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VILAS addons release thread

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those two, stoping moding so far + fight (cause i wanna modding) , but as far as i hear - BIS hired guy nicknamed Hicks, this guy was having serious issues with Martin's Taviana ownership, this guy was editing Taviana, wanted to make updates and half of players of Dayz believes that Taviana is his, not Martins :| issues between Martin and Hicks are not familiar to more people cause here noone plays Dayz, but Martin as we all know makes Taviana since many years and it was year or more ago, when Hicks leading (if i recall corectly) Dayz Taviana mod wanted make his own Taviana versions and updates and was stopped by Martin (which cause big hateflood in Dayz community) and since that Martin stooped public modding and make Taviana updates only within mod "Origins", no more new versions of Taviana appear in public although there is version 3.0 or more now (which i have and which has 2 islands more and reworked objects , fixed buildings etc.)

and now this guy works for BIS, and i am called whore for defending ownership to my addons and eventuall profits from those addons, maybe BIS doesnt want modding scene cause more mods = less DLC, less "another game every year" ? OFP model of game industry doesn't work anymore ? OFP was famous thanx to mods, Arma1 was not good game, not good engine but mods popularized it, Arma2 is also strong thanx to modding scene and now what ? kill modding scene to release DLCs ? if people who deny copyrights of Taviana work for BIS than what can modders do ? i do not want to see for example P85 content in Standalone released by BIS cause development team thought it belongs not to me but to them, addons belong to addonmakers, we can do with addons what we want, we can allow one mod use it, we can deny use in mod who asks - it is our right respected in Arma but not respected in Dayz where dayz community (without reaction of moderators there) say that:

- our addons do not belong to us, whoever do not give his addon to edit is enemy (Martin for Taviana, guys who write scripts etc)

- asking for permission is equal automatic getting permission to edit,

- users of addons can collect donations on addons that they havent done, but authors of addons cannot demand their share and even more they must feel sorry and pay to brands which cars they made , maybe i should pay to Dayz mods that they use my addons and collect money ?

they do not see difference between mod who make its own content and those who just download content, they believe they have even more rights to addon content than its author

Hello Vilas

sorry to hear all the troubles you have. I've read your post on DayZ forum and all the comments left. You are definitely right that things are changing BIS changed and the community changed as well. Not sure if for the better though.

This whole selling content made by other people, is going to disintegrate this once great community and yeah I agree with you, that the OFP model doesn't work anymore. BIS admitted that the huge content release of ArmA2 and OA has been a mistake. They went mainstream now as all the others developer do. Less content more cash to be milked form the customer with DLC's.

Really sad.

best regards

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Some things with bis are being under clarification

Edited by vilas

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Discussions going on at the DayZ forums should not be brought into here and vice versa, if someone is breaking content permission rules or such then report it, otherwise this thread should be about Vilas' addons as they pertain to Arma, no more, no less.

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Vilas, will you be making anymore addons for the series, or is the door closing now ?

Be sad if it does close, you've made a lot for the game, all really appreciated by most of us..

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The way forward is already here: Project Reality are turning into a free-to-play model. Not perfect, but maybe an alternative to modding commercial games.

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thanx, i am registering to Project Reality at the moment, gonna download and check it

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No matter what you decide Vilas the 'real' community appreciates your hard work and all that you've released for Arma

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so far i deleted MLODs released to public and kindly please:

- do not use any of those elements in Dayz (except Dayz Sahrani which asked for permission and has it)

- do not make more Arma3 addons from it

public MLODs deleted

and so far similar to CWRmod, RACS mod - no plans to Arma3 , lack of BIS reaction (as owners and keepers of DayZ which is now theirs = no free moding their games when i am called "whore" ) but of course i will be present on forum and active , eventual updates will maybe distributed non-public via my forum, via PMs, via emails , i hope to finalize P85 for Arma2 of course, so far adding BREM-1 Soviet repair vehicle is it's maybe last add, fixes made by me in September and begining of October to P85 of course will be applied (new interiors, some more sight reticles) i hope to deliver BREM-1 model in nearest free time (cause i owe this community a lot and for those there will be this update :) )

Edited by vilas

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I fully agree with Vilas and understand him,Dayz brought a lot of trolls and petty thieves.Rocket should have been more responsible with his mod and try to restrict it or it's architecture.Now everyone develops 200 versions of Dayz,kiddies stealing content and hoping to score some easy bucks.You can't even talk about Arma anymore without someone telling "oh that zombie game".The fault lays entirely with Dayz,not only it took resources from A3,but it's also affecting mods from Arma.

I'll always appreciate what you did Vilas,you made it possible to have so much variety in A2CO scenarios with your awesome civ car pack or service vehicles like police cars,ambulances and many others.It's always a pleasure to fire up ACO and make a mission with Vilas packs.

