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Dragon Rising has been released

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Thanks for the hint, object details were indeed on normal settings. I'll have a look into it again. However it shouldn't happen in the first place.

Now let's get on with ... 'the other game' :D When do we start 'guess time' and try to guess the exact release date of the sequel?


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Then it's too bad it's for crappy DR, no mission can fix that!


Yeah agreed, I equate that mission as a defibrillator that is trying to resuscitate something that has been declared clinically dead long ago.....I just read the forum thread over at CM about the LOD or the FOV for DR cannot be changed, I feel for the diehards that got this bad news.

To anyone; I use to have a problems on occasion with ARMA II where the Razor Team's heads looked like mannequins and eventually the head details would draw in....anyone else seen that before? Is that a video card thing? I think it might of been fixed in the last patch but I haven't played much since. Could this be a similar problem like the headless thing?

Edited by Stryker_1

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I think it's due to lod switching/texture loading. Test out some different video memory settings and try lowering the texture detail, plus defrag your hard drive

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Then it's too bad it's for crappy DR, no mission can fix that!

it's so damn easy to do in Arma2 it's nearly stupid sick.

I'm currently working on a new type of game type, full scale warfare for Arma2 (not like Warfare... but all out crazy go nuts big battle combat) and there isn't any lag, no spawning tricks, just tight scripting.

Currently without even adding the co-op players, I have over 100 active AI that are actually altering their battle plans depending on what towns are owned by the human players.

I have a long way to go, but I can produce a full scale island Arma2 war, without anything crazy like balancing AI, and all the crap that goes along with a DR mission.

I really can't believe that people would subject themselves to the atrocity of programing every little damn thing in LUA in DR.

You guys that don't edit, you would freak, if you knew what went into programing DR compared to Arma2. What we take for granted editing Arma2 is hours of work in DR. No B.S.

I AM NOT bagging on Templar at all. The guy truly does have some talent. Sincerely, sure we fire shots across the bow, but the guy does have some talent, but it's like being a master craftsman of covered wagon wheels.

I've told him several times that his talents (IMHO) are being wasted. But he loves DR, and I respect that, and the work that he does, but man, he works hard on to do what Arma2 editors go.... "plunk,there."

#1: "Sir: We've hit the Rock-Tank once again!"

#2: "Hey where'd it go?"

Leader: "Despawn.... damn, foiled by despawn again."

#1: "now what sir?"

Leader: "Everybody ok?"

#2 "I think Oscar and Mike, took a hit."

Leader "Medic patch up Oscar and Mike".

#3: "Is the battle over? cause I refuse to come out of hiding as long as anybody is shooting anything at anybody, I'm way too important."

Leader "Yes the battle is over, the rock tank despawned, thank god. So patch up Oscar and Mike, and act realistic."

#3 "If you think just because Commander Lenton says I have to be realistic, doesn't mean I have to"

Leader: "It's in your contract, I quote "The most realistic combat experience ever." So act like a medic."

#3 "Oscar only got shot in the head, nothing serious, but he's bleeding badly.... and he has a band-aide. And if he dies, we'll just pick him up good as new at next spawn point."

#6 "From what I query, you should cauterize the wound at the base of the bleeding, that should advert any excessive cerebral trauma."

#4 "What's with him?"

#5 "He has "Templar's AI", just appease him and he'll shuddup."

#4 "oh... poor chap".

"Leader: "common, people are watching so just do it and act realistic anyway, think of the revenue's."

#3 "Oscar Mike"

Leader: "That's what I said, Oscar and Mike"

#5 "Huh?"

#6 "What?"

Leader "No, not Oscar/Mike, but Oscar and Mike"

#5 "Huh?"

#6 "What?"

#3 "Who?"

Leader: <holds .45 ACP to forehead and contemplates the ramifications.>

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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From CM forums: "but DR's menu is a hellufa lot better than Arma 2's generic crap".

