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JTD Fire And Smoke

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Thanks for the comments :)

When making FAS, I'm mindful of a few things: I don't wish to bog the system down with either too much scripting, or too many particles. So my aim is to get "good enough" fire and propagation that acts logically, doesn't get goofy or out of hand and doesn't reduce your game to a slideshow. I'm interested in your description of the fuel fire effect, I think that means that I need to reduce some timings, and there's a small problem with scaling of fuel fires for the size of vehicle, but I will leave that for a future fix.

My life is becoming more fluid and pretty soon it will flip over as I start a new job, so I will aim to get a release out pretty soon, even if it's not a fully formed one :)

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Thanks for the comments :)

When making FAS, I'm mindful of a few things: I don't wish to bog the system down with either too much scripting, or too many particles. So my aim is to get "good enough" fire and propagation that acts logically, doesn't get goofy or out of hand and doesn't reduce your game to a slideshow. I'm interested in your description of the fuel fire effect, I think that means that I need to reduce some timings, and there's a small problem with scaling of fuel fires for the size of vehicle, but I will leave that for a future fix.

My life is becoming more fluid and pretty soon it will flip over as I start a new job, so I will aim to get a release out pretty soon, even if it's not a fully formed one :)

Great news DM! Thanks for your time/efforts on this awesome mod!

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Let me know if I can help in anyway. I know "jack-squat" about scripting, but fire I know! LOL

We'll be happy to get whatever you can give.. waiting eagerly.

Good Luck with the new job!

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Had another thought after watching the video again. Sometimes the "rolling" fire effect is also seen up high in POL fires.

Smoke is (in laymans terms) stuff that didnt burn but has change state of matter- from solid or liquid to a vapor or gas. (Incomplete Combustion) This happens for various reasons. More simply fuel being too rich or lean (too much/not enough "air"). The smoke can reach the right mixture up the smoke column high or low. A mini-back draft if you will.

Anytime you have a fuel in a gaseous form that suddenly finds an ignition source, the fire has a "rolling" pattern. If the gaseous fuel source continues, so will the "rolling" effect. Hence the gas tank pressure thing I mentioned earlier.


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I'm currently loving using your mod (FAS for over a year now) w/ BlastCore... I just hope that in the future that BIS allows us to set our own particle count because between the two, they get reserved fast. Worst-case scenario is that I drop BlastCore and just use FAS because stock smoke totally ruins the immersion for me.

Thank you again for all of your hard work and time spent w/ this excellent addition!!

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The new fire needs thicker smoke, like those industrial explosions.

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JTD FireAndSmoke 0.3 is released :)

JTD_FireAndSmoke v0.3

-All new smoke textures.

-Fire sound fixed.

-Birds sound fixed.

-Object fire colours fixed.

-Fuel fire effect added.

-More trees added to config.

-MP fix so non-users don't get their .rpt file spammed (as much).

-Other tweaks & fixes to ensure a good performance experience with new features.

Fingers crossed I haven't ballsed anything up, this is the first major release from my new machine & thus a new ArmA2 install.

This new version has a new effect: fuel fire. Each destroyed vehicle will emit smoke. Approx. 50% will be smoke columns, and 50% will be denser low-lying smoke. Of the smoke columns, approx. 60% will have it's fuel ignited and will burn it off. The length of time the fuel will burn is directly proportional to how much fuel was in the vehicle when it was destroyed, the smoke will burn seperately under it's own timing.

On updating FAS, I'm mindful of a couple of things:

Staying within a reasonable particle limit.

Staying within a reasonable scripting limit.

Now, I develop with my own machine in mind, and I recently made a nice shiny new one, and this new version works fine on mine. In heavy DAC missions, the particles can become a little thin sometimes, but the game itself doesn't seem to slow down, which is fine. FAS is great for light to moderate battlefield carnage, and IMO works best on long missions that have flurries of activity.


Edited by DMarkwick

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Unfortunately though, that's a blocked domain on my network. Waiting for Armaholic or other mirror...

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Unfortunately though, that's a blocked domain on my network. Waiting for Armaholic or other mirror...

Try this one.

Edited by DMarkwick

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Awesome. Will have a run around and blow things up tonight-ah.

Erk. Please redownload if you downloaded it before this post :)

Sorry :(

There's a possibility that the previous version was OK, but I repacked it anyway.

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Erk. Please redownload if you downloaded it before this post :)

Sorry :(

There's a possibility that the previous version was OK, but I repacked it anyway.

Why? What's wrong with it?

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Why? What's wrong with it?

There's a possibility that the first upload didn't have a fixed building fire file, so your .rpt file might get logged with some drop errors.

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So is everything compatible with WarFX no matter the load order? I noticed a motorcycle create a massive fuel fire in the desert, dunno if that's a bug or some sort of feature. Pretty sure it's a bug.

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Congrats on the release. Too bad you didn't incorporate my optimizations.

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Oh this is excellent! Those pillars of acrid black smoke being seen from miles across the battlefield is something I am glad to see again.

Couple of quick questions;

The AI, are they afraid of the fire yet?

Server side and client side required?

Are there any issues with some clients running it and other not?

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While raining the fire will be extinguished faster than if sunny.

Hmmm, but I hope someone can come up with a fire extinguisher script. Or addon!

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HAHA! This is awesome, makes warfare very realistic. Seeing all the burning vehicles and buildings. Not tried it yet (goes running into a burning building), but do people that are engulfed in flames die or catch fire, run around screaming then die?

Maybe it's possible to have people catch fire, go prone then roll over with the "Q" & "E" keys to put out the fire.

Stop, drop and roll. :D

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Whoa! Greeted like this when coming home from work is a treat. :)

Thanks a lot DM & JTD team!

...ok off to get amazed.

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