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Thanx IceBreakr for wonderful island and, in advance, for new update.

I know you keep track of missions created on your islands so here it is :

[COOP15] Marshal of Savannah [sandbox A2 Isla Duala]

  • 15 mercenaries slots -- a simple assault rifle, grenadier, medic, marksman or balaclava...
  • 5 full scale missions and plot + 6th mission that is practically open ended.
  • Powered by new WICT v7.0c which create all warfare around you.
  • Don't be Rambo --- you need to survive here!!! Difficulty is increasing gradually.
  • All support you need --- tactical airlift focused on deploying resources and material in mid-flight, each support type has time penalty -- combine them wisely + Black Hawk transport.
  • Artillery is at your disposal at any time --- annihilate enemy or just make your way through enemy lines.
  • Norrin's revive script --- you have 60 sec to revive your teammate.
  • Occasional civilian life and patrols.
  • Time shifts --- enjoy the beauty of Isla Duala, both during night and day!


I already spoke with Maltti, and if he is interested those two MP missions can be merged. My all codings are open for anyone to look and tweak.

Just stick to WICT's copyright ;)

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I know, 3 hours or work... and I didn't work 20 min since then yet! Been busy with RL.

No need to apologize Icebreakr. We all know how RL can blindside us sometimes. Thanks again for all your hard work. It is a crime that BI does not have you on the payroll my friend:).

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Take your time. No need to hurry. In the meantime there are a whole lot of other good maps to play with.

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I got one FTP from Poland and it works great. But I wouldn't mind more as I need mirrors for my islands. I've came back from a short trip and I hope to fix two small bugs from betatesters now and finally release v1.9. Its been going for too long now...

You could try the ARMAII MODDB page; hardly anybody uses it: http://www.moddb.com/games/arma-2

Edited by (2142)Gen.Reaper

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All that is remaining is to figure out why Afrenian soldiers since 1.81 have all the cloned/same faces... someone sent me updated config and didn't check that after he changed the soldier class to FR_Base... fun fun, another 5+ hours wasted on debugging yesterday :/

Not to mention that I lost several hours figuring out why pilot wound textures don't work only to notice that is the problem with the vanilla USMC pilots, too.... non working rvmats on the model USMC_Soldier_pilot.p3d :/

Reported that to dev-heaven: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18232 (please vote up).

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All that is remaining is to figure out why Afrenian soldiers since 1.81 have all the cloned/same faces... someone sent me updated config and didn't check that after he changed the soldier class to FR_Base... fun fun, another 5+ hours wasted on debugging yesterday :/

Hmm, FR_Base should be uneffected, but e.g FR_Miles etc all have specific eventhandlers for identity, which will be inherited when you base your units on them;


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Bug found with IdentityType (tnx Eggbeast for assistance). I'll leave no-wounds on pilots until BIS fixes their vanilla USMC model.

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how's the baby room going icebreakr ? already finished ? ( i know your prioritys now :P )

good to hear you had some assistance in finding the bug :)

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Are the units and vehicles for this island compatible with ACE?

100% Compatible

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supergruntsb78: I'm upgrading the house, but no work on the room yet ;)

joextod07: ACE is a mod that changes the vanilla game, so the real question is if ACE is compatible with my island and units. All units are based on vanilla game with couple of exceptions. Some (AS350) even have variable for ACE incorporated. Any issues found should be reported to ACE dev-heaven or Duala one.

Guys, Duala v1.9 is finished as of yesterday's evening. All reported bugs by beta-testers were found and squashed. And I've even managed to incorporate couple of new stuff (chopper skins, realistic Gsh-6-23 cannon for Su-24 Fencer, etc.)

Expect it be available on my website when I set up the mirrors. There will be two packs: Island & Units.

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Ice thanks for another great release.

Like said before you need any help please feel free to ask.

Congrats on the baby as that is more important than this game. I am planning on having my own at end of the year also.

Thanks again Dad!

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Just go back few pages and read for yourself or wait till release and read change log.

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TacKLed: I'll post a feature movie along with mirrors as soon everything is ready.

Quick recap: Su-24s, Mig-21s, AJ37 Viggens, Leopard 1A5, T72, T55 and BMP2s, new chopper skins inc. civilian and specops (unmarked, all black), new assault rifle for Afrene, improved areas inc. new refugee camp & W island outpost, brand new satellite texture with improved ground graphics, new in-town scorched earth texture, fixed bugs with units, added pilots for both sides, new mysterious faction, new cannon Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-6-23 for Su24, etc.

Edited by IceBreakr

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Woot! Sounds great, can't hardly wait to see it in person. Keep up the great work Icebreakr!


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sounds like fun :) maybe the UN might send a force to protect that refugee camp ;)

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will the new release be compatible with mission's that were made on the earlier version of the island?

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Sure Diesel1959. In case there would be something wrong, you load & save mission and everything should be fixed regarding the heights. But there were no major changes.

Full release is 726 MB unpacked (island & units). Today finally found time to make a pack. Will put it on my website as soon as I'm done with tonight's squadnight ;)

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Sure Diesel1959. In case there would be something wrong, you load & save mission and everything should be fixed regarding the heights. But there were no major changes.

Full release is 726 MB unpacked (island & units). Today finally found time to make a pack. Will put it on my website as soon as I'm done with tonight's squadnight ;)

how do you do it ? upgrading the house (baby room still needs work) and then yet create addons and play games

cant wait for it hope you have a good time at sqaudnight

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Wow IceBreakr, exceptional work, cant wait to put some boots in the sand!

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Way to go Ice! I can hardly wait for this next release of another of your great islands. Keep up the good work!

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I am looking forward to this release...Can't wait to have massive battles between the Afrenians and Molatians

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