Hahaha now there is nothing to attack anymore (they learn slowly but eventually getting there) so now we attack the bloody MENU. Its better to have a GREAT menu and a crap game according to CM fans.

Good god what morons. Glad im not in that camp cause i would of gone f*cking bonkers. ARMA2's menu win anyday cause it takes you to the game INSTANTLY. And thats where i want to be and not stuck in some artsy farsty menu.

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Luhgnut;1547279']it's so damn easy to do in Arma2 it's nearly stupid sick.

I know, i spent more time in the editor than actually playing the game :p

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Maybe if Arma2 had a "PRESS ENTER" screen before the menus, like a console port has, it would be better?

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The final nail in DR's coffin?

I know, I know, it's already got more nails in its coffin than a roof tiler's nail bag, but still...

That means they never planned on having modding for the game aside from mission editing, which isn't even classed as "modding". So, there's yet another thing that they had lied about from the get-go. This reveals that they never actually cared about the reputation behind the OFP name bar making money off of it. Bad community support, bad patching support, no modding tools, no dedicated servers, 64 entity limit. It was a cashgrab from the start.

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My prediction is that DR will be dead soon and CM will lose alot of customers as they feel ripped of by a crappy game, no dedi-servers, no sdk and feel cm

doesn't listen or give a crap

These votes tell u a story:

Do you believe your feedback on this forum is being listened to?

Yes 5 10.64%

Maybe 8 17.02%

No 34 72.34%

Are you satisfied with the Patch fix list and the announced DLC?

Very Satisfied 4 8.70%

Satisfied 8 17.39%

Not sure/ Reserve Opinion until Patch+DLC is released 12 26.09%

Unsatisfied 22 47.83%

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The final nail in DR's coffin?

I know, I know, it's already got more nails in its coffin than a roof tiler's nail bag, but still...

To translate:

"We compile our code. You don't own the compile software license."

Well duh.

They make it sound so grandiose. They even over-hype their compilers.

and I'm with Zipper5 - "If you knew all along that you compiled your code, why state that you're going to support the modding community?"

Edited by [RIP] Luhgnut

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From CM forums: "but DR's menu is a hellufa lot better than Arma 2's generic crap".

Hahaha now there is nothing to attack anymore (they learn slowly but eventually getting there) so now we attack the bloody MENU. Its better to have a GREAT menu and a crap game according to CM fans.

Good god what morons. Glad im not in that camp cause i would of gone f*cking bonkers. ARMA2's menu win anyday cause it takes you to the game INSTANTLY. And thats where i want to be and not stuck in some artsy farsty menu.


so true Alex72

I think in the history of gaming no one else but DR fans have gone to such desperate measures consistantly.

I honestly think it would be embarassing to be a DR fanboy after all that has happened with that poor excuse for a game called DR and CM.

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I honestly think it would be embarassing to be a DR fanboy after all that has happened with that poor excuse for a game called DR and CM.

Indeed it is embarassing when people come out with rubbish like the comment about menus.

I had high hopes for DR and it could have been a great game which would have added a little competition to the mil sim niche, but there are just too many things wrong with the game that hardly bring it up to a mediocre standard.

One good thing to come out this though, is that's it's made me realise how good Arma2 actually is and is now my most played game ( including messing about in the editor ) by far.

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One good thing to come out this though, is that's it's made me realise how good Arma2 actually is and is now my most played game ( including messing about in the editor ) by far.

The Lord loves the sinner that repenteth, LOL.

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Luhgnut;1547608']To translate:

"We compile our code. You don't own the compile software license."

Well duh.

They make it sound so grandiose. They even over-hype their compilers.

and I'm with Zipper5 - "If you knew all along that you compiled your code' date=' why state that you're going to support the modding community?"[/quote']

I'm sure that I have previously stated that there are no plans for the release of an SDK, but here is the reason why straight from the devs (without any dumbing down) on why it won't be possible to release one, as I realise that this is the 1st thing people will ask:

The developers working on the game don't actually use an SDK themselves, they have a massive pipeline that runs on build servers and generates data for all platforms not just PC. The pipelines the devs use are very large integrated tools with many points of data dependency (meaning you'd need most of the pipelines). They also contain 3rd party software which requires the purchase of licenses.

