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Just got ARMA2 - advice?

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Hi all,

I just finished installing ARMA2, havent run it yet as Im downloading patch 1.04 at the moment.

can all you experienced guys give me your "best tips" for making my first foray inside the game as enjoyable as possible?

thankyou all

Edited by templargfx

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Mods make the game a lot more fun for me.


VOP sound mod. Improves the sounds 50x.


Makes the AI engage you from a lot further away, and decreases their accuracy a tad. Matched with VOP I often have difficulty pinpointing enemies, upping my immersion by a ton :)

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I would hold off installing mods until you actually see/hear what the stock game is like; then if/when you do load them you'll actually notice the differences. Go to www.armaholic.com or to the Mods/Addons Complete section of the forum.

Run the tutorial; or jump in the editor and double-click anywhere, then hit preview; this way you can just run around w/o getting shot. Get used to the controls and re-map any you want to. Then you can run the single missions to get a feel for the combat.

If you run into problems, read the stickies/search the forum because chances are it's already been answered. If you still can't find anything post in the troubleshooting and 90% of the time someone can help you out

good luck and have fun!

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A patched up Arma2 should be pretty fun on it's own weight but I'd recommend that you also install the most current Beta as well. Adds a lot and can be run seperately so it won't effect your standard game.

Mods I'd recommend:

SLX- Changes tons but can sometimes disrupt a mission. Great effects, melee added, new AI, gibs + tons more.

JTD Fire&Smoke - Great effects and can cause massive fires in game.

VFAI - allows the AI to better rearm themselves and they also use smoke when under fire.

WarFX - really kickass sparks and particle effects

Tons more but those are the kinds of mods that I always like running.

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My best advice is..HAVE PATIENCE...this is not an "easy to get" game. But if you give it your time, it is in my opinion, one of the greates games ever.

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Learn to live with 5 hours less sleep than usual, expect more trouble from your girlfriend and of course, make sure you have a good supply of beer handy.

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try the Armory. it will show you some weapons and vehicles and give you small tasks to complete, kinda like a mini-missions.

many community made missions are better than stock missions, so visit the forums here for some good ones.

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Using modfolders




For your shortcut..


For editing check..






Home for some ArmA2 Projects




Cummunity BugTracker for you to search & post any bugs you come across or suggest a feature.


For multiplayer in an organized fashion -> www.cfarma2.com Choose random army and get going for 80-90 player Army vs Army every Sunday @ 1800 GMT.

Definitely use the lastest beta patch...it is just like using mods..you keep your original game and .exe

For military tactics...Dsylexi's guide is a good start -> http://ttp2.dslyecxi.com/

These should keep you busy for a while...

For the rest...there are huge number of resources scattered all around. Also 90% of ArmA methodologies are relevant for Arma2 as well.

Edited by Cross

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Try out:

Binkowski's US Army Addon



RobertHammers M4/M16 pack and Pistols pack (great new weapons and improved models)

KJU's Draw Distance tweak, this makes objects draw at farther distances and makes the game better no performance hit.

JTD Smoke/fire Mod

SLX Mod.

Learn the Editor and maybe some very basic scripts/commands.

Have fun! :)

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Install latest beta!

Have a look at this, you can find some good tweaks here made by kju http://dev-heaven.net/projects/show/proper-projects

I not only recommend you, I urge you to use the viewdistance tweaks.

If you want arma in arma2 you can get it (+QG) for free here, also by kju http://dev-heaven.net/projects/show/cbp-caa1

The arma1 islands are easier on your system compared to Chernarus. Good if you have performance problems. A few of my friends struggle with FPS on cernarus so we play on sahrani instead. Easy to port over missions from arma.

Go easy on addons in the beginning, but I recommend this NV goggles addon http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=78882&highlight=hdr

edit: And dont expect the ultimate experience to pop out of the box. Have patience and let your creativity start, then its endless.

You could open up the editor and remember what you tried to do in DRs editor, that free roam mission. Create that, then your hooked.

Edited by andersson

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Install beta patch & get the Sound Of War mod. If your into editing then the editor is AWESOME and will take a lot of your time ;)

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lol, got all that? Bit swamped? Vanilla Arma2 is pretty good, as long as you patch 1.04 and beta patches. Then start to explore mods. Theres so many mods now. Half the fun for me is just testing the mods, hardly even playing missions.

