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WarFX Particles

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Jason is right, I load WarFX before Ace and it does over ride many of Ace’s FX features, I then load it last and don’t see WarFX working. I guess run either this or Ace, but not both at the same time.

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This mod makes some very nice visual improvement, I use it for sometime now. Unluckily this last update seem to absolutely kill my hardware (especially explosions), so sadly I guess I have to retain this mod until a huge PC upgrade :(

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or maybe WarFX can introduce land shaking too? ;-)

Thats just stealing someone elses design,ideas or work. :j:

Edited by Opticalsnare

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Thats just stealing someone elses design,ideas or work. :j:

thats true and its allready out in ACE except if you ask them then its not stealling

but the mod does a outstanding job i really like it.

thx for the great work

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Hey, update... I placed WarFX just ahead of ACE and ACEX again in my shortcut and hey presto, this time round, I got both the awesome and super dusty WarFX particles and the land shaking of ACE!!! BINGO! :)

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Hey, update... I placed WarFX just ahead of ACE and ACEX again in my shortcut and hey presto, this time round, I got both the awesome and super dusty WarFX particles and the land shaking of ACE!!! BINGO! :)

What do you mean? I placed it as such and don't see the changes:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@WarFX;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_PLA;@ACEX_SM;@CBA

The file is in its own addon folder, but if I put the WarFX file into @Ace addon folder, then it works just fine. :)


Shouldn't the bikey's go into the keys folder..?

Edited by CrazyAce

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I think, imho, that the sparks need to disperse out a lot more quicker then slow or kinda almost stop. And is there a way that you can make the flash dissipear quicker? The way it looks is as if the flash flashes and then shrinks back down rather than flashing outwards.

other than that your WarFX made me piss my pants, awesome work!

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Latest release tells me I need Extended Event Handlers ???

Which is awesome since it maximizes compatability. ALL addons using eventhandlers of any kind should use it. Just use CBA and you'll have the XEH :)

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Hey opticalsnare your effects are godlike but i have a problem with the HE-Impacts from M1A1 massive fps broken ...when HE grenade impact. and the HE impact from t-34 is to big i think:o ...but arma2 with not FXmod forget it:D


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I have previous version of this mod and it is about 135MB large.

Newest one has only 8MB and files named in another way.

Is it update only or so?

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I have previous version of this mod and it is about 135MB large.

Newest one has only 8MB and files named in another way.

Is it update only or so?

No, it is a complete replacement. The first version included duplicates of ArmA2 files, which was completely unnecessary. For the new version Opticalsnare has sorted out a lot of the old issues, which among other things drastically reduced the download size :)

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I think, imho, that the sparks need to disperse out a lot more quicker then slow or kinda almost stop. And is there a way that you can make the flash dissipear quicker? The way it looks is as if the flash flashes and then shrinks back down rather than flashing outwards.

other than that your WarFX made me piss my pants, awesome work!

Yeh now that ive managed to get this version smaller and it seems to be working ok il be able to work more on the actual effects now, alot of my time was taken up just trying to get the mod smaller and make it all work properly but now thats been sorted and solved i can really go to work on the effects.

I wanna make some some effects like this soon.


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Yeh now that ive managed to get this version smaller and it seems to be working ok il be able to work more on the actual effects now, alot of my time was taken up just trying to get the mod smaller and make it all work properly but now thats been sorted and solved i can really go to work on the effects.

I wanna make some some effects like this soon.



But whats up with this one^^ especilly the last one*whooo*


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Yeh now that ive managed to get this version smaller and it seems to be working ok il be able to work more on the actual effects now, alot of my time was taken up just trying to get the mod smaller and make it all work properly but now thats been sorted and solved i can really go to work on the effects.

I wanna make some some effects like this soon.


Damn, cant wait. Your mod is the shiet! I think this mod is best of them all, can't wait for you to make more awesom explosions and stuff. I think your artillery fire that comes from MSLR is just sick. Only thing i would like smaller is the sparks, cause those seem quite big.

Also, could you make a HD version of your mod, for those who have lot of GPU power, you could use more particles in that HD version.

Anyway, good job keep em coming!


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Damn, cant wait. Your mod is the shiet! I think this mod is best of them all, can't wait for you to make more awesom explosions and stuff. I think your artillery fire that comes from MSLR is just sick. Only thing i would like smaller is the sparks, cause those seem quite big.

Also, could you make a HD version of your mod, for those who have lot of GPU power, you could use more particles in that HD version.

Anyway, good job keep em coming!


Well the problem is that theres a limit on the amount of particles that can be rendered i could make one explosion look very good with lots of sparks and debris flying but the problem is that when you have 2-3 going off it starts cutting effects out like smoke will suddenly disappear and ive been trying to find the right balance for this.

@ Berliner19

Yeh il def be working on like mushroom fireballs and effects like that.

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... the problem is that when you have 2-3 going off it starts cutting effects out like smoke will suddenly disappear and ive been trying to find the right balance for this.

I think you can cut down on the number of particles needed while still increasing the wow factor by adding the random possibility of directional splash (random azimuth for that, but mostly a range back towards the launcher, left and right of that, max perpendicular, max upwards, min horizontal, no need for downwards or into the object the munition hit) and random spread.

Also, you can give a random (or draw from a predetermined list that LOOKS random, a random azimuth would provide that appearance) lifespan and falling speed (each object having its own drag coefficient) to each spark, enabling you to free up resources for successive explosions.

Much of the concussion from any munition that hits the ground goes upward, because the munition detonates when it has penetrated a bit (depending on the type of munition).

Looking forward to trying out this new version.

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These are great, as I guess I mentioned before, but there's three things bothering me:

The FIRE (a.k.a. Teh FIAAHHH), the water splash effects and the unit hit effects.

1) Fire seems to be too whiteish, too... dunno. BIS dramatized the effect making orange fire, You did the opposite making it cold yellow (so it's dramatizing the effect but to the other end). IMO doesn't represent real world fire in any way. You should tweak it and can You please also make fire a separate addon?

2) Water splashes (especially higher calibre) looks like BIS (ugly) ones. Can You make better ones?

3) Blood squirting from the shot body. Well it's a more complex stuff.

3a) The squirting blood effect should be smaller and most of all it shouldn't last that long. Now it looks like some zombie shooter.

3b) I'm not sure, but while being shot, shouldn't there be a light dirt puff (really light) representing the dirt coming off the uniform while being hit by a high-velocity\energy projectile?

3c) Some small pieces of kevlar\uniform should be blown out (towards the shooter) while being shot, representing the penetration\hit of the vest and stuff

...and it all should be in 1 effect, seen when Your bullet hits the enemy.

That (+ earlier suggested change of the vehicle hit effect) would make the mod totally perfect.

Edited by JonPL

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Will there be a blast or concussion effect soon, for say, the back blast or blast wave when firing the AT4, RPG or SPG9? Or any cannon for that matter? A nice blur effect and smoke or dust around the firer would be splendid.

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