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Movement is so sluggish in all BIS games, WHY?

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If they are the same size as they were in ArmA, they are pretty damn big. I think in ArmA they were 6 feet tall... 6'1" or something, and they are not skinny people.

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..is the simulation of gear-weight overdone?

it takes like 0.5s until the soldiermodel goes to the left when holding the A-button..

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  thomas82 said:
..is the simulation of gear-weight overdone?

it takes like 0.5s until the soldiermodel goes to the left when holding the A-button..

I need double the time in RL :p

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  thomas82 said:
..is the simulation of gear-weight overdone?

it takes like 0.5s until the soldiermodel goes to the left when holding the A-button..

I think I heard that the actors doing the mocap were full of gear. If they were, their weight would be present in the animations.

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Yeah I agree with the OP, But Max is right if your frame rate is not very high it might seem really sluggish.

Running Arma 2 at 30 FPS, which I found out yesterday in an intense battle is not playable. Character movements are very unresponsive sometimes and it feels unnatural.

Although playing at 60FPS makes the gameplay completely different, I would suggest either upgrading or lowering your config settings.

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I have an average rig and I dont have any sluggish movement as described only slow animations for weapon changes. ie you cant keep moving while slinging.

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The slinging issue is the only real annoying thing. Other than that, the mo-cap quality and general animations are some of the best I've ever seen in a game.

As for collision detection it's not perfect, some major clipping issues (prone torsos clipping through ground) and I've witnessed AIs walking through concrete walls even in 1.04.

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  disobey said:
Other than that, the mo-cap quality and general animations are some of the best I've ever seen in a game.

Running with pistols, much?

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  maturin said:
Running with pistols, much?

Haha I lol'd

Its true it looks pretty ridicolous.

To get on topic, I felt that some of the thing the OP referred to such as fixed animation steps keepin you from moving smoothly around corners and such arent present when walking slowly, especially in crouch mode.

Not being able to dive in crouch run should be adressed, with everything else I am happy and feel immersed like ever in the series :)

Vehicle movement is a different story, I hate it but prefer walking anyway.

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Ehmm.. Sounds like someone forgot too turn off mouse smoothing.

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I would really like to see "step-over" expanded. If I'm sprinting full tilt at a fence that's low enough to 'step-over' - I'm going to leap over it...

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Not sure if its been posted, but teh SLX mod does speed up several actions making the game a little more "fast paced", i use it with a friend when we're just wnating some quick mindless action.

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  draeath said:
I would really like to see "step-over" expanded. If I'm sprinting full tilt at a fence that's low enough to 'step-over' - I'm going to leap over it...

Gear is heavy.

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  GRS said:
Gear is heavy.

Yet you can still throw yourself over a low object.

Landing's the bitch though, it would be cool if you could lose your rifle that way, just like there is a small chance of dropping your weapon on getting shot in the SLX mod.

Imagine being shot at, you run and jump over a stone wall, land hard and lose your weapon, but your in cover so you crawl over to it, and pick it up again to continue the fight.

This would make it a less obvious choice to perform in an open area, so people wont just jump down every single time they get shot at, because if you lose your weapon without any cover, your fucked :p

But for jumping over a small stone wall for example it could be usefull to get your skin out of the firing line fast.

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Drop your weapon as in drop it to the ground? L2Sling... Yeah I know there are no visible slings in Arma 2 but that's most likely because of graphical difficulties.

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  sidhellfire said:
Oh noes, the Call of Duty kids strikes back!

Listen up. It's a soldier game, not another batman-like-war-superheroes. Don't need another fast paced abstract shooting game.

Dude, we play call of duty every day after work in the office, just 3 rounds... yep its a fast run around shooter... guess what, its a soldier game as well, that has its own tactics... to be honest i dont really like it that much and prefer Arma... but COD does offer something more than you suggest to the war fps genre... im 42, so i aint no kid... son.

I totally agree with this post, i dont want super fast weapon switching or knife attacks etc, just a bit more love in the character model, yes the arma world and environment is immersive, but the character (the main focus imo) is not, the animations are way below par... ok a bit harsh, but theyre not quite up to it.

If Arma characters had the ability to do half of what the other shooters out there offer in the way of character movement, some ragdoll implementation... some believability when i fire rounds into an enemy other than the delayed slow motion fall backwards animation (thats at 50FPS) then this game would be complete for me.

I hate the way some of this community go on about it being a war sim and how you cant leap and bound around with a 50kg backpack, and talk down about all other shooters annoys me, its not that i want to leap and bound around with an Ak and rpg, i would just like to be able to haul myself up onto a one meter ledge, and also be able jump of the same ledge etc when running and ducking for cover, no i dont want to be batman... but i dont wanna be gomer pile either.

I love this game with a passion, its become a hobby!? the modders and scripters etc are true legends, but gotta admit ill be keeping an eye on OFP2

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I love the movement in OFP/ArmA. It's a big part of the magic of the series.
I have to completely agree with this. Without it, it would mean a lot less to differentiate Arma from combat FPSes. I think it might also transfer importance to how well you control your body as opposed to how well you think tactically....as in...do I have time to reload or run to that boulder knowing that Arma isn't as "fast" as other shooters? It does add character to the game, IMHO.

Keep in mind that real soldiers carry their "house" on their back. Quick movement is not that easy.

I'd have to say that I really love the "speed" in the Armas and that it really makes playing them a unique experience.

But I do think Arma 3 should have diving rolls coming up to perfect firing stance with blind-firing around corners! j/k :yay:

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The movement adds another dimension. As has already been said, it makes you NEED to think before you make a move. Nothing wrong with that.

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I don't think people ask for COD4-style movement, but the current movement in Arma 2 could definitely be done in a much much better fashion more true to RL.

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The only movement I have a real issue with in the game is when moving around urban environments, some of that could be due to the FPS drop in certain areas, but it just feels generally clunky when turning tight corners especially when an enemy is aiming at you!

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The reason why it is choppy is because in arma, your little camera-eye is actually attached to the physical model, whereas in most other games the camera-eye is free floating.

So whenever your "body" makes a move (such as when pressing a or d), your camera reacts to the movement and voila, you have got the choppyness.

To "fix" this, you would probably have to detach the camera-eye from the physical model - I'm not sure how this would affect things tho, but it might be possible (hey it's arma, anything is possible, innit?).

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Edited by NkEnNy

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I like ARMA 2s movements. All of them. The only part I don`t dig is how freaking slow moving while carrying someone is. It is so bad, that there is no point in trying to carry anyone to safety. lol Heck, even dragging is slow. So wtf bother?

Cool ideas, but the implimentation ruins it all.

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