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ArmA2 1.03 Impressions - ALL Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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Impressions of UK version:

Same as German version but in English. Same problems exist with screen corruption, no amount of tweaking gets rid of it.

The game is broken for me although I can frig my system to get it working but not a great start.

If only there was some recognition of this fault with ArmA2 and certain hardware and 'we are working on a fix' from BIS would help me...

Screen shots of corruption will be posted as soon as I cba in all my regular forums.

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We are thinking about releasing patch tomorrow. Its quite complicated, because we need to have same version of patch and steam master. So its mean also close steam version tomorrow. In that case, we will probably postpone demo to beginning of next week, because we are not able to build and rellease all that together.

great news, cant wait for the patch notes! (hopes for AA)

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Impressions of UK version:

Same as German version but in English. Same problems exist with screen corruption, no amount of tweaking gets rid of it.

The game is broken for me although I can frig my system to get it working but not a great start.

If only there was some recognition of this fault with ArmA2 and certain hardware and 'we are working on a fix' from BIS would help me...

Screen shots of corruption will be posted as soon as I cba in all my regular forums.

It's still v1.01 beta in the 505 Games version, apparently. Even the German version has v1.01 final. We don't know what fixes v1.02 will bring but I bet they'll be substantial. I'm pretty sure BIS are trying to fix these issues since you're not the first to report them.

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Well, i'm very pleased with it for now, works well and stable on my new rig (i7 920, Sapphire HD4870x2, 6 Go RAM DDR3, SB X-Fi Xtreme, LG TFT 22', Vista 64). I can't remember how many BI games/copies i did buy (OFP, OFP Red Hammer, (or another one don't remember), OFP GOTY, ArmA Gold, ArmA2), i should be shareowner of BI corp :D.

Lot's of work in this game, makes me feel like in OFP CWC - lot's of very similar models - and that's nice. OFP isn't betrayed at all. Just walking in the countryside of Chernarus makes me feel happy :bounce3:

That won't quicken my OFP work i'm afraid...

Edited by ProfTournesol

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Demo is important, we know it, but patch will go first.

No doubt about this. Its a good decision. Patches are priority, always! ;)

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So, the demo will be released with the patch 1.02 updates? I hope so, that way will cause a better impression of the game.


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Patch tomorrow would be awesome! As it is now, the 505 impressions thread is more like yesterdays news, because the german version is actually more up to date. :rolleyes:

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I really looked forward to Arma 2, got a new GFX card, pre ordered, watched the vids. Now i have the game im not that impressed.

Its like Arma for the x-box. Just everything about it stinks, not just the bugs and poor performance and jerkiness.

The gui just looks like it was designed for console kiddies, and the towns all seem to be on one level, perfect if you have an x-box controller. Because of this it really lacks the character of arma, just flat plain and dull.

Some things i do like, such as certain sound effects, but the main sound which dominates is the sound of your player running. To me it sounds like i am perpetually running in a puddle.

Once you get out of breath, you get the heavy breathing, thing is it sounds more like the guy is having a w@*k.

This game has been over hyped.

The vehicals are a complete nightmare to control, even worse than arma, especially the bikes, which make me feel sea sick.

The game does run smoothe most of the time, but there is just too much that you would wish to get rid of. Head bob - disable that for a start. Bloom and blur - worse than waking up the day after a beer drinking session - disable that. Grass, oh so verry pretty, but god i cant see s%$**.

Ugly trees and shrubs, drab brown, boring uninspired.

Ive been playing FPS games since the genre evolved, I have collected over 150 titles, I so hoped that this game was gonna be the one, the one you might dream of being utterly fantastic.

Instead I feel cheated, what I got was X-BOX ARMA, no major extra aditions, and nothing new that wasnt done better in an old arma mod.

Whats ultimately gonna happen is that people are going to port over the old arma stuff, Sahrani map, vehicals. And maybe we will end up with a great mod, Arma 2 arma mod. Better graphics (slightly) but the same familiar gameplay.

Im off back to Arma PC and leave u X-box fiddlers to it.

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Enjoy my collection of screen shots - 1.01 UK 505 DVD.






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Enjoy my collection of screen shots - 1.01 UK 505 DVD.

