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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Sorry, try this one.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Unfortunately I am still having trouble, I have this in my init.sqf...

mando_rearm_sources_classes = ["Misc_cargo_cont_tiny"];

My helo is sitting right next to the object that I have defined, but still no rearming dialogue in the action menu. I had set the distance from 30 to 60 because I get nervous trying to land that close to something to rearm.

Do I need to add a check to ensure that MMA has initialized before I set those variables?

I have the MMA logics placed in my mission.


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Yes, always add the checks before manipulating MMA globals, else MMA initialization may overwrite your values.

Also remember that mando_rearm_by_type.sqf is already executed by the setupFull GL. You can pick up the mando_setup_full.sqf script from mando_missiles folder, and place a copy of it directly in your mission folder, from init.sqf execute that one in your mission folder and dont add the setupfull GL to the map. Now modify that script in your mission folder in order to use 60m instead of the default value.

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Once again thanks much for your help, I did as you suggested and everything worked.

Here is my init.sqf in case anyone searching this thread needs a working example.....

waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};
waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

[100]execVM "mando_rearm_by_type.sqf";
mando_rearm_sources_classes = ["Misc_cargo_cont_tiny"];

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SirScorpion, next version is already finished and under tests now. It might be out as soon as next weekend.

Could we possibly get a changelog prior to release?

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Sure Gossamer,

- mando_no_score global added, if set to any value MMA score menu action will not be present.

- Added guidance mode 6 for portable systems: Optical manual guidance, 3 was for wired manual guidance.

- Fixed MP issues caused by latest official OA patch, where BIS fired missile might not be detected and so not erased, resulting in a MMA guided missiles + an unguided one.

- RWR changes, now the lines of incoming missiles doesnt inform about range.

- Some extra systems added, GLT Grippen, Su24 and others.

- Patriot systems PAC1 and PAC2 added to be used with real Patriot launchers (models) or simulated.

- Most still existing "mando_missiles\" fixed paths changed to use the global for mma path to ease up integration with other third party mods. This global can now be set before mma initialization.

- Some ACE2 setups modified in accordance with new ACE2 weapon names.

- Added a possible fix for ACE2 interferences with MMA Javelin fired in ground mode.

- Global added to set whether you want UH60 with torpedoes or with lifting HUD.

- Improvements added to automatic SAMS. Addon makers can now setup firing animations that will be used by the script when firing missiles.

- Minor improvements for the SAM site system.

- More that I dont remember just now.

I know that you might have added some changes here and there for your Warfare, if you feel these would be better included in the official release, just tell me. The only requirement is that any extra functionality must be working with A2 alone or with A2+OA.

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I know that you might have added some changes here and there for your Warfare, if you feel these would be better included in the official release, just tell me. The only requirement is that any extra functionality must be working with A2 alone or with A2+OA.

I'll have to talk to Xeno426, he usually handles most of the changes we've made, but I know I have a couple of the top of my head that I'd like to submit to you such as the way flares fire out of choppers and fixed wing (I just re-did how many come out and on what angle).

I'll PM Xeno426 and get him to take a look at this thread and see if he can chime in with anything.

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Sounds like some great stuff coming Mandoble..... good job!

Are the mobile sams (and their control unit) still working? I remember using them a LONG time ago but they had REAL potential. I think I used to run them about the airfield in Paraiso chasing incoming jets !

Shame that SPON-3Dholomap scripts haven't been updated for Arma2 or these would be COOL with your scripts.

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Yes Kremator, these are still working the same. I guess you are talking about the old Missile Control Center, from where you can order your launchers to move here and there from a big map display, right? The new SAM Site doesnt replace the old one, it is just different a more reallistic, but you can still use the old one.

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That's it! That was great. I'll have to dig around and play with it again.

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- Added guidance mode 6 for portable systems: Optical manual guidance, 3 was for wired manual guidance.

What's the difference between the 3 wire guided modes?

