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thank you for your very hard work over the last year, your work has greatly improved arma 2 and oa's experience. SLX will and always has been the first addon I and others will install first.

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Thank you so much for this addon. It has really changed my SP games making AI more real. It's a must have just as ACE or GL4. :notworthy:

Hope now you can take time to just enjoy the game.

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I wish you the best Solus. :)

I'm pretty sure you will not be away for a very long time. :D

I know how your heart beats and guy's like you and me can't take their hand's away from coding for very long time.

I hope i'm right...

Anyway take a deep breath and enjoy what ever you up to it's a pleasure to have a skilled guy like you in the community.

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You know how I feel about the mod Solus! And I'm happy to have had a small part in the history of this mod.

I'll be using SLX for a long while to come and will keep on the look-out for your inevitable return ;)

Thanks for all you've done and good luck with whatever you might be doing in the future!

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So can we expect some other ground-breaking addon from you in the future I hope Solus ?

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Here's the last version:


Version 2.0:

Optimized GL3 and other addons.

Optimized MP functionality.

Fixed play move/action locality execs. Much more netcode efficient.

Fixed dropped weapon array input and output over network.

Give radios doesn't need GL3.

Added incoming missile tank smoke and "incoming" shouts if shooter is known.

Fuel explosion effect goes over network.

Added spawn skill addon to make spawned units have skills according to their loadout and rank.

Made object/dead dragged cargo stay in vehicles until unloaded.

It seems stable and as far as I can tell it runs almost as well as default A2 on the laptop.

It's about as optimized as I can get it, although there's still the sqs format in SLX_Wounds that could be rewritten in sqf. There's someone that's interested in doing that and he might get to it in a few months.

I'm not going to be working on it anymore. Thank you very much to everyone that has helped and given feedback and support!

The licence in the readme still stands, anyone can continue development of the addons or take parts and make smaller addons if they want.

I'll check in to answer questions but most development is stopped. There will be a new release thread in a bit with an updated addon description list.

Muahaha: As far as I can tell it won't break any default mission that I have run through.

Genesis92x: Thanks! I've tried optimizing everything you noticed, hopefully that solved all the desync problems. Without more extensive testing abilities I don't know what else it could be in there. I think general low fps might be the problem with the freezes, I get the micro freezes in default A2 and can even get the bigger freeze when alt-tabbing, so it could be default A2. In the MP testing I can do SLX seems to run about the same as default A2, there's a little less bandwidth and maybe 1-3 fps loss but other than that it was running smoothly.

John_Chrichton: I finally added that. Medevac (and even a whole load of ammo/weapon cargo) is now possible.

Thunderbird: Hopefully it should be optimized enough to run fine with everything now. Thanks for FFUR! ;]

twisted: Thanks! That's what the SLX_AI danger.fsm tries to do, immediate quick reaction drills and taking cover, suppression/reaction fire, and evasive maneuvers. Protegimus is continuing development of the danger.fsm so maybe you can help him with the logic.

Firewall: Thanks for the testing! Thanks for spotting that with the wheeled APCs, no more development though, sorry. You could take the tank smoke addon and add that to it though, copy the tank class and put wheeled_apc class and test to see if it works. In large battles the AIs do have trouble seeing the enemy, all that can be done is optimizations for speed. The AIs have the ability to man the defenses but it's not necessarily always used at the needed time. It was probably the base defenses in warfare? Sometimes if the base is attacked they might get in the base defenses when defending from an equal or larger force. The AIs seem to have their own danger mode control and stay in danger whenever there's an enemy. GL3 will automatically have the player's group call for help, but unfortunately there's no control over it.

Thank you very much! If I could shake your hand I would! I am out of town so sadly I can't play this forawhile (aauughhh!) I'm sure everything is fixed and is working just fine now. Thank you for your hard work man. Take it easy.

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The few words I'd put here are not enough to thank you for your dedication and hard work Solus during these last years.

You contributed in a truely amazing way to this community since OFP and you are among those "God-Modders" like Kegetys, snYpir, General Barron...

Thanks to your efforts, vision of gameplay and realism that combined simulations like OFP/ArmA/ and now ArmA II series can last a pinch longer...

And thanks for your kindness. I won't forget all the help you provided during these old OFP Days, and especially during the FFUR/SLX MOD creation.


Wish you the best.

Best Regards,


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Well I too am sorry to see this legendary mod come to an end. SLX has always had that "magic" feel to me in that it added so many things that I think like-minded players really wanted all the while trying to breakthru or work around engine limitations.

The list of improvements is just too vast to name here but I always secretly wished that BI or some game developer recruited you so that you could implement many of these things at the source.

Anyhoos good luck my friend, the ol beta testing days were a blast and please let us know if you ever plan to continue modding here or any other games :respekt:

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Fantastic creativity and outstanding features, great work Solus!

A personal thanks for your help, input and also making SLX open to the community for further develpment!

Hopefully we'll see you again soon,


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thanks for the hard work and for the outstanding Slx-mod and enjoy your new freetime!!^^

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Thank you very much for all the effort and talent you have invested in this project. One of the BEST mod ever!! Thx again!

Will you stay around or it is a bye to arma in general?

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Thanks for the great addon and for your hard work. I'm especially loving the ability to use melee weapons. I haven't had the time yet to test the new version properly but the performance seems better. Also the silenced vehicle voices are working again!

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Is there any mirror? I can no longer download it from the site Solus upload it

Agreed. Can anyone provide an alternate link?

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Agreed. Can anyone provide an alternate link?

???? check first post?

Links to Armaholic and more! :)

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???? check first post?

Links to Armaholic and more! :)

None of those are for the final version.

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None of those are for the final version.

Ah-my bad! :D

Didn't realise!

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Can we get a mirror for 2.0? It seems the original site has removed the file for being past the download limit.

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