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Is ARMA 2 better than OFP?

Which game is better?  

462 members have voted

  1. 1. Which game is better?

    • ARMA 2
    • Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis
    • I haven't played both of them

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Well, i find this discussion "OFP against ArmA2" pointless, and the poll doesn't even include the obvious choice "i like them both". I do like them both, still playing both of them a lot, enjoying them for different reasons.

OFP is still enjoyable to play and moreover easy to mod for those who don't care about very fancy graphics and highly detailed models. Imagination rules OFP modding.

I like them both too but I also know which one of them is better. In a thread like this adding an option for indecision would make the whole poll pointless.

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I like them both too but I also know which one of them is better. In a thread like this adding an option for indecision would make the whole poll pointless.

Understood, but i can't vote, i won't chose between meat and fish if i like them both. Anyway it's not a big deal.

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OFP: DR is not part of this comparison. OFP is OFP, not OFP: DR..

Oh, heh heh... I miss important details all the time.

I think they are both equally good, for their time of release. Love(d) them both.

PS - I did play thru the OFP campaign, not in Arma2, and I probably never will. The editor is the only thing I play with.

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Just wait till that complete conversion of flashpoint comes to Arma 2, that will put an end to this argument as we'll get the best of both hopefully! On a side note it doesnt seem to be posted on these forums, but I downloaded the Everon map from Armaholic today, its sweet! :D

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Which game do you rather play and why?

I say OFP because it workes fine, my textures wont load on arma with new driver and i cant go back because I got windows 7.

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I don't see how Windows 7 could be stopping you from installing an older driver...

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Hi, about that AI vs. tank scenario, that was actually the thing i hated the most in ofp. After 3-4 years of OFP i was mainly only editing missions to play with my friend and this AI behaivour killed pretty many of them. You want a special forces guy plant a pipebomb on a live tank? Well tough luck because rather than doing what he was scripted and waypointed to do, he actually did something like this: 2: 12 o clock BMP 50 meters. 2: poop my pants sequence initiated. 2: pooping my pants sequence complete, getting the hell outta here. What i like about the AI in Arma2 is that they do what they are told and do it very effectively, minus that famous nm. 2 going berzerk while in stealth mode. Sending a group without an AT laucnher on a tank is pretty much a mission design fault rather than the AIs fault. Just give them them the launcher and watch than, they will all stop and let their tube guy do his part. If he fails, than they wil try to somehow continue, in OFP they just stood there, either way it is a load of reload of a mission (if you the player are not able to try o do something with that. Dont get me vrong i really love both games, but it is more being i loved OFP and now i love Arma2. It obviously has its flaws but imho many people tend to overreact about some things. Animations better in OFP? No thank you I can now navigate with much better precision than in OFP. Choppers really were easier in OFP and everyone just wanted one to unleash that TAB-BooM-TAB-BooM-TAB-Boom-convoy with two shilkas dead thing. But starting with Arma1 and now in Arma2 i need to know be very sneaky and actualy fly low and cover behind hills which i do enjoy. In the end i really can get back to OFP because after getting the feel of Arma games under my skin I am not able to sacrifice its features just for the good ol campaigns. All this is purely my opinion and should be treated as one :)

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Planting a satchel on a Tank? Thats pretty heroic stuff. Heroic stuff that it doesn’t sound like a conscript (who is just about to quit) is up to.

Real heroics is up to the fearless player, not the AI.


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Real heroics is up to the fearless player, not the AI.


He he,

I too came straight from OpF to ArmA 2. So again to me it feels like OpF but a heap sexier, what OpF wanted to be.

Love em both, and as AmrA 2 gets more happening I think it will as good as OpF v1.96 in stability and game play.

So ArmA 2 has it.

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Planting a satchel on a Tank? Thats pretty heroic stuff. Heroic stuff that it doesn’t sound like a conscript (who is just about to quit) is up to.

Real heroics is up to the fearless player, not the AI.


AI special forces guy is a candyass conscript but the player isn't? That's racism.

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One thing I noticed is that my patience has deminished. I guess it's a case of tension but in game when I used to play Flashpoint I could spend hours hiding in the bushes waiting for patrols to reach their exact perfection point where I could sneak past to plant that satchel (one time I planted 30 satchels, constantly rearming in a town full of enemy, then snuck out and let it off... my computer didn't survive)

Now days if I have to wait for 1 minute it's too long. In real life combat situations it's another thing altogether, but in game I just don't have the patience I used to, heck, while playing I'm using reading websites at the same time, good way to get killed.

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ARMA 2 for me is better than Flashpoint 1 in all ways but 1. Flashpoint 1 had decent canned sp campaign missions. Tbh, I don`t like looking for peeps or info etc. That`s RPG crappola. I haven`t even come close to completing the campaign in this game cause the missions don`t interest me.

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One other thing I like with arma 2 over flashpoint is the ai, mainly because although the ai would do sone random things in arma 2 they do a lot of variation making repeating missions completely different.

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OFP was groundbreaking! Like losing one's virginity.

But ArmA 2 is sooo much the better. :icon_eek:

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I started with OFP and when i saw ArmA i was disappointed. Graphics were lower than my expectations and i found too many bugs of various genre...

Then ArmA2 came out and i had no doubts it was (and it is) definitely better. Still some issues with AI like driving and positioning of soldiers and similars are annoying but its great.

