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Community Made Addon: Mi-28

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will this lovely addon also b converted to arma also if it woul dit will b lovely

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will this lovely addon also b converted to arma also if it woul dit will b lovely

i r nt sur3 if any1 wil tak hiz tim3 2 r3d0 teh c0nfig 4 it. Als0 wiz teh nw3 shad3rs add3d might n0t w0rht it

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That red star on sides breaks all the immersion.

What the h*ll?For me markings/random numbers adds immersion billion %!And numbering makes it possible to count your own/enemy vehicles when they aren't all the time in sight.

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Nice work, i got a few screenshots to try and promote it, and made a small fraps vid, but i can't make it any smaller than 2gb.. haven't got anything to compress it. Also i'll try link the pictures, hard to when they're like 200kb each, stupid rules.. Also i noticed, you got 16 VIKs pods, but only 12 ammo.

Edit: I just had to resize them in the end.




Edited by MadCatChiken

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Looks good except for the straight rotors.

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I'm working on an improved texture and shader, but I'm currently stuck with the reflection map not showing...

The cockpit is WIP too.

It's a great start Eric, nice addon to have.


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Please find an updated version of the textures for the MI28. You can just drag and drop to replace the old pbo.

The color map is both sharper and closer to real life (darker strips) which also make it look better in chernarus.

The shader, normal map and specular maps have also been reworked (higher quality) and give better results too.

The only thing I couldn't make work was the reflection map on the fuselage for the super shader. I've tried for 2 days without success, I don't know why. Maybe someone else could fix it, it's the only thing missing to make it really top notch (they do have a quite reflective paint in real life).

Still I think the updated maps are worth the download.

File here

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Please find an updated version of the textures for the MI28. You can just drag and drop to replace the old pbo.

The color map is both sharper and closer to real life (darker strips) which also make it look better in chernarus.

The shader, normal map and specular maps have also been reworked (higher quality) and give better results too.

The only thing I couldn't make work was the reflection map on the fuselage for the super shader. I've tried for 2 days without success, I don't know why. Maybe someone else could fix it, it's the only thing missing to make it really top notch (they do have a quite reflective paint in real life).

Still I think the updated maps are worth the download.

File here


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Please find an updated version of the textures for the MI28. You can just drag and drop to replace the old pbo.

The color map is both sharper and closer to real life (darker strips) which also make it look better in chernarus.

The shader, normal map and specular maps have also been reworked (higher quality) and give better results too.

The only thing I couldn't make work was the reflection map on the fuselage for the super shader. I've tried for 2 days without success, I don't know why. Maybe someone else could fix it, it's the only thing missing to make it really top notch (they do have a quite reflective paint in real life).

Still I think the updated maps are worth the download.

File here

I'll have a look at it!

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EricM can you please provide us the MLOD again to sync the p3d with the latest files

in the repository. Cheers.

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Please find an updated version of the textures for the MI28. You can just drag and drop to replace the old pbo.

The color map is both sharper and closer to real life (darker strips) which also make it look better in chernarus.

The shader, normal map and specular maps have also been reworked (higher quality) and give better results too.

The only thing I couldn't make work was the reflection map on the fuselage for the super shader. I've tried for 2 days without success, I don't know why. Maybe someone else could fix it, it's the only thing missing to make it really top notch (they do have a quite reflective paint in real life).

Still I think the updated maps are worth the download.

File here

Eric your new rvmat works and great work on new texture i like it more :)

Have a look


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Awesome work on the textures!!! Superb work guys. :)


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How come the reflection works on your computer and not on mine Robert ?

Did you tweak something ?

It's a bit too reflective at the moment, but that's because I cranked it up for testing purpose... Sadly, I never got to see it working...

I'm puzzled...

@Kju : For the latest MLODS, I think ModemMaik should have the latest ones, as he tweaked a few things here and there.

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looks nice and got some really nice firepower..

however, 1 single well placed shot from a AK can bring it down.

the pilot seems to be totally unprotected and could as well drive a convertible.

AI infantry quickly brings it down with small arms fire (probably RPK or PKM in most cases) in head on encounters.

so some upgrading of the pilots protections should probably do some good.

i belive it has armored glass irl and should atleast take a direct hit from a .50 round in the cockpit area, however the engine area would probably take some serious damage from a .50 round.

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How come the reflection works on your computer and not on mine Robert ?

Did you tweak something ?

It's a bit too reflective at the moment, but that's because I cranked it up for testing purpose... Sadly, I never got to see it working...

I'm puzzled...

@Kju : For the latest MLODS, I think ModemMaik should have the latest ones, as he tweaked a few things here and there.

Buldozer settings or config trouble?

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How come the reflection works on your computer and not on mine Robert ?

Did you tweak something ?

Buldozer settings or config trouble?

Hmm , config bug it is not for sure ,there must be some buldozer problem

btw eric have you extracted ca.pbo and bin.pbo (dta) from arma2 to your armawork? btw recover old bin or delete , buldozer needs those ca\data and new bin to show new shaders in your buldozer

Edited by RobertHammer

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Still a few things to work on, but it's looking really nice so far. One thing I noticed is when you're using the cannon the firing effect comes from somewhere inside the gun rather than at the end of the barrel where it should be.

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I'm not talking inside buldozer (which I didn't set properly either), I'm talking inside the game...

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Thanks EricM. So your texture/rvmat modifications did not require p3d tweaks?

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I'm starting to think I must have installed the addon in the wrong place or something... I copied the individual pbos (MI28_RUS_A, C, P,T...) in my standard @mods/addons folder. Did I miss something ? Is it because of the pbo prefix thing and fancy texture paths ?

@modEmMaik : I can see the normal and specular map alright, it's the reflection map that seems invisible. I don't think you can see it with NormalMapMacroASSpecularMap, can you ?

Sorry for the OT, but it's hard to tweak the look when you're blind...

@ robert : can you try with those values in the havok_fuselage.rvmat :

class Stage6

The reflection should be a bit less agressive, though still quite visible

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@modEmMaik : I can see the normal and specular map alright, it's the reflection map that seems invisible. I don't think you can see it with NormalMapMacroASSpecularMap, can you ?

Uh.. sorry, mixed something... :(

But to your question: yes.

You have to separate the materials in two passes (like the mirrors):

first pass rvmat incl. reflection

second pass rvmat including normal shaders

I guess, the supershader is more or less the same. The rvmat's are A1's, so you might have to modify the fresnel to use it in A2.



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Hi lads, I still had the bug in the newest download (360 degree)

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Don't know why, but the new textures looks somewhat fuzzy at some distance, maybe that'll disappears with the upcoming reflection map.

Great work though

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