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max power

WIP: Stuff you are working on 2!

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@colonel stagler

Nice addons. They look quite finished, though. Is there something that you want us to comment on or maybe it's time to make your own thread?

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Its the specular map; basically, it determines shininess.


The lighter bits are shinier, yes?

Hahahah I got that exact comment from Max Power. I'm pretty sure it's an actual part of the texture. I'll check it over and get back to you guys on that.

If it is the Specular Map, Max has offered to help me out

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Not quite finished yet Max, just a few tweaks here and there. Like getting the damn wound textures to work. FUUUUUU

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First attempt in making a 3D model.

GAZ Tigr.

Im starting out in 3ds, and are getting tremendous amounts of help here specially from 'Abs'.

I have hopes for this to at least get it working and learn the whole process from this model. However I do not expect it, I have a bad habit of going beserk and throw it away when it wont do as I want it to or get too stuck. :p



Good lookin start there sir!

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First attempt in making a 3D model.

GAZ Tigr.

Im starting out in 3ds, and are getting tremendous amounts of help here specially from 'Abs'.

I have hopes for this to at least get it working and learn the whole process from this model. However I do not expect it, I have a bad habit of going beserk and throw it away when it wont do as I want it to or get too stuck. :p



DoLikeDoWant!!!@@@!!! One of the most needed vehicles in ArmA2 universe - UAZs just don't cut it))) :yay:

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Woa, never thought I would ever be posting in this thread, but here goes.

Varanon and me are working on a Remington weapon pack. Here's a few screenshots of the ACR.


The camo is supposed to be ATACS. I didn't quite get it right, but I'll probably leave it at that.

Current configurations include:

Iron Sight, CompM4, Eotech-512, Eotech-512 with magnifier. ACOG and a DMR version (with 18 inch barrel and scope) are in the works, as is the M-320. All ACR's chambered for the Remington 6.8 SPC cartridge, with custom magazines at 17, 25 and 30 rounds (normal and tracers).

Probably do three color variants, ATACS, Black, and Woodland. All non-GL versions except DMR and ACOG have front grip. Laser and Flashlight on all of them, so I guess we could make ACE configs as well where you toggle the laser/flashlight.

Varanon is working on the MSR right now.

This is my first model ever, so feedback is very welcome.

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Oh man... MSR would be awesome. :cool: The XM2010 is awesome looking too. The ACR backup front sight seems a little off (width of flip up sight). Check out this site to see what I mean. Remington Defense Looking forward to your mod!

Edited by GD Mast

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The ACR backup front sight seems a little off (width of flip up sight). Check out this site to see what I mean. Remington Defense Looking forward to your mod!

Good point. I haven't seen any close-ups of the flip up sights so far, but I saw a movie on YouTube now that has them in a bit more detail :)

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Here's the MSR, no texture yet.

It will go well with my Barrett MRAD .338L when I get it done.


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Other proyect in course, british aicraft carrier Colossus


Edited by Foxtrop

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Looking good :). Some things you'll need to research and consider if you haven't already: Objects that are very large must be broken up into small pieces to be displayed in the engine. I believe 50 meters is about the maximum. And objects over a certain size cause problems for pathfinding when they move, and I guess are only good as static objects rather than actual moving boats.

Edit: It also comes to my attention that your image is much too large. Posted images must be below 100kb. Thank you.

Edited by Max Power

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Got permission to re-use some of the old MapFact OFP stuff:


^ Airport terminal with lobby and access to roof.

Doesn't look too bad considering we have a very limited number of default A2/OA objects to use.

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-REMOVED- Sorry Max Power!

Edited by J-Guid

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This is NOT the thread for requests!

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I search modeler for simple model (no anims, no movable parts, little size) PM me please who wish assist in with create awesome weapon!


This is a thread for Work In Progress projects, not for requests or building a team.

Also, I am getting tired of your 'when is realise' requests. I have moderated you once for that and you keep doing it. I can only hope that you return to this thread to check on your team. I will not be giving you another warning for that.

I realize that English is not your first language, and your effort to speak it is admirable. However, I suggest you read and understand the forum rules very soon. Thank you.

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A few more shots of the MSR in game:

Are you making an SD version?

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Are you making an SD version?

Yes, there are now four base versions, with and without suppressor, and with and without PS-22 night vision:


Edited by Varanon

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