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trini scourge

Secondary Ops Manager Module Discussion

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That does work you have to be sure that the transport is active then go in and click your map and it will show you a new drop off or pick up

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I managed to get the SOM transport support working. But how can I control the extraction point and the landing zone? They seemed to be created very randomly. On Utes the chopper takes me for a ride .... 50 metres or so and there's the new landing zone. :rolleyes:

I tried to control the landing zone via SOM setVariable ["TSS_plannedLZ", [3141.5264,14.889842,4456.8003]]; but it didn't work. I read somewhere I could control it via mapclick, but that didn't work too.

Is there a trick to do?

I find that if you have the map open when you call for the transport the LZ will will show up wherever your cursor is when you hit the last button. If you've had your map open try to pre-place the cursor to where you want to land before you make the call.

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is there a way to use this for OPFOR without your character randomly spouting a mix of Russian and English?

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omg What a crazy implementation! Thanks for hints. I'm going to give them a try.


The way Manzilla described it, worked. But somehow it isn't working on the USS Khe Sanh using her as an extraction point. :(

One more question. It seems like I can only use the secop support once. How can I enable X amounts of support for artillery, transport, etc.?

Edited by [GLT] Legislator

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I never got any SecOps instructions throughout the campaign, is there something you need to activate, does it notify you if you are given a mission?

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SOM options (but counldnt get them to work)

These are the options from the secopmanager.fsm

"private [""_settings"", ""_pool"", ""_hqEnabled"", ""_callsigns"", ""_initialDelay"", ""_autoReinforce"", ""_secOpSpacing"", ""_randomActivation"", ""_secOpDistances""];

or when adding to the SOM inti:

this setVariable ["settings", "_pool"", "_hqEnabled", "_callsigns", "_initialDelay", "_autoReinforce", "_secOpSpacing", "_randomActivation", "_secOpDistances"];

How I thought I could get the SOM missions out further (as spawning near you isnt fun), but nothing happens. I tried all of these in the SOM init filed.

this setVariable ["settings", [[nil], true, nil, nil, true, nil,nil,[3000, 5000]]];

this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, true, nil,nil,[3000, 5000]]];

this setVariable ["settings", [[nil], true, nil, nil, true, nil,nil,(3000, 5000)]];

this setVariable ["settings", [[], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,nil,[3000, 5000]]];

The default distance is _secOpDistances = [300, 700] from the .fsm file

Edited by CodeRedFox

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I have a question about multiplayer SecOps. I am making an open ended mission where there are primary objectives and of course the secops. I have the module working and all, but after about 3 secop missions HQ never calls again. Is there a timer? Can I make so that the sec ops are infinite and keep going forever?

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Another MP Co-op question.

Is it possible to make the markers and objectives Secops gives viewable on everyones map?

Real pain that only the leader sees them and has to relay the co-ordinates of the mission.

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SOM options (but counldnt get them to work)

These are the options from the secopmanager.fsm

How I thought I could get the SOM missions out further (as spawning near you isnt fun), but nothing happens. I tried all of these in the SOM init filed.

The default distance is _secOpDistances = [300, 700] from the .fsm file

Check earlier in this thread about setting up the SecOps options. The front few pages should have it. The names you aren't quite right. There should be a few links with example missions too, if I remember right.

I'm not sure how to make the missions spawn further out. I'm still trying to figure this out. I know there's a mission which someone has done this but I can't seem to remember the mission name right now.

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Can these be used in co-op multiplayer missions? or just totally no multiplayer at all??

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SecOps works multiplay but only the squad leader gets the orders and his map marked. I usually just get the orders from crossroad then after it marks my map I just mark the map next to it so my bud can see where we are going.

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They work in MP (about the only thing that does LOL)
SecOps works multiplay but only the squad leader gets the orders and his map marked.

And so they aren't working properly in multiplayer mode. Most modules aren't reinitiated after JIP or even simple respawn. Other are executed multiplied with the counts of the players (the animal module for example).

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Anyone know how to modify the supply request so you can have it drop what you want by just by clicking anywhere on the map?

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ive searched but cant find an answer in forums ...

is it possible to change the contents of an ammobox and the type of vehicle when using the supply drop feature of the som ... just at the min the hind drops a UAZ ... only good for 3 players ... many thanks :)

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Another question, I hope it's not already answered!

Is it possible to auto-accept secops? With some script or something, so I can place say 5 side missions around me without accepting them all separately.

Please answer! :confused:

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How do I detect via script if a player had used his air strike already? I want to give the player exactly 3 air strikes in a mission, but currently if you provide an air strike when one is already available, then it will do nothing.

Also, after disabling the side missions, most of the support dialog was missing.

Edited by galzohar

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Also, when air strikes do come, they seem to do at least 1 flyby before dropping bombs, and too often they just flyby like 3-4 times without dropping any bombs.

