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trini scourge

Secondary Ops Manager Module Discussion

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How do I cancel transport support when the the chopper arrives to "pick me up", so that it returns to its start point (ready if I call it again) without me getting in it. I know it sounds stupid but if the chopper had a full squad in it they could get out at my position as renforcements, and chopper flies back to base and is ready for use again as needed. I can spawn the squad with a radio trigger and the chopper comes where ever I want it; no need for waypoints all over the map. I'm new to scripting (and ArmA) so please forgive my ignorance on this: There is a abort sqf in the missions pbo\som\data\scripts\secops folder, would this allow me to cancel the transport request halfway through? and if so could someone tell me how to modify it. Thanks.

File: abort.sqf
Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land

Aborting the SecOp normally.

_this select 0: SecOp ID (Number)
_this select 1: SecOp scope (Object)
_this select 2: SOM main scope (Object)

private ["_id", "_scope", "_mainScope"];
_id = _this select 0;
_scope = _this select 1;
_mainScope = _this select 2;

//Your phase content goes here:

//Telling the system to go to the next phase.
[_id, _mainScope] call BIS_SOM_nextSecOpPhaseFunc;


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Is there any way to make it so an NPC squad leader will waypoint towards any secops objectives on the map? I'd like to play a map with just secops missions, while relinquishing control of the squad to the AI.

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Is there any word on defining an area for the secops to spawn in and also blacklist an area for the sec ops to spawn in?

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Does anyone know if the Secop can be adjusted depending on how many players are in the mission? The enemy AI always look to be about the same in number when I play it. I wonder if you can scale it up if there are many players on the server?

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Just accomplished creating a mission with nothing but a four man Force Recon team and the SecOps manager. Now, what I'd like to know is, what is the best way to actually trigger an END to such a mission? Y'know, other than dying? :D

Or do you guys not mind having a mission that NEVER ends and you would just keep on playing coop in it until you get tired?

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Just accomplished creating a mission with nothing but a four man Force Recon team and the SecOps manager. Now, what I'd like to know is, what is the best way to actually trigger an END to such a mission? Y'know, other than dying? :D

Or do you guys not mind having a mission that NEVER ends and you would just keep on playing coop in it until you get tired?

you can make an area trigger somewhere (like a base) and have all your guys get there if you ever wish to end the mission... something like 'shop till you drop'

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If you are playing this in Coop. Will the autosave kick in once an objective is completed like in the coop campaign?

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Does anyone know which PBO file contains the SecOps Manager script files? I'd like to go in and take a look at the code that calls the support requests.

Edit: Nevermind, I think I found it... it was under missions.pbo instead of modules.pbo...

Edited by NorthStar

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how can I activate/de-activate SOM during playtime? eg. I only want SOM to be activated after I've been inserted into mission area. Then after a while, I want it to be de-activated?

Another question is how do I sync a module using script?

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How do I get two choppers for both players in a coop mission to work? I have two squad leaders, each with the ability to call in chopper transport support. I have one chopper assigned to one team leader and another assigned to the other (which will both be players).

At the start of the mission, both players have the transport request, however, if one of those players calls for support, the other player then loses the ability to call in their chopper (option not in comms menu anymore).

I have tried two SOMs, and just using one but repeating the code (see below), both seem to yield the same reuslt. Any ideas? I am new to all this and I won't pretend to fully understand the code below!

This is what I've tried in the init.sqf:

waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};

SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

[["transport"], t1] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h1];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];

waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};

SOM2_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

[["transport"], t2] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

SOM2 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h2];

SOM2 setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

SOM2 setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];


waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};

SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

[["transport"], t1] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h1];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];

[["transport"], t2] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", h2];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];

Neither of these work but it's probably my lack of understanding of SOM that's the reason.

EDIT - I have only tried this preview mode and team switching - Could this be the reason?

Edited by Detritus

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Put this code into a repeating Radio trigger in on Activation. this will allow you to call in the vehicle over and over again. Its only linked to one vehicle But try it on separate radio channels with multiple vehicles. So Radio alpha calls in helo1 and Bravo channel calls in Helo2(Below Im using an Osprey but you could use any helo). You only need one SOM and in this case it is named SOM

. Place player on the map.

3. Place osprey on the map and name it something ( I named it O1).

4. Create a trigger and make it radio alpha. Make it repeated.

5. In the on activation space put in

waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};

SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

[["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", O1];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];

O1 setVariable [“supPoolâ€, [bIS_cooper], TRUE];

O1 setVariable [“supPhaseâ€, 0, TRUE];

O1 setVariable [“onMissionâ€, objNull, TRUE];

O1 setVariable [“stuckâ€, FALSE, TRUE];

Edited by gunterlund21

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Sorry, I'm new to this thread (and to editing in ArmA in general). I've been enjoying some secops random generators using the module and the ACM. Very compelling stuff, but I have a couple questions.

I like the idea that my fire team can go up against any opposition as long as I try and stay alive and stealthy. In that sense, how do I give my team the support it needs? I'm talking about laser markers, artillery, air strikes, helicopter transports, etc.? In the single player game, you can call them in via your communications menu. I tried adding the arty module and nothing happened.

Also, after one of my guys go down, HQ always gives me an option for reinforcements. I tried accepting one of them since I was down to only 2 guys and when I got to the reinforcement waypoint, nothing happened? How do you reinforce?