Check out the missions on Armaholic too. Id skip the Arma2 campaign for a bit longer, maybe after 1.05 it will better.

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-Ziggy-;1492011']try the Armory. it will show you some weapons and vehicles and give you small tasks to complete' date=' kinda like a mini-missions.[/quote']

i second that. i don't know why, but i really like to play a quick challenge or two in the armory. because i don't have time to really play the campaign atm, i usually play around in the editor, play a single mission or check the armory. i got the 505 release on day one, and since then unlocked 87% of stuff just by the points i got winning challenges.

weird, i know. and slow. :)

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hey guys, Im not having a good time with ARMA2. hopefully you can help me.

firstly, the game runs super smooth. this is not a problem with controls or graphics or perfomance.

in that first campaign mission, I stumbled onto the 2 guys holding the doctor hostage. I was like 5 meters from them,and they didnt notice me. "its pitch black" I thought, so I shot one of them. and the other guy leaning against the wall just stood there. didnt react at all. so I shot him too.

Trying to figure out how to rescue the doctor (shoulda just waited) I walked up to him and pressed the middle mouse. luckily I realised I just planted a satchel charge at his feet (LOL) so I disarmed it. while I was doing this, another bad guy walked up to me, about 10 meters away and opened up, full auto with his AK-47. he didnt hit me, the doctor, or anything. so I stood up, pulled my gun out and shot him too.

Some of you said the campaign was bad, so I chalked it up to that. headed to armaholic and downloaded "Cipher" second most clicked mission with a rating of 9 (seems like a cool mission)

anyway, I got dropped off with my 10 man squad, and stupidly didnt read my objective and headed straight for the nearest town (too used to player Dragon Rising me thinks) of course, no baddies were there. I went in the wrong direction entirely! LOL

so I turn around and start to head back. 2 of my squad seem to get completely stuck on thin air, and start running on the spot. nothing I did would dislodge them, so eventually I had to leave em behind.

Going in the RIGHT direction, I eventually arrive at the truck and first rendevous point. get my guys to all get in the truck and I jump in a driver (as the AI guy started driving at 2km/h?) a few minutes later, my guy calls out the enemy vehicle driving down the road in our direction. so I bring up the command menu, and I cant find a dismount command (did I miss it?), the enemy have stopped and are getting out of there car, so things are turning bad quick. I hold ALT down, look to the left of my truck and tell my squad to move to a point just next to the truck. this makes them get out. but instead of moving to where I told them to. what do they do? they start running east. my entire squad just runs off, and keeps going. leaving me by myself to fend off 4 enemy soldiers (which I did just). thats when I quit.

whats going on man?

that old saying, first impressions last. well this has really hurt ARMA2 in my eyes. hopefully you can redeem it. because I WANT to like this game

Edited by templargfx

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I honestly have no idea. None of that happened to me, especially with AI getting stuck.

And I have never seen them walk off into one direction, I did see that happen on DR though when trying to get another fireteam member a medic.

Maybe someone else can help you :/



If you want to play some good MP missions I suggest you jump on tactical gamer in the morning and play with them ( i'll probably be on as well). The pings are high (because it's in the US), but coming from DR you should be used to that ;)

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hey guys, Im not having a good time with ARMA2. hopefully you can help me.

firstly, the game runs super smooth. this is not a problem with controls or graphics or perfomance.

in that first campaign mission, I stumbled onto the 2 guys holding the doctor hostage. I was like 5 meters from them,and they didnt notice me. "its pitch black" I thought, so I shot one of them. and the other guy leaning against the wall just stood there. didnt react at all. so I shot him too.

Trying to figure out how to rescue the doctor (shoulda just waited) I walked up to him and pressed the middle mouse. luckily I realised I just planted a satchel charge at his feet (LOL) so I disarmed it. while I was doing this, another bad guy walked up to me, about 10 meters away and opened up, full auto with his AK-47. he didnt hit me, the doctor, or anything. so I stood up, pulled my gun out and shot him too.

Some of you said the campaign was bad, so I chalked it up to that. headed to armaholic and downloaded "Cipher" second most clicked mission with a rating of 9 (seems like a cool mission)

anyway, I got dropped off with my 10 man squad, and stupidly didnt read my objective and headed straight for the nearest town (too used to player Dragon Rising me thinks) of course, no baddies were there. I went in the wrong direction entirely! LOL

so I turn around and start to head back. 2 of my squad seem to get completely stuck on thin air, and start running on the spot. nothing I did would dislodge them, so eventually I had to leave em behind.