So all this time, all this time while they were busy hyping this product as the true and natural Flashpoint successor, it was ALWAYS fundamentally impossible to do anything with it.

Great. Still, no skin off my nose, I never purchased it or needed it. ArmA2 is of course what I want & need :)

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I'm sure that I have previously stated that there are no plans for the release of an SDK, but here is the reason why straight from the devs (without any dumbing down) on why it won't be possible to release one, as I realise that this is the 1st thing people will ask:

The developers working on the game don't actually use an SDK themselves, they have a massive pipeline that runs on build servers and generates data for all platforms not just PC. The pipelines the devs use are very large integrated tools with many points of data dependency (meaning you'd need most of the pipelines). They also contain 3rd party software which requires the purchase of licenses.

Wow. Just.... wow. How can you make all these promises and exagerrations in your advertising, and then crop up with information like this?

Talk about bad business practice. By now it feels as if nobody at CM knows what the hell they are doing, or this was one of the most ruthless, calculated schemes for releasing a bad game on a good name I´ve ever seen.

Rather shocking...

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Luhgnut;1547608']To translate:

"We compile our code. You don't own the compile software license."

Well duh.

They make it sound so grandiose. They even over-hype their compilers.

and I'm with Zipper5 - "If you knew all along that you compiled your code' date=' why state that you're going to support the modding community?"[/quote']

As a comparison, BIS does encrypt it's engines, and archives with file-checks (mostly meant as anti-cheat measure, some DR players will have to Google that to know what it means), but addons are completely separate from this process, meaning that BIS implemented the ability to mod it's games from the start. CM inflexible design for DR is the definitive proof that they never intended to release any modding tools from the very beginning. It's not that they found this out later on in the development process, they started out with this plan, but fooled the potential buyers by leaving the impression (never say plainly "yes" or "no", those get you sued) they they would release an SDK until after people had bought it. Even prior to CM' plan not to release an SDK was the plan to make a quick buck by milking a name that actually stands for quality, unlike CM' internally developed crap.

If they had allowed for tools, and had made the game a little more flexible, they could have milked it successfully at least twice. Now all they've done is destroy the only valuable thing they had left, the good name.

"The marketing equivalent of AIDS".

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And from now on, when you mention a great game by the name of "Operation Flashpoint", people will no longer have no idea what it is. Instead, they'll automatically associate with the garbage that is Dragon Rising, not knowing of the gold that came before it. It truly is sad. Wouldn't it be nice if BIS had kept the name and CM could have f*cked off? :(

Edited by Zipper5

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And from now on, when you mention a great game by the name of "Operation Flashpoint", people will no longer have no idea what it is. Instead, they'll automatically associate with the garbage that is Dragon Rising, not knowing of the gold that came before it. It truely is sad. Wouldn't it be nice if BIS had kept the name and CM could have f*cked off? :(

Maybe they should've kept the 2 in the name so people remember the superior predecessor, lol.

Edited by RasdenFasden

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And from now on, when you mention a great game by the name of "Operation Flashpoint", people will no longer have no idea what it is. Instead, they'll automatically associate with the garbage that is Dragon Rising, not knowing of the gold that came before it. It truly is sad. Wouldn't it be nice if BIS had kept the name and CM could have f*cked off? :(

It's one of the big problems now. But this time it's bigger. It's not a crappy-made sequel, it's different game with old name. It's like take tetris and call it chess. no, it's worse because tetris and chess are both great games, but DR sucks so badly comparing to CWC. They did it. they made fast money out of existing name.

P.S. CM own OFP name, but that's all they have

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