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Anyone have a .sqf template that explains all the options? I've seen bits and pieces, but was wondering if there was a whole one.

I basically need to customize every variable for a mission I'm making. I need to customize the spawned missions type, how often and how close they are.

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Anyone have a .sqf template that explains all the options? I've seen bits and pieces, but was wondering if there was a whole one.

I basically need to customize every variable for a mission I'm making. I need to customize the spawned missions type, how often and how close they are.

Here's an example. These are the settings that I use at the moment. Default settings are included.

At the top of init.sqf:

execVM "somsettings.sqf";


//Configure SOM module with custom settings. Must run during the first 2 seconds of a mission.

private ["_pool", "_hq", "_callsigns", "_initialDelay", "_autoReinforce", "_secOpSpacing", "_randomActivation", "_secOpDistances", "_settings"];

//List of secops.
//Default: ["ambush", "attack_location", "defend_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"]
_pool = ["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"];

//Enable or disable HQ.
//Default: true
_hq = true;

//Team text, team speech, H.Q. text, H.Q. speech.
//Default: ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]]
_callsigns = ["Razor", ["Razor"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]];

//Delay in seconds before starting random SecOps selection. Only seems to affect the first secops.
//Default: 30
_initialDelay = ((random 300) + 300);

//Should an automatic Reinforce be triggered when there are casualties?
//Default is true.
_autoReinforce = true;

//??? Delay between sec ops?
//Default: 30
_secOpSpacing = ((random 300) + 300);

//??? From 0 to 1. 0 means no secops starting. With 1 they do start. Some kind of chance variable?
//Default: 0.7
_randomActivation = 0.4;

//Min Max distance of sec ops.
//Default: [300, 700]
_secOpDistances = [1500, 2000];

_settings = [_pool, _hq, _callsigns, _initialDelay, _autoReinforce, _secOpSpacing, _randomActivation, _secOpDistances];

//BIS_SOM is module name.
BIS_SOM setVariable ["settings", _settings];

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Thanks BlackAlpha. That's just what I was looking for. Can't wait to try it out tonite.

What does this line mean? " _secOpSpacing = ((random 300) + 300 "

I assume if I Just replaced the entire "((random 300) + 300" with "30", the SecOPS would always spawn 30 seconds after the last one ends.

Edited by arthur666

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Here's an example. These are the settings that I use at the moment. Default settings are included.

At the top of init.sqf:

execVM "somsettings.sqf";


//Configure SOM module with custom settings. Must run during the first 2 seconds of a mission.

private ["_pool", "_hq", "_callsigns", "_initialDelay", "_autoReinforce", "_secOpSpacing", "_randomActivation", "_secOpDistances", "_settings"];

//List of secops.
//Default: ["ambush", "attack_location", "defend_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"]
_pool = ["ambush", "attack_location", "destroy", "escort", "patrol", "rescue", "search", "trap"];

//Enable or disable HQ.
//Default: true
_hq = true;

//Team text, team speech, H.Q. text, H.Q. speech.
//Default: ["ALPHA", ["Alpha"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]]
_callsigns = ["Razor", ["Razor"], "H.Q.", ["HQ"]];

//Delay in seconds before starting random SecOps selection. Only seems to affect the first secops.
//Default: 30
_initialDelay = ((random 300) + 300);

//Should an automatic Reinforce be triggered when there are casualties?
//Default is true.
_autoReinforce = true;

//??? Delay between sec ops?
//Default: 30
_secOpSpacing = ((random 300) + 300);

//??? From 0 to 1. 0 means no secops starting. With 1 they do start. Some kind of chance variable?
//Default: 0.7
_randomActivation = 0.4;

//Min Max distance of sec ops.
//Default: [300, 700]
_secOpDistances = [1500, 2000];

_settings = [_pool, _hq, _callsigns, _initialDelay, _autoReinforce, _secOpSpacing, _randomActivation, _secOpDistances];

//BIS_SOM is module name.
BIS_SOM setVariable ["settings", _settings];

Can't get it to work. The SecOP missions start and they're still within 500m of me. I've got 2 files in my mission folder, init.sqf and somsettings.sqf that have the text you gave me, but I erased 2 mission types and changed the distance to 1500 and 3000. I named my module BIS_SOM and synced it to my player unit/teamleader. Can anyone see something I've left out?

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Can't get it to work. The SecOP missions start and they're still within 500m of me. I've got 2 files in my mission folder, init.sqf and somsettings.sqf that have the text you gave me, but I erased 2 mission types and changed the distance to 1500 and 3000. I named my module BIS_SOM and synced it to my player unit/teamleader. Can anyone see something I've left out?

Use my settings, those should work. Make sure you synch the module (F5), do not group it (F2). Make sure the file is loaded during the first 1 or 2 seconds of the mission. To make sure, put it at the top of the init.sqf file. Double check everything for typos.

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How can I disable the SOM (and artillery module) adding the guide to briefing?

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