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@ johncage: What do you mean by disproportionate? They only look that way because of the look that IW was trying to give the person playing the game. If all that gear was placed on the ArmA engine (or whatever), it would only show real world looks. Johnny's SF units have that much gear. If gear is what you are talking about.

Well of course they would have something like Johnny's SF plate carrier/CIRAS vest, mag pouches, utility pouches, gas mask pouch, pistol mag pouch, etc. Pistol thigh rig, Thigh rig, (the works). Protec helmet or IBH with attachments (It can be the regular BIS model Protec helmet). Now aside from that, I just wanted a Black Ops member that wears black head to toe with updated gear that doesn't make him look like Law Enforcement/ SWAT. I hope that explains that. Shadow Company is just the best way I could describe a unit that I wanted with a coupe of words.

@ Chapman_2424: I'm not fond of the MGS Praying Mantis PMC's. The helmets and goggles are not updated. I'm not ragging on them, I'm just mentioning as far as quality (and heck, I can't even do that).

So basically:

-SchnapsdroSel/Ardvarkdb/Johnny's character models: CIRAS/ Plate carrier. full loadout.

-BIS Protec helmet model with added attachments ie. IR strobe in the back Surefire helmet light and NVG mount.

-Black Uniform and boots.

If only one or three were made that would serve the purpose. ie, with/without goggles on, another without head gear.

Edited by kurow

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the call of duty models have bad proportions, to put it bluntly. in every one of their games to date. short legs in comparison to body. large heads. spindly legs as well. in fact it's a popular term among some circles calling them "midget models" or overgrown babies. i think it's a design decision or perhaps they are just not good at anatomy.

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Well in that case, I'm not concerned. If the look as far as gear thats worn by the soldiers are applied to ArmA, we wouldn't have to worry about little legs and huge heads.

I do get where you are coming from. COD MW isn't a realistic game anyway. It's more geared towards huge action and explosions. Since we are into realism when it comes to milsim type "games" we are able to call that type of stuff out. I read you johncage, I read you.

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At the moment, I am replicating an ArmA sample model to use it as the base, so the part of the boots that connect to the pants wont be that small, neither the strap around his knee.

By the way, it would be nice if you could provide some close-ups, especially on the helmet. Turn on god mode and get those snappies.

Progress: Gearless soldier done, mask done, goggles done.

Edited by ziiip

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I really don't get the appeal of the Call of Duty series. Maybe I'm just getting old but all the explosions and nonstop action (never stop moving…or to think) is actually kind of pissing me off. It's all just reflexes…no intelligence or tactics required. It's like action movies now-a-days. You get a 2hr movie with maybe 10mins of actual storyline in it.

Either way back on topic…the idea of having these units in ArmA 2 is ok. They don't look too bad in the screenshots. Just so long as people aren't gonna try and use them to try and turn ArmA 2 into another CoD game.


On another note, I have a serious request…and something that should be rather simple to do (at least the 3d modeling should be). I'd like to see a molotov cocktail applied to the armed civilians.

Just a simple bottle with a flaming rag stuffed down in it filled with gasoline. The civs can throw it like a grenade but rather than exploding it'll hit the ground (or whatever you threw it at) it sets the area on fire. The fire should persist for awhile too, so what whatever got struck is taking continuous damage.

Could be very useful in a riot situation or armed uprising. Ahem…*cough Egypt cough*

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I really don't get the appeal of the Call of Duty series. Maybe I'm just getting old but all the explosions and nonstop action (never stop moving…or to think) is actually kind of pissing me off. It's all just reflexes…no intelligence or tactics required. It's like action movies now-a-days. You get a 2hr movie with maybe 10mins of actual storyline in it.

:idea: Lol...

But yes a Molly is an appealing thought. There is potential for a lingering, destructive flame to.

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There is a script for it for Armed Assault, Most scripts for Arma (preArma2) will work in Arma2 as

long as they dont have any Arma classnames, this should work. I will test it out myself.

Molotov Cocktail




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@Günter Severloh

Thanks, it'll be nice to give the rebellious civilian population something like that to chuck at the authorities.

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@kage74: I agree, COD has no tact to it what so ever. It is an adrenaline rush for a few short seconds. I had this same argument with another lad about a classic ninja-like game. He claimed that Ninja Gaiden is a real ninja game and I stated that the closest you will ever get is from the Tenchu series from Sony Playstation. So I agree with you totally. The only thing I liked about the Shadow Company soldiers in the MW2 series is that, when I see a black ops operator, I see those types of characters, decked out in that type of gear and without the law enforcement SWAT look (IE, two mag pouches, old style ballistics helmet and thats it.) I don't think that ArmA could be made into COD in a million years. It's just not possible, unless it the team vs team type games (IE, CTF and so on.) so I don't know what to say for ya there.

@zip: If you are talking to me about the helmet, I don't own the game. I did post picture that would provide nice pictures of the helmets. Sorry.

Edited by kurow

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mmm does anybody know any mission that have enemy swarming over your firebase in waves like you usually see in vietnam war movies like hamburger hill and etc. I dont really mind if it's in chernarus or takistan as long as i get to defend the firebase using whatever arsenal are in it.

I think it would be great for single player or coop with the enemy randomly probing your firebase and you can respawn in your own firebase with the enemy difficulty increasing after a period of time or after successful defense mission. It's a defence mission and you dont need to travel far just around your base manning fix emplacement or stuffs.

Or using an income base type of game where you can buy and construct your own fix emplacement on your own base. If it support more player maybe it can include an attack mission where player can join in and attack enemy strategic location like in domination where when there's enough player they will split into 2 groups to attack town and do side mission but the defend base mission is just not brutal enough. I like it if defending the base is the main priority and chopper used to send out attacking team can be used to support the base when it's being attacked. Don't you want to man the chopper guns and actually do some live target shooting?

