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Negative, I'm sure you will find hundreds of forums on the net about hot girls.

I was faster, just took longer cause I had to type more text! :p

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What are the skills required to become a moderator on the BIS forums ?

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First off, you need to be a mix of John Rambo and Terminator.

Nerves of steel.

Being a blind BI follower.

And last but not least: the $10,000 to bribe Placebo.

Or in other words: If we need you, we find you. :)

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First off, you need to be a mix of John Rambo and Terminator.

Well I do wear glasses , so I guess that makes me 1/4 machine and I had long hair until 2 weeks ago - Check

Nerves of steel.

Got those , I live in Romania :p - Check

Being a blind BI follower.

I wear glasses and I follow BIS on the forums . - Check

And last but not least: the $10,000 to bribe Placebo.

I may be able to pay that sum in other ways ;) get it ? ;) - Check

Or in other words: If we need you, we find you. :)

Roger that :D

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I see no need for that, this is a forum for BIS games first and foremost, everything else is secondary (for example I see no reason for OT to be expanded into categories).

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Are we (regular users) permitted to create events on the calendar? In my boredom I was looking at it and noticed the options to add events. I didn't try submitting any but it took me to the creation page. Didn't wanna get in trouble or anything, but I'm still curious about it. :)

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Fine for me if you think someone will bother to check the calendar. Not sure though if a regular user can do that, you'll find out.

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Ok, I'll try then...


Check the calendar for tomorrow. :shine:

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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Check the calendar for tomorrow. :shine:


I see no need for that, this is a forum for BIS games first and foremost, everything else is secondary (for example I see no reason for OT to be expanded into categories).

Oh come on .. only because there´s no fishing championship announced?

It´d be a temporary "once in four years" event :D

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Regarding the Squads and Fanpages read only lockdown.

Those who benefit: The squads who are on page 1.

Those who lose: Everyone else.

Isn't it kind of missing the point to basically punish all the squads/fanpages who only update thier thread once in a blue moon with relevant stuff (and thus are on page 2, 3, or more), and reward (by permanently locking them into the front page) all the squads who spam thier threads with 'news' that is mostly just irrelevant crap posted to bump up the thread?

As it is, my squad deliberately tends to go light on the updates, and we only try to post when we have something relevant and meaningful to put up. We're now back on Page 4, and stuck there, where we will get very little in way of people looking at us. The squads who are spamming thier threads and presumably causing issues are mostly on page 1, where they will get maximum exposure. I know that i'll be speaking for a lot of other squads when I say that this doesn't feel like a fair solution.

I know you're fed up with all the petty arguments that must errupt, but there must be a more satisfactory solution than this.

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Argeed with Pathy above, it is a dilemma which unit im in have the same issue where we post an important update, i.e. something new or changed within the unit.

Maybe (just a suggestion) there could be a sub-forum in the squad/fanpage bit were the units are slit up i.e maybe British Units section, then click on that and opens up to all the brit based units, another forum for US, Russian, ect ect, may cause an end to the non-stop clutter of the bumping in one single squad page.

Regards Jeza

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Well what shall I say: Bad luck.

The problem exists all the time, those squads with no updates every couple of weeks disappear as well while those who post updates (fake or not) will stay on page #1 or 2.

In the end it depends on how many threads per page you have set in the options.

Of course it's kinda unfair but what else we should do? Remove the whole forum surely is no option. Keeping it running as it was is no more an option either because just a few minutes ago one guy again reported a post there (he replied even to that post he just reported 2 days ago) so we might punish that squad in question he obviously has a problem with.

We will not longer play this childish game, that's for sure. We have some other things to do as well than dealing with that kindergarten behavior.

We will find a solution for that, maybe not tomorrow though.

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I have to admit it rankles me that you don't seem to see any major problem with screwing over all the squads who tried thier best to stick to the rules and show some respect. I cannot understand; surely you should reward the behaviour you want, punish the behaviour you don't want, thats how you get results. This is the complete opposite; rewarding what you didn't want, punishing what you did want. I can see why you'd do this as a temporary stopgap, but.....

If this is the case 'indefinately', then in retrospect, I wish i'd just made up updates constantly like some other squads have done, and kept us top of the pile; not only would we have gotten away with pointless spam, we'd have actually been rewarded for it by being 'indefinately' (placebo's word of choice, not mine) secured a place at the top of the heap. This is where we are now; those of us who tried to stay within the guidelines are completely hamstrung.

However, not to be a complete negative nancy, how about a non-forum based solution? Like: Squads and Fanpages forum, with 1 single topic. In that topic, a link to a webpage. Hell, if you could do it, have the S+FP link directly to it. I'm no coder, so bare with me; That website would be like a Wiki - a wiki full of squads. You could randomise the squads that show up on the front page so that all get roughly equal exposure, and/or make it like a directory. Hell, if you want to get fancy, you could even put in search terms or categories for nationality, gametype, style, etc (ie "American", "Realism", "Co-op) so that people can quickly filter thier results.

