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Will you be buy Dragon Rising?  

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  1. 1. Will you be buy Dragon Rising?

    • Yes, I definitely will buy it.
    • No, I definitely won't buy it.
    • I will decide based on the demo.
    • I will decide based on reviews.

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  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,14:33) said:
...for those who might be actually interested in the game...

Oh, I am interested, but sadly not for yet another arcade shootout.

Excuse me for being pessimistic, but from what seen so far the game is exactly that.

If I'm proved wrong I'll be more then happy to run to the nearest shop and buy it!

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I agee.. we have just seen tiny snippets of a Work in progress game. So i am apauled at the radical claims and the "fail" approach people are taking to what we have seen so far.

Its work in progress people! Sure, there may have some foul play in publicising the development of the game, but i dont see why this should instantly contsitute the game to being 'crap'

I on the other hand, remain aprehensive that what we will see is a strong contender to Arma 2

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]I on the other hand, remain aprehensive that what we will see is a strong contender to Arma 2

Exactly. Where do people even get the idea that it is supposed to compete with ArmA2. It's obviously not going to be as sim-like and hard to get into. This is a big dev making a big game, not a niche dev making a niche game.

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  (Deadfast @ Feb. 20 2009,15:48) said:
  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,14:33) said:
...for those who might be actually interested in the game...

Oh, I am interested, but sadly not for yet another arcade shootout.

Excuse me for being pessimistic, but from what seen so far the game is exactly that.

If the things CM has been saying about the injury system and AI are even half-true, it will be ArmA 2 that is the arcade shooter.

ArmA 2 even features a system to REVIVE THE DEAD for christ's sakes biggrin_o.gif From what I gather, the main characters will be unkillable unless you incapacitate them all at the same time. How's that for arcade shooter?

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Pulverizer, I guess one thing many people are complaining about is exactly that its not OFP.

Operation Flashpoint lived for so many years because of the community. Thanks to its members who dedicated so many hours of work just made OFP to that what its now.

Codemasters on the other hand took the name and it seems like they're producing something different, something acarde that doesn't match the original Flashpoint idea, but still riding on the positive wave that the name Operation Flashpoint brings with it.

I'm for example offended by this kind of behaviour.

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  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,14:52) said:
Exactly. Where do people even get the idea that it is supposed to compete with ArmA2.

You state this and yet compare them in your next post  


If you can honestly state that there is no competition going on between the two games your dreaming...

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  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,15:57) said:
ArmA 2 even features a system to REVIVE THE DEAD for christ's sakes biggrin_o.gif From what I gather, the main characters will be unkillable unless you incapacitate them all at the same time. How's that for arcade shooter?

Now you're just starting flaming...

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  (froggyluv @ Feb. 20 2009,16:03) said:
You state this and  yet compare them in your next post  

Yeah so? You can compare certain aspects of games without them being direct competitors. For example:

"I think the graphics are way nicer in NFS ProStreet than in iRacing"

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  (Raphier @ Feb. 20 2009,13:53) said:
  (Placebo @ Feb. 20 2009,13:27) said:
  (froggyluv @ Feb. 20 2009,13:12) said:
Part 2 is released!

Amazing   tounge2.gif

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Clive Lindop, the game's senior designer, AI specialist and a veteran of the original Flashpoint team.

Umm say what now?


Well, During Flashoint development or something close to that, was there a person at Bis offices named Clive Lindpodwhateverhissurnameis. (CodeM represantive?)

Otherwise, that's damn sad of them  band.gif

Clive Lindop was never involved in the development of Operation Flashpoint (the first one, not this second one that carries the same name) in any way as far as I can tell. I think it's a very legitimate question to ask Eurogamer and Codemasters what work he did in the original Flashpoint team. And what of his work is in the game he apparently created?

He was never part of the Bohemia Interactive team, his name never, ever came to my attention during the whole period that we developed Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (with myself as the project lead) and from what I gather he only joined Codemasters in October 2005, after we completed our last project with Codemasters; Operation Flashpoint: Elite for Xbox, despite the fact he lists himself in such a way that some people may believe he was “Art Director†for Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.

