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Mando Missile ArmA for ArmA 2

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Hi Mando,

Is there any way to make the airborne assault (type: land) a bit more accurate as to the position where the helicopter lands?

It seems that whenever I select this option, the helicopter ALWAYS lands in the worst possible spot.

I would like it to land EXACTLY where I have placed the support marker.



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It would be possible integrating mando heliroute within the support console, this might happen in the future. ATM the choppers are looking for best landing position near destination with BIS defaults.

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An updated Mando Heliroute would be a welcome addition to the console indeed. As and when time allows of course! Enjoy your holiday Mandoble!

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Hi, I've noticed the Mando Missile mod uses custom effects for the missiles. Since I would rather have WarFX handle explosions and such, how would I go about turning off the effects for this mod?

Thanks for any info!

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Batuo, ATM the only way would be to edit the warheads, launch FX and smoke trails scripts (this can be easily done with the script suite). It is planned to have three globals that might be set to false to eliminate independently these effects at mission level.

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Here are 2 questions no one answered, can anyone assist?


Great work, Thank you. How do you remove "film grain" on weapon MFD's, I would like them "clear".



Air support console...

Trying to get other aircraft instead of default ones....trying all day....

Sleep 1;

mando_airsupport_type = "AV8B2";

mando_airsupport_type_rc = "MQ9PredatorB";

mando_airsupport_type_re = "C130J";

mando_airsupport_type_ab = "MV22";

mando_airsupport_type_ev = " CH_47F_EP1";

mando_airsupport_cmissile = ship1;

mando_reco_cam_pos = [0,3,-2];

// player addAction ["Air Support console", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

mando_airsupport_bomb_altmax = 1000;

mando_ingress_dir = 90;

mando_airsupport_bomb_alt = 1000;

mando_airsupport_cmissile_pos = [0,-4, 1];

mando_airsupport_cmissile_alt = 300;

mando_airsupport_jump = false; // reinforcements and airborne assault will land and disembark instead of jump from chopper.

mando_support_no_cas = false;

mando_support_no_br = false;

mando_support_no_ff = false;

mando_support_no_sa = false;

mando_support_no_gs = false;

mando_support_no_ab = false;

mando_support_no_cm = false;

mando_support_no_sat = false;

mando_support_no_rc = false;

mando_support_no_ev = false;

mando_support_no_la = false;

mando_support_no_am = false;

mando_support_no_ve = false;

mando_support_no_re = false;

mando_support_no_cp = false;

mando_support_no_cb = false;

What am I doing wrong, aircraft don't change when start mission

Thanks in advance


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Are you sure that your code is being executed? Just for testing add a hint "hello" at the end.

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Hey Mando, ATGM issue is still present.

I'm trying to fire a tow missile from the M2A2 and the missile fires basically 30 degree angle lower than what I aimed. It makes them useless.

It only seems to happen here and there with certain ATGMs, but the TOW missiles always do it for me. Here's a short youtube video:


In the video you can see where I aimed, then I move to third person so you can see better what happens. Video quality might be low as youtube is still processing it at the time of posting.

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Das, and the flirs of other planes/choppers are correctly using the OA ones?

Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you. Something must have gone a bit strange when I over-wrote the old mando_missiles folder in the mission. I've since deleted it and copied it back in, now everything works as it should. Thanks for the tip, it confirmed nothing was working properly :)

On a separate note, is it possible to send the feed from a Mando UAV to other players in the game? I was looking through the code in your scripts but couldn't figure anything out. I've been using Mando Missiles for the UAV & R3F for artillery, and wanted to enable other players to view the UAV camera (but not to be able to direct the camera or launch missiles) while they're manning artillery pieces. I'm experimenting with the switchcamera commands and checking the Mando code to see if I can figure out how you did it but I haven't been able to work it out yet.

Anyway, top job on your addon. It adds new and exciting stuff into Arma/OA :)

Edited by Das Attorney

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I'll recheck that tow next week GossamerS.

Das, do you mean UAV used from support console as reco unit or from the MCC TV system?

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From the MCC TV system (I didn't even think about the support console - I'll have to check into that) :)

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i have (after it took some time due to RL issues) found out the problem with the laptop screen problems i seem to have

(i told you the background was showing all over the sidebar where you select the height and direction etc.)

it seems to have to do with the VTE mod once i removed it, the laptop screen came up normal again

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Has anyone ever tried to use Gnat's B52 as the carpet bombing aircraft in the support console and had it successfully work?

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ADuke, to use the B52 you need to modify the default custom code variable for carpet bombing which works by default for AV8s. This code block waits until the plane is atcertain range from target and then starts dropping bombs in a loop. As ninimum, the weapon name would need to be changed and the action UseWeapon probably would require to be executed by the gunner, not by the pilot.

