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Useful radio communication, more human. Examples:

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Maybe joan uses a x-box type controller,,,hence the buttons?.Just a thought.;)

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In fact, all of Joan's posts mention pressing various buttons. I guess it's their method of trolling. Yet another good example of why mind-altering drugs are bad for you.

Yep, he's a troll.

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Suma, were any of the mentioned suggestions before considered useful?

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Six gigs? Nah, that's a bit over the top. I'd guess 200 MB at the very most with the highest quality with over 7000 voices. It's going to be a second, two tops in length and that won't make the sounds larger than 30kb per piece.

For example, in order to would start the game (with all the recorded voices), you would have to push either the A or B button. Otherwise the game would not start properly, leaving the game without mouse support.


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Just thought i'd add my two cents to this issue.

Sorry for re-opening a 3 month old topic, but it doesn't seem to have been resolved in latest patches.

I too dislike the "to our front/rear/left of us" type directions. Perhaps if the AI is actually made to say where the target is in relation to where the player is facing it would be easier to locate the enemy they are shouting about. Though i'm not sure how easy that would be to implement..

I also liked the suggestion made at the start of the topic to just change it to compass directions. This would make players use their compass (or atleast memory) more often when entering a combat zone.

Alot of the time when i play i have no idea which direction i am facing, as it is rarely important. But i think it would be good to have to pay attention to something like that.

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If I'm not mistaken, this behaviour has been improved in the latest beta patches.

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I too dislike the "to our front/rear/left of us" type directions. Perhaps if the AI is actually made to say where the target is in relation to where the player is facing it would be easier to locate the enemy they are shouting about. Though i'm not sure how easy that would be to implement..

I was just wondering about the realism here. That would require the AI to know exactly where I am facing in the second they give the direction, and if we are spread out in a firefight how is that realistic?

My understanding is that we are supposed to understand what formation we are currently in and what general direction we are supposed to go. In that sense the current "to our front/rear/left of us" type directions are meaningful. Cross checking with the map helps to focus.

Although I can see on lower realism levels that some more player-centric directions could be reasonable. But on those levels the map can show where the opposition is (red markers).

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Sounds like the radio communications needs to be more human for ArmA2 and in a same way it must be also effective.

Post in this thread what was asked.

Far distances: (>200 (?!))

Compass coordinates + Distance

There is good point to use Compass Coordinates over certain distances, and in some vehicles, bearing is best.

  • Enemy man, North, 500m.

  • Enemy men (machinegunner/At soldier/etc), South East, 500m.

Close distances: (<200 (?!))

I agree that Compass Coordinates are just no good in quick situations.

Right, Left, Front, Back, Up, Down.. should be used in these particular cases.

  • Man, 50m left!

  • Machinegunner, 10m right!

Please help out and input examples.

Ps- I liked how you input the text in OFP.

edit: @mods: feel free to change the title of the thread.


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I vote for:

enemy man, north west, close

In relation to the unit spotting.

No need for the clock indicator.

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Hi all

This is extending on my suggestion here:

Some stuff

With examples as requested by bravo 6

Contact Reports should then be given based on a reference.

LINE OF MARCH first reference

Groups, line of march in degrees should always be given by team leader every time there is a major direction change. There should be an option for group commanders to give it to subordinates, AI or human. That is your first and primary reference. Ideally all waypoints and lines of march are given both at the briefing before the mission and repeated in small briefings at waypoints, rally points, LZs etc.

At each Waypoint an AI commander says


"LOM is 275 Degrees"

"Next waypoint is 600m"

Player brings up compass and sights a distant object in that direction and walks towards it for 600m.

If Weather is foggy or view-distance is limited by terrain player brings up compass and sights an object in that direction and walks towards it until they reach said object and then repeats the process until the 600m waypoint is reached.

These LOM objects form the primary reference for non cardinal or compass directions.

So this then is suggested format

1) Threats and targets less than 150 m away:

You should use 90 Degree arcs from line of march:

Contact, Left, Contact, Right, Contact Front, Contact Rear.

Add Close, for less than 50 m

Add Near for 50 m to 100 m


"Contact Left. Close" Whispered contact is less than 50m away

"Contact. Front. Near" Whispered contact is more than 50m but less than 100m

"Contact. Rear" Whispered Contact is more than 100m but less than 150m

2) 150 m to 300 m Range

Clock position from line of march and range to contact.


"Contact. 11 o'clock. 200m" Spoken

3) 300 m to 500 m Range, plus all air contacts

Contact, Compass bearing, plus range.


"Contact. 315 degrees. 350m" Spoken

"Contact. 5600 Mils. 350m" Spoken

4) 500m plus Designated Reference object:

This is a three stage process:

Stage One AI sees a distant ground contact and tries compass bearing but all report "Contact. NOT seen" or "Negative"

Stage Two AI Designates a reference object.