- Most still existing "mando_missiles\" fixed paths changed to use the global for mma path to ease up integration with other third party mods. This global can now be set before mma initialization.

I'm a little fuzzy on this. What do you mean?

- Added a possible fix for ACE2 interferences with MMA Javelin fired in ground mode.

Is this the problem where you couldn't guide ACE2 Javelin missiles because ACE2 replaces the Javelin launcher after you fire with an "empty" weapon? If so, I'd like to suggest a similar fix for the INKO Disposables mod which does something similar with the NLAW.

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- There are two manual modes for the portables, 3 and 6. 3 is wired, 6 is optical. With "3" you "pilot" the missile, with "6" you just aim where you want the missile to go.

- mando_missile_path is actually calculated automatically by MMA, depending on the presence of the addon version, script version or forced from mma init. But now you can set it up to a different value before mma init. Problem is that many systems setups inside mma was using a fixed path instead of using that global.

- The workaround is inside mma portables handler, so if it works for ACE2 probably it will work for other disposables in the same way.

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- There are two manual modes for the portables, 3 and 6. 3 is wired, 6 is optical. With "3" you "pilot" the missile, with "6" you just aim where you want the missile to go.

Ah, so it's basically MCLOS (like the 9K11 Malyutka/AT-3 'Sagger') and SACLOS (like the 9K115-2 Metis-M/AT-13 'Saxhorn-2').

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Not only. In fact, with these two modes plus the turn rates and lock angles of the missile you can get any effect, from mclos to scalos to laser. For example, with mode 3 + small scan arcs but high turn rates you can get a quite accurate SACLOS simulation, where the missile doesnt go where you are pointing at, but to quickly intercept and then follow your line of sight. On the other hand, with mode 6 and high scan arcs you have a laser guided one, for example. With mode 3, small scan arcs and low turn rates you have MCLOS profile, where you can overmaneouver the easily missile and then recover control of it if you "ease" the controls by pointing where the missile is pointing at (like centering the stick). From TV you have also the TV guided mode, where you have the camera of the missile's nose and then drive the missile from there.

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- There are two manual modes for the portables, 3 and 6. 3 is wired, 6 is optical. With "3" you "pilot" the missile, with "6" you just aim where you want the missile to go.

I believe your use of the word "pilot" is throwing me off. That would suggest you must manually control the missile itself, either flying from the POV of the missile or from the launcher POV. The latter would be precisely what MCLOS entails.

For example, with mode 3 + small scan arcs but high turn rates you can get a quite accurate SACLOS simulation, where the missile doesnt go where you are pointing at, but to quickly intercept and then follow your line of sight.

This is what is also throwing me off; if it intercepts your LOS and then follow it, the missile will eventually impact whatever you are looking at, which is what SACLOS does.

Wire-guided merely means there is a wire attaching the missile to the launcher to provide the missile with flight information, and is independent of MCLOS or SACLOS designations. The 9K11 Malyutka is an example of a wire-guided MCLOS missile, while the BGM-71 TOW is an example of a wire-guided SACLOS missile.

With mode 3, small scan arcs and low turn rates you have MCLOS profile, where you can overmaneouver the easily missile and then recover control of it if you "ease" the controls by pointing where the missile is pointing at (like centering the stick).

This is also more descriptive of a SACLOS system where the missile rides a "beam" of some sort--be it a radio beam (Kh-23), radar pulse (9M120 Ataka) or a laser beam (9A1472 Vikhr). If you move the beam away from the missile too quickly, the missile will lose its track.

Missiles that home on the reflection of a laser or radar beam--like the AGM-114 and AIM-7, respectively--are not considered "beam riding" as they plot their own intercept course to the target. Laser-guided bombs are likewise not considered "beam riding."

Hopefully this has cleared up any misunderstandings, and I'm sorry if I come off as an ass.

