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CAA1 public release

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Just to make sure, try launching it through YAS via a modset.

(Loads up fine here, complains about one addon, but works none the less)

(ps no need to select the beta exe in settings, just point it to the normal one and load up the beta folder in the modset)

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Hopefully this is the right thread to ask in, how do you get ambient civs and civ vehicles to work on Sahrani etc? It doesn't seem to work for me :(

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@ andersson:

No, not yet. I will consider it.

@ Gnat

profilePathDefault errors sound more like a beta patch problem.

There are several reports of this these days.

CAA1 is about porting BI a1 content. It does allow easier use of a1 worlds in a2 too.

OAC is to make OFP and a1 missions/campaigns playable.

So I see no reason to include something else, like a2 config fixes.

Via YAS/HTTP you can download an update for the BI a1 world,

that makes AI able to drive on roads.

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Thank you Kju & CAA1 team

This :thumb:

Brilliant stuff. A1 islands look great in A2 and the performance is very, very good.

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Kju pls see my .rpt file and tell what i do wrong.


== K:\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe

== "K:\ArmA 2\beta\arma2.exe" -nosplash -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -cpuCount=2 -noFilePatching -noPause -showScriptErrors -mod=beta;@CBA;x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core;@Avgani


Exe timestamp: 2009/11/12 21:16:37

Current time: 2009/11/16 17:16:50

Cannot register unknown string STR_USRACT_ACTION_CONTEXT <- this is when i start game

Conflicting addon afghan_village in 'caa1_r_afghan_village\', previous definition in 'afghan_village\' <- this is when i start game

Conflicting addon avgani in 'caa1_r_avgani\', previous definition in 'avgani\' <- this is when i start game

Updating base class utes->DefaultWorld, by afghan_village\config.bin/CfgWorlds/Intro/

Updating base class CAWorld->Intro, by caa1_r_afghan_village\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/afghan_village/

Updating base class ->Weather, by caa1_r_afghan_village\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/afghan_village/Weather/

Updating base class ->Weather, by caa1_r_avgani\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/avgani/Weather/

Updating base class DefaultWorld->utes, by x\caa1\addons\c_enableClassicalIslandIntros\config.bin/CfgWorlds/Intro/

Exe version: 1.04.60141

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing <- this is when i start editor

SW keep height animation used for ca\misc\garbage_plastic.p3d

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

opxbuildings\shack.p3d: house, config class missing

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Since I have the CBA, and I just leave it in my 'modset' all the time, what do you recommend I do with the files for CAA1 that now say "requires CBA"?

Should I go ahead and move them to the normal CAA1/addons folder, and then delete the folder that is named #RequiresCBA ?

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@ R.Flagg:

Copy the pbo and bisign files into x\caa1\addons.

@ Horuss

1st: BI beta patch problem. No big deal.

2nd/3rd: You seem to have too many files froom OPX loaded. Post all pbos you load

here. It looks like you did not delete the configs in both OPX worlds.

4th: Missing config definition for an OPX object. No big deal.

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@ Horuss

1st: BI beta patch problem. No big deal.

2nd/3rd: You seem to have too many files froom OPX loaded. Post all pbos you load

here. It looks like you did not delete the configs in both OPX worlds.

4th: Missing config definition for an OPX object. No big deal.

THX Kju it was a problem :D

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Anyone interested how to make replacement configs?

This way you could make your missions addon free (apart from the worlds/CAA1),

and still be able to use different skins or units in every mission.

Yes please!

I was gonna make all my missions require Schnapsdrosel's BlackOps, just because I really like to use those when I play. If I can remove that requirement, but still use them when I play, that'd be great.

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Any update on whether Alice and silvie work on Caa1 Kju?

Yes would love to know this too. Cant wait to populate sahrani with ALICE and SILVE :)

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Anyone interested how to make replacement configs?

I am also interested kju. I was following your links on dev-heaven.net wiki on the weekend and found they only led to a placeholder.

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Alice and silvie

If someone from the community, maybe you?, is willing to look into it how it works

and adapt the worlds, it will. ;)

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Civilan module doesnt work on custom islands. Something i noticed not long ago.

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If someone from the community, maybe you?, is willing to look into it how it works

and adapt the worlds, it will. ;)

I think I have manage it somehow to make ALICE work.. not SILVIE yet though... and in the editor. I dont know how to edit the world.

