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ArmA2 1.03 Impressions - ALL Impressions/Videos/Screenies Here

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Just went to my local games shop in the Uk to buy it, but the clerk said he didnt have it, but if i paid now i will get it tommorow. So i paid and am hopeing i was not decived about my games arrival. Cant wait tbh so with any luck ill be getting stuck in tommorow :)

Edited by Minkey

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Hey fellas,

This isn't a rant, or a criticism, or anything bad at all. I'm just sharing how i feel, and asking for a reason to fix it lol.

Basically, a long long time ago, i bought flashpoint cold war crisis. And in all honestly, i played it about twice, thought "this sucks" and out it down. However, one day i decided to play it for the hell of it, and after actually trying to like it, it was the best experience of gaming i'ver ever had!

The campaign felt so alive and real and epic, the editor was awesome, and once you realised the scale of the game, even the graphics were good for their time!

But here is my problem. I love Arma 2 to bits, its an amazing game. But i spend all my time in the editor or in multiplayer. I just find the campaign so so boring and un interesting. Now forgive me, for i have only got up to the mission when your in a city, and not any further.

I just don't feel enthralled to play it like i did in operation flashpoint, i haven't felt that feeling i felt when i was alone in the forest trying to escape on ofp 1...

I am more than willing to give it another shot, maybe i haven't given it a chance yet. But i want to ask, is the campaign just a litle slow to pick up? Will i ever play a mission that felt like flashpoint 1 did? If so i will jump straight back in, if not i'll just stick to the games other awesome features :)



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Tip from me: finish the city mission. It only really gets interesting after that. ;)

Also I recommend playing coop. It's four times as much fun as single player. :D

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It lacks improved pyhiscs.

They were talking about the graphic engine ;)

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You're experiencing the "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome.

Back then when you were starting out and was offered to play ArmA 2 campaign vs ofp 1 you knew which one you would have picked.

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first of all iv got a good setup running everything on very high (radeon 4890 1gb)

why does everything in the distance look like it has some kind of photoshop filter applied to it ? all the stuff in close proximity looks great but anything even remotely in the distance looks pretty awful from a visual point of view.

The game is very hit and miss for me in terms of visuals, at times it looks truly stunning and then at other times it looks poor. it suffers from tons of pop in as well :(

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Hi longers

Having a good graphics card helps but the real bottle neck is CPU in ArmA, what are your system specs? There is a system specs thread stickied; have a look in there for advice on settings. As always check the troubleshooting thread for advice on drivers, and solutions for particular hardware.

If you one of those who is going to take um bridge and say the age old cliche of; "I have the latest computer with the highest specs I should be able to run ArmA II with everything maxed!" forget it, it is not true and never has been except for games that attempt to massage the customers ego with "Yes you have the l33t computer, you computer is more l33t, than any one else's, our puny game quivers before the might of your l33t throbbing machine!" ArmA is not like that in-fact it has replaced all the other games as the benchmark of choice for PC gaming hardware.

There is a long tradition with the Real Virtuality Engine of future proofing the game, so that as computing power doubles every 2 years, dear old Moores law, the design of the game is open ended enough that, you can continue to have your experienc of ArmA II improve.

What this means in practical terms is that running ArmA II a couple of days after release with everything maxed is a little bit ambitious, even with bleeding edge computer hardware. Over time BIS will refine, optimise and improve ArmA thus extending its long term use for you and all the rest of ArmA's fans. In the mean time, go into your ArmA options, select video options, select 3D resolution and look for the setting that says 100% at the end. Also try reducing you view distance by half and test, then increase the view distance until you reach a happy medium.

By the way I run it on an ATI 1950pro its fine on my computer but my brothers radeon 4890 1gb it looks astonishingly good even at long view distances, and larger resolution.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi longers

If you one of those who is going to take um bridge and say the age old cliche of; "I have the latest computer with the highest specs I should be able to run ArmA II with everything maxed!" forget it, it is not true and never has been except for games that attempt to massage the customers ego with "Yes you have the l33t computer, you computer is more l33t, than any one else's, our puny game quivers before the might of your l33t throbbing machine!" ArmA is not like that in-fact it has replaced all the other games as the benchmark of choice for PC gaming hardware.