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Yes, it is because of that that SACLOS and MCLOS are mostly covered with type 3, type 6 will go directly where you are pointing at, like laser guided. The missile will not try to align will your line of sight, the missile will go directly to the ground position you are aiming at and will follow that position if you move the sight. With 6 you can only attack ground/sea, while with 3 you can also "drive" missiles into flying targets.

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Hello Mandoble

Sorry if this question was already answered, but going over this thread and your excellent readme, I am not sure if I can do what I am hoping to do.

I want to implement the echo/mando nuke for a MP game with a friend. He only has A2, so I can't use the easy-peasy scud launcher. I was wondering if there is a way to have a simple trigger detonation of one of the warheads. No missiles, no scuds, just a trigger with a line of code that detonates the warhead at a spot of my choice?

I'm afraid my experience with scripting is pretty much in the "copy from the pros, and paste in my missions" department. Any heads up would be much appreciated.


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Mandoble, I found a problem in MMA when playing with triple screens. Take a heli,mi-24 or ah-64, etc, and use the missile control tv to guide it. The black screen aera around the tv only covers the center part, the rest, about 1/3left and 1/3 right parts are not in black mode. Original game pictures are not covered. In 12:3 or 16:3 mode, this does not look perfect.

Can you fix this for triple-screen players? Or can you show us how to modify it before your next update? Thanks.

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WeaponsFree, in fact you can fire SCUDs without any OA SCUD launcher, tomorrow I'll post here the setup.

xy20032004, there are no holes up and bottom? Only 1/3 screen left and 1/3 screen right? May you test also MMA Air Suport Console with the 3 monitors?

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With 3 screens, the center one is ok, just like using only one screen, but the left screen and right screen look strange. For each screen, divided vertically, half of the screen is black and the other half part shows the game picture. So it would be perfect to set the left and right screens to be in full black. When I use a sniper rifle, in optic mode, everything is ok, center one shows correctly and left and right screens are in black.

I 'll try the MMA Air Suport Console and report back later.

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I tried my luck with adding some minimum range (+readability) to the SCUD menu, but I failed so far.

Any chance of adding a minimum range in by default and making that visible in the menu?

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WeaponsFree, in fact you can fire SCUDs without any OA SCUD launcher, tomorrow I'll post here the setup.

Many thanks! Look forward to it.

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Example of init.sqf for your mission (initialize MMA via GLs in the map or scripts):

// Wait for Mando Missile script suite or addon initialization 
waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"};
waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

  while {!alive player} do
     Sleep 1;

  _mcctypeaascript = "mando_missilecontrolon_scudn.sqs";
  [["BTR90"], 8, 8, [], "SCUD Console", _mcctypeaascript, [0,-3,0], [0,1,0.25], 1, -1, 0, [0,0.25,0,0.5], 6]execVM"mando_missiles\mcc\mando_mccallow_by_type.sqf";

Grab mando_missilecontrolon_scudn.sqs and drop it in your mission's folder, and add an empty BRT90 to your map. Get in as gunner, activate the missile console, mark a target in the small map select the mark and mark it as current target and fire (well I guess you know how to operate an MCC).

Nyles, I will have a look at it, while probably I'll have no time to include it for next release. Meanwhile you can open \mando_missiles\mcc\mcc_types\mando_oa_scud.sqf, there you will see the firing params for the different types of SCUDs, and in these lines the pair , 20, 35,

35 determines max vertical turn rate in degs/sec, set it to 25 or even lower, so that the missile, after the initial climb, will never be able to dive in time to hit targets too close to the firing unit.

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Thanks a lot! That settles the basic problem with OA requirement. I have a quick question. Any reason I can't replace the empty vehicle in question? Using any other classname? LAV25_HQ for example.

Thanks again.

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Thanks a lot! That settles the basic problem with OA requirement. I have a quick question. Any reason I can't replace the empty vehicle in question? Using any other classname? LAV25_HQ for example.

Thanks again.

Do you mean the part where he's defined the BTR90 as the firing unit? Then yes, you can change that to any classname you want (technically)

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