jw custom 56 Posted March 26, 2010 I want to turn the teleport system off, but I'd like to retain the ability to respawn to MHQs. Anyone have any ideas how I might go about this?I've found a lot of stuff that references teleport in the mission folder, but don't want to go hacking code if someone else has already done it. I haven't tested it but try remove the FLAG_BASE addAction ["Teleport","dlg\teleport.sqf"]; entries from the x_setupplayer.sqf. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted March 27, 2010 I'm looking at that line right now. I'll remark it out and report back. I don't think it will prevent teleports between MHQs, but it's a start. Thanks for your help. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jw custom 56 Posted March 27, 2010 I don't think it will prevent teleports between MHQs, but it's a start. One way to do it is to open up x_dlg\VecDialog.hpp and do: // Control types #define CT_STATIC 0 #define CT_BUTTON 1 #define CT_EDIT 2 #define CT_SLIDER 3 #define CT_COMBO 4 #define CT_LISTBOX 5 #define CT_TOOLBOX 6 #define CT_CHECKBOXES 7 #define CT_PROGRESS 8 #define CT_HTML 9 #define CT_STATIC_SKEW 10 #define CT_ACTIVETEXT 11 #define CT_TREE 12 #define CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT 13 #define CT_CONTEXT_MENU 14 #define CT_CONTROLS_GROUP 15 #define CT_XKEYDESC 40 #define CT_XBUTTON 41 #define CT_XLISTBOX 42 #define CT_XSLIDER 43 #define CT_XCOMBO 44 #define CT_ANIMATED_TEXTURE 45 #define CT_OBJECT 80 #define CT_OBJECT_ZOOM 81 #define CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER 82 #define CT_OBJECT_CONT_ANIM 83 #define CT_LINEBREAK 98 #define CT_USER 99 #define CT_MAP 100 #define CT_MAP_MAIN 101 // Static styles #define ST_POS 0x0F #define ST_HPOS 0x03 #define ST_VPOS 0x0C #define ST_LEFT 0x00 #define ST_RIGHT 0x01 #define ST_CENTER 0x02 #define ST_DOWN 0x04 #define ST_UP 0x08 #define ST_VCENTER 0x0c #define ST_TYPE 0xF0 #define ST_SINGLE 0 #define ST_MULTI 16 #define ST_TITLE_BAR 32 #define ST_PICTURE 48 #define ST_FRAME 64 #define ST_BACKGROUND 80 #define ST_GROUP_BOX 96 #define ST_GROUP_BOX2 112 #define ST_HUD_BACKGROUND 128 #define ST_TILE_PICTURE 144 #define ST_WITH_RECT 160 #define ST_LINE 176 #define FontM "Zeppelin32" #define Size_Main_Small 0.029 #define Size_Main_Normal 0.04 #define Size_Text_Default Size_Main_Normal #define Size_Text_Small Size_Main_Small #define Color_White {1, 1, 1, 1} #define Color_Main_Foreground1 Color_White #define Color_Text_Default Color_Main_Foreground1 // #### class XD_VecDialog { idd = 11002; movingEnable = 1; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable [""X_VEC_DIALOG"", _this select 0];"; controlsBackground[] = {XD_BackGround}; // #### objects[] = {}; controls[] = { XD_VecDialogCaption, XD_CloseButton, XD_AmmoBoxCaption, XD_VecPicture, XD_VecDialogCaption2, XD_BoxPicture, XD_BoxPicture2, XD_DropAmmoButton, XD_CreateListbox, XD_CreateVecCaption, XD_CreateVecButton, XD_LoadAmmoButton, dtext2 //XD_TeleportButton }; class XD_BackGround : XC_RscText { idc = -1; type = 0; style = 48; x = 0.1; y = 0; w = 1.5; h = 1.3; colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; text = "\ca\ui\data\ui_mainmenu_background_ca.paa"; font = "Zeppelin32"; sizeEx = 0.032; };; // #### class XD_CloseButton { idc = -1; type = 16; style = 0; text = "Close"; action = "closeDialog 0;"; x = 0.58; y = 0.945; w = 0.23; h = 0.104575; size = 0.03921; sizeEx = 0.03921; color[] = {0.543, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; color2[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1}; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorbackground2[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.4}; colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.25}; periodFocus = 1.2; periodOver = 0.8; class HitZone { left = 0.004; top = 0.029; right = 0.004; bottom = 0.029; }; class ShortcutPos { left = 0.0145; top = 0.026; w = 0.0392157; h = 0.0522876; }; class TextPos { left = 0.05; top = 0.034; right = 0.005; bottom = 0.005; }; textureNoShortcut = ""; animTextureNormal = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_normal_ca.paa"; animTextureDisabled = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_disabled_ca.paa"; animTextureOver = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_over_ca.paa"; animTextureFocused = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_focus_ca.paa"; animTexturePressed = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_down_ca.paa"; animTextureDefault = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_default_ca.paa"; period = 0.4; font = "Zeppelin32"; soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.09, 1}; soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.09, 1}; soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.07, 1}; soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.09, 1}; class Attributes { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; class AttributesImage { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; }; class XD_VecDialogCaption : XC_RscText { x = 0.18; y = 0.03; w = 0.25; h = 0.1; sizeEx = 0.04; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.0}; colorText[] = {0.643, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; text = "VEHILCE MENU"; }; class XD_VecPicture : RscPicture { idc = 44444; x=0.43; y=0.195; w=0.1; h=0.1; text=""; sizeEx = 256; }; class XD_VecDialogCaption2 : XC_RscText { idc = 44445; x = 0.55; y = 0.2; w = 0.25; h = 0.1; sizeEx = 0.032; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.0}; colorText[] = {0.643, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; text = "Chopper 1"; }; class XD_AmmoBoxCaption : XC_RscText { idc = 44454; x = 0.24; y = 0.30; w = 0.25; h = 0.1; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.0}; colorText[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; text = "Ammobox loaded:"; }; class XD_BoxPicture : RscPicture { idc = 44446; x=0.23; y=0.35; w=0.17; h=0.17; text=""; sizeEx = 256; }; class XD_BoxPicture2 : RscPicture { idc = 44447; x=0.25; y=0.375; w=0.12; h=0.12; text=""; sizeEx = 256; }; class XD_DropAmmoButton { idc = 44448; type = 16; style = 0; text = "Drop Box"; action = "closeDialog 0;if (!d_old_ammobox_handling) then {_handle = [vehicle player, player] execVM ""x_scripts\x_dropammobox2.sqf""} else {_handle = [vehicle player, player] execVM ""x_scripts\x_dropammobox_old.sqf""}"; x = 0.20; y = 0.52; w = 0.23; h = 0.104575; size = 0.03921; sizeEx = 0.03921; color[] = {0.543, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; color2[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1}; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorbackground2[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.4}; colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.25}; periodFocus = 1.2; periodOver = 0.8; class HitZone { left = 0.004; top = 0.029; right = 0.004; bottom = 0.029; }; class ShortcutPos { left = 0.0145; top = 0.026; w = 0.0392157; h = 0.0522876; }; class TextPos { left = 0.05; top = 0.034; right = 0.005; bottom = 0.005; }; textureNoShortcut = ""; animTextureNormal = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_normal_ca.paa"; animTextureDisabled = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_disabled_ca.paa"; animTextureOver = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_over_ca.paa"; animTextureFocused = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_focus_ca.paa"; animTexturePressed = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_down_ca.paa"; animTextureDefault = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_default_ca.paa"; period = 0.4; font = "Zeppelin32"; soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.09, 1}; soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.09, 1}; soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.07, 1}; soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.09, 1}; class Attributes { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; class AttributesImage { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; }; class XD_LoadAmmoButton { idc = 44452; type = 16; style = 0; text = "Load Box"; action = "closeDialog 0;_handle = [vehicle player, player] execVM ""x_scripts\x_loaddropped.sqf"""; x = 0.20; y = 0.58; w = 0.23; h = 0.104575; size = 0.03921; sizeEx = 0.03921; color[] = {0.543, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; color2[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1}; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorbackground2[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.4}; colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.25}; periodFocus = 1.2; periodOver = 0.8; class HitZone { left = 0.004; top = 0.029; right = 0.004; bottom = 0.029; }; class ShortcutPos { left = 0.0145; top = 0.026; w = 0.0392157; h = 0.0522876; }; class TextPos { left = 0.05; top = 0.034; right = 0.005; bottom = 0.005; }; textureNoShortcut = ""; animTextureNormal = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_normal_ca.paa"; animTextureDisabled = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_disabled_ca.paa"; animTextureOver = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_over_ca.paa"; animTextureFocused = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_focus_ca.paa"; animTexturePressed = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_down_ca.paa"; animTextureDefault = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_default_ca.paa"; period = 0.4; font = "Zeppelin32"; soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.09, 1}; soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.09, 1}; soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.07, 1}; soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.09, 1}; class Attributes { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; class AttributesImage { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; }; class