I believe it is very sad that Codemasters are not satisfied simply with owning the Operation Flashpoint name and are also trying to copy everything that made it good and replicate it (how creative is that?), but it sounds like they are also trying to behave like they really are the people behind the development of the original classic Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis. Weird.

I really like competition, so Operation Flashpoint 2 (or whatever it’s called today) is good additional motivation for us to make a better game, but this type of attitude is completely unacceptable to me.

I would like to repeat some facts: we worked on the first Operation Flashpoint for a very long time (since 1997), we signed the deal with Codemasters in August 2000 and the game launched in June 2001. I believe that speaks for itself. To anyone interested in learning more about the road to Flashpoint, I definitely suggest our post mortem over at Gamasutra.

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  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,15:06) said:
  (froggyluv @ Feb. 20 2009,16:03) said:
You state this and  yet compare them in your next post  

Yeah so? You can compare certain aspects of games without them being direct competitors. For example:

"I think the graphics are way nicer in NFS ProStreet than in iRacing"

You can compare whatever you want -but BIS and CM are actively competing in who takes top billing in the Mil-Sim market. Who do you think CM is talking about when they mention competion -DICE?

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Imo CM focus at - easy enough for fun/console player.

Who knows if you cant test/play it?

Maybe "Call of Flashpoint2" with bigger terrain and better AI.

Maybe real good mp combat shooter with flaws in storyline/telling and other "desingbugs" in sp part?

*leans back, drink some coffee and enjoys the yaddayadda + pr stunts. xmas_o.gif

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  (entertainer @ Feb. 20 2009,16:05) said:
Now you're just starting flaming...

Now you're moderating?

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  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,16:13) said:
  (entertainer @ Feb. 20 2009,16:05) said:
Now you're just starting flaming...

Now you're moderating?

Just seeing your ofp2 defense atempts starting to get into arma2 bashing....

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Hi all

In reply to Pulverizer's points

People do as people do.

Or to quote Forrest "Stupid is as stupid does"

People want to think of them selves as honnest and reliable, circumstances and their own wants and needs make them act in ways that do not match up. This is idealism.

Others note that the world does not match up and think to them selves that many others do not realise the world is not ideal. This is realism.

Pulverizer possibly thinks he is a realist.

This not the case, unless he has played OFP2.

Since I believe he has not played OFP2 I do not believe he can say that those Publicity points are true.

You will only know if codemasters have achieved any of those with real in game movies that show them or better still by playing it. If a beta comes out, and that will be a big test, then people will know just how much OFP2 has lived up to OFP.

On what I have seen so far in video OFP2 is COD or Far Cry or BF not OFP.

On the matter of realists and idealists, beware!

They fall into numorous catagories these are just a smattering.

* The stupid idealist who you can sell a pig in a poke. (believes the hype on a game)

* The realy stupid idealist who thinks everything should be like his view of heaven (Wants the game to do exactly what he thinks it should, we all know the type: the texture of that scratch is in the wrong place it should be two milimetres to the left as that it is where the reciever wears it down etc.)

* The stupid realist nothing will ever be good enough (leads to depresion)

* The realy stupid/evil realist who noticing that others do not see the real world thinks they have an excuse to sell people pigs in pokes. (Politicians, Journalists, Lawyers, Theives, Drug Dealers, some Game publishers)

Also all most all of us suffer from all of the above at various moments  wink_o.gif

Kind Regards walker

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You are completely wrong, Walker. I did not make any definite statements about how OFP2 will be nor was I taking anything CM says about it as the God's honest truth.

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Hi all

Glad to see that Marek has replied on the matter of Clive Lindop not being involved with BIS ever.

Previous page 2nd from the bottom:


Edit replying to Hoot in post below:

Posts at the bottom of thread pages often get missed.

Some people even "game"  post until it reaches the top so as to gain the headline position on the page (and yes I am one and there are others), also look out for flooding to move post past a topic so it it gets drowned there are a whole bunch of other techniqes.