If AI or Player reports "Seen" go to next stage

If AI or Player reports "Reference. NOT seen" or "Negative" then fail.

Stage Three AI Disignates contacts direction and distance from the object

The ability to reference geographical objects, such as Forrest, building by general type eg church farmhouse, office block etc, town, village, lone tree and hill top, designated point by colour eg point red, point green etc and person eg player or external group member or even target would be a new ability in ArmA but is incidentally needed to give an area suppression method.

What is required is the ability to do this in first/third/command mode with a right click menu, then match option to above type to map object. And the ability to use the map to do same both in briefing and in mission. Reference objects need, names.

Ability for the AI and players to say "Seen!" when can see the object in first/third/command view otherwise they refer to map and say acknowledged/understood/got that.

Then use distance left, right, front, past for close. Clock for 150 m to 300 m, compass and map for greater distance.


"Reference. 20 degrees. 800m. Wooden Barn." Spoken Object names come from existing database.

AI states

"Seen" Spoken

Player right clicks on Reference object and this activates reply

or after 10 seconds it defaults to:

"NOT Seen" First part shouted second part Spoken

AI calls unit to the AI's position and Repeats Reference or AI tries different Reference object or After two unsuccessful attempts decides process has failed.

If Reference is seen AI goes on to the third stage:

"Contact. 50m Right of (Reference object name)" Spoken

AI or player right click on contact designates contact seen

"Seen" Spoken

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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I liked the OFP way, it at least sounded like human speaking there, also the way that radio chatter isnt as clear as in phone, more whats the word.. static?

I think this should br brought back in OA

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The dialog is way too disjointed. It's ridiculous that "that" and "car" are different sound files.

Why the heck didn't they just record "that car" and remove the first word when appropriate? It works the same way with "enemy. man." They could have recorded "enemy man/men" and "unknown man/men" and spliced it afterwards.

The same goes for "right. of. us." When is the target going to be "right of" anything other than "us?!?" It's not like the "us" and "of" sound files are needed independently elsewhere.

All distances should be in meters, except perhaps "very far" and "dangerously close." The distance should also follow the bearing, as it sound more natural as a clause separated from the rest of the sentence, and like the speaker took time to gauge the space between them. Important things first.

With this setup "Enemy man to our right, 50 meters." would sound almost natural with only three soundfiles instead of six, and it wouldn't take up any more space.

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I prefer the old ofp voices in general. I like how they arma2 ones are a bit more human like when they kill someone.

I still want squadmates to randomly shout "GET SOME!" and stuff like that. Just for the effect :P

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your suggestion sounds like a good solution to the problem at hand. But it would make controlling the squad even more complex than it is now. Would it be possible to communicate all this via voice control to the AI?

I think your Line of March reference would be even more useful if

a) the team leader was able to issue a new LoM also between waypoints in case he suddenly wishes to change travelling plans.

b) if a simple way to determine LoM without any player input was kept in the game (maybe: LoM equals leader's current view direction). This could be used as long as no contact is expected.

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The dialog is way too disjointed. It's ridiculous that "that" and "car" are different sound files.

Why the heck didn't they just record "that car" and remove the first word when appropriate? It works the same way with "enemy. man." They could have recorded "enemy man/men" and "unknown man/men" and spliced it afterwards.

The same goes for "right. of. us." When is the target going to be "right of" anything other than "us?!?" It's not like the "us" and "of" sound files are needed independently elsewhere.

All distances should be in meters, except perhaps "very far" and "dangerously close." The distance should also follow the bearing, as it sound more natural as a clause separated from the rest of the sentence, and like the speaker took time to gauge the space between them. Important things first.

With this setup "Enemy man to our right, 50 meters." would sound almost natural with only three soundfiles instead of six, and it wouldn't take up any more space.

Yes please! This would make it sound so much better. I hate the current disjointed voices.

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The dialog is way too disjointed. It's ridiculous that "that" and "car" are different sound files.

Why the heck didn't they just record "that car" and remove the first word when appropriate? It works the same way with "enemy. man." They could have recorded "enemy man/men" and "unknown man/men" and spliced it afterwards.

The same goes for "right. of. us." When is the target going to be "right of" anything other than "us?!?" It's not like the "us" and "of" sound files are needed independently elsewhere.

All distances should be in meters, except perhaps "very far" and "dangerously close." The distance should also follow the bearing, as it sound more natural as a clause separated from the rest of the sentence, and like the speaker took time to gauge the space between them. Important things first.

With this setup "Enemy man to our right, 50 meters." would sound almost natural with only three soundfiles instead of six, and it wouldn't take up any more space.

Yes,this is very badly done voice system.Please BI,give us OFP voice system back!

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