So here's what I did:

Map Sahrani, Modesta

1. Put in Game Logic>Location>City Center at just about the center of modesta, and name it 'Modesta'. In the init field type in :

["CityCenter",[getPos this,1000]] call bis_fnc_locations;

2. Put in ALICE module and in the init field type in :

this setvariable ["townlist",[Modesta]]; 

3. Wait for a while and explore the town... some folks will appear.

So there you go. But this is in the editor, so if for the whole island automatically, I think have to tinker with the configs, but I think that is out of my small head


Just tested with SILVIE, it works the same way:

Step #2. Put in SILVIE module and in the init field type in :

this setvariable ["townlist",[Modesta]]; 

Edited by Mr_Centipede

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Just had a look through some files, bearing in mind I have never scripted anything before but.., could it be due to the Caa1 islands not having defined names of places in their configs?

I think the alice module and possibly fn_locations (functions) relies on the places (eg villages and towns) to be defined in the island config in order to know where towns are. For example for Chernarus, Chernogorsk is;

class Names


class city_Chernogorsk



position[] = {6731.21,2554.13};

type = "NameCityCapital";

speech[] = {"Chernogorsk"};

radiusA = 300;

radiusB = 300;

angle = 0;


The Caa1 island configs don't have this. Is this getting anywhere?

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There are multiple "keypoints" defined for each location... In this example, the first one basically names the town on the map and defines it's extent, the second one defines another area within the town where civs will spawn...

class Inverness








class AcityC_Inverness







demography[] = {"CIV",1,"CIV_RU",0};


(the two areas can be exactly the same size and position, although in this example mine aren't)

It's the "CityCenter" and "demography" bits that determine what civs spawn and where...

(theres also a "neighbors" tag which I'm not sure about yet - I suspect it allows the civs to somehow "know about" the other villages around their own)...

The whole procedure seems to require CLOSED buildings in the defined area where the civs can "live"... I'm no modeller so I'm not sure if theres a specific tag or something in the house model config that flags it as suitable, or whether any closed building will do... I've only tried it with the usual small arma2 basic villager houses so far... most seemed to spawn civs fine.

Haven't tried A1 buildings as yet...


Edited by Bushlurker

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There's some thing about AIDoor1,AIDoor2...AIDoorN in the biki... I think it's about civilianCount, but from the way it reads, I think thats where th Civs were spawned. But in modesta as I tried, there were indeed civilian spawned there, just not many. And they were spawned at closed buildings

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So to try you need to adapt the above config in the following way:

* Change class name: class Inverness => class AcityC_Inverness

* Clear the name: name="Inverness"; => name="";

* Change the type: type="NameCityCapital"; => type="CityCenter";

* Add demography: demography[] = {"CIV",1,"CIV_RU",0};

The last are faction names. Maybe the numbers indicate, what type should spawn,

like 1 = true, 0 = false. Should be easy to verify by checking the FSM.

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That's it precisely Kju... I've seen proportioned villages too, like {"CIV",0.6,"CIV_RU",0.4};

It has to total 1. Mixed proportions might contribute to civil unrest or something under stressful conditions, I dunno...

I'd give it a try myself but I'm currently putting in some serious hours building the above - mentioned Inverness... :)


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Can you give different centers in the same village? So different blocks spawns civ russians and other civ chernarusians?

What about ambient animals? I see rabbits and birds but thats part of the clutter I guess. I miss cows, goats and boars :)

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Here you can try a generated addon that might do the job:


@ andersson

From what I read, animals module does not require any modification.

You can define what you want.

There is position, radiusA and radiusB, angle the neighbors array.

---------- Post added at 13:38 ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 ----------

CAA1 2009-11-15 update

Thanks to andersson AI is now able to drive on roads again.

Improved the plants.pbo with:

  • Durg's (AI View) Vegetation Fix.
  • Przemek kondor beautiful Autumn plants.

More details in the PlantsClassic wiki page.

For more details read the change log.

To update use the CAA1 Yoma Addon Sync server.

Enjoy! :bounce3:

Edited by kju

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Thanks for this great mod. :)

I was waiting much the AI driving fix and Durgs vegetation fix.

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