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Star Wars Stormtrooper

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omg darth vader thats awsome!!

isnt the rifle on the first pic a bit too long? it looks weird.

hmmm i used this for modeling:


maybe a bit to long....


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Wow, your mod looks really awesome !

So awesome I bought the game only to test it...

Can't stand waiting for the next release :)

Thank you for your great work !

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Wow, your mod looks really awesome !

So awesome I bought the game only to test it...

Can't stand waiting for the next release :)

Thank you for your great work !

Haha, McRuppert you should ask BIS for royalties, before Lucas Art ask you for some :D

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Haha, McRuppert you should ask BIS for royalties, before Lucas Art ask you for some :D

Yes, better to keep a low profile, Lucas does not like to lend his toys... :D

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hmmm i used this for modeling:


maybe a bit to long....

hmm i dont know. was this the weapon they deployed in front of the millenium falcon? too long ago i watched the movie^^ i really have to watch it again:D

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hmm i dont know. was this the weapon they deployed in front of the millenium falcon? too long ago i watched the movie^^ i really have to watch it again:D

nah this weapon isn't the tri-pod one they set up.

it's standard sandtrooper weapon, based off the german WWII MG :)

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it's standard sandtrooper weapon, based off the german WWII MG :)

lol ok thats why the stock is wooden :D a bit obsolete for that time.

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no its just the t21 blaster ;)

eble was it you who wanted to convert the lightsaber scripts form ofp to arma2? i dont remember...

but for now some new pics of the tiepilot, speederbike and the falcon






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Great work : )

Just wondering, theres is a way to build a Death Star map ? Or at least a section of it ?

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no its just the t21 blaster ;)

eble was it you who wanted to convert the lightsaber scripts form ofp to arma2? i dont remember...

but for now some new pics of the tiepilot, speederbike and the falcon


Yeah I wanted too, until the script work got way to heavy, must have been a pretty good addon for it's time but it would need heaps of work to get it to run right in arma2.

Tie pilot looks great :)

and the speeder bike is one less thing for me to convert (I couldn't get permission) although I have one for personal use.

Cell7 made a Falcon and Xwing for OFP, no had a reply from him so didn't get past the personal use on those either.

Tie Fighter and Tie Interceptor are closing in on being ready, Tie Fighter is done and Tie Interceptor just tweaking the quad lasers.

To make them killers in the Arma2 world they feature rapid fire lasers and I've also given them 20 mini missiles, that can basically target and kill all aircraft/armour or anything it locks onto :)

Really need something for them to fight tho.

I have the config to tidy up and I'm in two minds to let the other Tie's come out with the first release if I do they will be pure alpha versions as a lot of work needs to be done on them.


Edited by Eble

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deathstar map would be possible if it would be a space map... that means you could fly above and there could be the deahstar ditch...(ditch? is that right? :D) and also some hangars in the ditch were the imperial side could spawn with their aircraft..i thought about that but i had no vehicles so i forgot about this idea...

and eble if you need some rebel ships i started to work on some like x-wing and in next time i wanted to ask you for your help with the config and selection names for the vehicle, or i send you the models and you can add them to the game....would be great....


here a pic...the model isnt that good, its really low poly...


---------- Post added at 07:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:39 PM ----------

i finsihed texturing thouse two ships now, i think for the first moment its enough for the rebels maybe also addin the falcon...



Edited by McRuppert

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Looking plenty awesome as far as I'm concerned... Keep going McRuppert!

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Great work as usual McRuppert.

Sure if you want I can send you the Tie-Fighter pack for testing or you can send me the rebel ships and I can put them in game.

I'm using the standard BIS VTOL properties and they work well.

Would be great to have both Rebel ships and Tie Fighters ready at about the same time, else you will be chasing F16's about in your Tir Interceptors :)

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sound great, i really would like to see some tiefigther ingame...

of course i will send you something to play around with if you like :D

ehm but remember to send the pack without binazired or what ever its called :P

just pm me or add me in msn....

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Nice work, can't wait man :)

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Your still the man. Awesome progress. Are you a solo (excuse the pun) team?

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Mcruppert is working on all this on his own I believe, Ignore my comments as they refer to stuff I'm working on that is separate.

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I'm watching Episode 4 right now.

Any idea when the TIE's are ready to fly?

MfG Lee Tiefighter.gif

This is OT i guess but the Ties completed so far are the Tie Fighter and Tie Interceptor (still to finish quad laser), they have spec/normal and super shaders applied.

I want to add a basic HUD (similiar to the F-14).

The addon has another 8 different weird and wonderful tie fighters all fly but are missing animations (some) and weapons.

I'll be sending a copy to McRuppert tonight/day depending where you are.

Edited by Eble

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Eble im here, im here! :D

could be difficult to see us both online at the same time, or not?

you could also send me a link like rapidshare or something like that...if you want something to play around just tell me....

not sure if its been requested, but the firespray http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Firespray-31-class_patrol_and_attack_craft (boba used a modified one called slave1) would be cool

of course it would thats why we will have one ;) but dont ask me how it will work with the animation after starting (i mean the rotation...) but its possible...


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Hey McRuppert, the models look awesome so far, but on the Millennium Falcon, you have the cockpit on the wrong side haha, but its no big deal, i think it looks awesome either way

http://img638.imageshack.us/i/falcon2f.jpg/ (your model)

http://inmediasres.podbean.com/wp-content/blogs7/127132/uploads/MillenniumFalcon.jpg (real Model)

haha yeah you are right xD but this is in one second fixed....

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