Really looks like you have a graphics card overheating issue. I have seen this myself a few times. Is your card overclocked? if so return it to default. Even if it is not overclocked cards can give this sort of problem if the card is faulty and yes it can show the issue in one game but not another.

I had the same issue with an older card Ti4200 on America's Army but other 3d shooters were fine. It was not driver etc because the game was fine for ages and then this happened. Change the card and it was all good.

just a suggestion

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Really looks like you have a graphics card overheating issue. I have seen this myself a few times. Is your card overclocked? if so return it to default. Even if it is not overclocked cards can give this sort of problem if the card is faulty and yes it can show the issue in one game but not another.

I had the same issue with an older card Ti4200 on America's Army but other 3d shooters were fine. It was not driver etc because the game was fine for ages and then this happened. Change the card and it was all good.

just a suggestion

Yepp-had that issue with ArmA1-all temps sed running fine-but if i put an external fan on the card it would keep it under control!

Bought new g-card and was sorted!

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Yep, I have that issue, put an external fan on the sucker and it's been fine ever since. Temps >75c is where my limit was.

Thrott: put your temp alarm (if your driver supports it) very low, and increase it 'till you have these artifacts. (or just get a fan, and prove it out)


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next impression: game is installing about 40 mins (DVDx16, c2d 2.2, 2GB ram, HDD Samsung F1 1TB)

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my God this game is awesome! enabled 360 controller as well, so im using keyboard while infantry, and controller when im piloting helis and planes. works like a charm! :yay:

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if your overheating you could use rivatuner to adjust fanspeeds. i had this issue in other games with an ati 4870, but thats another thread.

looking forward to getting game tomorrow morning. anyone playing mp ?

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Just played Trial by Fire.

Very very good. Great atmosphere flieing in (although the voice acting is terrible, but I don't mind it). The shaking and blur effects add so much to the feel. The aiming and movement just feels natural and right. Not too heavey, not too light. In the first town the AI were taking cover and leap frogging each other, calling cover and signaling others behind through. Very impressive.

The enemy AI were ok. I'm playing on regular so I haven't fully seen what they can do. One of those OFP style moments was when we were near the top of the town and a BRDM approached. I gunned down the guys who jumped out and had no AT weapons. Then overhead a Cobra blows it up for me and clears out the 2 remaning infantry.

Overall I'm enjoying it. I'm scared to start the campaign until 1.02 comes out tomorrow because of all the bugs I'm hearing about. Haven't tried MP yet.

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I had the impression that the 505 version would be the fixed version? So if its not and the 505 version is 1.01 then arma 2 just like arma was released to the public incomplete.

Now i say incomplete because the SP campaign can not be finished, you have to skip half of it just to complete it which means the game is not ready for release.

Apart from the performace issues and bugs the game has potential and is still very addictive but why make people pay for something which is obviously broken? I really hope 1.02 comes like today and can fix the problems which make the game so fustrating to play although considering the game was released with 1.01 i dont like the chances of seeing 1.02 anytime this week.


:butbut: :( :confused:

Edited by m5holmez

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Enjoy my collection of screen shots - 1.01 UK 505 DVD.

try to change texture detail/ video memory settings.

Got the same when I set it too high... OR too low :)

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M5holmes, Learn to roll with the punches man, BIS won't stop tweaking, adding and polishing for some time. Better learn to deal, and not on your timeline. (It'll be worth it, though.)

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anybody that pre-ordered from CDWow and has it been posted yet? I am anxiously wating here... my local online game site says it will be out next week (same as US, and from box screenshot, the publisher is GotGame) but more expensive... been heard bad reviews with cdwow, so i'm getting cold-feet here...

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anybody that pre-ordered from CDWow and has it been posted yet? I am anxiously wating here... my local online game site says it will be out next week (same as US, and from box screenshot, the publisher is GotGame) but more expensive... been heard bad reviews with cdwow, so i'm getting cold-feet here...

I ordered from CDWOW Australia and my order status says "Pending Dispatch". I don't know if that means it is in stock and waiting to be packed or what exactly.

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I dl'd the German version, but I'd like you new players to respond...

I started playing the campaign, and my guys got smoked before I even saw a single baddie. This happened a lot. I just went straight to MP and the editor after that. I couldn't run around saving my team within the first 5 minutes every time.

I was playing on the second-to-highest difficulty... But still, the team should be able to hold their own, right?

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