Kind Regards walker

I have to disagree. People buy new hardware to play new games, not games from 1-2 years ago. Now, do I think you should be able to play it with every single setting set to max, no. BUT, I've seen people with I7 and GTX295 complain about performance. That's not right. It's not that the hardware is not up to the task, it's that the game has not been properly optimized.

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Well after playing the campaign up to the "searching for specific people in different placed" (no spoiler) im really impress with the campaign, makes Arma1 look like a random "thing" than cohesive campaign with story.

Im finding FPS drops rather allot and quite alot of stutter in larger city areas, i've lowered setting but its still a bit st-u-t-e-r fest in certain areas which is a shame (GTX260 OC 216 - 860MB, Athlon XP 6000+ x2 OC's 3.2 Ghz, 4 BG ram 800FSB, 2000- view distance medium to high details 100% fill rate). Not total surprised with my system but it does tend to be hit and miss with what areas my hit stutter fps than others, that's the nature of it I guess.

Anyway I have XFI extreme gamer, set hardware acceleration to = 1 and EAX = 1 in profile, then set EAX effects on in control panel of sound card and SMSS switch on (missed that before I played after install) ... now on headphones the sound and stereo width/3d location of sound is superb, VERY happy with sound, plus added VOP2 and its really immersive. Without switching these things on on sound card settings I got loud distant sounds and distortion. (1.02 version)

Anyway .. I know for a fact one I get other maps over from Arma1 I wont be in a rush to load A1 up any time soon thats for sure. I really didn't try much multiplayer in A1 either (I know ... that's wrong really) but the quality of this games visuals/sound, control with high commander out the box etc I really need to get into a clan and dive full on into MP that's for sure.

Edited by mrcash2009

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Another funny video

Edited by Placebo

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Hi all

In reply to giantsfan24.

I have to disagree.


That's not right.

Oh Dear! How Sad! Never mind.

Turn down the graphics.

Kind Regards walker

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Hi longers

Having a good graphics card helps but the real bottle neck is CPU in ArmA, what are your system specs? There is a system specs thread stickied; have a look in there for advice on settings. As always check the troubleshooting thread for advice on drivers, and solutions for particular hardware.

If you one of those who is going to take um bridge and say the age old cliche of; "I have the latest computer with the highest specs I should be able to run ArmA II with everything maxed!" forget it, it is not true and never has been except for games that attempt to massage the customers ego with "Yes you have the l33t computer, you computer is more l33t, than any one else's, our puny game quivers before the might of your l33t throbbing machine!" ArmA is not like that in-fact it has replaced all the other games as the benchmark of choice for PC gaming hardware.

There is a long tradition with the Real Virtuality Engine of future proofing the game, so that as computing power doubles every 2 years, dear old Moores law, the design of the game is open ended enough that, you can continue to have your experienc of ArmA II improve.

What this means in practical terms is that running ArmA II a couple of days after release with everything maxed is a little bit ambitious, even with bleeding edge computer hardware. Over time BIS will refine, optimise and improve ArmA thus extending its long term use for you and all the rest of ArmA's fans. In the mean time, go into your ArmA options, select video options, select 3D resolution and look for the setting that says 100% at the end. Also try reducing you view distance by half and test, then increase the view distance until you reach a happy medium.

By the way I run it on an ATI 1950pro its fine on my computer but my brothers radeon 4890 1gb it looks astonishingly good even at long view distances, and larger resolution.

Kind Regards walker


well i have a AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE running at 3.8ghz

frames per second is not my issue, the game runs decentish... the visuals looks stunning at times, but at other times they don't look very good. stuff in the distance has very very basic textures, thats not down to my computer... thats down to how the game is. I get quite large amounts of pop in, buildings taking their time to appear and tree's doing weird things now and then. Iv seen this happening in pretty much every single gameplay video on youtube so i don't think it's specific to my setup, it's the way the game is.

