs that plague the SP campaign. When it used to crash during the campaign it often left the game running under processes, but not as an application.

Well i have the same and its ACE since when i play without it

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Does somebody know the name of the weapons and ammo for the editor ?

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