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AI 'stuttering' when looked at thru scope

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when looking thru a scope at enemy AI, lately they have begun to move rather choppily even though my frames are smooth...anyone else have this?

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The netcode for Arma is notoriously choppy. You can even start a dedicated server on your own computer and join it, the choppiness will remain despite *zero* lag!

I especially like it when the prediction thinks your helo is flying upside down inside a forest.

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no, its SP, but youre right it does look exactly like something you would get with MP lag.

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Ive seen this before too sometimes in single player. There will be times that I am looking through my scope and see enemies running around... but there is one who is acting very strange. Its as if his animation has no in-between frames, and he will jerk to different key frames. Like he will be prone, then instantly on his knee, then instantly standing... and so on. I was thinking it might be that there is too much going on and he is not being processed completely by the cpu at that point. I really have no idea why it does this but thats what I thought.

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I've experienced this in SP games at least twice also. As described, the game runs fairly smooth but the animations are skipping frames as if being updated at an extremely low rate.

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Try with a searchlight pointing at you. When you're close it updates very smooth. When you get far away, animation seems to update in much larger degrees. In singleplayer.

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Hapenned at least three times now. Its really annoying trying to shoot that bugger when he warps 5 meters away from aim everytime I get him on sight

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I posted a similar thread a couple of weeks back, ive noticed it most while watching fairly distant enemies or friendlies exiting vehicles through a scope or even just in the zoom view, almost like watching a freeze frame film as they run,yet strangely everything else around me is fine FPS wise :confused:

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Has anyone tried setting MinErrorToSend to a value less than 0.005? Maybe 0.001?

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the game thinks you're not zoomed in, basically. and it's displaying the lowest level animation to conserve resources.

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I remember thief the dark project, back in the day, where enemies far away from you used to glide on the floor without any animation. It was very unsettling and creepy but it was a good way to save processing power.

Now, thief didn't have the need for scoped weapons and the levels were pretty maze-like so could get away with something like this. Arma on the other hand is all about long distance conflict and this should be fixed if possible. It mostly happens to me when I have a lot of units running around.

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I have had this in multiplayer but never in single play, assumed it was somebody`s ghetto 56k connection slowing things down :D

Only ever noticed it when sniping.

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Yeah I get this when watching through a scope at distance AI getting out of a helicopter - every time without fail. I got the impression it was the extra particles from the dust being kicked up, because when they get a certain distance from the heli they move normal. It happens sometimes when AI are dismounting from an APC, but not as often.

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the game thinks you're not zoomed in, basically. and it's displaying the lowest level animation to conserve resources.

Yep, thats what I think is happening too.

Anyone with a High Spec (GPU and CPU) PC seeing this in SP ?

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Gnat;1496080']Yep' date=' thats what I think is happening too.

Anyone with a High Spec (GPU [u']and[/u] CPU) PC seeing this in SP ?

Î¥es but only when I have a lot of units. Like five or six squads in the same area running around, getting out of vehicles etc. It happened to me during a sniper mission over the NE airport in Chernarus. I was looking down the hill and three enemy trucks arrived to unload reinforcements and a few dudes started jumping and posing. It doesn't last long anyway so I don't really mind it but it's annoying.

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This happens to a lot of people I play with. The A.I. lags in a distance when looking through a scope and sometimes even close up. I don't have lag it's the A.I. in all reality. Is there a solution to this problem? :/

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I've experienced this even with just a few AIs in the editor on Utes. I think I was looking through a scope at that moment, it was very difficult to shoot them.

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Has happened to me many times, and it is always crew members, usually after disembarking from a vehicle. Nobody else seems to be effected however.

It is as if the soldier is moving at 5fps, whilst the game is running at 60+.

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I've seen this a few times but it's usually with AI that are so far out that only someone with a .50 cal would be able to hit them (500m+). I've never seen it happen to AI within typical engagement ranges (300-400m). And it seems more noticeable on maps with large amounts of AI like Evo or Domination; when I play smaller squad-based co-op games I don't think I've ever seen it happen.

I think it's a way for the game to minimize the resources needed for distant objects

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