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Mark XIII (DayZ)

HiFi Novus Aevum - modular sound conversion

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(The ACE-module I mean! Don't get any silly ideas. So uh, I guess its safe to asume that the ACE module "definately" is coming in lets say, two weeks time? You know, just incase something goes wrong, which is most likely. Can't wait to try it out.)

And somewhat relevant to this topic:

Is this what the HiFi NA actually sounds like? Or was the video just edited to sound like that? Like one other guy said, it actually sounds like company-level firefight, which I think is kinda awesome in its own way.

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Hi Im back one week earlier :D So Im gonna add Marks sounds into my earlier "un-fraked" config. Hopefully that will make it easier for Mark to finnish the ACE weapons module off.

And why we still work on this for arma. We can, people still play arma and will be for a while. Then ofcourse all the sounds generated by Mark can be reused in arma2. So this is not work down the drain.

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(The ACE-module I mean! Don't get any silly ideas. So uh, I guess its safe to asume that the ACE module "definately" is coming in lets say, two weeks time? You know, just incase something goes wrong, which is most likely. Can't wait to try it out.)

And somewhat relevant to this topic:

Is this what the HiFi NA actually sounds like? Or was the video just edited to sound like that? Like one other guy said, it actually sounds like company-level firefight, which I think is kinda awesome in its own way.

Heya mate,

'The ACE module' is on the way, but to clarify. It is the 'weapons' module only to begin with. Which basically covers all the smallarms. Other modules will be made but we considered weapons to be a priority :)

And Yes & No...That video does feature HiFi NA, however the guy has placed some ambient battle stuff into the mix as well. This mix could be from HiFi Warfare enviroment I did awhile ago, or his own stuff. Not sure but that ambience is not part of any current NA module.

I hope that helps mate :)

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Suggestion/request: The sound when turning the turret in the various Abrams-variants, I think that's not altered at the moment? In any way, I'd suggest toning that down a bit, it would make quite a significant difference when gunning for longer periods of time. I enjoy your mod and prefer it when playing infantry, and that little tweak would probably make me use it for armour as well, since that's the biggest turn-off at the moment.

Anyways, keep it up!

(I know that thanks to your wonderful modular setup I can use other mods for vehicle weapon sounds, but I'm sure you're always open for feedback and suggestions :) )

Edited by maxter

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Hi Guys,

We will be making different versions of NA. One with moderate volumes, one with LOUD volumes.

However, tbh with you all I'll be slowing down quite alot over the next few months as stuff in R/L takes priority over most of our time. I will do my best to keep you posted but appreciate that my pc & internet time will be rescricted for awhile.

They way I'm looking at things right now are like this:

1, The majority of soundwork is done for NA, maybe afew tweaks but for the most part done.

2, Due to the entire HiFi teams commitents in R/L right now getting even the smallest of fixes done is proving alittle fruitless.

3,With my own 'HiFi time' restricted, the time I do get I'd really like to focus on Arma 2 as it I think BIS really listen to us as a community in the sound aspect..(I'm talking more about extra audio content than quality in this instance).

So, there you go I'm looking forward to working on A2, Anyone whos been on my old thread will know that alot of what I wanted to do with HiFi is now possible in A2. This doesn't mean we'll stop NA for Arma..I'd like to get NA perfect as I plan to use elements of it in A2 :) Also, I have some extra modules here that require some config checking and testing. But like I said earlier, with R/L doing its thing with all of us atm. We're just gonna have to ride it out, until we can all hook up and get releasing again.

Hats off to you all


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Take your time, I have to geek Arma2 to death first with stock sounds:).

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hi very nice job , do you plains to modify the M2 sound ?

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I sure hope this addon will be extended for ArmA 2. So far, this is by far the best sound mod for the game and ArmA 2 lacks these sounds.

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Helllloooooooooo !

heheh, hi guys, I've been takin a break from A1 and stuff for alittle while as some will know. I've been hitting the A2 threads when I have had chance to post, so sorry for not replying over here !

I'll get to it..


hi very nice job , do you plains to modify the M2 sound ?

