dunedain 48 Posted July 1, 2009 (edited) Hi, ACE is really great and honestly used to ACE on Armed Assault I can't take lot of pleasure in playing ArmA2 vanilla. So a big thank you and i hope i'll play ACE2 soon or later. layne_squeeky, most weapons you've listed are in ACE so i think they'll be as well in ACE2. Inkompetent, I'm totally agree with you. I'm not against diversity of weapons but only if they all get the same amount of attention to details, in ACE 1.09 just few weapons have working paraxal sights, only M4 and M16a4 have animated bolt catch, some rare don't have moving bolt and I dislike stuff on weapons that you can't use like the IR designator, looks like battery box for softair replica. Is that possible to add some side menu to weapons crates so the player could add manually each accessory or at least choose different configuration ? Something to avoir the "orgy" in the weapon box. If it's really not possible, what Inkompetent described would be much better, I think. Especially cause, in Arma, weapons using same mags shoot the same way, no matter what weapon or how long the barrel is, i don't see any interest to keep have so many weapons with identical ballistics and damages. Edited July 1, 2009 by dunedain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Simon C 0 Posted July 1, 2009 I'd actually love to see a dramatic decrease in the amount of available weapons. Instead of having both the HK416, HK417, CAR-L and CAR-H, have only the HK416 and the CAR-H for example. Fills both the low and medium calibre roles, but for half the HDD space/download size.Also I see no point in five hundred different optics. One ironsight, one holographic, one ACOG and one with some kind of sniper rifle scope per weapon (to the degree they are used). If there is both EOTech, C-More and Aimpoint optics generally used for one weapon system (like the M4A1), then stick to one for that weapon. For example Aimpoint for the M4A1, and EOTech for the HK416. Variation is nice, but the complete orgy in weapons and weapon attachments in the first ACE was more counterproductive than beneficial in my eyes. Then at least make the extra weapon choices downloadable for those who want them. Then all are happy. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
*tcf*jackal 10 Posted July 1, 2009 Then at least make the extra weapon choices downloadable for those who want them. Then all are happy. :) Agreed! I want weapons, and lots of em' Variety is the spice of life so Im told ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxter 10 Posted July 1, 2009 Especially cause, in Arma, weapons using same mags shoot the same way, no matter what weapon or how long the barrel is, i don't see any interest to keep have so many weapons with identical ballistics and damages. I think you missed one of the cool features with ACE, that make each weapon have its own velocity, even though it uses the "same" mags (I think it in reality uses different mags, just that it does this automatically, to adjust velocity based on the weapon). However, something I've been wondering about related to this is if the collision boxes in ACE are the same as vanilla ArmA. This would mean that a large sniper rifle would have the same collision box as a MP5 for example, which kinda defeats the purpose of offering both M4 and M16, for example, since the M16 have higher velocity but the same "size". Maybe ACE dealed with this too, and/or will do so in A2. Then it would of course be a different story. :) I don't think the engine allows attachments to be added separately, which is the reason of the huge weapon lists instead. Some people like the amount of weapons, other don't. Those of us who don't (I'm one of them, atleast to a certain degree) can just download the core package in A2 and then the weapons we want to use separately, I guess. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kristian 47 Posted July 1, 2009 for example Scar L in ACE, if my memory serves me right, it had ACOG, holo, and aimpoint variants. ACOG for long range, Aimpoint for medioum, and HOLO for close. as with any weapon. I find solution "Downloadable extra weapons" good. Then people with less space in HDD can still be happy with ACE mod, and we who want ALOT weapons, we can still have them :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ka-Oz 10 Posted July 1, 2009 downloadable packs is not a solution; weapons available are defined in MISSIONS by the mission maker, it will be a nightmare connecting to servers and u will end up downloading all the packs , so no point Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dunedain 48 Posted July 1, 2009 (edited) I think you missed one of the cool features with ACE, that make each weapon have its own velocity, even though it uses the "same" mags (I think it in reality uses different mags, just that it does this automatically, to adjust velocity based on the weapon). Oki, I thought that it wasn't possible on Arma, my mistake. :) Concerning ACE and modularity, of what i've read until now they plan to release an unique big pack of units and weapons so other mods could use the bases of ACE gameplay without meaning full installation of ACE2, there won't be several weapon pack i think ? I don't think the engine allows attachments to be added separately, which is the reason of the huge weapon lists instead. I hope someone from ACE team could enlighten us of what possibilities Arma2 gives, it would be great to be allowed by a simple right click on M16a4 to see all variants instead of a full compact list in the crate. Edited July 1, 2009 by dunedain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxter 10 Posted July 1, 2009 downloadable packs is not a solution; weapons available