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Mando: just installed your latest version (24b85) and I encountered an error I've never seen before: Addon 'Mando_Portables' requires addon 'CAWeapons_E_Javelin'

What am I missing? (never previously had a problem with any of your versions)

FYI I'm running vanilla A2 with the latest beat (72588) and the following mods


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Mando, how does your rearm script change the externally visible weapons on aircraft like the Su-25? I'm trying to create a mission that automatically starts with different weapons loaded to the aircraft, and I don't want the player to otherwise have access to your rearm script.

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ADuke, to use the B52 you need to modify the default custom code variable for carpet bombing which works by default for AV8s. This code block waits until the plane is atcertain range from target and then starts dropping bombs in a loop. As ninimum, the weapon name would need to be changed and the action UseWeapon probably would require to be executed by the gunner, not by the pilot.

Thanks Mando,

Quick question...

Are a pilot AND gunner loaded into the aircraft when it is created or do I need to change the script to load the gunner along with the pilot?

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Mando: just installed your latest version (24b85) and I encountered an error I've never seen before: Addon 'Mando_Portables' requires addon 'CAWeapons_E_Javelin'

What am I missing? (never previously had a problem with any of your versions)

Anyways, with the new version I get a pre-launch alert.

Addon 'Mando_Portables' requires addon 'CAWeapon_E_Javelin'

According to the changelog, this is an OA related fix. I don't own OA. Can I delete the Mando_Portables .pbo to get rid of this error message without losing any features?

Correct. The file Mando_Portables is to prevent the new targeting systems introduced in OA from interfering with Mando's scripts.

You might want to add a note about that in your readme, Mando.

lurk m0ar

Edited by Xeno426

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Thanks Mando,

Quick question...

Are a pilot AND gunner loaded into the aircraft when it is created or do I need to change the script to load the gunner along with the pilot?

OK, so I have this...

mando_airsupport_type_cb = "GNTB52";

and this...

mando_airsupport_carpetcode = 
  private["_plane", "_targetpos", "_widx"];
  _plane = _this select 0;
  _targetpos = _this select 1;
  while {(([getPos _plane select 0, getPos _plane select 1, 0] distance _targetpos) > 1500) && (alive _plane)} do
     Sleep 1;

  if (alive _plane) then
     _widx = [_plane, "GNTMK82BombRail"] call mando_weaponindex;
     for [{_i=0}, {_i<1}, {_i=_i+1}] do
        _plane action ["useWeapon",_plane,gunner _plane, _widx];
        Sleep 0.4;

In "my_console_setup.sqf"

The aircraft is created, flies over the target area (@ an altitude of 150) but does not drop any ordinance.

Any suggestions are welcome.


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Gossamers, try this TOW test mission and see if the problems are gone.

ADuke, you need to create the gunner, same group as the pilot, and movein the plane, the console will create only the plane and the pilot by default. You will need to calibrate the distance and delay between drops depending on the intended optimal bombing altitude you want to use with the B52.

domokun, that pbo is intended to be used with OA+A2, not with A2 alone. If you run only A2 you dont need that addon.

Xeno, to do that you need to manually rearm the plane. You need first to remove the weapons you want to replace with removeWeapon command, then remove one by one the existing magazines you dont want to use. Finally add the new magazines and then the weapons. Note that if you add weapons for the Su25 that are not supported by MMA for the Su25 class, you will not have access to these systems.

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Xeno, to do that you need to manually rearm the plane. You need first to remove the weapons you want to replace with removeWeapon command, then remove one by one the existing magazines you dont want to use. Finally add the new magazines and then the weapons. Note that if you add weapons for the Su25 that are not supported by MMA for the Su25 class, you will not have access to these systems.

If I am removing multiple weapons from an aircraft (like the A-10), is there an order I need to unload and reload weapons to get them to appear on certain hardpoints, like replacing the GBU-12's with Mk.82's and the FFAR-14 with the 38-round FFAR launcher?

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Yes, you need to try different loading orders to have them loaded in the indented pilons. If you want to see how the mma rearming works internally, open mando_missiles\units\mando_rearm_vehicle.sqf, case "CALL_REARM":

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Gossamers, try this TOW test mission and see if the problems are gone.

Hey there, it works great for the humvee TOW, but the Bradley's Tow was still firing like an idiot and the Stryker one worked good. Not sure about the Bradley though, still being a fool lol.

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So the bradley fails for you just replacing the hunvee by a Bradley in that test mission?

And which Bradley type are you using?

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So, I changed "mando_airsupportdlg.sqf" and loaded out the B52 with a gunner and now carpet bombing with the B52 works great.

Thanks Mando


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