Yes mate, already did it awhile back for our ACE sounds conversion, If we get chance I'll add some sounds from the ace pack to NA for final version release :)


I sure hope this addon will be extended for ArmA 2

I hope so too mate, lets see what BIS says ;)

Right yes before I forget ! I'm pissed off with sitting on the extra content for NA (not been put out due to lack of testing) so I'm going to release it soon regardless of bugs :)

Edited by Mark XIII

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Hi Mark , I'm new here , but been on many a Vbulletin before. Over 1,000 posts on Combatarmsforums.com actually :D

Would you suggest this for a first time ArmA player ? I only just got ArmA : Combat Operations .

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Yes !!!

Please download it and notice the difference in sound straight away :)

But also remember there are plenty of other sound mods for Armed Assualt, the best thing about HiFi NA is that it works with all of them. So maybe grab afew and see which floats your boat matey.

Thanks for stopping by, also any feedback or suggestions are welcome here :)

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hi mark i always used your mod because its the closest to the battlefield thats my 2cents

but i also like Ace but i hate the sounds that are in it do you know a way how to dump the Ace sounds and put yours in it



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You can use HiFi NA alongside ACE to replace the BIS soundbase. To do this, simply edit the ACE clientside Cpp file so it contains the following lines.



When defined, ACE sounds are used for default arma classes

When undefined (commented out), Default ArmA sounds are used for default arma classes, meaning they can be freely overriden by soundmods



:D Hope that helps.

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hi i found a very nice sound for M2 can you explain me how i replace a sound in your mod ? or i can send you the sound

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Hello Mark, and everyone else, first off let me say that your soundmod is Amazing! I do use it with ACE Mod and was wondering about the ETA for the HiFi Ace addition? Is this still going to happen? In the meantime I tried using VOPsound and it really improved the sounds of the ACE only weapons, but I am unable to get the NA modules to work with VOP, which seems to override any other soundmod. I use the Mod Folder method just as its decribed in the NA manuel but all sounds come out as the VOP Ace versions, except the scoped AK-74 which oddly keeps the NA AK sound. I tried tweeking the Load order on the shortcut file, putting Vop 1st, then 2nd, then dropping both mods POBs in the Addons in different combination. Any advise on how to get NA sounds to work with the new VOP Ace sounds? Of course, if HiFi Ace is secretly available somewhere then I guess that will fix everything!

Btw, the PKM and T-72 maingun sounds in NA are the best SFX Ive ever heard on any game at any point in my life ...... Ever

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Well, I'm not sure if it will be released at all. As far as I know, HiFi team pretty much tried to move to ArmA2, but then Mark's PC died and he's been away for a looong time. Hopefully he should be back in action in like.. 2 weeks.

I think I can say that the last time when we've been on ArmA1, Mark put up a test version of HiFi'd ACE 1.09, with 99% (or was it 100%? :) ) of the sounds replaced, but it was just a dirty sound change inside the original ACE sound pbo's and Mark was lacking a modular config to make a Novus Aevum worthy release, so that's why it didn't go public.

When Mark is back, I'll try to talk to him and maybe he could atleast release this ACE AddOn as it is so people can enjoy it too.

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Thanks Cole,

I would love to get my hands on even a incomplete version, HiFi is the mother of all soundmods! In the meantime do you have any idea how to get NA's modules to work with VOP 1.9 Ace sound addon? As described in my previous post Vop always takes over ALL the sounds, where I would rather use NA for the Bis weapons and only Vop to fix the Ace only sounds. Not sure if it can be done............

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From what I remember, VopSound is forcing itself over any other sound, so using HiFi parts over VopSound unfortunately isn't possible without editing the configs (thus breaking the .bisign files and killing the possibility to play on secure servers).

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As I suspected, well I don't play multiplayer at all so that would not be an issue, do you know where I can find info on editing a config file?

Thanks for your responces Cole, the best thing about Arma is all the great community members!

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Sorry for the late reply,

Unfortunately, I don't know about any info page on editing the configs, but you can try using ArmA Tools by Kegetys to open the .pbo and unbinarize the config (then editing config.cpp through Notepad or if you want, Notepad++), however I'm not sure how or what to edit to make it work right now.

If you could wait until tomorrow, I could try to look at the config and try to make both soundmods work together (I have a little theory on what to edit, but I'm not sure if it would work at all).

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Thanks so much Cole, getting these two mods to play nice would be truly awsome. I have never, ever seen a game community as helpfull and friendly as ARMA's and I hppe that someday we can all scratch our heard over ARMA VIII Mods!

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