are defined in MISSIONS by the mission maker, it will be a nightmare connecting to servers and u will end up downloading all the packs , so no point Read the thread. You will be able to download and use the ACE "core" features without all the extra units and weapons. As to the number of servers that will actually choose to use ACE without the extra goodies, that's of course another story. To be able to join as many servers as possibly I'd think most of us will end up downloading the whole thing anyway. dunedain: That's what was believed for some time, but apparently the ACE team found a way to deal with it (again, I think it has something to do with there being multiple mags with different velocity for each weapon, and that the weapon automatically chooses the right one of those). I agree with your thoughts concerning attachments, but then again I'm sure I've read discussions about it before and it seems the engine simply wont allow it to work the way we want it to. I wouldn't say that means there's no possibility to work around it some way though. I guess we can only wait and hope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.g-c 6 Posted July 6, 2009 I think you missed one of the cool features with ACE, that make each weapon have its own velocity, even though it uses the "same" mags (I think it in reality uses different mags, just that it does this automatically, to adjust velocity based on the weapon). With my suggestion here to be that a core Arma2 function (and hey who ever advertises with "realistic ballistics" must have taken muzzle-velocities into consideration), it could save Mods like ACE a whole lot of time: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/2411 Feel free to vote for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[GLT] Legislator 66 Posted July 6, 2009 Will it be possible to use single vehicles in standalone versions this time or do I have to use everything although I don't it? :rolleyes: I liked the afghan civilians in ACE 1 but I couldn't use them without the rest of the mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cifu1978 10 Posted July 6, 2009 (edited) Another one fan of A.C.E. mods here. :D What can be improve? Well, the ACE1 are correct many great things (fire rates, sound, etc.), but when i try to think... and many can't be acomplish thanks for the engine limits, but several tryouts: -Moduled handguns. Try to think on the Steyr AUG family. You make a simple move, and you can change the barrel. Longer, bipoded barrel for sniping / LMG role, "standard" for simple use, and short barrel for CQB. Another one is the strap-on grenade launcher, i simple take an M320 from a dead pal M4A1 Sopmod, and place on my G36K. -Another moduled thingy: interchangeable optics. -One insane one: can be do somehow to (at least) the player view become left handed? As a left-handed people, i find a little disturbing to see how i hold the gun in the right hand. :) -I like to see the passive and active vehicle protection systems if the engine can be altered somehow to take this. Like the grilled armour on the Stryker (and many more vehicle). Or the Reactive Armour kits, like the russian Kontakt and Kontakt-5, wich are present the current BiS T-90 model, but wont as working model, just "more HP" meanings. Active protection systems are a little trickiers. One point is the laser-sensors - it's simply warn you when someone pointing your vehicle a targeter (and range-checker) laser beam, and show wich direction come from. Most modern MBT has such system with automatic smoke grenade launchers, so, if you activate the system, and someone point a laser designator to you, the system are turn the tower toward the danger, and launch smoke grenades - this an another tricky part the laser beam are wont like the dust, mist, daze, smoke - and rain. Yes, most modern MBT range-check system are almost useless in heavy rains or dust-storms. So the smoke had to be distrupt the beam. The Arena Active Defenese System a little more sopisthicated, it has a milimeter wave radar, to search and lock on to incoming missiles / projectiles. Then a computer calculate the trajectory, and activate a charge on the right direktion. The charge pop-up and deliver a massive shrapnel-cloud to the path of the incomig missile to destroy it. Vasiliy Fofanov has a great page about such russian systems: http://www.russianarmor.info/ -Ammunition explosion on vehicles (drop down towers like the iraqi T-72's show after internal explosions). -If can be do, the helmet-mounted sight is a good thing too. You can "look-and-lock" onto aerial, and in the newer systems, even ground/sea target. It's part of the F-35B, and for aerial targets, are used by the russians from the MiG-29 / Su-27 family. -Another great possibility is the customized loadouts for helicopters and planes. I know - engine limits. :S -As the Artillery become a real part of the game, it's can be use for some new mobile artillery units, for example self-powered mortars, auto-mortars, like the Sweedish-Finnish AMOS system. Well, thats for now. I know it's a wild goose, but i'll take a shot. :) Edited July 6, 2009 by Cifu1978 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted July 6, 2009 If only we could get Chain of Command also doing their stuff for artillery !!