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VILAS addons release thread

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I still dont sem to be able to get the M109 working with the Arty Module.

The link for the config you sent me seems to be a link to your email.

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That is because ATM all P'85 artilllery pieces use the D30's 122mm HE shell ballistic tables.

These allow indirect fire from height angle 30°+ only.

Since the M109's max height angle is ~24°, indirect fire is not possible.

I would glady write fitting ballistic tables for the new artillery pieces, but I have absolutely no clue how to do that...

Here is the samle 122mm table for the curious:

// ARTY Module ballistics table.
// Magazine: ARTY_30Rnd_122mmHE_D30
// Ammo: ARTY_Sh_122_HE
// AirFriction: -0.00038

private ["_btab", "_minRange", "_maxRange", "_minHeight", "_maxHeight", "_hstep"];

_btab = [

_minHeight = -1000;
_maxHeight = 1000;
_hstep = 200;
_minRange = 2375;
_maxRange = 5800;
[_btab, _minRange, _maxRange, _minHeight, _maxHeight, _hstep]

For now, maybe changing the max height angle for the 109 to ~40° would be a nice compromise.




Maybe Charon Productions could help. He seems to be into this arty stuff a lot.


Take a look yourself: If you move your M109 to a steep slope and thus artificially increase the height angle to above 30°, indirect fire becomes possible:


Edited by Dimitri_Harkov

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so i have to change barrel angle for M109 to how many degrees ? 45 ?

Edited by vilas

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The more, the better :)

I have read that it could elevate it's barrel to ~ 75°. If that works with the model, why not?

Also, 70° for the 2S1 instead of 45° would be nice (if possible).

My source for the barrel angles is Wikipedia only, so I don't know how accurate they are. But more elevation would increase the usefulness of the Artillery immensely.



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Explain how those are a work in progress?

They look gorgeous already! :eek: :p

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why w.i.p. ?

cause not properly configured, for screens only, cause need more weapons to finish pack

BIS made few tiny mistakes in model of SVD, so in pack there will be new receiver for SVD and made SVDS and SVD black furniture

AN94 will have animated barrel , i must check some more info about SP6 balistics, i must texture SR3, i must consider SV98 etc.

w.i.p. cause show few rifle, pack will contain much more:

SKS, AK47 from first serie, real AK from 1949, AK (47) III type, widely known, AKS, AKM, AKMS, AKM GP, AKMS-B (PBS1)w/wo 1PN58, AK74 and AKS74 in both furniture (wood and plum), AK/S74+GP25, AKS74U, RPK, RPK74, RPK74M, RPK74+1PN58, PK, PKM, RPD, PKP ironsight, SR3, OC14 (normal, scope, SD, GP), AK74M w/wo GP30, 1P29, VSS, VAL, Cobra on something, SVD PSO1, SVD 1PN58, SVDM, SVDS, maybe SV98, SVDM + maybe 1P21

addon will be ca. 100 MB on disc

Edited by vilas

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I hope you know I was kidding Vilas, only trying to pay you a compliment on those great models.

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Nice work vilas!

Please look into the .p3d of the M109 again.

There must be some memory LOD mistake, because the gunner AI

does not fire the cannon or the commander the M2 AT ALL with fire commands

or on enemy contact. Can be probably fixed easily.

Keep it up !

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Nice work vilas!

Please look into the .p3d of the M109 again.

There must be some memory LOD mistake, because the gunner AI

does not fire the cannon or the commander the M2 AT ALL with fire commands

or on enemy contact. Can be probably fixed easily.

Keep it up !

because M2 is configured like in real to fire when turned out

M2 has no mount like NSV on Soviet/Russian tanks where you can fire machinegun from inside

in Abrams i gave such possibility, but i don't know if on real M109 you can fire machinegun from inside

shame that in game all crew is or turned off or all inside without possibility to mix

there will be AEK and AN94 with GP25

also i wonder to do 1P21 or not


today progress w.i.p. SVD

here you see comparision of details to BIS receiver



models shown, SMDI map not finished, so it is "wip" look without scratches and metallic look

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hmm.. i just put on map in editor 2 M109 and 2 T72 and M109 opened fire at RUS tanks




applied SMDI :)


w.i.p. on NSPU 3 (1PN51) entered service in early 90's


Edited by vilas

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Sorry to interupt you, but are you talking about the M109 from P85 or the M109 from the American vehicle pack? AFAIK they are not the same.

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@vilas: I have repeated your test, and it does fire. I used a soft armored target i believe and that might not have been considered for the weapon selection of the M109 by the engine. So sorry for the confusion.

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Hey Vilas i have a question, how can u add a M2 to a M109 just as "decoration" while u always talk about realism? Dont get me wrong....i just wanna understand ;s

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The MG works on the new version of the M109 (included in the US vehicle pack). I guess the M109 that is in P'85 will be updated sooner or later.

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Hey Vilas i have a question, how can u add a M2 to a M109 just as "decoration" while u always talk about realism? Dont get me wrong....i just wanna understand ;s

Vilas M12 pack is a public beta version of his upcoming US Armour pack, he updated it recently and now the .50 is working

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