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NVIDIA video card(s) owners read here!

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With the risk of asking something stupid, where exactly is this option? I cant see it in my CP. Driver version currently used is 260.99.


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CPU means PhysX disabled.

No it doesn't, it means PhysX calculations are done on the CPU.

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I assumed the question was "how do I turn off PhysX on my GPU" or, to put it another way, how do I stop the physx calculations being done on my GPU, in which case, I think my answer was more or less correct.

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Yes Dwarden said to Disable it suggesting that it could be turned off entirely. Either way, switching it to CPU is probably going to have the same effect.

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Sorry to make a federal case of it but switching it to CPU does not disable it.

It disables GPU (or GeForce) PhysX but it will not disable it altogether. It merely forces it to be calculated on the CPU.

PhysX has absolutely nothing to do with ArmA 2 so it won't matter what you do with it, it will have no effect on ArmA 2 whatsoever.

PhysX is not part of the video driver and unless specific calls are made to it by the software (ArmA 2 in this case), it will not be used.

Edited by BangTail

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What driver version is that, that allows for disabling the AO?

I installed the 195.55 for my 8800GT, but there's no option as shown in that pic.


Same with mine, I figured the 88000 (I have GTX) just dont support it. :o

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What driver version is that, that allows for disabling the AO?

I installed the 195.55 for my 8800GT, but there's no option as shown in that pic.


Newest Driver 260.99. It was also on 258.

My Card is a GTX 260.

8800's are kinda old... it may not have the ability to handle Ambient Occlusion.

I just ordered a GTX 460, prices on cards are dropping with the arrival of the newest generation. You can pick up a good deal with a bit of searching.


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I have a probelm with my Gigabyte GTX460 1GB. If video memory is set to default the game crashes with artifacts. Anyone else experiance this if video memory is set to default on any GTX 460 card.

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I have a probelm with my Gigabyte GTX460 1GB. If video memory is set to default the game crashes with artifacts. Anyone else experiance this if video memory is set to default on any GTX 460 card.

have you tryed to set memory "high"??

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have you tryed to set memory "high"??

Yes it runs fine on high, Just gives problems if re-installing game so i thought id'e mention it as it is very hard to change settings ingame if the default is the default selected. Once chnaged it's ok but this tells me the card's memory is probably not recognised properly

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Yes it runs fine on high, Just gives problems if re-installing game so i thought id'e mention it as it is very hard to change settings ingame if the default is the default selected. Once chnaged it's ok but this tells me the card's memory is probably not recognised properly

So, I have a EVGA 460GTX video card in the mailing coming to me (1028MB). I should make sure my video memory is set to "high" , I take it? Not default.

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I would set it to high initially

U can always try default and if it crashes change the config file to high if u cannot change it ingame , maybe it would recognise ur brands memory

Mine is a gigabyte

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I've to reinstall the NVIDIA driver what you suggest to do

try 260.63 Beta or 260.99 WHQL

did anyone try the difference between those two releases ?

thank you in advance

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I'm running 258.96 and they run great - For some reason, can't think of it right now I didn't want to go up to 260's..... Though I believe the 260 have a great full clean and install option now ...So you dont need to use driver cleaners..

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Installed an MSi GTX460 Cyclone, which is overclocked.

Oddly enough... there is very little discernible improvement in FPS right off. I noted framerates for a variety of settings on my old card and with predictable/repeatable scenes. At best, I can only sense that maybe the framerate is a little more stable with less fluctuations.

ArmA2 bottlenecks Computers somewhere... and the more I fiddle, the more I know it's not the video card. But what exactly is the restricting hurdle?

Intel Core2 Quad Q9650 3.0ghz

8gigs Ram

Corsair SSD

GTX 460 OC 1gig

AuzenTech X-Plosion SC

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I have a problem witch fps in a multi-player games. I was can"t find nathing about it in a forum or maybe I looking wrong.

My spec

CPU- Phenom 955 oc 3.4

GPU- Gigabyte gtx460oc 1gb drivers ver. 260.99

RAM- 4gb patrit signature

Disc- samsung 500gb f3

Motherboard- asus m4a88t-v evo

Win 7 64bit fresh

I have ererything on normal



view- 1800


resolution- 1920-1080 but nathing happned when I change for low ressolution is still the same fps average 22 to 30 , same if I put up for high.