The only thing i'm still disappointed even if it's a rude word for what i mean is that we still have to face undefined enemies as well as never up to date russian forces which i can't conceal are my favourites...

Btw i also tried OFP2 but it's a <14 rated game without planes and a very basic AI, not to talk about some completely unrealistic situation if encountered playing the first missions of the campaign, like armoured units moving through trees and bushes alone with no infantry support and the player positioned perfectly at the start to ambush them...

So my vote is clear ;)

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Graphics, AIs and lot more are simply stunning and fascinating in Arma2 for me.

Though I did a lot OFP and Armed Assault and still do.

And I can't deny that lately again I did a BW mod crcti with OFP and again it was like in the old days:

I was trembling and my heart beat loud ... it was incredibly exciting again.

I didn't have that too often with Arma2 until now.

But I am optimistic - didn't take it quite a long time to develop "crcti bwmod dvd" and make it that bugfree as it is today?

I think we will have that soon in Arma2 ... and on a much higher standard ... so even much better.

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I like OFP more. ArmA2 may have more realistic AI behavior but it also has magical tank building factories that come out of nowhere. I didn't pay for a Command and Conquer game, I payed for a milsim game.

I also just like the whole cold war aspect. It's a nice change from the norm of WW2 and modern.

ArmA2 has so much potential in my mind but those stupid mission styles (post-Manhattan or the one after) and a handful of remaining bugs kill it for me. I don't want to spend time playing around something that shouldn't be that way. When I heard "dynamic campaign" I got really excited and then I played it and went right back to OFP. Major disappointment.

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Not played ARMA2 yet - ordered

But I am playing OPF: Vietnam Experience mod after discovering the mod last year..and its awesome. Unfortantely some scripts screw up meaning a can't call in a fire mission when i am supposed to. Still carry on with the mission without arty.

Would have ordered ARMA2 earlier but was waiting for Win7 to get released. In the meantime preoccupied with OFP:VTE and COD4 MP. Probably still be playing those games once i start arma2. OFP:VTE is like a historical training mission..Jeez I half love it for the educational aspect.

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I will say ArmA2, there is so much added that makes the game even better. Except for the campaigns, the ones in OFP were a lot better, hopefully Operation Arrowhead will pick it up, I am getting tired of leading special teams. I even haven't bought Queen Gambit because of that, and the normal Campaign of ArmA just felt too loose and generic. Keeping my fingers crossed.

A new Abandoned Armies for ArmA would be swell too. :D

ArmA2 may have more realistic AI behavior but it also has magical tank building factories that come out of nowhere. I didn't pay for a Command and Conquer game, I payed for a milsim game.

I don't mind it for single missions and a MP game mode, but adding that to the campaign was really immersion breaking. High command on the other hand is pretty cool if you start with a set of units, except for some reinforcements.

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OFP IS A CLASSIC! + It had a much much much much better campaign than arma 1 and arma 2! Man i played that CWC campaign like 100 times !! Same goes for Resistance or Red hammer :) For me OFP is still better than arma 2

Arma 2 is a great game, but for campaign i give 2/10 and OFP for campaign gets 10/10

Arma 2 campaign was totally destroyed by those stupid warfare type missions

Edited by itax

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The only reason anyone would say OFP is because it stole our hearts back in 2001 :)

OFP blew my mind, after about 2 hours of playing OFP I began to realise how truly amazing the game was... anyway if I remove the heart strings and forget how much OFP blew my mind then ArmA2 comes out on top... and I believe BI will patch this game (ArmA2) to near perfection.... well as much as you can perfect a game :)

I don't think I will ever again see a game that dropped my jaw quite like OFP did so I understand ppl that say OFP over A2 :)

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I would have liked Arma2 more if it weren't for Arma1. Still, OFP had the years and years of memories. Arma2's gotta be around longer for me to weigh the two together.

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This all depends on what you're comparing, if you're just comparing the two, ArmA2 is way better, however, if you're comparing the impact, OFP is better than ArmA2 and 1.

Having said that, I really liked ArmA1 when I got it, except it ran like ass, but you know ... you get that :(

There is nothing "too old to play" for me, but ArmA2 is deffinetely better. I'd say OFP was better than ArmA1, but ArmA2 is much more than a polished sequel. If I were to compare both titles now then I guess the only pluses OFP would get would be for FPS (duh), for awesome story-telling, for atmosphere (somehow I like the heavy atmosphere of Cold War better than the current one)... and two bonus points for James Gastovski and for Viktor Troska :) I just can't get attached to those marines in any way...

It's because they're irritating and cliche, those stereotypes have been used a thousand times over. I just read your sig lol, that's pretty hilarious :D

"I really see Modern Warfare 2 as Hollywood and we're the Cannes."

-- Sion Lenton

"Well, I see ARMA2 as a love story and MW2 as porno. OFP2 is an attempt to make a porno that's also a love story. Consult your local dirty movies shop to see how well this sort of compromise works."

-- Sertorius21

Could anyone explain it better?

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This all depends on what you're comparing, if you're just comparing the two, ArmA2 is way better, however, if you're comparing the impact, OFP is better than ArmA2 and 1.

In that case the topic's name would have been "Was Arma 2's impact better than OFP's?". As it is now, this thread is all about comparing the games themselves and not their release dates.

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