XD_CreateVecCaption : XC_RscText { idc = 44450; x = 0.50; y = 0.30; w = 0.25; h = 0.1; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.0}; colorText[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; text = "Create Vehicle:"; }; class XD_CreateListbox : SXRscListBox { idc = 44449; x = 0.50; y = 0.40; w = 0.275; h = 0.20; soundselect[]={}; sizeEx = 0.015; rowHeight = 0.04; style = ST_CENTER; borderSize = 1; colorSelectBackground[] = {0.643, 0.5742, 0.4102, 0.6}; SoundExpand[]={"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.15, 1}; SoundCollapse[]={"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.15, 1}; maxHistoryDelay = 1; autoScrollSpeed = -1; autoScrollDelay = 5; autoScrollRewind = 0; class ScrollBar { color[] = {1,1,1,0.6}; colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.3}; thumb = "\ca\ui\data\ui_scrollbar_thumb_ca.paa"; arrowFull = "\ca\ui\data\ui_arrow_top_active_ca.paa"; arrowEmpty = "\ca\ui\data\ui_arrow_top_ca.paa"; border = "\ca\ui\data\ui_border_scroll_ca.paa"; }; }; class XD_CreateVecButton { idc = 44451; type = 16; style = 0; text = "Create Vehicle"; action = "_kk = 0 execVM ""x_scripts\x_create_vec.sqf"""; x = 0.52; y = 0.64; w = 0.23; h = 0.104575; size = 0.03921; sizeEx = 0.03921; color[] = {0.543, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; color2[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1}; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorbackground2[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.4}; colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.25}; periodFocus = 1.2; periodOver = 0.8; class HitZone { left = 0.004; top = 0.029; right = 0.004; bottom = 0.029; }; class ShortcutPos { left = 0.0145; top = 0.026; w = 0.0392157; h = 0.0522876; }; class TextPos { left = 0.05; top = 0.034; right = 0.005; bottom = 0.005; }; textureNoShortcut = ""; animTextureNormal = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_normal_ca.paa"; animTextureDisabled = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_disabled_ca.paa"; animTextureOver = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_over_ca.paa"; animTextureFocused = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_focus_ca.paa"; animTexturePressed = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_down_ca.paa"; animTextureDefault = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_default_ca.paa"; period = 0.4; font = "Zeppelin32"; soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.09, 1}; soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.09, 1}; soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.07, 1}; soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.09, 1}; class Attributes { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; class AttributesImage { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; }; class dtext2 : SXRscText { x = 0.14; y = 0.99; w = 0.2; h = 0.03; sizeEx = 0.032; colorText[] = {0.643, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; text = "Domination!"; }; /* class XD_TeleportButton { idc = 44453; type = 16; style = 0; text = "Teleport"; action = "closeDialog 0;_handle = [] execVM ""dlg\teleport.sqf"""; x = 0.20; y = 0.64; w = 0.23; h = 0.104575; size = 0.03921; sizeEx = 0.03921; color[] = {0.543, 0.5742, 0.4102, 1.0}; color2[] = {0.95, 0.95, 0.95, 1}; colorBackground[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorbackground2[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.4}; colorDisabled[] = {1, 1, 1, 0.25}; periodFocus = 1.2; periodOver = 0.8; class HitZone { left = 0.004; top = 0.029; right = 0.004; bottom = 0.029; }; class ShortcutPos { left = 0.0145; top = 0.026; w = 0.0392157; h = 0.0522876; }; class TextPos { left = 0.05; top = 0.034; right = 0.005; bottom = 0.005; }; textureNoShortcut = ""; animTextureNormal = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_normal_ca.paa"; animTextureDisabled = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_disabled_ca.paa"; animTextureOver = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_over_ca.paa"; animTextureFocused = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_focus_ca.paa"; animTexturePressed = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_down_ca.paa"; animTextureDefault = "\ca\ui\data\ui_button_default_ca.paa"; period = 0.4; font = "Zeppelin32"; soundEnter[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse2", 0.09, 1}; soundPush[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\new1", 0.09, 1}; soundClick[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse3", 0.07, 1}; soundEscape[] = {"\ca\ui\data\sound\mouse1", 0.09, 1}; class Attributes { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; class AttributesImage { font = "Zeppelin32"; color = "#E5E5E5"; align = "left"; shadow = "true"; }; }; */ }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted March 27, 2010 Ah, the tactical block remark! :) Nice one. I'll test and report back. ---------- Post added at 03:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:07 PM ---------- Excellent! Both work just fine. Many thanks, JWC. Much appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunterlund21 10 Posted April 2, 2010 Has there ever been resolution to the problem of AI parachuters hanging in the air and never coming down in MP. For instance we shoot down a KA52, a 2 seater aircraft. 