Thanks for future help

Edited by papdzan

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I have a problem witch fps in a multi-player games. I was can"t find nathing about it in a forum or maybe I looking wrong.

My spec

CPU- Phenom 955 oc 3.4

GPU- Gigabyte gtx460oc 1gb drivers ver. 260.99

RAM- 4gb patrit signature

Disc- samsung 500gb f3

Motherboard- asus m4a88t-v evo

Win 7 64bit fresh

I have ererything on normal



view- 1800


resolution- 1920-1080 but nathing happned when I change for low ressolution is still the same fps average 22 to 30 , same if I put up for high.

Thanks for future help

was it a coop mission? eg Domination?

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Is the same in all games no more then 30,32 fps and graphics setting nothing change ....for example map ..... co@30 Utes Raidv1.67.Utes and TvT@18 SCUD Escort 1.00.Padagorsk

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MY Comp Specs

XPS 720 System

Quad Core 2.33gz


GTX 460 1028 MB Vid Card (newly installed)

Am I getting decent performace, would others say??

I'm coming from a 8800GT (in which I had most setttings on normal with PP OFF and Anti on low). On the benchmarks I would run 37-40 FPS -

My settings now are High mostly (with object details and terrain details set to Normal). I still have PP and Shadows OFF -

I'm now getting 57-59 FPS (though I think I"m getting a slut stutter from time to time, that I don't recall getting with my 8800GT).

Does this seem decent or not?? The game defintely looks better, I'm just wondering on the performacne overall and the possible slight stutter...

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------

What exactly is "video memory"..... And how do you know where you should have this set to? Low, Normal, High, etc???

I have a new EVGA GTX 460 1028 MB

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I have a probelm with my Gigabyte GTX460 1GB. If video memory is set to default the game crashes with artifacts. Anyone else experiance this if video memory is set to default on any GTX 460 card.

I too have just experienced this (game locking crashing with artefacts) with my VRAM set to default. It was happily using 2GB on my GTX 295 for at least 2 months until 2 days ago when I had these errors and tried reducing memory clocks at first (from my overclocked settings), then the video memory usage.

I haven't updated to the latest beta since the official patch release but with the new 1.57 i will when servers start to use it, I just hope it is not a hardware issue as it didnt appear to coincide with any software changes. I will post an update when i know more. :confused:

Edited by eddie247

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:D :D :D All is good

Got my PALIT GTX 570 1280 MB now, running at default speeds (nvidia original values).

ArmA2 OA Benchmark with MSI GTX460 768MB: 66

ArmA2 OA Benchmark with Palit GTX570 1280MB: 79

ArmA2 settings:

Visibility: 2000

Both resolutions 1920 x 1200

Texture detail: NORMAL Terrain detail: LOW Postprocess effects: DISABLED

Video memory: HIGH Objects detail: NORMAL Interface size: VERY SMALL

Anisotropic filter: DISABLED Shadow detail: HIGH Aspect Ratio: 16:10

Antialiasing: DISABLED HDR Quality: NORMAL VSync: DISABLED


Core2Quad 9550 OC @ 3.6 (air)

Palit GTX570 1280MB / SamsungT240

Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3

2 x 2 GB OCZ 8500

X-Fi ExtremeGamer

BeQuiet! 700W

Thermaltake Armor VA8000

WinXP 32bit SP3

ArmA2 installed on Kingston 120GB SSD

[edit] deleted my user config, got new 3d performance, benchmarks shows 79 now :)

Edited by ])rStrangelove

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Heh ])rStrangelove :p

btw you should put Anisotropic filter on 16x and Antialiasing on 4x

I waiting for better version of GTX580 with better cooler than normal one or GTX595 :D

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Heh ])rStrangelove :p

btw you should put Anisotropic filter on 16x and Antialiasing on 4x

I waiting for better version of GTX580 with better cooler than normal one or GTX595 :D

There won't be a 'better' version of the 580. 40nm is at the end of the line. You may see a 580 with more RAM but Nvidia's (and AMD's for that matter) next cards will be a 'next gen' part at 28nm

As for a dual GPU card, there might be one from Nvidia but I sincerely hope they don't waste their time. Dual GPU cards are a PITA and I much prefer to simply add another card should it become necessary.

Apart from anything else, it maintains redundancy.

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