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Hi longers

Having a good graphics card helps but the real bottle neck is CPU in ArmA, what are your system specs? There is a system specs thread stickied; have a look in there for advice on settings. As always check the troubleshooting thread for advice on drivers, and solutions for particular hardware.

If you one of those who is going to take um bridge and say the age old cliche of; "I have the latest computer with the highest specs I should be able to run ArmA II with everything maxed!" forget it, it is not true and never has been except for games that attempt to massage the customers ego with "Yes you have the l33t computer, you computer is more l33t, than any one else's, our puny game quivers before the might of your l33t throbbing machine!" ArmA is not like that in-fact it has replaced all the other games as the benchmark of choice for PC gaming hardware.

There is a long tradition with the Real Virtuality Engine of future proofing the game, so that as computing power doubles every 2 years, dear old Moores law, the design of the game is open ended enough that, you can continue to have your experienc of ArmA II improve.

What this means in practical terms is that running ArmA II a couple of days after release with everything maxed is a little bit ambitious, even with bleeding edge computer hardware. Over time BIS will refine, optimise and improve ArmA thus extending its long term use for you and all the rest of ArmA's fans. In the mean time, go into your ArmA options, select video options, select 3D resolution and look for the setting that says 100% at the end. Also try reducing you view distance by half and test, then increase the view distance until you reach a happy medium.

By the way I run it on an ATI 1950pro its fine on my computer but my brothers radeon 4890 1gb it looks astonishingly good even at long view distances, and larger resolution.

Kind Regards walker

I think you're dreaming, mate. ArmA2 haven't replaced other games as benchmarking software.

You are also wrong - the game SHOULD run smooth at the quality of official screenshots if you own a computer with or above the requirements specified on the box.

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well i have a AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE running at 3.8ghz

frames per second is not my issue, the game runs decentish... the visuals looks stunning at times, but at other times they don't look very good. stuff in the distance has very very basic textures, thats not down to my computer... thats down to how the game is. I get quite large amounts of pop in, buildings taking their time to appear and tree's doing weird things now and then. Iv seen this happening in pretty much every single gameplay video on youtube so i don't think it's specific to my setup, it's the way the game is.

thread about it here with video showing it, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=75328

---------- Post added at 10:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

Hi longers

Having a good graphics card helps but the real bottle neck is CPU in ArmA, what are your system specs? There is a system specs thread stickied; have a look in there for advice on settings. As always check the troubleshooting thread for advice on drivers, and solutions for particular hardware.

If you one of those who is going to take um bridge and say the age old cliche of; "I have the latest computer with the highest specs I should be able to run ArmA II with everything maxed!" forget it, it is not true and never has been except for games that attempt to massage the customers ego with "Yes you have the l33t computer, you computer is more l33t, than any one else's, our puny game quivers before the might of your l33t throbbing machine!" ArmA is not like that in-fact it has replaced all the other games as the benchmark of choice for PC gaming hardware.

There is a long tradition with the Real Virtuality Engine of future proofing the game, so that as computing power doubles every 2 years, dear old Moores law, the design of the game is open ended enough that, you can continue to have your experienc of ArmA II improve.

What this means in practical terms is that running ArmA II a couple of days after release with everything maxed is a little bit ambitious, even with bleeding edge computer hardware. Over time BIS will refine, optimise and improve ArmA thus extending its long term use for you and all the rest of ArmA's fans. In the mean time, go into your ArmA options, select video options, select 3D resolution and look for the setting that says 100% at the end. Also try reducing you view distance by half and test, then increase the view distance until you reach a happy medium.

By the way I run it on an ATI 1950pro its fine on my computer but my brothers radeon 4890 1gb it looks astonishingly good even at long view distances, and larger resolution.

Kind Regards walker

go to this thread and watch the videos, do you have that problem? don't give me some lengthy response about it being normal because its not.


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You are also wrong - the game SHOULD run smooth at the quality of official screenshots if you own a computer with or above the requirements specified on the box.

Says who?

Sorry but that's just bullshit. You want max graphics, you need a high end PC. That's life.