4 guys bail out. Two come down and 2 hang in the air for the rest of the games. The guys who actually land dont move. The two suspended in the air subsequently drip pilots who fall to the ground. The AI think the two pilots hanging in the air are still alive and waste tons of ammo trying to kill them to no avail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HyperU2 11 Posted April 2, 2010 Has there ever been resolution to the problem of AI parachuters hanging in the air and never coming down in MP. For instance we shoot down a KA52, a 2 seater aircraft. 4 guys bail out. Two come down and 2 hang in the air for the rest of the games. The guys who actually land dont move. The two suspended in the air subsequently drip pilots who fall to the ground. The AI think the two pilots hanging in the air are still alive and waste tons of ammo trying to kill them to no avail. Happens to me pretty often. I think after I killed them my AI ignored them though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunterlund21 10 Posted April 3, 2010 Im trying to relocate the ammo crates in my version of domination from the airfield to another location. Ive found some code in i_client.sqf that looks like where it spawns the crates. It is d_player_ammobox_pos = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4707.69,10232,0],320]} else {[[14490.3,365.406,15.9],180]}; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4875.74,11744.7,0],270]} else {[[14690.2,544.483,15.9],180]}; #endif #ifdef __TT__ [ [[4765.03,2564.160],215], // West [[12037,12653.5,0],23] // East ]; #endif #ifdef __ACE__ d_ace_boxes = [ ["ACE_RuckBox_West",[4721.29,10230.4,0],55], // position, direction ACE_RuckBox ["ACE_HuntIRBox",[4719.72,10233.3,0],55] // position, direction ACE_HuntIRBox ]; //["ACE_MedicBox",[9664.12,9979.25,0],0], // position, direction ACE_MedicBox #endif Now I placed a couple of objects in the map where I want the crates to go in an attempt to copy the map location but the numbers look quite different. class Item1493 { position[]={5151.4336,347.80682,8940.1221}; azimut=393.32001; special="NONE"; id=1579; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="USVehicleBox"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="bryce1"; }; class Item1494 { position[]={5150.6968,347.78333,8938.208}; azimut=393.32001; special="NONE"; id=1580; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="USVehicleBox"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="bryce1_1"; }; class Item1495 { position[]={5149.5762,347.76474,8936.5313}; azimut=393.32001; special="NONE"; id=1581; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="USVehicleBox"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="bryce1_2"; The ones in the client.sqf look like setpos positions where the coords in mission.sqm look like map coords. Is this correct. If so how do I move the crates to the new location. Is i_client.sqf the only file that needs to be changed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
oktane 0 Posted April 4, 2010 (edited) Im trying to relocate the ammo crates in my version of domination from the airfield to another location. Ive found some code in i_client.sqf that looks like where it spawns the crates. It is d_player_ammobox_pos = #ifdef __DEFAULT__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4707.69,10232,0],320]} else {[[14490.3,365.406,15.9],180]}; #endif #ifdef __EVERON__ if (isNil "d_with_carrier") then {[[4875.74,11744.7,0],270]} else {[[14690.2,544.483,15.9],180]}; #endif #ifdef __TT__ [ [[4765.03,2564.160],215], // West [[12037,12653.5,0],23] // East ]; #endif #ifdef __ACE__ d_ace_boxes = [ ["ACE_RuckBox_West",[4721.29,10230.4,0],55], // position, direction ACE_RuckBox ["ACE_HuntIRBox",[4719.72,10233.3,0],55] // position, direction ACE_HuntIRBox ]; //["ACE_MedicBox",[9664.12,9979.25,0],0], // position, direction ACE_MedicBox #endif Now I placed a couple of objects in the map where I want the crates to go in an attempt to copy the map location but the numbers look quite different. class Item1493 { position[]={5151.4336,347.80682,8940.1221}; azimut=393.32001; special="NONE"; id=1579; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="USVehicleBox"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="bryce1"; }; class Item1494 { position[]={5150.6968,347.78333,8938.208}; azimut=393.32001; special="NONE"; id=1580; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="USVehicleBox"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="bryce1_1"; }; class Item1495 { position[]={5149.5762,347.76474,8936.5313}; azimut=393.32001; special="NONE"; id=1581; side="EMPTY"; vehicle="USVehicleBox"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; text="bryce1_2"; The ones in the client.sqf look like setpos positions where the coords in mission.sqm look like map coords. Is this correct. If so how do I move the crates to the new location. Is i_client.sqf the only file that needs to be changed. position[]={5149.5762,347.76474,8936.5313}; xzy is mission format is [5149.5762,8936.5313,347.76474]; xyz is scripting format Edited April 5, 2010 by oktane Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunterlund21 10 Posted April 4, 2010 (edited) Oktane Why does Xeno have 0 in the Z coords? Any idea ie ["ACE_RuckBox_West",[4721.29,10230.4,0] edit This was resolved. Figured out the coord process. thanks all. Edited April 4, 2010 by gunterlund21 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 4, 2010 Thanks to JW Custom, I've turned off the teleport system which is great apart from one thing, the engineers usefulness is now seriously degraded because they can only repair once without returning to base. So, I thought I'd give them their repair ability back once they got to the MHQ, but am struggling with the code. Here at line 970 of setupplayer.sqf, the trigger that gives the repair ability back is created, but how can I have that trigger created at the MHQ nearest to the relevant engineer? d_engineer_trigger = createTrigger["EmptyDetector" ,_dbase_a select 0]; d_engineer_trigger setTriggerArea [_dbase_a select 1, _dbase_a select 2, d_base_array select 3, false]; #endif d_engineer_trigger setTriggerActivation [d_own_side_trigger, "PRESENT", true]; d_engineer_trigger setTriggerStatements["!d_eng_can_repfuel && player in thislist", "d_eng_can_repfuel = true;'Engineer repair/refuel capability restored.' call XfGlobalChat;", ""]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 17, 2010 x_bike isn't working as expected. I've decided to use the ranked system to give better rewards to medics and engineers, but have tried to turn off all the other bits of ranked. For example, it costs some players a point or two to do some stuff and certain ranks are required to do some stuff like fly the wreck chopper. I set the minimum rank for flying the wrecker to private and that works just fine, but creating bikes at the MHQ refuses to work, even though I've set d_ranked_a (6) to 0. It still insists I need to "have to be at least a lieutenant". Anyone know why x_bike works this way? The code in that file is really complex. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jw custom 56 Posted April 17, 2010 Try disable this part: if (score player < (_parray select _index)) then { _rank = ( switch (_parray select _index) do { case (d_points_needed select 1): {"Sergeant"}; case (d_points_needed select 2): {"Lieutenant"}; case (d_points_needed select 3): {"Captain"}; case (d_points_needed select 4): {"Major"}; case (d_points_needed select 5): {"Colonel"}; } ); (format ["You have to be at least %1 to create a %2",_rank,_create_bike]) call XfGlobalChat; _exitit = true; }; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 19, 2010 That worked just fine, thanks JW. I think there's some redundant code in that file. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mokemann 10 Posted April 20, 2010 (edited) Hey guys, since the last ACE update i am unable to get the lifter script of ACE running in domination. in earlier versions of ACE there was a modul i could place in the editor and attach the slingrope to the heli. but with the new update the modul is gone. how does it work now? Edited April 20, 2010 by Mokemann Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 23, 2010 d_limited_weapons question... The array set up in i_client, d_limited_weapons_ar, does that list the allowed weapons for each unit, or the disallowed weapons? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshman 10 Posted April 23, 2010 Hello) People who knows where and what file name! responsible for the call drop ammobox and m119 :) I want to make a small change :icon_rolleyes: I want to change the helicopter MH60S to plane C130J :) I hope for your help. Thx. (Sorry for bad english) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 23, 2010 (edited) The setting you want is in i_server. I know this because I've done exactly the same thing. It makes perfect sense too, the airdrop arrives MUCH quicker and is less likely to get shot down by OPFOR. It looks so cool seeing that bird fly over and drop the cargo... sometimes, it drops the cargo, then flies around and makes a second pass, as if checking it's dropped it in the right place. Other times, if flies over once, then drops it on the second pass, as if the pilot is checking his dropzone. So cool! // Type of aircraft, that will air drop stuff x_drop_aircraft = #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_GUER__ "MH60S"; #endif #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_WEST__ if (__ACEVer) then {"MH60S"} else {"C130J"}; #endif #ifdef __OWN_SIDE_EAST__ if (__ACEVer) then { "Mi17_rockets_RU" } else { "Mi17_rockets_RU" }; #endif #ifdef __TT__ "MH60S"; #endif Edited April 23, 2010 by Tankbuster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshman 10 Posted April 23, 2010 Tankbuster Thank you for your help! everything works 100%! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 23, 2010 TankbusterThank you for your help! everything works 100%! You're most welcome. :) Some of my players adore this simple change. I spend hours, ney days creating lovely new side missions for them. I spend weeks adding cool features and what do they say they like most? The simple 5 sec code change that makes the Herc drop the ammo and arty piece! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshman 10 Posted April 23, 2010 Tankbuster where i can download your changed mission ? :) always want something new:icon_rolleyes: one more question! in which a file can be added AI ? (pilots, crewmens) (sorry for bad english I Ukrainian emigre) :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 23, 2010 http://dev-heaven.net/projects/rhapsody-projects Look in the files section, there's a zipped up copy of the mission folder. If you want AI teammates, you have to use the AI version. Look in the original mission pack file from Xeno. Link below. Note that there are later version of the game, but they require ACE2. http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/files Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keshman 10 Posted April 23, 2010 Tankbuster Thanks again! I'm going to test a (new) mission :) and wait for my comments :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jan.K 10 Posted April 25, 2010 Anyone know who made a version called: Dominiation_Support_Zues? maybe someone here can help me, crashed hlis respawn and i dont want that, want to force engineers to fix it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xeno 231 Posted April 26, 2010 Domination! 2 - Thunderstruck I allways say there will be no new Dom version anymore and that I won't touch it anymore but sometimes I simply have to go back to Dom and open the mission in the ArmA 2 editor or the scripts and fsms and do some small changes here and there, add some features here and there, fix this, fix that, add new bugs :-)... But this time the number of changes, fixes, enhancements, optimizations, etc, that I've made since the last release is so high that I've decided to name the new release Domination! 2. The result is, well, it's still Domination but a really enhanced version. So here is a list with some of the changes since the normal 1.27 release... Changelog: MHQs must get deployed now before someone can teleport or use the other features, boxes can still be dropped You should search the bodies of dead main target mission units (officer, other units), maybe you'll find some usefull information that will help you (not available in the TT version) A few more main target missions Added some more sidemissions, now 50 sidemissions in the normal version SAT view (from Vienna) added, available at MHQs Added SADARM to artillery Artillery uses now some of the effects from the ARTY module Artillery action menu is now also available in vehicles for artillery operators Wrecks of vehicles you've got for solving sidemissions, etc, will now get deleted after an hour (default) if nobody brings them to the wreck repair point, can be changed or disabled in the server lobby Winter weather from ruebe added, depending on the weather conditions it may snow, there may be fog on the ground and colors look like they do on cold days (too much rain = no fog and no snow) Mission now takes place in November instead of June like before (needed for winter weather) Blood and dirt hit effects added Replaced team Echo in all non ACE west versions with a CDF team Added vehicle hud. Chopper hud fixed and colors changed More features can now be changed in the lobby (parameters), all in all 63 parameters that can be changed depending on the version Camo nets get spawned for the initial vehicles at base Dom uses now kbTell/BIS talk system to broadcast most of the serverside messages (including speech for some messages) Admin spectate completely rewritten (much much faster now), to end it press X Admin lock vehicle feature fixed Automatic teamkill kick added. If a player reaches a specific number of teamkills (number can be changed, default is 10) he gets kicked automatically. If the player then joins again and does another team kill, well, immediate kick, and so on... Added admin dialog for logged in admins, accessable via Status Dialog. There an admin can reset teamkills and ban or kick a player. The position of the player is shown on an embedded map control plus some other info. TT version enhanced (should be completely bug free now including side missions, me hopes :-)), capturing camps is now