Posted in edit to prevent an inadvertent flood  wink_o.gif

Kind Regards walker

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Interesting find Walker, i did'nt see it!


  (Maruk @ Feb. 20 2009,15:09) said:
[...]I really like competition, so Operation Flashpoint 2 (or whatever it’s called today) is good additional motivation for us to make a better game[...]

As Placebo answered a post yesterday with the words of Lt. Cmdr. Worf, i'll do it in the words of Cpt. Jean Luc Picard today: "Make it so!"

Maruk just take it as a gent, we have a saying here in Germany: "Getroffene Hunde bellen!" what would be in English "Hit dogs will bark!" but the correct translation seems to come from dict.cc "Methinks thou dost protest too much." wink_o.gif

Stay cool over there! If they need to fake, then they'll know their role in this competition very well. You answered with style yesterday and that's the way things should go in such a fight.

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that article seems like a repeat from last year really.

Not much new info there. I have to agree tho that if you make the mistake of thinking you can do the same UI for consoles and PC games you are doing things very wrong.

Of course BIS could do the same mistake.

Even if it seems justified to doubt any gameplay information by Codemasters , BIS hasn't show us any proof of any new features/enhancements either.

(I am not demanding to see anything by the way, just saying).

But yes , overall after reading those same old selling points in that article at this point BIS really does not seem to have much competition.

I mean , as if that ring UI command system that is locked on your gun is any good. Moving an actual command cursor across the entire screen beats the hell out of that any day. You just have context sensitivity wherever you click.

P.S: I hope you notice the irony in your idealism post a bit walker tounge2.gif

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  (Hoot @ Feb. 20 2009,15:36) said:
  Maruk,Feb. 20 2009,15:09 said:
Operation Flashpoint 2 (or whatever it’s called today) is good additional motivation for us to make a better game

hehehe...you will...definately... Today there was a promorelease from CM on the OFP2.info website. They´ve not only disappointed the OFP2 Com with a stupid release but further with a game which might contain a good engine..but gameplay seems pretty similar to BF2 to me....want to say, arcade pure. The videos which were released by BIS are much more promissing a very good game with an awesome Athmosphere.

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  (Maruk @ Feb. 20 2009,15:09) said:
  (Raphier @ Feb. 20 2009,13:53) said:
  (Placebo @ Feb. 20 2009,13:27) said:
  (froggyluv @ Feb. 20 2009,13:12) said:
Part 2 is released!

Amazing   tounge2.gif

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Clive Lindop, the game's senior designer, AI specialist and a veteran of the original Flashpoint team.

Umm say what now?


Well, During Flashoint development or something close to that, was there a person at Bis offices named Clive Lindpodwhateverhissurnameis. (CodeM represantive?)

Otherwise, that's damn sad of them  band.gif

Clive Lindop was never involved in the development of Operation Flashpoint (the first one, not this second one that carries the same name) in any way as far as I can tell. I think it's a very legitimate question to ask Eurogamer and Codemasters what work he did in the original Flashpoint team. And what of his work is in the game he apparently created?

He was never part of the Bohemia Interactive team, his name never, ever came to my attention during the whole period that we developed Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis (with myself as the project lead) and from what I gather he only joined Codemasters in October 2005, after we completed our last project with Codemasters; Operation Flashpoint: Elite for Xbox, despite the fact he lists himself in such a way that some people may believe he was “Art Director†for Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.

I believe it is very sad that Codemasters are not satisfied simply with owning the Operation Flashpoint name and are also trying to copy everything that made it good and replicate it (how creative is that?), but it sounds like they are also trying to behave like they really are the people behind the development of the original classic Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis. Weird.

I really like competition, so Operation Flashpoint 2 (or whatever it’s called today) is good additional motivation for us to make a better game, but this type of attitude is completely unacceptable to me.

I would like to repeat some facts: we worked on the first Operation Flashpoint for a very long time (since 1997), we signed the deal with Codemasters in August 2000 and the game launched in June 2001. I believe that speaks for itself. To anyone interested in learning more about the road to Flashpoint, I definitely suggest our post mortem over at Gamasutra.

