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No, you don't normally respawn just like that. You have to specify respawns in the description.ext file in your mission directory. (Respawn delay, respawn as bird or team member etc things like that)

The description.ext tutorials for ArmA1 can still be used, just use search.

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I am not sure, but it looks that it is easier to use DAC then ACM if you want to get a lot of control and customization over "what spawns when".

Not just F5 and done.

To me ACM makes only sense for game-style missions. Mainly COOP. Or maybe crCTI could utilize it to spawn random Resistance to pester both sides.

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You can get a lot of control over ACM :)

Copy this in your init.sqf and change the values if you want :)

waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}};
waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"};

//Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name
[1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;  

//min max spawn distance
[bIS_ACM, 300, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc;

//factions to be spawned
[["RU","USMC"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;

//Skill range for spawned units
[0, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;

//Amount of ammo spawned units possess
[0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc;

//Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely.
["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

["air_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

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Create ordinary txt file, paste code supplied earlier, Save As "init.sqf"

No, if I make a text-document and save it as "init.sqf", it does not change filetype. It's still a Notepad-document, even though i's named "init.sqf". Am I doing something wrong? :confused:

Edited by St!gar

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In windows it shows you just that notepad is the current defined application to open .sqf files. Nothing else.

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No, if I make a text-document and save it as "init.sqf", it does not change filetype. It's still a Notepad-document, even though i's named "init.sqf". Am I doing something wrong? :confused:

Probably because you have windows set to hide file extensions.

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When u save a file in notepad you should have 2 lines. Filename and filetype, filetype is a rollout menu. Usually you have 2 choices. Save as TXT or All Files.

Choose all files and put .sqf at the end of your file and it will be a sqf file.

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Probably because you have windows set to hide file extensions.

Yup, Matt is right. Your file actually is "init.sqf.txt" rather than "init.sqf", that's why ArmA2 can't recognize it.

Explorer->Folder Options, then unsign "Hide file extensions".

Generally i set this right after windows installation because it can be dangerous when working with files downloaded from the www. You could doubleclick on a jpg to view it, but in reality it could be "Watch_this_lol.jpg.exe" - and you have a problem. ;)

I am not sure, but it looks that it is easier to use DAC then ACM if you want to get a lot of control and customization over "what spawns when".

Not just F5 and done.

I agree. As long as not much has been documented about the modules, we're pretty much in the guessing phase. If you dePBO modules and navigate through various scripts you realize it's a lot of overhead in there. Overhead which uses CPU resources. This is needed to make the scripts safer for false parameters etc.

So in theory, performance wise you'd better to be off writing your own scripts for the mission that you're trying to make - as always.

I know i will try that at least. Lots of infos can be gathered from the module scripts though. 1 thing i've esp liked is how empty doors are spawned on houses and civilians are moved into cargo space. Great idea.

Edited by ])rStrangelove

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No, if I make a text-document and save it as "init.sqf", it does not change filetype. It's still a Notepad-document, even though i's named "init.sqf". Am I doing something wrong? :confused:

I think its better to use the ArmA Script Editor from Chenderman. With this you can create sqs and sqf files very easy. ;)


I found this in a script:

//ACM settings

[] spawn {

waitUntil {!(isnil "BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc") && !(isnil "BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc") && !(isnil "BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc")};

sleep 10;

[0.2, 0.8, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc;

[0, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;

[bIS_ACM, ["INS_InfSquad", "INS_InfSquad_Weapons", "INS_SniperTeam", "INS_MilitiaSquad", "CDF_InfSection_Patrol", "CDF_SniperTeam", "CDF_MotInfSection"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;


I think we can choose any Inf groups with this. But i'm not sure!

Edited by Imutep

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No, if I make a text-document and save it as "init.sqf", it does not change filetype. It's still a Notepad-document, even though i's named "init.sqf". Am I doing something wrong? :confused:

There are two ways of doing it right:

Set the name to


with the quotes. That way notepad will save with .sqf as exetension (or anything else you put in).

Or set the file type to All (*.*) and name the file "init.sqf" with or without quotes.

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Hi folks,

looks like i am really to stupid!

I tried it via init.sqf nothing spawned

I tried it via entry into the init of the ACM Modul...2 Helicopter spawned!

But i still no troops around me.

Would it be possible that you can upload a simple working demo mission with the ACM modul, so i can check wth i am doin wrong plz?

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Same for me. I follow everthing by the book, and get nothing. maybe it just needs 5 to 10 minutes before spawning something?

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did you name the ACM module in the editor the same as the name in the init.sqf? I forgot to do that after syncing the ACM module with a character.

maybe that makes a difference - not sure.

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Yep, that was it. And also I had tried Strangelove's suggestion, which actually works, but the configuration doesn't set. With the init.sqf and a properly named ACM, it's works great.

I can't really say how awesome this is. Most of my time making Spec Ops missions with realistic insertion and extraction (meaning, a lot of foot walking and carefull patrolling) was spent randomizing guards and patrols. Now you can simple slap the mission targets togehter, create an insertion transport and extraction, then have the modules fill out the island with civilians, animals, soldiers.

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I named the module same as in the init.sqf and sny. via F5...as in Strangeloves example....

I am sure there is any stupid error i made but this is the 3rd evening i am trying to get it workin.

Strange thing, i got the helicopter working but no patrol crosses my way....

So Helmut after u go it working, and had the same prob, would u be so kind to make a demo for me plz.

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Or set the file type to All (*.*) and name the file "init.sqf" with or without quotes.

Thanks. That worked. :)

Also, I'm kind of getting mixed messages, here. Does using the "init.sqf" work, or doesn't it? :confused:

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I set up ACM using the guidelines in this thread, and it works really well. However, once I put it on a dedicated server it didn't run so well, or at all. Is ACM a single player only component?


I tested it some more on the dedicated server, and a friendly MI-8 flew by after a while so something is happening. However, that's also the bad news since I set the ACM to only spawn guerilla infantry groups. I'm using the following code to initiate ACM in the test mission:

// Ambient Combat Manager Settings

waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}};

waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"};

//Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name (set to maximum intensity)

[1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc;

//min max spawn distance (set to spawn between 20 and 60 meter away from the player)

[bIS_ACM, 20, 60] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc;

//factions to be spawned (set to only spawn independents)

[["GUE"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc;

//Skill range for spawned units (set to skill ranges from 0.25 to 0.3)

[0.25, 0.3, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc;

//Amount of ammo spawned units possess (set to between half and full ammo for spawned units)

[0.5, 1.0, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc;

//Passing an empty types Array will completely disable the custom database and switch back to the default. (list of allowed groups, taken from cfggroups)

[bIS_ACM, ["GUE_InfSquad", "GUE_InfSquad_Assault", "GUE_InfSquad_Weapons", "GUE_InfTeam_1", "GUE_InfTeam_2", "GUE_InfTeam_AT", "GUE_GrpInf_TeamAA", "GUE_GrpInf_TeamSniper", "GUE_MilitiaSquad"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;

//Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. (set to allow ground patrols, disallow air patrols)

["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

["air_patrol", -1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

Edited by Hund

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Im not sure this will be good to populate worlds with, atleast not in MP.

For example if you want towns to be populated with civilians it only takes a few players to spread all over the map for this to spawn lots of units, lag and desync?

Still need to understand what these modules can do after the game arrives. It sounds just like a "light" version of DAC 2.

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Hi everyone !

Very interesting thread and very interesting features !

I've been able to test ACM within the editor, but haven't tested it on multiplayer though.

I've just got one question. I've uncompressed all the pbo files of the game and never found this cfggroups file.

Where can I find it ? So that I can select the spawning units.

Thanks by advance for the answer.

Best regards.

---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 10:58 PM ----------

Ok.. I found them on stringtable.xml. Here they are. I would have liked to make a good looking table on the forum, but dunno how to do. So here they are :

usmc_motinfsection_at Motorized Section (AT)

usmc_motinfsection Motorized Section

usmc_motorized Motorized Infantry

usmc_mechreconsection Recon Section

usmc_mechinfsquad Mechanized Rifle Squad

usmc_mechanized Mechanized Infantry

usmc_sniperteam Sniper Team

usmc_infsquad Rifle Squad

usmc_heavyatteam Heavy AT Team

usmc_frteam_razor Razor Team

usmc_frteam Force Recon Team

usmc_fireteam_support Fire Team (Support)

usmc_fireteam_mg Fire Team (MG)

usmc_fireteam_at Fire Team (AT)

usmc_fireteam Fire Team

usmc_infantry Infantry

usmc_tankplatoon Tank Platoon

usmc_armored Armor

usmc_uh1ysquadron UH-1Y Squadron

usmc_mv22squadron MV-22 Squadron

usmc_mq9squadron MQ-9 Squadron

usmc_f35squadron F-35B Squadron

usmc_av8bfightersquadron AV-8B Fighter Squadron

usmc_av8bbombersquadron AV-8B Bomber Squadron

usmc_ah1zsquadron AH-1Z Squadron

usmc_air Air

cdf_motinfsquad Motorized Infantry Squad

cdf_motinfsection_weapons Motorized Weapons Section

cdf_motinfsection Motorized Infantry Patrol

cdf_motorized Motorized Infantry

cdf_mechreconsection Mechanized Recon Section

cdf_mechinfsquad Mechanized Rifle Squad

cdf_mechatsection Mechanized Recon Section (AT)

cdf_mechanized Mechanized Infantry

cdf_sniperteam Sniper Team

cdf_infsquad_weapons Weapons Squad

cdf_infsquad Infantry Squad

cdf_infsection_patrol Patrol

cdf_infsection_mg Infantry Section (MG)

cdf_infsection_at Infantry Section (AT)

cdf_infsection_aa Infantry Section (AA)

cdf_infantry Infantry

cdf_tankplatoon Tank Platoon

cdf_armored Armor

cdf_mi8squadron Mi-8 Squadron

cdf_mi24dsquadron Mi-24D Squadron

cdf_air Air

gue_motinfsquad Motorized Group

gue_motinfsection Technicals

gue_motorized Motorized Infantry

gue_mechinfsquad Mechanized Group

gue_mechinfsection Mechanized Patrol

gue_mechanized Mechanized Infantry

gue_militiasquad Militia

gue_infteam_at AT Team

gue_infteam_2 Patrol 2

gue_infteam_1 Patrol 1

gue_infsquad_weapons Group (Weapons)

gue_infsquad_assault Group (Assault)

gue_infsquad Group

gue_grpinf_teamsniper Sniper Team

gue_grpinf_teamaa AA Team

gue_infantry Infantry

gue_tanksection Tank Section

gue_armored Armor

ru_motinfsquad Motorized Infantry Squad

ru_motinfsection_recon Motorized Recon Section

ru_motinfsection_patrol Motorized Patrol

ru_motorized Motorized Infantry

ru_mechinfsquad_2 Motor Rifles (BTR)

ru_mechinfsquad_1 Motor Rifles (BMP)

ru_mechanized Mechanized Infantry

rus_reconteam Spetsnaz Team

ru_sniperteam Sniper Team

ru_infsquad Infantry Squad

ru_infsection_mg Infantry Section (MG)

ru_infsection_at Infantry Section (AT)

ru_infsection_aa Infantry Section (AA)

ru_infsection Infantry Section

ru_infantry_mvd_assaultteam MVD Assault Team

ru_infantry Infantry

ru_tankplatoon Tank Platoon

ru_armored Armor

ru_su34fightersquadron Su-34 Fighter Squadron

ru_su34cassquadron Su-34 CAS Squadron

ru_pchela1tsquadron Pchela-1T Squadron

ru_mi8squadron Mi-8 Squadron

ru_mi24vsquadron Mi-24V Squadron

ru_mi24psquadron Mi-24P Squadron

ru_ka52squadron Ka-52 Squadron

ru_air Air

ins_motinfsquad Motorized Group

ins_motinfsection Technicals

ins_motorized Motorized Infantry

ins_mechinfsquad Mechanized Group

ins_mechinfsection_at Mechanized Section (AT)

ins_mechinfsection Mechanized Patrol

ins_mechanized Mechanized Infantry

ins_sniperteam Sniper Team

ins_militiasquad Militia

ins_infsquad_weapons Weapons Group

ins_infsquad Group

ins_infsection_at AT Team

ins_infsection_aa AA Team

ins_infantry Infantry

ins_tanksection Tank Section

ins_armored Armor

ins_mi8squadron Mi-8 Squadron

ins_air Air

civ_village_2 Village People 2

civ_village_1 Village People 1

civ_crowd Crowd

civ_city_2 City People 2

civ_city_1 City People 1

civ_infantry Civilian Groups

---------- Post added at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:07 AM ----------

Ok... sorry for the flood..

I've tried calling BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc with some group strings I found in cfggroups. For example :

[bIS_ACM,["usmc_infantry"]] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc;

... and then nothing spawns with ACM.

When I try to call BIS_ACM_removeGroupClassesFunc like this :

[bIS_ACM,["usmc_armored","usmc_tankplatoon","usmc_motinfsection_at","usmc_motinfsection","usmc_motorized","usmc_mechreconsection","usmc_mechinfsquad","usmc_mechanized"]] call BIS_ACM_removeGroupClassesFunc;

those units still spawn.

What I conclude is that the functions might work well as no unit spawned with the BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc command.

So :

  • I may not use the right cfggroups strings,
  • I may have to create my own group database thanks to an addon... but it hope it won't be necessary
  • The functions may be bugged
  • I may be silly !

Could you please give us more details about the strings demanded by these functions ?

Thanks by advance.

Edited by Placebo

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Hi, I'm a noob with scripting stuff.

So could anyone please show me the correct syntax for the following line:

[<ACM reference | Object>, <types | Array of Arrays and / or Markers and / or triggers>] call BIS_ACM_blacklistAreaFunc;

Thx alot :)

Edit: I think I got it:

[[bIS_ACM], BIS_ACM_1] call BIS_ACM_blacklistAreaFunc;

Edited by Duke49th

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Duke, if you want to exclude an area from ACM, the Wiki simple says:

"You may place markers with a special naming pattern BIS_ACM_X (where X has to start at 1 and may not skip any numbers). The areas defined by these markers are automatically blacklisted and the markers deleted."

Sounds easier than calling a function.

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Duke, if you want to exclude an area from ACM, the Wiki simple says:

"You may place markers with a special naming pattern BIS_ACM_X (where X has to start at 1 and may not skip any numbers). The areas defined by these markers are automatically blacklisted and the markers deleted."

Sounds easier than calling a function.

Yeah, I overread that. Thx.

Another question:

How can I delay the Module. So that it starts to work after, let's say 10 minutes?

sleep 600 in the Init doesn't work.

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