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WIP British 4 Rifle Soldiers

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thanks da12th, will have a go now, hope this works...

Hah, I don't think I'm the one you should be thanking boss. :p

Regarding rtms: I've had no luck with making a new handAnim either mate. Like you I can't open up BIS' rtm files to look and see how they did it, and the ones I've tried making from scratch, based on the ArmA 1 rifle raised anim have just ended up with the character's arms distorted like somet out of 'The Thing'.

The ArmA 2 skele MLOD doesn't have the local axes set up to reposition automatically upon the joint proxy selection, so I'm forced to relocate the axis manually with 'Points\Transform 3D\From Proxy'. It's a bit of a pain in the arse when you're trying to make animations.

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It's a bit of a pain in the arse when you're trying to make masturbation animations.
So thats what you do in your spare, spare time. :p

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Prydain, I'm sure da12th's masturbation anims would be very good....

anyway, a picture is worth a thousand words....


What i did was very similar to Norsu, copied over Geometry, Memory, Hit-Points and Fire Geometry lods and then loaded up arma2, already had the new cfg bit in the config, will probably copy over the face at some point too

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So thats what you do in your spare, spare time. :p

You've seen the vehicle commander's death anim on the UKF Jackal right?

It wasn't intentional, that's just how it turned out... honest guv'! :o


Matt, that looks stonking!

So glad the community's sorted that little problem out. Let the good times roll!

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cheers mate, very happy to be over that bloody problem.

And it may not have been intentional... subliminal maybe...

EDIT: As I'm sure most of you will notice, Stemack has ported over my British Royal Marine Commandos so everybody feel free to download them :)

Stemack Port of RMC

BI Forum Thread


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You've seen the vehicle commander's death anim on the UKF Jackal right?

It wasn't intentional, that's just how it turned out... honest guv'! :o


Mega STALKER, its nice to see so much positive things come out in one day.

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Great, another obstacle overcome and another step forward to the release, can't be too long now!

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Great, another obstacle overcome and another step forward to the release, can't be too long now!

Well i still have to sort out the weapons, unfortunately that might be a while as they need to have all the pretty shaders added to them...

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Ahh, ok.

At least you're straightforward about the progress unlike some mod/addon developers

(and suddenly, the crossroads mall campaign springs to mind from left 4 dead...)

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At least you're straightforward about the progress unlike some mod/addon developers

You do realize that these modders are not obliged to release anything for this community. Be grateful that you get quality stuff for free, no matter how long it takes to finish their work. Some people think the world revolves around them...

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Hey look, I understand that modding is hard work but what I'm saying is there's no need to keep saying "in the next couple of weeks" for about 4-5 months. Which just happens to be the case when it comes to that mod for L4D, but this thread is going off topic now, so lets drop it.

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@BogdanM, i understand why people ask when my stuff is coming out, infact its quite a compliment cause it shows they are interested in what i'm doing so it doesnt really bother me :)

Either way i WILL NOT delay release to include the desert DPM version, that will come when it comes...

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As said in past, good work STALKERGB - And thank you for continuing your work to produce addons for the community even if you no longer feel that it brings you as much enjoyment as it used to.

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I agree with GoOB, it shows you must be a great chap to do something you don't enjoy as much for the benefit of the community.

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all I can say Stalker is some absolutely brilliant work, keep it up and can guarantee that our community will be looking forward to making use of these units.

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Great engineer there stalker, glad you put the ironsights on, add that extra bit of realism!

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Matt, looking good there mate. Smally suggestion though; can you push the mag pooches further back round his hips so they're not on his front?

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Thanks for all the support guys it means alot and keeps me going :)


Off to watch the F1 now.


Larger big Style!

Sappers don't use iron sights any more, all Brits on ops use SUSAT.

Other point for info is Sappers normally have the visor clips for mine visors, other than that the only thing you could put on his belt kit is a mine prodder.



http://www.eliteukforces.info/images/24-commando-regiment.jpg although the numpty has his trf on the wrong arm you can see his Susat.

Edited by Lunatic

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Looking great stalker, glad you have included the ironsight version, i always prefer them over scopes :)

anyway, i haven't seen this question on any other posts but do your rifles have moving bolts?

Great job so far... i can't wait


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