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ArmA 2 German Release Thread

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Some screenshots I made, only played MP and first training mission in SP. They are a bit darker than ingame, sorry for that.

Settings (first few with shadows have everything on normal)

E6420/4GB/3870/Win7 64 -> ~25fps

I had some trouble joining the server, it didn't work most of the time. But that could be the host/Gamespy.

Worst so far is the sound. Not the sounds, they are good so far. But I seem to hear everything at nearly the same volume and it's nearly impossible to locate. No muffling either, but the others had no such problems. Funny that they had problems with this in Arma 1, but it worked for me there.

Will post a thread about in in troubleshooting if fiddling with my settings doesn't work. There is no option for Hardware/EAX in the options anymore.

I don't like the motion blur when turning/running and it's not removed by post processing on low -> gives me a headache especially with trackir and for example you can't search the ground without stopping every meter.

The lighting is as expected from screens/videos: Looking good until the sun is up, in the wrong direction and something whiteish is on the screen -> bloooooom :eek:

This results in glowing cows and (shot up) glass in a HMMWV you can't look through while facing the wrong direction.

That's what I don't like so far, too tired to post about what I do like now ;)

Edited by Scruffy

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have You seen this MP video?

I looks great but one thing bugs me, uninteruptable animation like in ArmA1 :/ You have to finish you volt over fence beforeyou die, in one moment guy even ended reloading animation during death animation :/

Graphics and soundeffects are really nothing less than amazing :)

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Backwards compatibility most definately is not..

But from the footage i have seen so far i don't see much thats worth me forking out another 30 quid. But i'll give it some time..

You go play the teenager shooter OFP2 (BF2). Wont miss ya a bit.


Thanks for the MP vid! Looked great man.


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Happy 00:01 people!

But I won't get to play for ~30 mins since download hasn't finished...

And to you. Late starting as just got home. :bounce3:

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Does it have English voices? or just english text and subtitles?

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Does it have English voices? or just english text and subtitles?

The voices are the same for every release, English for american soldiers, russian for the others, and some czech

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Thanks Alexei, you made me buy the game, i am downloading it now and gonna install your language change straight away!

Thank you very much!

You and me both. Although I already bought the game, I was just greeted by this waking up this morning, I speak bugger all German, I once said in front of my German class as a young teenager "On my holidays I ate a water theme park"... so you can imagine the troubles I'd have without a patch. Thanks Guba, I'm making a shrine for you now.

ArmA 2 - Quite literally the biggest thing for me since OFP!


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Does it give an error? I'm quite literally sitting here with nothing to do so if you've got any details on what ArmA2 is telling you, I may be able to help, assuming it's still mostly the same as the original ArmA.

Come on download! 594k/s... bloody useless Aussie internets.


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Got it working, very well done and thanks :)

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Respectfully Sir,

Why would you do that?

seconded, you don't know if he got a review copy or not...respectufully of course.

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Google can't translate xml files. :p

If he was using a preview or review copy he most probably have signed an NDA which surely doesn't allow him the distribution of the files.

Someone @ BIS will maybe decide what to do with them. If they have no objections Mr. Guba can post the links again.

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Google can't translate xml files. :p

If he was using a preview or review copy he most probably have signed an NDA which surely doesn't allow him the distribution of the files.

Someone @ BIS will maybe decide what to do with them. If they have no objections Mr. Guba can post the links again.

:rolleyes:. Another case/example where moderators think they can have a powertrip.

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:rolleyes:. Another case/example where moderators think they can have a powertrip.

Say you create an amazing product. You send it out to Betatesters and they then leak some of the files and claim it as there own. Breaching an NDA!!!

He did the right thing.

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Yeah I have to say, the speed was a bit impressive. I'd hate to be a moderator right now, probably the correct decision, but unlikely to be popular.

As for google... translations on that thing are a little wild sometimes, good system don't get me wrong, it's helped me order A2 from Germany, but it struggles with more obscure words or terms.


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Question: Will the patch(in june) from 505 apply for the version bought from Germany? Thus enabling English language in the German version?

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Here is a first video attempt from me.... All my 4 Hard Drives are full currently, but i ordered another TB which should be available at Saturday - then i will upload more...

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:rolleyes:. Another case/example where moderators think they can have a powertrip.

+1 WL for that.

And now we all take a deep breath and go back on topic.

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Here is a first video attempt from me...

If you want a better example of suppression, try letting a group see you then hide behind a building corner and fight from there.

In ArmA 1 that usually is an easy way to kill AI.

LOL at the troll... typical :rolleyes:

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@mr.g-c: HELL YES!!! :D That's what I want to see. Fantastic video. Choose not to stay down and get hurt. Hurt, not instantly die!

I'm getting quite optimistic now :) Everyone has been focusing a bit too much on graphics and cows lately...

Sorry, didn't realize language files were now xml in the first place. A csv would have been quite easy to 'auto translate' with Excel and a custom web lookup function/script I guess.

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Google can't translate xml files. :p

If he was using a preview or review copy he most probably have signed an NDA which surely doesn't allow him the distribution of the files.

Someone @ BIS will maybe decide what to do with them. If they have no objections Mr. Guba can post the links again.

point is moot he uploaded to a crap RS account. The download is gone.

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No Carl, according to this they're .xml files, and the internal format in a text editor reflects this. Still, you can sit here for ages copying and pasting the xml into google translate and it'll leave the tags alone, only translate the foreign language.

I'm still waiting just to install this thing :yay:


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