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Ludovico Technique

Monsters, zombies and so on

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A new feature to this compared to older zed mod variants is also that you can prevent a human from returning as an undead by shooting him in the head selectively during the period between death and resurrection.

I love you.

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Now will it be ACE compatible?

That question has allready been answered by Charon, read back a couple of pages. In short, no clue.... Understandably he doesnt have the time to make the undead mod work with every other mod out there.

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Just a quick question, sorry if its been answered but i dont have time to sort through 50 somewhat pages of text.

Will you be able to play this mod in coop, I know you said that features will be missed and it can lag like hell, but is it still doable? Or does it just crash whenever you try to start a multiplayer game.

Again sorry if its been answered allready

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No there won't be any Multiplayer.

Any kind of Multiplayer programming has not been considered (also Coop won`t work). It would necessitate basically rewriting all the scripts just for that. You can shoot zeds, but the infection won`t spread at all, so there is no real point in playing it.

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This demonstrates some of the freshest features that were needed to add the right feel and avoid unnecessary wait times to kill infected when it is actually possible now to shot them before they resurrect. Sounds easy, but was quite a bit of coding, as well as those animations which are hard to work with in Arma.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpWpULUb5Jc&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpWpULUb5Jc&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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Awesome work mate, I hope someone makes this MP compatible.

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Great work charon. The new video shows how far you've been able to take the ArmA II Engine, to places we thought not possible ^.^

Quick question, I know you answered this on page 30 or something but I cant find it. Do the ZEDs first spawn at a pre-determined location, or is that something the mission developer decides? I was thinking of starting my own mission, and getting it done and ready before release.

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Great work charon. The new video shows how far you've been able to take the ArmA II Engine, to places we thought not possible ^.^

Quick question, I know you answered this on page 30 or something but I cant find it. Do the ZEDs first spawn at a pre-determined location, or is that something the mission developer decides? I was thinking of starting my own mission, and getting it done and ready before release.

No, you can put zed units in the editor whereever you want. They will then autonomously search for humans and infect them.

There is special variable settings that allow to send a zed group to a specific location still being able to attack humans while they are on their way.

Using any other command on the zeds won`t work because the module will override those, so it is advised to adhere to the provided variable-based commands and for the mission-maker it is a good idea to familiarize himself with those variables to be able to understand the way the module works.

They can also be set to staying in one town and not migrate, should that be needed. But actually all possible scenarios are covered by the module to make them do what "real" zeds would do.

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Cool Video :)

Keep the updates coming! I cant wait to play this, it sounds and looks amazing :) !

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Man, I am soo looking forward to this! :-) I hope I'll finish all my exams early so I could play this whole January ;-)

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I am guessing that you will place the module, then sync any Zed units to it, for the whole process to work, or is it completely independent?

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Haha, Charon, the Heli crash was as epic as I had hoped it could be.

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Charon, if you have a bit of spare time, can you please put together a video showing the migration of the infected in the map view, with map icons enabled? That would be highly useful when showing people how your mod operates.

Also, can you give out any details on how your melee attack scripting operates?

If possible, when the mod is released, it would be nice if you could provide instructions on how to re-create the melee effect, so it can be aplied to other mods, too. (I'm visioning a human model with a sword or other melee weapon permanently modelled to the hand hitting other people with your script :D. Perhaps it could be used for cut-scenes & stuff... Don't know how useful it might be in actual gameplay).

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If possible, when the mod is released, it would be nice if you could provide instructions on how to re-create the melee effect, so it can be aplied to other mods, too. (I'm visioning a human model with a sword or other melee weapon permanently modelled to the hand hitting other people with your script :D. Perhaps it could be used for cut-scenes & stuff... Don't know how useful it might be in actual gameplay).

umm..... I dont think there will be a melee system. I would also like to see a migration system video that takes place on a a map.

Also, about the migration system: You said that there will be "carriers" that will go from town to town. will they travel in groups, or just as single units? Im planning on making a town of mine defended by some militia, but if carriers only travel as individuals, that would mean it would be very difficult to capture my city (I want it to be a epic fight, not a single zombie trying to walk into town).

Also, you said before that civilians will use weapons from fallen soldiers. will they also grab guns from weapon crates if available? That would be cool :)

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umm..... I dont think there will be a melee system.

Stand corrected:) I meant the hitting animation/grenade throw & hit damage script.

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Okay this is how you would place a zed in the editor in the minimal case:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ1GbjX5vzE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ1GbjX5vzE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

@dialektiikka and bddizzle:

Hmm, the thing is the migration is a very long process and to make a vid of it would take a lot of hard disk space that i am always short of and in like 10 minutes only it would be hard to see that. Maybe i can make just little time intervals to show the progress.

Also, about the migration system: You said that there will be "carriers" that will go from town to town. will they travel in groups, or just as single units?

I call them "Envoys" as that is what they are called in their variable space.

They travel in most cases alone with the intent to keep the fight raging in a location while not completely limiting the infection to just that location.

It makes it a lot more challenging. And in case anyone dares to use ALICE with it, the zeds would just stay in one town as this keeps spawning new units.

But, if the mob kills a lot of civilians and that mob is full (12 members) then the newly spawned infected will occasionally join the nearest emptier group which would be the envoy group. It all depends on the scenario. I have seen envoy groups in my numerous tests that had like 5-6 members.

A number of 3 envoy groups at a time is allowed, they all go to different locations and would know what locations are already advanced by other envoy or "mover" groups, so the spread is more broad.

If you are a clever mission designer then no-one can keep you from reinforcing the envoy group with additional units by simply joining them to it.

Im planning on making a town of mine defended by some militia, but if carriers only travel as individuals, that would mean it would be very difficult to capture my city (I want it to be a epic fight, not a single zombie trying to walk into town).

There is 2 types of migrating groups. One is the envoy groups (usually small), the other types are the "Mover"-groups, which are usually maxed out.

And if the neighbour town is empty and your militia town is the next closest town containing humans , then they will all invade your town.

Also, you said before that civilians will use weapons from fallen soldiers. will they also grab guns from weapon crates if available? That would be cool

Hmm, haven`t integrated that, because the module scripts could not tell what content would be in any possibly occuring weapon crates (an insufficiency of the scipting commands)

And about the melee animations, it is basically just using what animations Arma2 offers, due to the lack of possibility to generate custom animations with professional tools

Edited by Charon Productions

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Love it! Thank god that is such a simple way to place the zombies. If you had to sync every single one that would be very tedious! Cant wait to try it out! ( would be a grreat chriistmas present for everyone if you released it!)

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Didn't SLX Mod feature a Knife animation of sorts, perhaps that could be used? or something i don't know i think it was a Grenade Animation i hardly know.

Edited by That guy Over there

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Those videos were absolutely fantastic: keep up the great work! :D

One question: will the zombies be able to attack through vehicles? I had the Farmlands Zombie Mod back in the old days of classic Flashpoint and I found it mildly amusing that the zombies would swarm an armored vehicle (i.e. Bradley APC) and still be able to attack and kill all of the occupants inside the vehicle. Is this still the case with the latest version of Undead?

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yes SLX has a knife animation .

Edited by zombo

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Those videos were absolutely fantastic: keep up the great work! :D

One question: will the zombies be able to attack through vehicles? I had the Farmlands Zombie Mod back in the old days of classic Flashpoint and I found it mildly amusing that the zombies would swarm an armored vehicle (i.e. Bradley APC) and still be able to attack and kill all of the occupants inside the vehicle. Is this still the case with the latest version of Undead?

In this mod careful attention was paid to all vehicle scenarios and have been considered to prevent exactly that.

The crew of armored vehicles are safe (tanks etc.)

Attackable/Infectable are:

- chooper door gunners and the pilot (toggleable)

- soft armored vehicle gunners (like Hummer gunners etc.)

- Static weapon gunners (M2 etc.)

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