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Mark XIII (DayZ)

HiFi Novus Aevum - modular sound conversion

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ugh.. bad news I guess. My theory about editing the config didn't work as I suspected it would. Vopsound is still forced over anything HiFi :butbut:

Damn these tricky configs..

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Ack, well thanks for Trying Cole, I guess VOPs just doest play well with others. Hopfully we will get some form of HI FI ACE in the near furture.............

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Hey Cole,

Any word on HiFi NA Ace? Is it going to happen it is it dead?

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You'll install it into a separate mod folder and create an additional shortcut to load it into the game. You don't even have to uninstall it to switch between the sounds.

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Read all the readme and documentation of this mod and it seems like a MUCH MUCH more comprehensive sound library than the original BIS one with extremely individualised and randomized sounds for everything like different calibre hits and environment changes. Does this increase the load on the game and hit performance? performance is my number 1 concern as I am running on a laptop.

I can't wait to change the sounds in the original game, especially the firing sounds and bullet sonics. I was an infantry soldier once a long time ago and I can tell you guys for sure that real guns don't sound the way they do in the game. In fact, real guns fire with an uninteresting "pop". So, the ones in the game is nothing but bad and real gun sounds are also very uninteresting. Also, the reloading of different weapons should have different characteristic sounds but that's not the case in the game itself. Environmental sounds in the game is ok but it would be even more realistic if sound intensity and echoes are different in an open space vs a tight valley.

Having VERY high hopes for this sound mod. :)

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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I have tried a few sounds mods and this is the one I have stuck with.

Give it a shot.

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I have tried a few sounds mods and this is the one I have stuck with.

Give it a shot.

Does this sound mod affect your game performance negatively in terms of higher load?

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This is the first mod I have ever installed and yes do I love it! :)

The reloading sound for all guns are much better, especially the G36 where the little springy sound of its cocking lever is extremely authentic (yes, I have used one for real before). The shooting echoes are slightly overdone but adds dynamism to the game and makes distant shooting sounds REALLY REALISTIC, especially the sound of snipers shooting you from a distance. Most of the sounds are really loud and bassy, all for that dynamic battle FX feel. The environment sound is also much better although sometimes the thunder comes on too much.

Installation was easy and doesn't mess up our original install folder. Activation was simple and modular as promised with great detailed documentation. This is a professionally done piece of mod which we should actually pay some money for. :)

Overall, with its level of customization, this is a no regret mod. :) 4.5/5! :)

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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Ha ha now you have started with the mods, there is no going back!

Here you go!


hahahhaa buddy, you are right! hahahahaha, some mods do make the game better. Can't stand the original pepper shooting sound, wonder where BI got those crappy sound from. I still think the MG sounds are a little overdone but as an ex-infantry soldier, I will say that the sounds in this mod, although more dynamic, are really a lot closer to realistic gun firing than the original ones. The original ones sound like BB guns.

Thanks for the link! There are a lot of realism mods there that I would love to try but I am scared to hell about performance hit since my laptop really can't take a lot of game weight. :( In particular, the ballistic mod and the extended AI interests me. oh, also the rate of fire mod. Jesus, the game don't give much respect to the signature ROF difference between the AK and the M4. The M4 has a much higher ROF than the AK and the AK's low rate of fire is what gives it the signal hammering sound. Does the ROF mod fix this? In fact, the M4 has the highest ROF of the 3 main assault rifles; M4, AK, G36.

Have you tried the ACE mod? its so darn big that I would expect it to be buggy as hell...

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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Yeah, I tried ACE. It may be great for MP, but for single player I find there are collections of other mods that give a better feel.

I wouldnt run the game without the Ballistic, scope fix and ROF mods. Also TCPs 'Puny animations' is a must as it allows you to step over those low rocks and fences!

Proper plants fixes it so the ai cant see through bushes, so that is essential for those stealth missions.

S_Holes's fixed nightvision means you can actually use the goggles without the HDR blinding you at night.

Another essential (imo) one not listed here is the GDTModGrass (http://www.gdt-server.net/). It makes the grass a bit lower so that you can actually see something when prone.

I really like true mods, though I dont use all of it.

There is a lot of other great stuff too, but those are the ones I wouldnt play without.

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Yeah, I tried ACE. It may be great for MP, but for single player I find there are collections of other mods that give a better feel.

I wouldnt run the game without the Ballistic, scope fix and ROF mods. Also TCPs 'Puny animations' is a must as it allows you to step over those low rocks and fences!

Proper plants fixes it so the ai cant see through bushes, so that is essential for those stealth missions.

S_Holes's fixed nightvision means you can actually use the goggles without the HDR blinding you at night.

Another essential (imo) one not listed here is the GDTModGrass (http://www.gdt-server.net/). It makes the grass a bit lower so that you can actually see something when prone.

I really like true mods, though I dont use all of it.

There is a lot of other great stuff too, but those are the ones I wouldnt play without.

Jumping over fences!!!!! WE ALL NEED THAT!!! :)

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Just one comment on the sound mod... vehicles such as the hummer and the trucks still has that high pitch sizzling sound as its main sound... has anyone heard vehicles make that kind of sound on the road??? even with turbo charger, its still a soft hissing sound periodically with a loud bassy hum as the main sound. not this wierd spaceship like sound.

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HEY!!! :)

Welcome back to this forum!!! :) Yes, we are STILL downloading and rocking with your mod!!! :) Are you still making improvements to this mod or have you moved on to ArmA2?

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I have sorta moved over to A2, but... If you want some changes made, then I'm sure I could do something :)

just think of stuff that 'needs' changing, I don't mind doing alittle 'touch up' work but with my current situation, a major revision is not happening....However, if some bright spark wants to convert some of the new HiFi A2 stuff to A1 then, well that would be cool :)

Have a good one, see ya soon



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No major revision is needed. :) I am rocking with your mod and can't imagine playing without it now! hahahaa... only thing is the high pitch sound of vehicles... just don't hear that kind of wierd engine sound in real life.

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It should work ok with GL3 no probs, I was using that excellent mod myself. If I remember correctly GL3 Adds quite alot of sounds without conflict :)

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Fantastic! Indeed, everything works soooo great! I use my headset most of the time, hows the headset version you spoke about coming along? :)

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Haha, erm...its not mate, I have been offline and without my sound library for about 4-5 months now. However, today is a good day because we're back online at home now all I need to do is get HiFi onto my new pc an I can start work again :)

So maybe some hifi for christmas we'll see



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GREAT!! I am getting my new coreI5 rig ready for ArmA, would be ready in a couple of weeks... do you think the onboard HD sound card of the P55 motherboard be sufficient to maximize the effects of your sound mod? I would also be running ArmA2 on that machine and will also be using your ArmA2 mod too hehehehe

Oh one suggestion... how about intensifying environment sounds and breathing sound? I think both sounds are way too soft. Especially breathing sound. When we pant, the sound is loud as hell to ourselves, right? but barely noticable in the game.

Edited by jasonnoguchi

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It'd be awesome to see your HiFi mod ported & extended for ArmA 2. In my opinion no other sound mod even comes close to creating the mood for these games.

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