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Loading old vanilla Arma maps in Arma 2 with CAA1 - Just Wow - Performance & Beauty

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;1389826']Is there any way to DL those files for CAA1 like all at once? For some reason it will only let me DL each file separately and I really don't feel like clicking for each one of them...

Google for the "DownThemAll" addon for Firefox, it works great for things like this. Downloading everything now, they've got a damned fast server... I'm getting 1mb per sec on my laptop's crappy wireless. ;)

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Hi mate,

It is quite simple, here is an even simpler method as opposed what is mentioned on the website for those who are not soo computer literate:

1. Make one folder in your Arma 2 directory with the following path:

Arma 2\@CAA1\Addons

2. Download all files stated on the website into this folder (there are 50 in total)

3. Install winrar to unzip all files

4. Ctrl A to select all files and right click and hit extract files

5. Add the following to your Arma 2 shortcut, by right clicking the shortcut -> properties and in the target box add: -mod=@CAA1 (behind "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" )

That is it!

Trust me it is well worth it!

Thank you very much, im downloading the stuff now :cool:

what maps are included in the download ? sahrani ? are there any other good maps i can download and use ? what about avghani ?

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Thank you very much, im downloading the stuff now :cool:

what maps are included in the download ? sahrani ? are there any other good maps i can download and use ? what about avghani ?

You can use them all, Avgani works, but is a seperate download made by a mod maker. You need to go to armaholic.com or a similair site for that.

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@ Kju

Hi mate, I have CAA1 and OAC working, but I have losts of questions

I'm posting them in the CAA1 forums, please check it out


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ok what the hell I can't do it. I downloaded all fifty files and put them in a modfolder and used arma launcher to start the game. Now I have a lot of Utes entries on my editor list.

What's up with that? What am I doing wrong?

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i got it working, cheers !!

the maps don't look quite as good as i had hoped they would, textures are a bit basic etc but i guess thats because they are old maps ?

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i got it working, cheers !!

the maps don't look quite as good as i had hoped they would, textures are a bit basic etc but i guess thats because they are old maps ?

Decoy, what did you do to get teh UTES entries to become the other maps? I have the same prob. I go to editor and there are so many utes and one chernarus.

Thanks in advance.

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i downloaded the files via the server program thingy (yoma or whatever its called) and that put everything in the correct place automatically then i just added "-mod=x\caa1;x\oac\oac_core" to the steam exe target

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Guys, follow my instrcution earlier in the thread!

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Guys, follow my instrcution earlier in the thread!

They didn't work! I get an error about needing a oap something addon when I launch, and then I get to the editor and all there is is a bunch of Utes.

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ok been playing on sahrani for past hour or so, i can't believe how well it runs.

i completely maxed out everything, AA on high and view distance on 10,000m (which puts the terrain detail down to normal for some reason ?) and it ran at about 50fps with no drops or anything. this was with heavy rain. didn't matter if i was in a city or flying... it ran unbelievably well, infinitely better than cheranus which i can only get about 4000m view distance with AA on Low/Medium (and it always chokes up in cities and whilst flying).

so yeah, does this mean that the cheranus map is just poorly designed and thats the reason for all these poor frame rates so many moan about ?

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Yep, the too many 'Utes' error is beacause you don't have the OAC stuff -happened to me too.

I saw this thread this morning, downloaded everything and wow! This is amazing! I love the care that went into Chernarus and will love it more when it becomes optimized but I always felt like (because of non-fun Ai) I never really had a great time in Sahrani and now it is a blast. A mission I've been working on I've now ported over to Sara. and it really justs feel some much more right than it did before.

I get a couple of seemingly non-damaging errors ie.UI, but a big thanks goes out to Kju and whomever else brought this to us.

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Looks wonderful!

Maybe I'll give it a go and try to convert some of my old stuff also.

...Although.. do I have to modify mission.sqm manually to change the units before loading it in editor?

As a straight copy paste would surely fail.



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Told you, lads, it is FREAKIN awesome, better than the Cheranus of Arma 2. :-)

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Hell yeah I'm loving it. one question how do I make the weapon I have respawn with me when I die in Evo blue Sahrani? Cause every time I die I lose the weapon I pick from the box and I'm left with an m16 iron sight

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@ froggyluv

Please post your problems in the OAC issue tracker. :)

@ VanhA

Check the CAA1/OAC FAQ. :)

---------- Post added at 09:27 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

@ pigglywiggly

You better ask in the Sahrani Evo thread.

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@ froggyluv

Please post your problems in the OAC issue tracker. :)

@ VanhA

Check the CAA1/OAC FAQ. :)

---------- Post added at 09:27 ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 ----------

@ pigglywiggly

You better ask in the Sahrani Evo thread.


Small question, for ARMA 1 addons, do I need to do something special or is a normal mod folder in the ARMA 2 enough?

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Ok I just started downloading with this server app. I am just wondering now. Will this work with Arma Launcher? I've got it pretty organized with my other addons and I don't want to modify shortcuts if that is possible!

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@kju: I looked into the thread about kegetys lowplants over at the CAA1 Forums. I assume from what I have read that a simple renaming of my existing ARMA 1 custom merged plants.pbo to caa1_p_plants.pbo won't work. That one was created after the instructions the respective authors had given for using both lowplants and vegetation fix in ARMA 1.

I will try that, though, and have a look at the results. :eek:

If it isn't working, well, I hope you make progress with the PROPER conversion...

kind regards,


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ok been playing on sahrani for past hour or so, i can't believe how well it runs.

so yeah, does this mean that the cheranus map is just poorly designed and thats the reason for all these poor frame rates so many moan about ?

I think it runs so well because its a lot more "basic" than cheranus.... I looked at the youtube videos and it does look a lot more basic and empty than cheranus.

Hopefully they can optimise cheranus a bit more and give us a few extra fps :)


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I think it runs so well because its a lot more "basic" than cheranus.... I looked at the youtube videos and it does look a lot more basic and empty than cheranus.

Hopefully they can optimise cheranus a bit more and give us a few extra fps :)


Indeed, I'm having a blast just messing around in the editor, testing all the islands

Truth be told, my pc barely runs arma2 well, and with this maps, it's a relief for my pc the new variety and extra FPS are most welcome!

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Does anyone get Error: Device freed message and game CTD when using custom islands and CAA?

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