The requirements are there to show you what you need to run it. That is, after all, the most important part.

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Hiya guys!

I'm new here, just introducing myself with a few of my ArmA 2 videos i've made so far.

My name is Benedict Park, I play under the name of Benedict Park, you can call me Benedict Park :P.

Brief Impressions on ArmA2:

ArmA 2. A real improvement over ArmA 1. I really like how the camera mode enables the user to choose any angle, any zoom, any ANYTHING. It's really a video maker's dream and I really appreciate it :). Some improvement suggestions though:

I think video makers would benefit from some speed control (like, controlling the speed at which the camera moves when you move it.)

But yeah, a great feature that gives video makers new opportunities :D

Anyway here are my videos. enjoy!

Once Upon A Time In Elektrozavodsk - An ArmA 2 Story (HD)


WAR - An ArmA 2 Video (HD)


ArmA 2 Top Gun Fight (HQ)



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Says who?

Sorry but that's just bullshit. You want max graphics, you need a high end PC. That's life.

The requirements are there to show you what you need to run it. That is, after all, the most important part.

The difference with Arma 2 is that even on a top end system performance is still mediocre at the settings used in official screenshots.

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The difference with Arma 2 is that even on a top end system performance is still mediocre at the settings used in official screenshots.

This is a new suggestion: Maybe this was a technique they used to improve the longevity of the lifespan of the game LOL

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Hiya guys!

I'm new here, just introducing myself with a few of my ArmA 2 videos i've made so far.

My name is Benedict Park, I play under the name of Benedict Park, you can call me Benedict Park :P.

Brief Impressions on ArmA2:

ArmA 2. A real improvement over ArmA 1. I really like how the camera mode enables the user to choose any angle, any zoom, any ANYTHING. It's really a video maker's dream and I really appreciate it :). Some improvement suggestions though:

I think video makers would benefit from some speed control (like, controlling the speed at which the camera moves when you move it.)

But yeah, a great feature that gives video makers new opportunities :D

Anyway here are my videos. enjoy!

Once Upon A Time In Elektrozavodsk - An ArmA 2 Story (HD)


WAR - An ArmA 2 Video (HD)


ArmA 2 Top Gun Fight (HQ)



Great edit. It's very professional.


BIS pickup this guy to make ARMA II trailers.

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The difference with Arma 2 is that even on a top end system performance is still mediocre at the settings used in official screenshots.

The amount of Youtube videos in HD at high settings says otherwise.

Not everyone has those problems.

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maybe a bit OT. (bette than starting a own thread for it)

has anyone got the AA to work? i mean, i have set FSAA to 4 in the config, but it looks exacly the same as it do as if it was on 0 :S

anyone got the same prob? (yes, i know Fsaa aint fully supported yet, but according the screenshots i have seen, it looks like someone had a success with it)

EDIT: turning OFF AA in catalyst center fixed this problem, tho- suddently got 2 fps in the "intro" when u start up the game..

Edited by Evishion

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maybe a bit OT. (bette than starting a own thread for it)

has anyone got the AA to work? i mean, i have set FSAA to 4 in the config, but it looks exacly the same as it do as if it was on 0 :S

anyone got the same prob? (yes, i know Fsaa aint fully supported yet, but according the screenshots i have seen, it looks like someone had a success with it)

EDIT: turning OFF AA in catalyst center fixed this problem, tho- suddently got 2 fps in the "intro" when u start up the game..

welcome to arma 2 :D

let the patches begin hehe

(yes high fsaa setting does the same to me and prob most people, but I find that if you must use it then =1 is perfectly fine and does the job)

After a clean reinstall though and patched from 1.00 to 1.02 seems to of fixed alot of stutters etc for me so far, and fillrate set to 100% and I dont even see any jaggies on trees etc now. Weird this game is, does its own thing and random as much as you like lol..

Still is a fun ride :D

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I think max FSAA is 3, not 4 !

Like : 0 (no fsaa), 1 (low), 2 (medium), 3 (high).

and let the application control it in your drivers.

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