Going in the RIGHT direction, I eventually arrive at the truck and first rendevous point. get my guys to all get in the truck and I jump in a driver (as the AI guy started driving at 2km/h?) a few minutes later, my guy calls out the enemy vehicle driving down the road in our direction. so I bring up the command menu, and I cant find a dismount command (did I miss it?), the enemy have stopped and are getting out of there car, so things are turning bad quick. I hold ALT down, look to the left of my truck and tell my squad to move to a point just next to the truck. this makes them get out. but instead of moving to where I told them to. what do they do? they start running east. my entire squad just runs off, and keeps going. leaving me by myself to fend off 4 enemy soldiers (which I did just). thats when I quit.

whats going on man?

that old saying, first impressions last. well this has really hurt ARMA2 in my eyes. hopefully you can redeem it. because I WANT to like this game

Sounds like you should start learning the controls before going into war :p

For dismount:

press f1 to select first soldier, f2 to select next etc. Press space to select all members then in top of your action menu you see the dismount action.

P.S. you should try go online and play coop which is much more fun. I'm located in europe and if your too i'll gladly host a mission to give you an idea of what it's all about!

Edited by JW Custom

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Controlling the AI certainly takes some getting used to, especially as they sometimes have other ideas than what you want them to do. (As you've obviously noticed.)

I would recommend setting up a quick scenario in the editor, make yourself the leader of a small AI squad, add some empty vehicles and perhaps some enemies some distance away. It helps to become acquainted with the AI commands before you launch yourself into a mission.

One thing you should try is holding down spacebar and pressing any number - you'll see a list of options (keep spacebar held down). 1 for example is for movement control (1-1 means "regroup", very important), 4 is for vehicle related controls (4-1 will make any AI under your command that are inside a vehicle disembark). 7 is also important for controlling behaviour and stance. There's no need to try and remember everything, but some of the more important commands will stick after a while. Don't let the large number of commands overwhelm you.

Also, remember that you can control individual AI with the F2-F12 keys.

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Sounds like you should start learning the controls before going into war :p

For dismount:

press f1 to select first soldier, f2 to select next etc. Press space to select all members then in top of your action menu you see the dismount action.

in the manual it says you push space to get a context sensitive list of commands appropriate to your situation/facing. but when Im in a vehicle, theres no dismount option for my squad. If I get out, dismount shows up tho.

unfortunately, multiplayer is not a great attraction. I will play it dont you worry, but I get far more enjoyment out of singleplayer stuff.

can anyone reccommend some scenarios that really make ARMA2 shine?


so HOLDING space gives a different menu to pressing space? thats hand to know LOL

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so HOLDING space gives a different menu to pressing space? thats hand to know LOL

Hmm, actually I'm not sure. I tend to hold it down out of habit, but maybe you can just press it. :)

EDIT: Regardless, pressing the number keys brings up the respective command categories. Off the top of my head, these are:

1 - Movement, looking

2 - Targeting

3 - Firing

4 - Vehicle mounting and dismounting

5 - Ehhhmmm.... something

6 - Special actions

7 - Behaviour and stance

8 - Grouping

9 - General responses and requests

0 - Custom radio commands

Damn, I can't remember what 5 is. :D

Edited by MadDogX

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if you just got Arma2 than my advice - find real uniqueness of BIS games - download free addons (for example Project 85 addons for Arma2 if you like cold war 80's USSR vs. US or NATO vs. Warsaw Pact) if you not like historic warfare but for example love US Colonial Marines, Pulse Rifle, Alien movie APC - there is such addon in my section) or other addons that people do and release, new units (like US ACU), new islands (already some released by some people)

and you can find another advantage of BIS games - mission editor

those 2 things : addons and mission editor will show you why A2 is unique and much more than all other "typical games"

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cheers Nazul, downloading it now.

MadDogX : in the manual it says there the same thing.

I have a feeling the menu got screwed up the second I left those two soldiers who got stuck in the village


Colonial Marines! Oh my god *starts hyperventilating* you just talked about my favourite movie of all time! runs to download

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