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prydain 1 Posted July 6, 2009 - Aircraft would like to see them add: F/A-18C Hornet (USMC use them), Mig-29, AC-130, AH-64 Apache and SU-32 . It'd be cool if someone could make an AC-130 gunship :).I don't see why people would want to sit in a big target getting extremely bored or why anyone would waste time making such a thing.ACE2 would benefit from improving the Javelin. Having it perhaps work by placing its own laser marker which, when pressed, puts a 'laser' target in that location for 20 seconds or so and thus making the Javelin a fire & forget weapon but able to be fired anywhere at anything. Then having just a realistic interaction with the HUD to improve the simulation. It may be a work around to make the Jav worth ef-all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ludovico Technique 0 Posted July 6, 2009 To help the game as a simulator I'd like to suggest a couple of things: 1. Bayonets. Still used in war, so should be in the game. 2. Incapacitating wounds. Most casualties in war are not killed, just incapacitated, this could be reflected in the game. Not much practical reasoning for it, an incapacitated soldier shouldn't be able to just get back into the fight, but it's a lot more attention, in my view, should be paid to the business of trying to keep your squad alive, even if they can't fight on, as it is such a fundamental part of war. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GoOB 0 Posted July 6, 2009 2. Incapacitating wounds... incapacitated, this could be reflected in the game... a lot more attention, in my view, should be paid to the business of trying to keep your squad alive... I agree with this, for COOP missions for instance it would be rather nifty to be able to drag and or carry incapacitated squaddies to a place away from danger, stabilize them with the aid of the various tools that were given in ACE 1 (ephidrine, etc.) and then go on with the mission. Saving that incapacitated squaddie would yield some extra "points" or some other benefit or fulfill a secondary objective. An incapacitated player would ofcourse not be able to parttake in the mission after sustaining his wounds, and being incapacitated would in fact be just like dying to the player, but to the rest of the squad the polygon husk of their fallen comrade would still be something to look after. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prydain 1 Posted July 6, 2009 1. Bayonets. Still used in war, so should be in the game. Stop stealing my ideas... although a bump for this suggestion is actually a good thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted July 7, 2009 Can you guys redisignate the AT-4 model/config so it is zeroed at 300m intead of the current boresight? It's really dumb that BIS gave us the wrong BZ for the AT-4. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted July 7, 2009 (edited) First iteration of CBA now available: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1350771#post1350771 (Thanks for all replies, will try to get back to you soon!) Edited July 7, 2009 by Sickboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Takko 10 Posted July 7, 2009 Can we have more stuff on the russian side, I think the russians are left out a little Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
granQ 293 Posted July 7, 2009 There were also complaints about compatbility issues caused by ACE, however after requesting ppl's views / facts / opinions, nothing has been received yet.http://dev-heaven.net/projects/ace-mod/boards/show/40 Yes. Because of the redesign of the mod for A2, we have this possibility. We will try to serve both, all-in-one lovers, and people who would like to use just parts (Neither is exclusive to eachother) Besides that, we are thinking about which systems we could morph into common / more neutral addons, that can be released also seperately from the Mod, to serve not just the ACE users but anyone wanting to make use of the systems. This entails particularly network and eventhandling etc frameworks. Please feel free to join our team. Documentation will mostly need to come from new team-members that focus on that area, as it's hard enough to Develop a mod of this size, despite larger developer numbers :) please, it would be so awesome if did modular. ACE MOD2 Core, ACE OPFOR, ACE US and so on. and work to keep it balanced between (value/download). aka i prefer 5 types of vehicles rather then 40-50 versions of the m4/m16 family.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted July 7, 2009 ^^ TOTALLY agree with GranQ. Can't understand the fixation with every variant of rifle ! Functionality is what we crave and ACE2 WILL give that ! GJ ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dunedain 48 Posted July 7, 2009 (edited) please, it would be so awesome if did modular. ACE MOD2 Core, ACE OPFOR, ACE US and so on. and work to keep it balanced between (value/download). aka i prefer 5 types of vehicles rather then 40-50 versions of the m4/m16 family.. They plan to do it modular but in an effective way. take a Look there. So many modules, like you would like, would be useless and even a major issue if you want to play ACE2 online. Edited July 7, 2009 by dunedain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cartier90 0 Posted July 7, 2009 I heard slows down FPS significantly, this so ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scubaman3D 0 Posted July 7, 2009 you heard what slows down FBS significantly? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guiltyspark 10 Posted July 7, 2009 -I want to see aiming reticles for some of the weapons like the javalin actually look and function as such (FLIR) -I want good bright tracers that will light up the ground -I want the mini-guns to actually fire and sound like miniguns. -I want Every soldier to be able to adjust his weapons sights (even down to iron sights) -I want over 9000 weapons and vehicles -i want to see functioning PEQ lasers and illuminators And last but not least I WANT TO BE ABLE TO JOIN AN ACE SERVER WITHOUT HAVING PROBLEMS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites