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DFOR = Duala Force, maybe? Like KFOR in Kosovo.

good point, but UN forces are on the page already

unless its a NATO thing

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Ask Noricum about DFOR ;)

e0s888: *gulp*... can someone confirm that issue? I would need to release a hotfix or in that case v1.96. Problem is that I'm on vacation (island research lol) for a week starting this Monday ;)

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I tested the new version with several Cobras with ACE, ACEX and there were no issues with Hellfires missing, didnt test without ACE though.

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Hrhr... DFOR = TFOR duala conversion (Mission by bon_inf)

Love the new update! Good work as usual, icebreakr.

Especially love the new bridges!

Sure will do some missions around them.

_North = [268655,268660,268653,268650,268649,268651,268763];
_South = [269190,269187,269185,269184,269186,269193,269192];
{ ([0,0,0] nearestObject _x) setDammage 1; } forEach _North;

nearestObject IDs for them, if anybody is interested. ;)

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updated Evolution again - added 3 types of A10, changed city rotation to utilise new areas in duala 1.95, added in gazelles, viggens, mig15,21, su24, 25, 34, L69, typhoon, gripen, jdam harrier and A10, moab armed AC130, etc and cool new intro movie

pretty full on campaign now

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Thanks for the update Icebreakr.

I am having one small issue. I am using vanilla arma2 (1.09), and I have installed the new 1.95 Isle Duala, but the Zetaborn units still dont work for me.

I get the message "Zetaborn requires version 1.5 of application..."

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Funkman: check that you don't have zetaborn.pbo placed somewhere else? New version should work with 1.0...

I'm taking a week leave (island research *hint) so I see you guys in a week.

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Thanks Icebreakr, I double checked everything and the Duala folder had extracted to the wrong place. It now works like a charm.

Thanks again.

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A video I made using these Zetaborn units, havnt used Duala Isle in it yet, but may include it in part 2:


---------- Post added at 06:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 AM ----------

eggBeast, do I just place the .pbo file in the folder? Is that all I have to do to get the Evolution campaign?

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eggBeast, do I just place the .pbo file in the folder? Is that all I have to do to get the Evolution campaign?

Nice video. :)

The GITSEvolutionSomalia_RACSV2.isladuala.pbo goes into your MPmissions folder, all other addons you need (see eggbeasts link) go into a modfolder you have to add for yourself.

Incase you dunno how to setup modfolders: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/modfolders

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Evolution is a capture the island (CTI) MP mission which can be played for days if need be.

It's not a campaign.

Also, any MP mission can be played as a SP version if you just open a MP LAN session for yourself and start up the mission.

More infos: http://forums.bistudio.com/group.php?do=discuss&group=&discussionid=448

Edited by ])rStrangelove

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few problems with the zetaborn right now:

- pulse rifles are extremely inaccurate, dunno if this was deliberate or not but shots go extremely wide even though my crosshairs are dead on target

- tanks function well but flip very easily, most zetaborn tanks are not lost to enemy fire but flip over at high speed, also the heavy tank could use a damage boost as it cannot stand up to the M1

- 07 and 09 spaceships dont seem to be able to fly Ai controllled and crash almost immediately, mothership works fine though

more of a suggestion than a concern but the zetaborn red tracers are too easily confused when fighting NATO troops, perhaps make then yellow or blue? also i personally think the X09 would work better as a plane than a heli could recreate some ID4 dogfights if the aliens had fighters of their own.

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- added two small concrete parking spots for planes on scramble alert

What is it exactly? Where are they located?

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:D My suggestion actually. All it is is a small piece of concrete at the end of the runway, on both of the major airports. Essentially a place to park 2 fighters where they wouldn't be in the way of any landing aircraft, and where they can take off immediately after starting their engines. If I ever get off my arse I might have something to spruce the pads up a little bit...

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a small piece of concrete at the end of the runway, on both of the major airports. Essentially a place to park 2 fighters where they wouldn't be in the way of any landing aircraft, and where they can take off immediately after starting their engines. .

we keep the AC130 there so it's out of the way but ready to take off using the full runway - a very useful apron addition - cheers!:yay:

---------- Post added at 11:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:39 PM ----------

Oh, so there's no SP campaign?

drop into our squad area to chat about the mission funk - we can sort you out

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Most air force bases in the U.S. have them AFAIK, here's an example from a reserve base in SoCal.

http://i848.photobucket.com/albums/ab41/Darkhorse1-6/RL Photos/P1020086.jpg

^ That's what prompted me to suggest it in the first place.

I haven't had much time this past week, but I'm trying to create a "living" Duala. The aim is for the player to be able to drive around and just be a spectator to the happenings on the island. So far I'm focused on setting up the drug smuggling den on that SW island. Vixena? Can't recall the name of it. I could drive (not even play) around Duala for hours. It's simply fantastic.

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Any progress about this one so far ?

I didn't add a module for their voices yet, as I don't want it to interfere with DSAI by Wolfrug and Sickboy. Sickboy & Wolfrug: can u help me add both of the factions to your mod? I have voices recorded for Molatians (french) and Afrenians & Civil population (Afrikaan).

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fludblud: thanks for the ideas, will see what I can do.

Maltti & others: I just returned from a fishing trip. SP/Coop Campaign is in the works.

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Hi IceBreakr! I'm new to your great productions. I wanted to know if your island needs OA expansion to work without errors and missing files?

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Sudayev: well, Panthera, JadeGroove and Isla Duala should work with A2, while others Lingor requires Arrowhead, too.


fishkokot.jpg ;)

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Oohh it looks like a butterfly :) What kind of fish is that? name?

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Oohh it looks like a butterfly :) What kind of fish is that? name?

Whatever it is, it has blue stripes on the wingtips -> Squadron Leader :D

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