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New Sound Mod in the making, slowly but surely

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Hey Pro/Chammy, just throwing a little suggestion out there that I think would be cool. I combined some pbos from Sgt Elias' sound mod with CSM2 and there are some nice touches that I think would enhance CSM. In the readme for his mod, Elias grants permission to use his sounds as well :)


There are some really nice casing drop noises and also a cool metallic noise for any machinegunner class when changing stances (the sound of the ammo belts moving). I just found using these together with the CSM gun and vehicles sounds was excellent and it would be neat if they could be incorporated officially. :cool:

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Hey Pro/Chammy, just throwing a little suggestion out there that I think would be cool. I combined some pbos from Sgt Elias' sound mod with CSM2 and there are some nice touches that I think would enhance CSM. In the readme for his mod, Elias grants permission to use his sounds as well :)


There are some really nice casing drop noises and also a cool metallic noise for any machinegunner class when changing stances (the sound of the ammo belts moving). I just found using these together with the CSM gun and vehicles sounds was excellent and it would be neat if they could be incorporated officially. :cool:

Do you just put the above Elias files in your folder with CSM2? I think I want to try this, sounds cool. I wish there was someway all the sound mods could be combined so we could use the best of all of them. Really some great sounding audio files out there.

Edited by stevedrumsdw

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Do you just put the above Elias files in your folder with CSM2? I think I want to try this, sounds cool. I wish there was someway all the sound mods could be combined so we could use the best of all of them. Really some great sounding audio files out there.

Well I removed the 2 "gear" files from CSM and put them in a Disabled folder. I think the gear pbos would conflict if you used them together. So far it just sounds like CSM with some extra cool sounds and effects.

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Just done the same AnimalMother but also added the environment sounds from Elias, AWSOMENESS! Sounds perfect with CSM.

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Just done the same AnimalMother but also added the environment sounds from Elias, AWSOMENESS! Sounds perfect with CSM.

I am running CSM with ACE_SM and tracked vehicles, do I have to disable ACE_sm to add Elias's environment sounds or will they addon to the others present?

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I just run mine like this and have the Elias sounds and Trsm sounds in the Xtras folder at the end of the mod line and it runs fine. I also disable the CSM sounds that i want Elias to use i.e. EnvSnd.pbos and Gear.pbos

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I want to try out CSM2 and have installed it. But what do I do with the userconfig? If I place it in the Arma directory it replaces the previous one wich is full of ACE stuff.. Now I would still like to be able to use ACE without any problems, CSM2 I'll use in a vanilla version. Sry, but I'm a complete retard when it comes to this kind of stuff :o Can anyone help me with this?

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C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\userconfig\CSM2

Paste it there^. Wont affect ACE at all because ACE ones are in this folder: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\userconfig\ACE

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I want to try out CSM2 and have installed it. But what do I do with the userconfig? If I place it in the Arma directory it replaces the previous one wich is full of ACE stuff.. Now I would still like to be able to use ACE without any problems, CSM2 I'll use in a vanilla version. Sry, but I'm a complete retard when it comes to this kind of stuff :o Can anyone help me with this?

Put the folder CSM2 (the one with the .hpp-file) inside your userconfig folder in your Arma²-directory. If you open the .hpp-file you can decide, if you want to use it with ACE or not ((//)#define).

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Thx Ordeal and Willa, it worked! However I did get an error saying 'Addon 'CSM2_c_wep_mg' requires addon 'acex_sm_sound_wep_mg'

I just clicked ok and the game started up. Is this an issue or not?

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Is the gear sound, or battle rattle workign for anyone? I think it still plays the vanilla sound, but im not sure.

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Go ahead and use the update as you wish, but please don't mirror this for general download as I'm not finished working on the h release. Also, it's only received limited testing at this point.


How's 1.04h going?

It would really rock if you guys could add support for some of the unique weapons that have been added to ACE. Right now they use vanilla sounds which is appalling next to the beauty of CSM noises. :p

A few off the top of my head:



-New AK variants and Russian weapons from RH's pack


..and probably others. If you managed to work in an update that supported those guns (or even had them use existing CSM sounds!) that would be the best.

Thanks again for this mod. :)

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This weapons use the ace sm sound not the vanilla ones.

I only miss the cracks from front of the gun, the gunsounds itself are quite good in ace sm, but distance firefights and the immersion that comes with it are only good in chammys sound mod.

Chammy you still working on version 3? because i dont really like the new sounds andstuff witch brought in by other guys.

Your best version till now in my eyes was the unreleased urban sound version which armavidz used for his videos...

start watching at 7 minutes


start watching at 7 minutes

But your csm3 vid sounds awesome too (first post this side)

You still on it or you still making sounds for project reality?

Edited by Pain0815

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This weapons use the ace sm sound not the vanilla ones.


I stopped using ACEX_SM because it over-rides CSM2 vehicle sounds. How would it use sounds from that mod if it's not even installed? And if there are sounds bundle with ACE core (not sure of this) then they still sound pretty bad compared to CSM. That's the point I'm making.

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Wow those Urban sounds are really amazing! Unparalleled depth of sound, I don't know how edited that is but that is some serious stuff.

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CSM2 version: 1.04h is available via the Yoma Addon Sync repository.

As always, backup your existing version before you update!

The Auto config URL is:


Changes are as follows:

Improved: AK107 single fire trailoff & automatic fire now uses burst fire sound

Improved: AK47 single fire trailoff

Added: M4 single fire trailoff variation

Added: M2 trailoff variations

Fixed: no M2 reload sound

Fixed: no C4 explosion sound

Improved: re-prioritised artillery sounds to utilise the additional sounds added in 1.04g release

Steakslim: I heavily modified the gear rattle (clunkety clunk) and footsteps (walking on grass sounded like you were splashing through water), so no; they are not vanilla.

Chammy: will you send me the AK74 sample you used in the first video/urban mod - I think it can fit really well.


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Thanks Chammy and Protegimus!

Some more feedback:

- UMP45 sounds different after each reload;

- M16A2/A4 sounds "dull" to me compared to the new M4 sound (badass);

- M4A1 sound is good but maybe a little too loud?

Thanks again!

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Hey Chammy & all who work on the sound mod,

Been using your mods since early days of Arma, they are always outstanding mate :)

The Arty sounds are really good, if the arty hits could be a bit louder it would be great, if its changeable that is.

Keep up the good work guys, I always look forward to see your latest versions.

Hope in the end it turns out to be as good/if not better than it was for Arma.


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Thanks for the continued support and releases.

I was wondering about using this and ACEX_SM. If we want to use CSM should we really remove ACEX_SM from our mod list? Or would that mean that some ACE guns would have no sound, or would they use a BIS default sound instead? Or does CSM have a sound for all the ACE guns too?

What about the vehicles? Do I still need to remove an ACE file to make sure I'm getting CSM vehicle sounds? What happens if I remove that file and Use the BMD2(for example)? Will it have no sound, a BIS sound, or a CSM sound?

sorry for all the questions but these are some things I have been wondering for a while.

Basically, I want to make sure I am using as many CSM sounds as possible, but I am unsure as to what happens if there is no CSM sound for a particular ACE object.

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The .fr server is fixed. The .com is only disabled temporarily.

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