Thanks for your help. I gave up on the single player (too buggy) but I won't give up on this awesome game. :)

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Put this code into a repeating Radio trigger in on Activation. this will allow you to call in the vehicle over and over again. Its only linked to one vehicle But try it on separate radio channels with multiple vehicles. So Radio alpha calls in helo1 and Bravo channel calls in Helo2(Below Im using an Osprey but you could use any helo). You only need one SOM and in this case it is named SOM

. Place player on the map.

3. Place osprey on the map and name it something ( I named it O1).

4. Create a trigger and make it radio alpha. Make it repeated.

5. In the on activation space put in

waitUntil {!isnil {player getVariable "mainScope"}};

SOM_mainScope = player getVariable "mainScope";

[["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

SOM setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", O1];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_allowed", ["pickup", "unload"]];

SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [0,0,0]];

O1 setVariable [“supPoolâ€, [bIS_cooper], TRUE];

O1 setVariable [“supPhaseâ€, 0, TRUE];

O1 setVariable [“onMissionâ€, objNull, TRUE];

O1 setVariable [“stuckâ€, FALSE, TRUE];

Thanks :cool: ! I first forgot to name the Secop module 'SOM' so a UH1 kept appearing ... but now it works great !

Only the '01 setVariable' doesn't work here, it says 'Invalid number in expression' :) ?

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Thanks :cool: ! I first forgot to name the Secop module 'SOM' so a UH1 kept appearing ... but now it works great !

Only the '01 setVariable' doesn't work here, it says 'Invalid number in expression' :) ?

Make sure its O1 that is O as in Oscar not the number 0

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So I noticed that supply drop missions remain active even after the Humvee and the ammo crates have been dropped. What is considered the 'end' of a supply drop request?

I was playing the SecOps wizard mission and that supply request stayed open for what seemed like far too long and HQ didn't transmit any further secops to me.

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in regards to the civ vehicle moduale when placed all vehicles are in a parking position is there any way to make them road worthy as AI actually driving them around with out and manual waypoints from me

Edited by 5urge

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So I noticed that supply drop missions remain active even after the Humvee and the ammo crates have been dropped. What is considered the 'end' of a supply drop request?

I was playing the SecOps wizard mission and that supply request stayed open for what seemed like far too long and HQ didn't transmit any further secops to me.


I had that problem also a few days ago :) Anyone who knows a script to force a secop to end ?

Make sure its O1 that is O as in Oscar not the number 0

Tested this and I still get the 'Invalid number in expression' window :(:) The cursor moves to [|“supPoolâ€, [bIS_cooper], TRUE] so it guess it's something with the code there, probably something simple but I'm still learning how everything works so I don't know what could be the problem :D

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How can we configure the enemy faction in secOps? I want enemy spawned just to be the Chedaki. do we have any info of that?

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Can the mission maker disable the random missions and utilize it for only what they want it used for? I seen a post where a guy used it for just being able to call a chopper back to himself to complete the different parts of a mission. I am wondering if it can be set to just whaty we want out of it.

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I did add this recently, but I'm not sure if it's in 1.02 ... it can be tried. The settings array should accept 3 additional parameters: spacing between SecOps in seconds (Scalar), random activation threshold (Scalar between 0 and 1) and SecOp spawning distances (Array of 2 Scalars: minimum and maximum distance in meters).

Came to this thread looking for how to do this - can the code/procedure be explained in more detail? Thanks.

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SOM_secOpDistances = [999, 20000];

ive got this and have tried countless variations of this. None of it works so please would someone like DnA or anybody who knows please just give us an example line where ##min## is the minimum spawning distance and ##max## is the max spawning distance for the sec ops. its a big map. its a dam shame the campaign doesnt really work and the fact the secops keep spawning at my airport base is seriously making it unplayable.

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so im making a mission where a FR squad (will be changed to a more apropriate squad later when the needed addons are released) are tasked with attacking a enemy (insurgent) controlled airbase in northern Chernarus.

they are supposed to have some artillery support (2-3 missions from a MLRS battery staged further south) and a CAS mission from a pair of Army A10´s

now i would like to use the SOM as much as possible but i dont really get it working.

now to the big question..

how do i get the SOM to give me those 2-3 artillery strikes?

and why the bloody hell doesnt it use the MLRS battery i have created and synced with the artillery module?

to be honest i guess im kinda stupid as i havnt really figured out the editor even though i´ve been around since OFP days so please keep it simple.

and use examples if possible.

i also use the ACM module wich i dont get working as i want either, but you can read that post in the ACM module thread since the problems are not related.

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Read the whole topic its all explained and visit wiki guides and download the mission demo for arty use its the easiest way of working it

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Hey guys, I am trying to add the airstrike option into a mission but I cannot get it to work. I call it in, radio says it's on it's way but no aircraft ever show up. Can anyone help?


Edit: Hmm, never mind. Although I didn't change anything, after trying many times it's now working. ???

Edited by Deadsy

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I managed to get the SOM transport support working. But how can I control the extraction point and the landing zone? They seemed to be created very randomly. On Utes the chopper takes me for a ride .... 50 metres or so and there's the new landing zone. :rolleyes:

I tried to control the landing zone via SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [3141.5264,14.889842,4456.8003]]; but it didn't work. I read somewhere I could control it via mapclick, but that didn't work too.

Is there a trick to do?

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