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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Now that there is an AWACS in game, I'll have to start playing a little more with the SAM control centre.

Is there a way to pass on targets to other aircraft instead of SAMs ?

Secondly is it possible to make it into a JSTARS and use the radar to show ground vehicles (how would IFF work ?)

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Yes Kremator, it would be possible while probably a bit intrusive for the fighter's pilot as their current target would be overriden by the target marked by the SAM control center.

The SAM CC script is designed to work with other SAMs vs air units, it can be easily modified to only scan ground vehicles, but what to do with the detected vehicles? Send the data to automatic AG missile launchers (cruise missiles?). Might be the best solution would be to make a modified version that allows to add as remote targets the selected ground target, so friendly units (automatic or human) would be able to target on them if working in any "remote" mode.

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I have a problem assigning keys to my joystick and I will try to make this as clear as possible:

1. I used an X52 flight control system, it has a joystick and separate throttle.

2. The joystick portion crapped out on me and is no longer usable, so I pulled out my old sidewinder stick, plugged it into the USB and now use it in tandem with the throttle portion of the X52

3. When the joystick from the X52 was working, I used the Saitek profiler to bind its buttons to the standard Mando Keys (Tab for lock, Left Win for fire, etc...)

4. The Sidewinder does not have a profiler that works in WIN 7, the 3rd party profilers I have used( JOY2Key, Total Game Control, Pinnacle Profiler, etc...) in order to bind Mando keys to the Sidewinder do not work in Arma. The reason I say they do not work in Arma is because they work in windows, for example pressing the binded left win key on the joystick brings up the start menu. Once I enter the game the mapped keys no longer function.

5. I do not have enough buttons on the throttle portion of the X52 to map all the Mando keys(remember the Saitek profiler works fine with Arma/Mando) , and i cant afford a new stick right now.

6. ANY IDEAS?!?!?!

Thanks! :)

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Scanning ground vehicles would be cool! Perhaps being able to contol a ULB from the JSTARs and pass targets to it would be great !

For the control centre perhaps not overriding it, but giving the pilot another target (maybe BVR) ?

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Defbond, Joy2Key should work, it is specifically designed to work with games and A2 is not different than the rest. You may try to run A2 windowed and see what happens, J2K is designed to "drive" the key strokes to the active app, not to the desktop (it would be 100% useless otherwise). But if special keys are a problem (L.Win, CTRL, etc), you can bind MMA functions to any other keys you want by config, check the key mapping section in the mma online help or included pdf.

Kremator, do you dare to create an adaptation of the control center for ground vehicles? ATM I'm running very low on free time for A2.

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Mando: I understand that you're running low on time at the mo but any chance of a minor update, if only to be able to disable the MMA score?

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Mandoble, I don't have the skill I'm afraid. Perhaps it can be on a todo list for later on :)

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domokun, I'll try to do my best this weekend to have an update ready.

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Thanks for the reply,

Switching to window mode did not work, if the Arma window was clicked on no commands were issued, if i clicked on a portion of the desktop and then pressed the bound button for left win key, then the start menu would pop up. I also tried mapping MMA keys to other buttons, like "P" instead of left win, but no effect.

I tried using other games with Joy2KeyIt and they work, full screen Direct X games, but with ARMA2 I get the same results. Like I had said before in the earlier post, the saitek profiler didnt have this problem.

If you have any other ideas let me know


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mmm... ... have you tried to uninstall the Saitek Profiler? Might be it interferres in some way with the other drivers.

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Mando can you double check the Airburst Nuke for the SCUD launcher (case 3 for the missile type var).

They all work for me besides the 1 airburst nuke. Just wondering if I broke something somewhere or not.

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Quick question:

I'm trying to redefine the global variable for the rearm script using the script suite. My mission is using the LHD as a base and rather than putting a truck on the deck or a vehicle service point, I would like the entire LHD to be a de-facto re-arm point (since that's fairly realistic).

This is what I put in my init following the directions from the readme included with MM:

mando_rearm_sources_classes = ["Land_LHD_house_1",

However, that changed nothing. As an added test and following on some good advice I read elsewhere I put in:

if (!isNil "mando_rearm_sources_classes") then { player sideChat format["mando_rearm_sources_classes = %1", mando_rearm_sources_classes] } else { player sideChat "mando_rearm_sources_classes does not exist" };

It returns that it exists and shows the correct (stock) variables.

Here is my full init:

if (!(isNull player)) then  //non-JIP player
[] execVM "briefing.sqf";

if (!isServer && isNull player) then  //JIP player
waitUntil {!isNull player};

[] execVM "briefing.sqf";

[]execVM "briefing.sqf";
[]execVM "aaposition.sqs";

"respawn_west" setMarkerPosLocal [markerPos "respawn_West" select 0, markerPos "respawn_West" select 1, 30];

[] spawn {
 while {not isnull frigbase1} do { "mikemurphy" setmarkerpos getpos frigbase1; sleep 0.5; };

// Mando Missisle initialization 
// Wait for Mando Missile script suite initialization 
waitUntil {!isNil "mando_missile_init_done"}; 
waitUntil {mando_missile_init_done};

// Default systems setup 
if (!isNil "mando_rearm_sources_classes") then { player sideChat format["mando_rearm_sources_classes = %1", mando_rearm_sources_classes] } else { player sideChat "mando_rearm_sources_classes does not exist" };
// ACE2 systems setup 

mando_rearm_sources_classes = ["Land_LHD_house_1",

I tried to find it in the MM folder in the mission searching rearm related scripts for a place where the variable is defined so I could change it completely but I'm stumped.

And so, I consult the wider community in hopes that someone will think of something that I haven't.

Edit: Also, I'm wondering about the use of the script suite with the editor-placed destroyers. I've seen videos of the destroyer firing phalanx missiles at incoming air targets. Can't figure out quite how to do that with the script suite but I would love any tips on how to realize this particular feature (if available with the SS).

Edited by 1n7r3p1d

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GossamerSolid, what's the problem with the airburst? Damage?

1n7r3p1d, try setting up your rearm variable at the very beginning. About the other fetaures you refer, they are all included in the demo missions included in the pack, and also consider that the script suite is exactly the same as the addon, there are no differences between them.

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GossamerSolid, what's the problem with the airburst? Damage?

The airburst nuke doesn't do anything.

When you launch a SCUD, you wait a few seconds then it switches into the missile camera and proceeds to blow up at the target. The Airburst doesn't seem to switch to the missile camera (which makes me think it's not being made at all), so the nuke doesn't go off at the target (or anywhere to be precise).

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Gossamer, I can confirm you that airburst works fine on my side. Only comment is that I've not updated to latest A2/OA patch yet.

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Here are the contents of my w80_air.sqf

// W80 nuclear warhead

// w80.sqf v1.0

// Aug 2010 Evil Echo


// Nuclear weapon

// This script may be used as explosion script argument for mando_missile.sqf

private [







_pos = _this select 0;

_target = _this select 1;

_side = _this select 2;

_launcher = _this select 3;

if ((_pos distance _target) < 250) then


_handle = [_pos, 5.0] execVM "mando_missiles\warheads\echo\nuclear_explosion.sqf";


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Hey Mando, is there any progress on the possibly lag-spawned second non-mando missile issue from a few pages ago? :)

Maybe it's already been addressed and I simply missed it, but this is really affecting play on our server. If there's already a fix for it, would be great, if you could share the details and in which MMA version it's goint to be featured in. :)

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Nyles, is it happening for you with the demo missions included in the pack? I've never seen that "two missiles on air" effect. Did it start for you after something? Might be latest OA/A2 patch? (I've not patched my game yet to the latest).

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_handle = [_pos, 5.0] execVM "mando_missiles\warheads\echo\nuclear_explosion.sq f";

Mysterious space at the end of your script address, thar? sq f?

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Huh, the one I have doesn't have that error.

The space between the SQ and the F was done by the forum, it's not actually spaced out.

Plus the airburst nuke doesn't give an error, it just doesn't execute anything. There's no errors that pop up and no errors in any RPT.

I'll try to re-download mando and see what's happening here.

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Gossamer, try the test mission mma_test_nuke_addon.Takistan working with unmodified mma addon and using warhead type 3 for the empty launcher. Get inside, select the big red X as target to have clear visuals and fire (of course, you should die in the attempt).

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First of all, great mod Mando, it has provided me with tons of new gameplay opportunities.

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I did try my best to search this topic before asking it:

1. Do the Echo/Mando nukes and MIRVs work in multiplayer editor missions? When I tried to use one to demonstrate the SCUD launcher to a friend, his game crashed as soon as the warhead detonated. We tried this several times with the same result. Is it a problem of the graphics of the explosion having too much of a load on the server? This was not a dedicated server, fyi.

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