Im not in law or anything but can't you sue? If they are really claiming to be behind the original other than being the publisher;

I mean you guys do own the copyrights and everything to OFP except for the name right?

That's like me finding the mona-lisa and saying that i created it and try to make a profit from it. (bad example i know)


And to the BF2 similarities:


When i first noticed this picture i thought it was BF2 seriously...

Source: OFP2.info

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I don't think they'd want to sue, with them using assets from the original game that CM probably owns the copyright of and all... whistle.gif

Sueing would of course be fun as hell but getting counter-sued and going bankrupt for that would be a bitch :P

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  (Maruk @ Feb. 20 2009,15:09) said:
....despite the fact he lists himself in such a way that some people may believe he was “Art Director†for Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis.......

.....I believe it is very sad that Codemasters are not satisfied simply with owning the Operation Flashpoint name and are also trying to copy everything that made it good and replicate it (how creative is that?), but it sounds like they are also trying to behave like they really are the people behind the development of the original classic Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis. Weird........

.....but this type of attitude is completely unacceptable to me....


I already posted this in the older OFP2 thread, that i was pissed that they always put their words in such a way, the interested crowd and old OFP1 Fanbase, thinks they will get a true sequel to OFP1 and even worse, that codemasters actually made OFP1 - which of course it is/was not.

Clive L. usually used in Interviews sentences like "... In our first Flashpoint we made this and that.... bla bla.... nothing_than_lies"

And now this... A real joke......Codemasters, give up!

For me the situation is clear:

1. CM uses some typical multi-billion, greedy-bastard corporation methods, which are mostly "lie" and "making things up", beyond any moral.

On top i wouldn't be surprised if they pay money (or confirm massive ad campaigns) to game magazines, to get their crappy Render-Screenshots on the Frontpage of the big gaming magazines, followed by articles full of false claims.

2. They desperately fail to bring even something comparable (Engine-wise) like Arma1/Arma2, like BIS did in 10 years of development - even if they would hire another 100 people to work on.

Lets face it, compared to Arma2 (and partially even to Arma1),

their models looking like crap, the environment looks crap, the animations looking crap, etc... Only the lighting is comparable.

3. They, because they have as a big greedy corporation only one interest - MONEY! - aiming this game totally for Console-Shooter Kids and Computer-Shooter Kids....

In my opinion they would not in 1000 years deserve the name "Operation Flashpoint"

So lets spread the word:

"Codemasters may have the Operation Flashpoint name, but Bohemia Interactive have the soul."

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  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,17:00) said:
I don't think they'd want to sue, with them using assets from the original game that CM probably owns the copyright of and all... whistle.gif

Sueing would of course be fun as hell but getting counter-sued and going bankrupt for that would be a bitch :P

Huh? What assets from the original game? They aren't using any in ArmA or ArmA2. Those copyrighted by Codemasters aren't used. And I believe it's only some of the campaign voices that codemasters own. Everything else is the property of BIS.

CM owns the name and a few of the voices.

oh snap.

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  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,20:57) said:
  (Deadfast @ Feb. 20 2009,15:48) said:
  (Pulverizer @ Feb. 20 2009,14:33) said:
...for those who might be actually interested in the game...

Oh, I am interested, but sadly not for yet another arcade shootout.

Excuse me for being pessimistic, but from what seen so far the game is exactly that.

If the things CM has been saying about the injury system and AI are even half-true, it will be ArmA 2 that is the arcade shooter.

ArmA 2 even features a system to REVIVE THE DEAD for christ's sakes biggrin_o.gif From what I gather, the main characters will be unkillable unless you incapacitate them all at the same time. How's that for arcade shooter?

for god sakes revive script have been around for quite a long time, it works and feels like the exam command in ACE mod, only that ACE mod added more content over the basic


i agree with you 100%, make it so BI

hopefully the race is getting hot now tounge2.gif

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What doesn't look crap in OFP2 models are the faces though. ArmA 2 is definitely deep in the uncanny valley in that department, very creepy stuff.

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