available in the TT version too TT version points system changed (points can be altered in i_common.sqf, d_tt_points) Random number of camps at main targets As long as the anti air radar at base isn't destroyed you can track enemy air movements on the map Net code completely rewritten (event based). Dom itself now only uses one publicVariable Internal vehicle handling rewritten, initial base vehicles/choppers are initialized completely different now Markers are now created on the fly instead of using editor placed markers Allmost all call compile formats removed and replaced with either missionNamespace/object getVariable (specially in the revive version) or with better coding Revive uses event based net code too (own system) instead of millions setVehicleInits like before Removed all AI chopper/plane start positions, they are now created on the fly based on island config sizes Reading in description.ext class Params optimized, mission variables are created on the fly from description.ext class Params by writing them into missionNamespace Headbug fix now also works on LHDs Artillery used by AI enemy artillery observers fixed and particle effects added Getting points for transporting other players in the Ranked version fixed and optimized Same for ranked vehicle check BIS_Effects_EH_Killed, BIS_Effects_AirDestruction and BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2 replaced with versions without setVehicleInit (can be disabled in the lobby, it will surely break addons like WarFX which I can live with as I don't use them :-). No I won't answer why but there is a reason why) BIS HALO code transfered to sqf, added sound during freefall Mando missile version removed, nobody played it Player to player message system will now add new received messages while the dialog is still open Code for showing player names above a unit optimized New TeamStatusDialog version added (cleaned up and optimized) Player names now also get stored when a player leaves a server. A message will show up if a player connects with a different name including a log entry into the server rpt In the TT version a warning message shows up if a player switches sides Corrected saving autokicktime in onPlayerConnected onPlayerConnected uses an object now to store player values instead of an array (with UID as key) Destroyed AI vehicle handling changed (no more replacement with a new destroyed vehicle, only dead crew inside vehicle gets deleted immediately) Many files changed, removed, rewritten and optimized, more precompiled functions and scripts Internal folder structure changed Cleanup of all files plus more macros FSM decompile info gets removed during build for smaller FSM sizes in the release missions Developer version plus dom_maker included in the download file. For dom_maker you just need the FSMCompiler from the BI Developer Tools Plus gazillions of other changes, enhancements, optimizations and bug fixes that would simply break the post Dom and a hosted environment should work now because of the new event based network system (though no support for saving). Hopefully it is still easy for you guys who have modified DomA2! 1.xx to transfer your changes to DomA2! 2, but I think it shouldn't be such a big problem. In the mission package there are only the different Domination! 2 versions and dom_maker but no other missons anymore. My time is to limited (ACE) to work on other missions, maintain them or fix up missions for others. Please report bugs that you find at dev-heaven Dom ticket system http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/issues/new . As I have tested all changes alone I'm sure there are some bugs left that I couldn't find myself. And here is what you are looking for, the DL link... Download: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/domination/files Feel free to modify Domination, use whatever is usable from Dom (might be hard, I know :-), or release a modified version, you don't have to ask me for permission or mention me, I won't answer private mails or posts. Just do it! There are more important things in life! (This includes questions about modifiying Dom or other questions about MP mission making, sorry, I will not answer them). This beta release is dedicated to my wife who allmost died four weeks ago and specially to my nine year old daughter who helped me to get through this time and allways had the right words for me allthough she suffers from diabetes herself... Life is a strange thing, just when you think you learned how to use it it's gone... Enjoy! And have fun! Xeno Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1740 Posted April 26, 2010 (edited) Goodness me. First off, my most heartfelt commiserations on the illness of your loved one. I can only imagine the grief. I'm sure I speak for everyone here. Many thanks for the update. Will be checking it out soon. Edited April 26, 2010 by Tankbuster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites