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RH heli sounds 1.01

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New video of testing sounds AH64 (little crappy camera man lol)

[YOUTUBE<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLx05FXIL7c&hl=cs&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLx05FXIL7c&hl=cs&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Next will be CH-47 sounds :cool:

The Apache is perfect, a better result cant be achieved in Arma 2 I think. The sound of the Apache is something I hear daily at about an height of 30 to 40 meters.

The CH47 could be a bit better. The thumping sound should be a little lower in bass and it should really hit you if you know what I mean. Those helicopters also fly over daily at the same height and make my screen allmost bounce off my desk at work. It also depends on what direction you are facing the CH47.

I will try to get some videorecordings of them this week. Can be quite an advantage to work next to the fence of their homebase. :p

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That beefy sound of the chinook can be heard early in this video

I'm not sure how you can add it other than changing the bass, but they really do sound like they are beating the shit out of the air in real life.

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Robert is the Apache already in the mod on your first post in this thread? If not? Could you add it? Thank you! Thumbs uP!

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Great to hear that youre working on sounds for mod vehicles. We are using the ch47 in our Evolution Version :)

The AH64 also sounds realy good. Its the one from PMC? But the Model especially the textures are not realy (int. and ext) good. Hope there will be a new one in the future.

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Great to hear that youre working on sounds for mod vehicles. We are using the ch47 in our Evolution Version :)

The AH64 also sounds realy good. Its the one from PMC? But the Model especially the textures are not realy (int. and ext) good. Hope there will be a new one in the future.

Thx and that AH64 is PMC - not new ,it was used for test sounds ,but sooner or later we will get better new AH64 ;)

btw i will soon add ah64 sounds here and tweak ch47 sounds , if done these next will be LittleBird (MH-6/AH-6) sounds and UH-1 Huey sounds :cool:

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Glad to see you thinking ahead mate, I wonder what our littlebirds would sound like together...?

I think they'd fall in love and have lots of other littlebirds....

Erm, did I just say that.. :)

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Thx and that AH64 is PMC - not new ,it was used for test sounds ,but sooner or later we will get better new AH64 ;)

btw i will soon add ah64 sounds here and tweak ch47 sounds , if done these next will be LittleBird (MH-6/AH-6) sounds and UH-1 Huey sounds :cool:

Please do add the AH-64ounds, I'll like to have them ingame.

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Liking the Chinook sounds :)

Cant wait to have them in game :)

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Just another 2 wips :)

<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAz5iBMSup4&hl=cs&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAz5iBMSup4&hl=cs&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>

<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrN01zZvWJ0&hl=cs&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrN01zZvWJ0&hl=cs&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>

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Not bad at all, but there is too much turbine sound on the MH-6, I can nitpick that one because I've flown Hughes 500's and worked hundreds of hours around them. Most of what you hear is like a literally like a "fart" sound from the main rotor system and the buzz from the tailrotor (which is usually only prominent when a 500 is approaching you with Doppler effect). You really only notice the engine sound when they are at ground idle. Other than that I think it's fine, as long as you can tone down the engine sound.

Just to show what I mean: you can barely hear the engine if at all

Edited by LeftSkidLow

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Not bad at all, but there is too much turbine sound on the MH-6, I can nitpick that one because I've flown Hughes 500's and worked hundreds of hours around them. Most of what you hear is like a literally like a "fart" sound from the main rotor system and the buzz from the tailrotor (which is usually only prominent when a 500 is approaching you with Doppler effect). You really only notice the engine sound when they are at ground idle. Other than that I think it's fine, as long as you can tone down the engine sound.

Just to show what I mean: you can barely hear the engine if at all

Thx for reply :) , i will lower the turbine and engine sound

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I know I will get slapped for this but whats the current progress on the new sounds for this mod? Any basic sketchy ETA on next release with the new additions and the Chinook sounds?

I dont really bump threads much but im very interested in this and keeping a firm eye on it (or should that be ear?) :)

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I know I will get slapped for this but whats the current progress on the new sounds for this mod? Any basic sketchy ETA on next release with the new additions and the Chinook sounds?

I dont really bump threads much but im very interested in this and keeping a firm eye on it (or should that be ear?) :)

+1, I'd like to know this also....

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I know I will get slapped...

Was a +1 from p75 the sorta slap you were expecting? ;)

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LOL ... no actually I was waiting to get a placebo/the crew message about bumping threads with out any relevance or more input ... that kind of slap :)

Well to maybe add something more than a bumpfest I would love to see a beta test thrown out of whats new especially now we have patch updates (and some reported sound issues) and the beta patches to run it with.

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Best helicopter sounds I've ever heard in a game. Period.

Thank you :)

btw about sounds: am kinda very busy right now to make something new with ,but i will try find some time to make 1.02 :D

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btw about sounds: am kinda very busy right now to make something new with ,but i will try find some time to make 1.02

I cant wait..... and like ApacheCpbra2 said: Great work..:yay::yay:

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Thank you :)

btw about sounds: am kinda very busy right now to make something new with ,but i will try find some time to make 1.02 :D

Ah.... I just found out about this mod, I guess I'll download it twice!

Good work as always!

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Thank you :)

btw about sounds: am kinda very busy right now to make something new with ,but i will try find some time to make 1.02 :D

awesome, that would be more than sweet :yay:

thx 4 your great job

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Ive had to disable this sound mod because with 1.05 patch im now getting an error "Invalid Crew_ Civilian" and CTD. Do you think you could have a look into it, i love this addon.


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Like, nazul this mod is causing CTD for me when I try to run it with the 1.05 patch

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