I know it may be hard but I would advise you to ignore those pathetic kids calling you names.No point wasting energy on less developed intellects.

Anyway I hope you'll develop for Arma 3 too,that game is really missing civ stuff,but if you stop it because of these events I'll understand.

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Fully understand Vilas! Thanks for all you've done - you're work has been very inspirational for my 3D modeling :)

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I just discovered Project '85 :yay:. Maybe I am a bit late. I really like the Scimitar and the Leopards but is there a reason the Leopards can't move the commander's sight up/down and the Scimitar commander's sights don't rotate or elevate? Is it something I have done, installing it wrongly or a bug or deliberately like that?

In any case Project '85 looks great.

Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I did search about but couldn't find anything.

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nice that you dscovered P85, good to play P85 on CWR too, CWR is great too and also cold war :)

and this bug with commender's optic: it is because i had no time to fix it , it is bug of course , not feature :) it is because of constant lack of free time before :)

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Thanks for clearing that up Vilas. I am downloading CWR now.

Is the commander optics a config issue? Is there any chance it will be fixed one day? Either way they are still great vehicles, I will just have to use the gunner's seat!

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Can you make german wehrmacht and Soviet infantry with authentic weapons,uniforms and winter camo from 1941-1945 era?

Edited by Battleship

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Is the commander optics a config issue? Is there any chance it will be fixed one day? Either way they are still great vehicles, I will just have to use the gunner's seat!

Yes and Yes.

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Yeah, and don't forget to include every vehicle, ship and airplane of that short conflict as well... :rolleyes:

Sounds easy!! :z:

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Can you make german wehrmacht and Soviet infantry with authentic weapons,uniforms and winter camo from 1941-1945 era?

You can buy Iron Front for this, based on ArmA2 engine.

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It would be great if there is a new mod for Eastern Front exclusive for arma 2 or OA.

There is literally a complete ArmA 2 game about it, Iron Front O_o

But yeah sure, let Vilas make ANOTHER mod about the same topic -_-

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There is literally a complete ArmA 2 game about it, Iron Front O_o

But yeah sure, let Vilas make ANOTHER mod about the same topic -_-

Although there is another game about the Eastern Front, Vilas is free to make about a mod about it if he wants too its entirely his decision. I can't see any issue with another mod on the same topic.

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Hi when i try to use this mod, i get en error when i start the game : Cannot load texture p85_v\ico\icomap_sa8_ca.paa.

And then when i try to start editing a map the unit icons doesn't appear?

I play wit the newest beta, without any other army mods, and without ACE.

Alittel update, i tested it again it seems only to be the german vehicles, that doesn't show up on the map.

I get error like this when i try to set the units on the map: Cannot load texture p85_v\ico\icomap_1a4_ca.paa.

and also get these:

Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueFaction/

Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueClass/

Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueVehicle/

Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueFaction/

Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueClass/

Error loading control bin\config.bin/RscDisplayArcadeUnit/controls/CA_ValueVehicle/

Any help please...


Edited by Sixt

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This may have been asked before, but are there any plans to include the French Army of this period of this as well? I know we have Operation Frenchpoint, but they're more focused toward the contemporary French Military so I'm just wondering if you have had any plans to include them and even if they were no longer under NATO command at this point, France probably would've still gotten involved if Soviet tanks started to roll through the Fulda Gap.

Edited by (2142)Gen.Reaper

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note - due to Arma3 "contest" i would like to inform, that i am NO LONGER allowing to use anything i made in Arma3 to "contest", so, i am sorry to those who already get my permissions for Arma3 stuff in past weeks/months, i am sorry, but situation changed due to money-prize given by BIS for addons in Arma3 (look at Arma3 contest issue)

i am sorry to take back permissions, but i have to due to financial reasons behind this , any elements of MLODs released in past (soldiers, weapons, vehicles) have to be regretfully taken only for use in Arma2 , Arma1 , but NOT Arma3 which as it looks is different game than were Arma1, Arma2 and OFP,

500 000 Euros for "best mod" seems something that never happened in community in past when we all were doing it for fun, and noone was judging others for lacks (as we are hobbysts we were doing what we could in our free time after jobs, shools, studies, now it seems it becomes "a job, a race")

i will not agree to any elements made by me in Arma3 , because half milion is something which lots of people will be racing, including teams (than % agreements in case of win and legal agreements in case of win etc)

i was some days not looking at forum, but today when i looked i have seen something which i couldn't believe my eyes see, but it seems it is not due to my lacks in English language (and misunderstandings of English language texts) nor fantasy , seems like now we race and competee for money like in corporations-jobs :( good bye Operation Flashpoint , good morning Hudsucker Proxy, half milion Euro (750 000 USD) awaits ?

okay, so now i am hiring people on 5% agreements ?

Edited by vilas
changed to contest

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