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The only thing I don't like about SLX is that AI doesn't walk slowly when set to minimum and safe, and that it takes a few too many rounds to take someone down, other than that, brilliant work :) I love the new version. I actually really liked the idea of:

Location based wound effects on people when they are hit.

Arms - Small chance of an accidental discharge of their primary weapon. Small chance of dropping primary and/or secondary weapon when arms are very damaged.

Legs - Good chance of falling down prone if legs are very damaged. No effect when already prone.

Torso - Good chance of getting knocked down and out of breath for a second if damage is over 50%. If the torso is over 80% damaged and overall health is less than 60% then the person is critically wounded.

Head - 30% chance of temporary deafness and a 40% chance of temporary deafness, disorientation, and falling down if head is less than 50% damaged, most likely caused by grenade blasts. 90% chance of temporary deafness and falling if head is over 50% damaged.

Nice little touches.

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I really like this mod, but too buggy im afraid, with warping units showing as 16000m away and various other bad things, unfortunately have removed for now, but discussion thread is here to iron out the bugs so am hoping on fixes, and look forward to the debugged version, thanks for the hard work.

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I really like this mod, but too buggy im afraid, with warping units showing as 16000m away and various other bad things, unfortunately have removed for now, but discussion thread is here to iron out the bugs so am hoping on fixes, and look forward to the debugged version, thanks for the hard work.


If you want a very good version of the mod, then please test the existing beta version and specify what bugs you found. The best way it is to tell Solus how to reproduce the bugs. That's the way to make the mod better.

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About reproducing the AI target bug, just stick an enemy squad (I used mechanised) in a town, lead a squad of AI to a hill and rain fire down upon them then clean up. The AI will fire up in the air until they run out of ammo every time. No other AI mods active, 2,800 metre view distance.


I also saw the AI fire their RPGs up into the air where they exploded well above the armour they were supposed to be firing at! The entire squad got killed by one APC because they fired above the target and the rounds exploded in mid air.

Edited by anessen

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AI squad still can't keep formation. Playing a city fight map and they work fine until contact. After the initial firefight they are constantly running around looking for cover. I tell them to disengage, put them in aware and constantly tell them to return to formation with no results. I try moving anywhere and I will leave them behind as they run back and forth for cover. AI seems to work great for AI squads, but for the player's squad they will not follow direction.

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Keeping formation - Problem seems to be with the new Beta, removing the Beta and my squad holds position perfectly, with Beta enabled and my squad do their own thing, the new Beta has known problems.

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Is there an updated module description list? I like to pick and choose which parts of the mod to use and there are probably twice as many modules now than when this started. I've searched the thread, but can't find them at all.

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Keeping formation - Problem seems to be with the new Beta, removing the Beta and my squad holds position perfectly, with Beta enabled and my squad do their own thing, the new Beta has known problems.

Which new Beta, 60899? If, so, which Beta should I use? 60803 (as suggested for Zeus)?

Edited by KaBoNG

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Not that it matters but i use the steam version, Beta 1.04.60718 causes problems with formation, and the previous Beta also but not as bad. Ive gone back to 1.04.59026 and all is fine.

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Hi, i just installed this mod and a can´t see the aiming point, this is a bug o problem or this happend to make more realistic the game? I readed many pages in this thread buy i can´t find nothing about that.

Please forgive me the bad english.


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Solus, can you please answer the following:

How does your dismemberment script actually work? Does it replace the model killed by explosion damage with random body part objects?

Do you think your dismemberment damage system might be used for vehicle and building damage effects?

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anessen: Thanks, I'll test to make sure the targets issue is solved.

DayGlow: I'll try making the AI only move around towards cover on their own when they are stopped, so they won't interrupt their movement to a position. Also I'm trying to fix a bug where the AI won't keep moving somewhere, they keep returning to formation. Sorry, no new description list yet. Are there any addons in particular that you are wondering about?

dialektiikka: Dismemberment is just the person being teleported out into negative map coordinates and replaced with smoke and default body part models. Something similar would only work for specific vehicle destruction effects, like the T72 blowing it's turret off, or car wheels flying off.

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Something similar would only work for specific vehicle destruction effects, like the T72 blowing it's turret off, or car wheels flying off.

Which is exactly what I was hoping for, as I'm mainly thinking about aircraft damage effects :D

Thanks for the answer.

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Thanks PROTOTYPE 001.

This PBO is in the main game o in the SLX package? Because in the SLX a can´t find it.

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Which is exactly what I was hoping for, as I'm mainly thinking about aircraft damage effects :D

Thanks for the answer.

Definitely, I was thinking the same thing originally. You might even be able to test the selectionPositions for the number of engines, then make the same number of engine gibs in the locations. Maybe a nose cone, wings, tail fins (test for rudders and ailerons), etc.

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Thanks PROTOTYPE 001.

This PBO is in the main game o in the SLX package? Because in the SLX a can´t find it.

Its in the SLX folder... its called "SLX_ModWeapons_NoCrosshairs.pbo" just delete that and you will have your crosshairs back..

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How is having to dump 20 rounds into an enemy at 100m to bring them down realistic? Sorry but this mod is a tacky POS. Bring on ACE.

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Sorry but this mod is a tacky POS. Bring on ACE.

... until you find something in ACE that you cannot understand or deal with?

Your posting history reveals you to be somewhat less than worthy of serious concern. Toodles :)

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i really dont get how people can be so ignorant as to post something like that...

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i really dont get how people can be so ignorant as to post something like that...

Indeed. For my part, SLX remains the best gameplay I've had so far. No doubt ACE will impact on many such mods, but as I really only play SP I guess I can pick & mix the various elements of each that I like, that work OK together. The SLX wounding system is definitely one of those elements.

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I'm jut giving yall a reality check. I don't care to understand the inner details of this mess of a mod. Using all that ammo to take down a target is not realistic. Simple as that.

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I'm jut giving yall a reality check. I don't care to understand the inner details of this mess of a mod. Using all that ammo to take down a target is not realistic. Simple as that.

Can you tell it without being angry? That why ppl reply in kind

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I'm jut giving yall a reality check. I don't care to understand the inner details of this mess of a mod. Using all that ammo to take down a target is not realistic. Simple as that.

Here's another reality check -nobody gives a monkey's banana for your overbloated opinions. Don't like the mod -don't play it. It's still WIP and only worked on by one guy who's given us a lot since OFP. Like I said, think you can do better? Put up or shut up, but until then, you want to troll around criticising with no respect and crying like a lil' gherl because something don't suit your fancy-take it elsewhere.

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