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WarFX Particles

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Well its alot more polished, smaller size obv. Sparks has been reworked and some explosions and smoke like people moaned about the grenade smoke so thats been fixed and the sparks from them has been fixed, also 30mm has very fast sparks which look quite good. I will be asking a few people to test this out so they can help find any problems as i dont wanna release it and then find out theres a error i missed. If all goes well i am hoping to release it in the next 24hrs... :)

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Well all was going good and i was on track then i started adding in other mods to make sure they worked ok, and when i enabled CBA this happens modproblem01.png

Any ideas?

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Ive managed to narrow it down a bit more to the extended event handler.

So i think its something to do with the way the script in the mod gets called or something for the burning and smoke when it gets destoryed. Fucking hell this is annoying the bloody shit outta me now.

This is how its meant to look, which works grreat if you dont use the ExtendedEventHandler.pbo


Edited by Opticalsnare

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please, can you help me on installing it?

i've downloaded it and i can't make it work omg, i've tried all the ways!

can you help me from the begining?

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This keeps looking better and better :)

Dont worry about the Eventhandeler problem to much it must be a small glitch somewhere. Maybe CBA does not alow enuigh time for the event to actualy take place resulting in an unfinished /distored animation? Sinds there where no problems before maybe the question: what has changed could help? I know absolutely zip about scripting but i like to think about this stuf.....anyway

Good luck and merry christmas comrads !!!

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Dear Mr Snare,

Just a quick note to say that looks SEN-FRICKEN-SATIONAL!

I wish I could help you in some way my friend but alas....I am an idiot.


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Ok bugger it, heres a private release for those who want something to do, this is just for testing purposes only please do not link to this version on websites or host it, it is strictly for testing only to find any bugs or issues that need fixing. The main thing that i have been trying to work out is the problem with using the CBA addon ie ExtendedEventHandler.pbo Although it seems to only effect the SU34b aircraft and not Harriers, A10, but please test this out and find out anything. Report any problems here Thanks.


Edited by Opticalsnare

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I tried the test version and my results were:

1. When only WarFX test version is activated everything looks fine

2. When WarFX test version and CBA are activated everything looks fine

3. When WarFX test version, CBA and ACE are activated I encountered these bugs:

Blocky smoke


Fire from rocket exhaust is also blocky


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unhuih thats the problem ive beening trying to fix but now im pissed up and and in nop state to fix its something to do with the extended events handlier that i have no fuckin clue idea on how to use, so merry xmas all thanks for the support and hopfully all we be good when ive worked out hows to fix this mod. :rolleyes:

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Go talk to Stickboy about it, he knows more about CBA than any of us.

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Oh man, I don't look at this thread for like 5 days and Optical releases a test version :D. Will have a look tomorrow when I get off work. Really looking forward to it.

There's nothing better than being in a village one building down from a satchel charge or any explosion for that matter. Great Mod.

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Try these: Download

Now I don't really know what things are supposed to look like, but I did not notice any blocky smoke or anything else weird using those .pbos linked above. I changed a few things which are pretty obvious once you de-pbo those, but I believe the main things were:

WarFXPE cfgPatches to this:

class CfgPatches
class WarFXPE
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","Extended_EventHandlers"};

and also change this:

class DefaultEventhandlers
   init = "_scr = _this execVM ""WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\init.sqf"";";
fired = "_this call BIS_Effects_EH_Fired;";
killed = "_this call BIS_Effects_EH_Killed;";

to this:

class Extended_PreInit_EventHandlers
WarFXPE_clientInit = "execVM 'WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\init.sqf';";


oh, and WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\init.sqf to:

waitUntil{not isNil "BIS_Effects_init"};
if(isNil "WARFX_Effects_Init") then
	BIS_Effects_EH_Fired=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\fired.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_EH_Killed=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\killed.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_Rifle=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\rifle.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_Cannon=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\cannon.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_HeavyCaliber=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\heavycaliber.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_HeavySniper=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\heavysniper.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_Rocket=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\rocket.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_SmokeShell=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\smokeshell.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_SmokeLauncher=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\smokelauncher.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_Flares=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\flares.sqf";

	//must use spawn command for these:
	BIS_Effects_Burn=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\burn.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_AircraftVapour=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\misc\aircraftvapour.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_AirDestruction=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestruction.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\AirDestructionStage2.sqf";
	BIS_Effects_Secondaries=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\destruction\Secondaries.sqf";
	//BIS_Effects_RocketTrail=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "WarFXPE\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS\muzzle\rockettrail.sqf";


and one more :)

WarFXWEPS cfgPatches to:

class CfgPatches
class WarFXWeps
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 1.04;
	requiredAddons[] = {"WarFXPE","CAWeapons","CAWeapons2"};

Edited by Fincuan

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@ Fincuan

I think thats fixed it!

A simple test i had was having harriers vs su34s shoot eachother down which is when the blocky happened but since ive used your changes it dont happen anymore. A very big thanks for this! :D

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I can also confirm that his fix works BEAUTIFULLY!

Now I'm using this with ACE2 + GL4 + Zeus AI is the dogs danglies.

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Opticalsnare, thank you very much for this addon. I have a request which you can freely ignore. I was wondering if the dust impacts on the trees could be toned down. I like the wood chips flying effect and the falling leaves, but the flying dust clouds all over the place seem very out of place. Is there a way to set the trees differently then ground impacts?

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i love ur mod Opticalsnare:yay:

how do i install these last 2 files?? i have to replace something of warfx or they works also togheter with old version?

and hmm i was wondering if was possible to make heat effect for weapons and explosion ecc .. :D

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Yup its coming, im making sure its all good and everything works. But so far it appears all goooood so alittle more testing and fixing and il pack it up and upload it.


Edited by Opticalsnare

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