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OFP Addon request thread

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I'm looking for the weapon replacement sounds in this video by Dario Ajducic or any other sounds that simulate distant gunfire sounds from afar. i'm also asking for any farmland/pepzombie zombie scripts


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On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2019 at 5:28 PM, d4rkchocolate said:

I'm looking for the weapon replacement sounds in this video by Dario Ajducic or any other sounds that simulate distant gunfire sounds from afar. i'm also asking for any farmland/pepzombie zombie scripts


dara sounds: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qo13bm8s65zs418/DaraOfp__New_sounds_v.1.2.rar/file


peep zombies and farmland can be found here: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/LqSK/pqnB9aCY6/unofaddons2/pepzombiesV1.0.rar



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2 hours ago, zwobot said:

Thanks, but i was kinda hoping that the Polish soldiers they had in the photos were available.  Eh, they probably never released them, but thanks anyways.

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LWP infantry was never released. I may be wrong, but old screenshots show infantry models by Vilas (so those could be probably found in one of Vilas' Packs), while latest ones were made by Offtime (I guess gone for ever).


As for LWP mod releases, all that's available:

I was 99% sure that T-55 was also released, but it seems that my memory is faulty here. Also thanks to @spooky lynx for inspiration to check all available OFPR.info backups (I guess all of them have that stuff, but some doesn't show everything).


As for OFPL - most of their stuff is archived on Armaholic, you can find it easy by searching for OFPL tag. I haven't uploaded Lechistan island there yet, because it requires a lot of addons (namely Mapfact ones). I hope someday I'll get back to this.

Edited by krzychuzokecia
Added links to addons
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On 4/30/2019 at 4:03 PM, krzychuzokecia said:


I'm interested in it. If you have some free time please upload it somewhere. Found it on ofp.info mirror.

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Does anyone know an addon containing towed large-caliber Soviet anti-air guns like 57-mm S-60 and 100-mm KS-19?

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1 hour ago, hitman1987 said:

There's some in RCWC i guess

Unfortunately no.

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Does anyone have the links to all the required add-ons for the DMA Dynamic Libya mission, as well as the DMA Dynamic Random War (all versions, USMC, Resistance, etc.)? It's difficult finding the needed add-ons with some dead or scattered links.



Update: I've found the missions for DMA Dynamic Random War (all versions), but not the specific add-ons needed for it. Also still can't find anything for DMA Dynamic Libya.


Link to DMA Dynamic Random War (all versions) missions https://www.gamefront.com/games/operation-flashpoint-resistance/file/dma-random-war


Update 2: Found all the add-ons, and thanks to Rozek, I got the hard to obtain DMA_Libya.pbo

You can download my mod pack here if you want to try out these missions. http://www.mediafire.com/file/0b3eb73yec8gari/v5.3_Marc%27s_Custom_ModPack.zip/file

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Hey @zulu1, could you share JF_Complete(8.7.09).rar?

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I believe I remember back in the day that there was a mod which replaced the US radio voices with German speakers. Can someone confirm and please share a copy of the mod if they have it?

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I am looking for the following afmod mission.
I could get both campaigns.


Single-player missions:










thank you in advance


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On 7/9/2019 at 10:04 PM, -Snafu- said:

I believe I remember back in the day that there was a mod which replaced the US radio voices with German speakers. Can someone confirm and please share a copy of the mod if they have it?

Hello Snafu,

I found the BW sounds from DVD on my harddisk 🙂

please tell me if something is missing because i don't have the original zipfile anymore




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