Or maybe where u utilize the construction function in arma2/oa where u move forward and setup a firebase deep in enemy lines and defending against waves of enemy while utilising your arty and air support. you will lose if your forward base is over-run and the enemy occupied it for a certain amount of time if you fail to clear it even while re-spawning in your firebase due to the enemy overwhelming number. Imagine the enemy sending a sapper while your are busy fighting and cutting your throat from behind or blowing up a satchel from within the firebase and being overwhelm and require you to switch from close range weapon vice versa. even your rarely used small arm guns will be guaranteed to be fully utilized in this game.

Or making it similar to CTI but instead of attacking the town you need to go there and find a nice spot and establish a base and defend it.

The difficulty or numbers of enemy AI can be adjusted based on the numbers of online players in it, so even if the server is empty a single player can still enjoy himself in it,while waiting for more players to join in maybe with options to buy AI and earning money when u make kills like in CTI mission. IF your are too successful in defending your base maybe we can include some random enemy arty operator to be deployed or an attack chopper called in that will wreak havok on your nicely position fix emplacement.

With the small AO i think the server/cpu resource can be used to generate a lot of enemy AI and the firefight will be really intense just like when you watch the Vietnam war movies. Imagine it like the benny warfare but where the enemy comes to you instead of you going out to them or maybe with ranking option where the higher your rank better weapon emplacement you can use or even the ability to construct additional base.

If there's already a mission like this can you point it to me, if not what do you guys think for a new mission this type?

Edited by momokiller

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I'm an amateur missionmaker (kind of anyways) but that sounds like a nice idea. Ill scout out some locations on chernarus that could work. My OA is inop right now (damn steam) so its just A2 assets. If I manage to make something remotely close to your idea ill see about finding a way to upload it. Would you mind if the firebase is static (no warfare/CTI type stuff) and its SP only? (Wouldn't be able to test MP)

Do you have MSN or XFire so we can discuss this further?

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I'm an amateur missionmaker (kind of anyways) but that sounds like a nice idea. Ill scout out some locations on chernarus that could work. My OA is inop right now (damn steam) so its just A2 assets. If I manage to make something remotely close to your idea ill see about finding a way to upload it. Would you mind if the firebase is static (no warfare/CTI type stuff) and its SP only? (Wouldn't be able to test MP)

Do you have MSN or XFire so we can discuss this further?

thanks in advance, you can contact me using skype "rizashahril" text or voice depending if i'm at the office or not.

I'm thinking that maybe others will make the much more complicated version since if we look at the current mission that we have, most don't really utilize the defensive equipment that we have in arma2/oa like fix emplacement and etc.

yes, the basic that can be done is just static firebase where we just control the wave of enemy AI. I know the idea can be evolved by other much skilled mission maker in here due to the arma2/oa built in editor features (too bad my scripting skills is "0").

I love using arty and adding this in will be nice since most of online CTI rarely activate it cause users dont like to be bombarded by arty. but if it's against the AI i'm sure you don't mind. and since they are coming in wave you dont really need to feel being left out like in domination where you join in and found that the town have been leveled by arty and only manage to get 1 point by shooting a crippled takistani soldier after combing the town for 15min.

the basic that i can think off that can easily pull this off is just a simple fix static base with some emplacement and a spawn script for the enemy ai heading toward the base.

lol imagine if u include in the spawn script to increase the number of enemy AI and difficulty after each wave. it would be like an unlimited wave of pure heated firefight where your base will always get over-run like in the movies. this will be great for SP especially where you want to jump in the game and start shooting to test your limit.

since we have multiple type of soldier, maybe you can vary the enemy attack like platoon leader will attack head on using suppression and superior firepower but a spetnaz team will sneak around and get close if they can. Well, for starters maybe we just make it simple and fun since everyone that play this game just want to shoot somebody and what better ways than making them come to you while you manned a big gun in a bunker :P.

Edited by momokiller

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@momokiller: try this Bushmaster.

There you have a small UK-Base with endless Waves of Takistani.

If you don´t have BAF u can easily chanche the Units to us or others.

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@momokiller: try this Bushmaster.

There you have a small UK-Base with endless Waves of Takistani.

If you don´t have BAF u can easily chanche the Units to us or others.

thanks baraka!

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I've just been watching a few old videos on Youtube and came across these amazing clips:

I'm pretty sure it would be possible in ArmA 2 but I don't know the first thing about making addons. Anyway here's what I was thinking:

1. Helicopter lands in water, just enough to cover the ramp with water.

2. Boat speeds up the Chinook's ramp (The ramp would need to be usable).

3. Boat the would maybe snap into place in the centre of the Chinook.

4. Crew of the boat would then be teleported to the Chinook's rear seats.

5. Ramp would then need to be closable by the pilot/crew through the action menu.

I'm not sure what else to say, but if I have any ideas then I'll edit this post. So if anybody has the knowledge and tools to take on this challenge please get in touch, I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy this!

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So sort of like this?

Links are in the description

That has made my day, thank you very much for posting this. :D



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the day I see Takistani riding war elephants is the day I stop playing computer games

Need I say more? :yay:

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Are there any vegetation mods available like the "Proper" series that helped with people's FPS by swithcing LoD sequences, except for Operation Arrowhead?

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Thank you, the last one is along the lines of what I was looking for. I should have been clearer, but I primarily meant to ask if there were any addons like the Proper files that changed the LoD switching of buildings and trees/plants. They always provided a huge performance boost for me.

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