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Is there any way to active a task on-hud waypoint without clicking the link in the task desc?

EDIT, never mind, I figured it out :)

Edited by callaway

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Good evening Gentlemen,

to follow the period of asking for "is there any way..."

Is there any way for implement pictures into the Briefing itself...for misisons like "kill that ugly officer" ?

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Something like that:

<img image='mypict.paa' />

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There is nothing in initJIPCompatible, whats the point of it?

Also, anyone found out how to get TASKS to show again after death?

I can ADD them again easily, but they dont show in the MAP unless you click on PLAYERS first.

It's a long shot so to speak but I'm just trying it this way:

(Only applies when using norrins revive script & not tested yet)

In revive_init.sqf you can find lines where to add commands after revive/respawn

NORRNCustomExec1 ="execVm ""briefing.sqf"";hint ""check notes"";"; // Exec1 occurs following being revived

NORRNCustomExec2 =""; // Exec2 occurs when you team kill

NORRNCustomExec3 ="execVm ""briefing.sqf"";hint ""check notes"";";

Could this solve something?

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Do i have to set my variable i set with e.g.

tskfuel setSimpleTaskDescription ["...."]

(means here: tskfuel) as a publicvariable on a server/mpmap to make it workin properly?

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no, you need to run the command on all clients

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So i ask a bit more directly.

Do i ve to set a task variable like tskfuel

tskfuel setSimpleTaskDescription ["...."]

as Publicvariable "tskfuel" on dedicated server machines?

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Sry for bumbing that thread again, but i stuck a bit at my briefing.

When i host the map myself each player can read the briefing.

When i host the map on my dedicated noone can see the briefing.

Is there certain special to concern in multiplayer with the briefing?

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I can't wait til theres alot more documentation on Mission Editing in this game. As it is (being new to modding ArmA2) it is extremely difficult to find what you need.

I can't get briefings to work for the life of me!

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if a player respawn he must click first on PLAYERS before the Missions shotup.. is this a ARMA2 Bug or Script Error ?

I have include the player_respawn...

sleep playerRespawnTime;
[] execVM "briefing.sqf";
[] execVM "briefing_update.sqf";

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how do we hide mission objectif in init.sqf now? because it seems that "1" objStatus "HIDDEN"; from arma doesn't work anymore


finally found the answer you don't use "1" objStatus "HIDDEN" in arma2

you just create an activation to create your task in editor

example no task in briefing at the beginning of the mission

you put this in a trigger or waypoint:

tskdelta = player createSimpleTask["Contacter la Team Delta"]; tskdelta setSimpleTaskDescription["Contacter la Team Delta", "Contacter la Team Delta", "Contacter la Team Delta"]; tskdelta setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj1");

and this ll add a task :)

Edited by camus25555

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This sounds obvious , and I've probably missed it somewhere, but how do you check if a task is completed? I've tried a trigger:

succeeded=(taskstate task1aa)

But it doesn't work. It looks wrong but I couldn't get it to accept anything else.

Edit: It was easy in the end.. just missed this one on the wiki:

taskCompleted task

Edited by Uzii

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Edit: It was easy in the end.. just missed this one on the wiki:

taskCompleted task

Ok being stupid here, does this trigger the green filled in tick box in the task list?

And where are you placing this scrip, in the trigger?

I am using the following trigger info

Condition: not alive Tungst1

On Act: nul = [objNull, ObjNull, Task2a, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf";

This triggers a message to say theask is complete but the briefing document does not complete. Love to know more on your info please.

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Ah, the one I posted was to check if a task was completed, say after 3 tasks are done, it would then show the fourth. In a trigger:

taskCompleted task1 AND taskCompleted task2 AND taskCompleted task3;

Then in the activation field:

[] execVM "FOURTH_TASK.sqf"

But what you need is at the bottom of the first post:


That will 'tick' it off the tasks menu on the map screen, then you add the hint line you have after it, and it will hint the task is completed, and tick it off. I think... ;)

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Is it possible to have one task link to several objectives using

taskname setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "taskmarker");?

The reason I ask is because I have a mission where you are supposed to clear 3 small camps, but I don't want to clog up the taskjournal with one task for each camp, when it's just much more 'pretty' to have them all in one.

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You can only have one task marker (that shows as waypoint), but you can have links to several markers in the task description with:

<marker name='objX'>TEXT</marker>

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You can only have one task marker (that shows as waypoint), but you can have links to several markers in the task description with:

<marker name='objX'>TEXT</marker>

Ahhh, bummer :(

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Does any one know to create multi-language briefing? I looked for it but i didnt found any thing.

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Does any one know to create multi-language briefing? I looked for it but i didnt found any thing.


My Briefing.sqf:

task1 = player createSimpleTask [localize "GDT_task1_title"];
task1 setSimpleTaskDescription [localize "GDT_task1_text", localize "GDT_task1_title", localize "GDT_task1_hud"];
player setCurrentTask task1;

_diary = player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", [localize "GDT_info_title", localize "GDT_info"]];

My Stringtable.csv (in root of your mission folder):


GDT_info_title, "Information", "Information"
GDT_info, "<br />Eure Ausrüstung findet ihr in den Munitionskisten an eurer <marker name=""start"">Ausgangsposition</marker>.<br /><br />Findet den Laserdesignator und synchronisiert ihn auf dem Funkturm mit dem Satelliten.<br /><br />Der Space Based Laser braucht 45 Sekunden um aufzuladen.<br /><br />Sämtliche Ziele sind auf eurer Einsatzkarte markiert!", "<br />Get your equipment out of the ammocrates at your <marker name=""start"">Insertion Point</marker>.<br /><br />Find the laserdesignator and sync it with the satellite on top of the radio tower.<br /><br />The Space Based Laser needs 45 seconds for recharging.<br /><br />All targets are marked on your map!"

GDT_task1_title, "Findet den Laserdesignator", "Find laserdesignator"
GDT_task1_text, "<br />Im Camp <marker name=""Laserdesignator"">ALPHA</marker> verstecken die Feinde einen Laserdesignator. Bringt ihn in euren Besitz!", "<br />The enemy have hidden a laserdesignator in camp <marker name=""Laserdesignator"">ALPHA</marker>. Bring it in your possession!"
GDT_task1_hud, "Camp ALPHA", "Camp ALPHA"


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Great, exactly what i was looking for. Looks pretty simple and clear. Will check it ASAP i get to my home.

Thanks Buliwyf

Ok i have another question:

Any idea on placing Images in Brief?

I cannot use old style Arma html codes to place an image in sqf offcourse. Is there any workaround?

Edited by Dan86
Next question

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thanks this is very helpful as i couldnt work it out at all now have it working i think, just for basic briefing

Edited by zipman

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What if you could just do all the briefing stuff in the editor and did not need a degree in C++ to make an enjoyable mission. :rolleyes:

Edited by Redfield-77

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Yeah, this new briefing thing seems overly complicated. While it seems to have more flexibility, without some kind of wizard or tutorial in the editor it's very clumsy to use.

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