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Star Wars Stormtrooper

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There wasn't any recent release, was there?

no but I just found out sunday that something was released, so I wanted to thanks him and encourage him to continue his great mod. :)

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I have some models I can contribute, I've been working on. It will take some time though because I obtained them from individuals that did not model them for the purposes of this game and I will have to build cockpits, reduce vertices (one model contains 136,000 vertices) and create textures. Once they are finished I would welcome help with the sounds, configs and mem LODs as I'm still not really adept at those things yet. I can probably come up with some human models as well. I'm currently working on Rebel ships.

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Any progress, Ruppert?

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I have some models I can contribute, I've been working on. It will take some time though because I obtained them from individuals that did not model them for the purposes of this game and I will have to build cockpits, reduce vertices (one model contains 136,000 vertices) and create textures. Once they are finished I would welcome help with the sounds, configs and mem LODs as I'm still not really adept at those things yet. I can probably come up with some human models as well. I'm currently working on Rebel ships.

When your ready, let me kow I can help with configs/weapons and general addon stuff,

I know my way round addons really well so I should be able to make the memory LOD and I know quite a few people so I can get most things done.

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When your ready, let me kow I can help with configs/weapons and general addon stuff,

I know my way round addons really well so I should be able to make the memory LOD and I know quite a few people so I can get most things done.

Will do!

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hi there

now i reinstalled my computer system cause i got much more problems with my pc, so now the tools should work...but first i have to install all my stuff arma2 and so on....

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Great mod!

just play tested what you have out so far Ruppert, i read the whole thread here so im not going to post the obvious.

I'd like to add to the feedback if i may, for the sake of ideas is it possible that when a laser hits an object it produces a small amount of smoke, like a small poof or something, maybe a spackle of sparks, lol ya i know that sounds weird couldn't think fo any other words to use but the idea comes from star wars the movie itself

check this out, a fight scene starts at 1:30, you can see how when the lasers hit an object, wall whatever, that theres a small smoke poof, and a small flash of light, but the light flash is suttle, and the smoke poof kinda of lingers

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZa3j64Cw6w&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZa3j64Cw6w&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

keep up the good work

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good catch w/ that fight scene

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i got the star wars troops (big fan of the Orignal trilogy)but i don't kow where to put them can you help

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i got the star wars troops (big fan of the Orignal trilogy)but i don't kow where to put them can you help

what you got are pbos

you will need to make a mod folder.

so follow the steps:

1.create a folder and name it @starwars

2. in the @starwars folder create a folder and name it addons

3.put the 4 PBO into the @starwars addons folder

4.put the @star wars folder now and put it into your main Arma2 directory

directory should be along this path for you:

c:\program files\Arma2

5. now you will need to change your shortcut.

-right click your arma 2 shortcut

-and go to properties

now go to the Target line, and make sure your target line looks similer to this:

C:\program files\Arma2\arma2.exe -nosplash -mod=@StarWars

just add the -nosplash -mod=@StarWars

after the exe

make sure there is only one space after the exe and make sure yourt spelling is correct.

once you get it to work you will have to go into your editor to find the star wars units, as there are no missions or anything for the mod.

any questions just ask, some of the guys on this thread are helpful too.

good luck.


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the game lodes as normal and run's just fine i got a user made campange that comes up fine and the sound mod seems to work ok too it's just the star wars models in the editor do not show up

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star wars models in the editor do not show up

you did put the pbos into the @starwars\addons folder?

and you changed your shortcut?

they wont show up if the pbos are not in the addons folder, nor is the @starwars name in your target line.

in the editor you can find the models under:

Rebel soldiers are under:  Bluefor\USMC\Rebel alliance

stormtroopers are under: independant\usmc\Ru-imperium

for an example look at your shortcut does it look similier to mine?

this is my shortcut:

E:\Games\Arma2\arma2.exe -nosplash -mod=@StarWars

Edited by Gnter Severloh

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well i dunno i have new file called @starwars that i put the pbos in and I then droped the @starwars file in to the addonsfile and typed the code as specfied above: -nospash -mod=@starwars. it caem up with an error saying that the path was in correct. i just tryed typing it in outshide the ending prethersis (") after the exe so hopfull that might work i got no error this time.

Note: prethersis is a programers term for a line ending I am a web devloper (at the moment unimployed) and can program in HTML,CSS & PHP:bounce3:

---------- Post added at 09:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:25 AM ----------

nope stil no luck

---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 AM ----------

currently my targit line looks like this:

"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@starwars

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Well i hope you're not a developper confusing files and folders....

So i'll rephrase what has been said already : you must have :

- one folder called whatever you like, "@starwars" for example ; this folder must be in the ArmA2 folder ;

- another folder called "addons" in the "@starwars" folder ;

- put all starwars files (with the .pbo extension) in the previous "addons" folder.

The target line of you're shortcut seems ok (considering the path is correct, which may not be the case if your ArmA 2 folder isn't where the target line is looking for, you should check that first).

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"C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@starwars

make sure that there is not 2 spaces after the exe, only one space.

make sure the line below (start in line)in your shortcut is pointing to your main directory where Arma 2 is at

start in line should say somthing like this:

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

also note:

check for mispelled words, any mispelled words will give you an error message

-be sure the addons folder located inside the @starwars folder is spelled addons, and not adons, or add ons, it must be addons, nothing else.

-make sure the @starwars folder is in the main Arma2 folder.

if you still have problems after that, then i suggest step by step telling us exactly what you did from the beginning, what u made, what you types, ect., copy and paste your target line exactly as you see it.

usually an error with the target line is one of 3 things, a mispelled word, to many spaces, or quotes around the lines after the exe.

again this is my target line and my start in:

E:\Games\Arma2\arma2.exe -nosplash -mod=@starwars


lastly a thought just came to me, it might not make any difference but if in the @starwars folder if you have the S captialized and then its small s on your target line it could give you an error, but again i dont think the target line is whats the word specific to capital or uncapitilized letters.

keep us posted.

Ruppert how is everything?, any news? any thing we can test out for you?

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ok here is what i have done to try and get this model working (it's odd becaus the campagne I downlode works.

1.downloded the models

2.made a file @starwars

3.made a file in that file addons

4.put the pbs in to the addons file

5.edited the shortcut so it reads "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe" -nosplash -mod=@starwars"

5.tryed it and it didn't work.

ok so thats what I did step by step the @starwars file is in the Arma2 folder

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Nice, make sure to give them terrible aim to make tham as accurate to the films as possible. ;)


Also make their "bullets"/crystalls or whater these useless things move in slow motion

I always wondered if I'd go to the future and have a musket I could easily shoot down a Jedi

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