New squads could just make themselves a new entry, which wouldn't interfere with existing squads (ie, there would be no 'spam race' to be the top post), it'd be simple for people to find what they were after, and importantly, it wouldn't exclude squads or force them to bump every week to get exposure. The only 'issue' I can forsee would be people making multiple squad entries, but thats not too hard to deal with, surely? I'm sure some kind of solution along these lines would be...much more satisfactory - even if it's just set up as a relatively simple wiki, it'd be a step up from where we are as of right now.

Edited by Pathy

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No, I indeed see no real problem. Posting in that forum was always a privilege and not a right.

I know who used the term 'indefinately' and it wasn't me either. :)

All I can tell now is that we try to find a solution asap.

However, not to be a complete negative nancy, how about a non-forum based solution? Like: Squads and Fanpages forum, with 1 single topic.
We have that already: Squad/Clan list (Can't be updated also of course now).

And we repeatedly told people to create a social group for their squad where they can discuss whatever they want (as long as it is within the rules). Yes that place is a bit hidden and not so obvious for new people outside a squad but it is an option to use.

If anyone one wants to create such a squads Wiki he is more than welcome to do it. We surely don't mind.

As I said already, we try to find a solution for the problem. The forum and the threads are still there and visible. It's not the end and after all it could be worse (like forum set to invisible for regular users and guests). :p

We all spend our free time here moderating the forums and we just had to stop the insanely increased amount of fake reports from ... people thinking they can use us Mods as Medium for their squad wars.

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No, I indeed see no real problem. Posting in that forum was always a privilege and not a right.

The point was that you're punishing the very people who followed the rules, and rewarding those who've caused this issue. What a cackhanded way to moderate, free time or no.

But. Suit yourself. You haven't even bothered to read (or comprehend) what i've said about a non-forum based solution, so whats the point in even trying to be constructive?

Edited by Pathy

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The point was that you're punishing the very people who followed the rules, and rewarding those who've caused this issue. What a cackhanded way to moderate.

But. Suit yourself. You haven't even bothered to read (or comprehend) what i've said about a non-forum based solution, so whats the point.

He did actually:

If anyone one wants to create such a squads Wiki he is more than welcome to do it. We surely don't mind.

An entire wiki? That's a lot of work for volunteer moderators to do.

He also said:

All I can tell now is that we try to find a solution asap.

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I've already said they can suit themselves, I don't care much for the direction this is going nor the "tough shit" attitude we've been given for following the guidelines. There is no point in trying to offer any sort of constructive discussion when thats the response. He might have skimmed my last post. The fact he's warbling on about already having a forum thread full of squads in response to "how about a non forum based solution?" says otherwise. I'm out of this.

Edited by Pathy

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I've already said they can suit themselves, I don't care much for the direction this is going nor the "tough shit" attitude we've been given for following the guidelines. There is no point in trying to offer any sort of constructive discussion when thats the response. He might have skimmed my last post. The fact he's warbling on about already having a forum thread full of squads in response to "how about a non forum based solution?" says otherwise. I'm out of this.

And your disrespectful replies surely doesn't make anything happen faster. We Mods can live very well with that forum locked, in fact I don't miss cleaning up their and messing with that kindergarten at all.

And I say it one more time: Posting here and especially in that forum is a privilege, not a right. No one said you can post there for all times, no one gave you a guarantee that your squads thread can be updated forever.

I don't even know why you are attacking me at all. I was not the one who made the decision. I was not even asked if the forum should be locked. I just was kind enough to reply to your post. I suggest you contact Placebo about this (and please with the same attitude you are showing here) - if you have the guts to do so that is.

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Why arent we allowed to use all the BB tags in visitor messages? For example we cant even use the [ s ] tag.

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Why arent we allowed to use all the BB tags in visitor messages? For example we cant even use the [ s ] tag.

So you can't take back what you say... :p

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So you can't take back what you say... :p

But its so useful for accidental mistakes. :D

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The point was that you're punishing the very people who followed the rules, and rewarding those who've caused this issue. What a cackhanded way to moderate, free time or no.

But. Suit yourself. You haven't even bothered to read (or comprehend) what i've said about a non-forum based solution, so whats the point in even trying to be constructive?

When me and my brothers were growing up we used to get in a lot of mischief as all kids do, and like all kids who get into mischief we looked for a way to blame it on someone else. When our father couldn't find the culprit in something he painted all our back porches red, that way he knew he got the right one.

I see this as more adult version of the same old thing that happened between me and my brothers were growing up, except no one is getting their butts beat..literally. You and I can thank our fellow realism units and clans for this punishment, because of their childish behavior now everyone is having to pay the price and that includes innocent people like you and I.

Edited by Big Mac

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Except that the ultimate reward is to be placed for eternity on the front page of the squads and fanpages board. Imagine if, when one of your brothers did something, you and your other innocent brother got your thrashing, whilst the guilty one got given an icecream and a pat on the head.

Edit: Still, no wonder you're not too bothered, your squad is 6th from top, where you will stay, getting loads of exposure when Arrowhead releases. We will be on the 4th page.

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