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And before someone points it out;

yes, those pics are edited  wink_o.gif

But apart form a little fake blur here and there and saturation changes addons present as they are...

cheers  smile_o.gif

PS; MODUL, CSLA-3, Simba, USEC shall be credited as used for screenshooting in some of the the above

[sorry for not listing everyone, will update if forgotten]

will u release ur mod togheter whit csla3?

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we try, cause our addons are compatible smile_o.gif

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To clarify, no we will not release together but we cooperate with CSLA so both mods will work together.

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It will be released when it's ready, as stated many times before. Whether or not it's before or after CSLA will probably depend on whether it's ready to go. Besides CSLA hasn't set a release date, they just said "Release date of our MOD will be announced soon". biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]okay, i want to present Topas screens from ucpoming mod , some pictures are heavy ;]

wow_o.gif  xmas_o.gif  notworthy.gif

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As posted on the Armaholic Forums:

Quote[/b] ]Did I see an OH-58 Kiowa??? =D

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As posted on the Armaholic Forums:
Quote[/b] ]Did I see an OH-58 Kiowa??? =D

Well.... Actually it's a Bell-206 by Sgt.Ace wink_o.gif

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As posted on the Armaholic Forums:
Quote[/b] ]Did I see an OH-58 Kiowa??? =D

Well.... Actually it's a Bell-206 by Sgt.Ace wink_o.gif

Awwwwww. SAP Air, I completely forgot about that. Bummer! We need some Hydra 70's or Hellfire Armaments :P

Someday *Dreams*

Nonetheless fantabulous Update

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Quote[/b] ]Well.... Actually it's a Bell-206 by Sgt.Ace

oh58 is military version of Bell-206, isn't it ?

what about a closer shot ? wink_o.gif

I wonder if there's any campaign story being developed for this mod ?

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Why is there a TH-55? TH-55's were only at Fort Rucker for IERW (Initial Entry Rotary Wing). Never was there a TH-55 in units. Plus they stopped using them in favor of UH-1's starting around 1985. The last of the TH-55's were sold off in late 1988. I know because I saw the last of them carted off on my way to the Shell flight line back then.

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Actually it's a mistake, I know. The pics are no more than my FRAPS shots, and were posted on the Project'85 internal forums in our Combat Photography thread. Not all of them were intended to be P'85 promo shots. This one must have somehow been mistakenly linked by Vilas.

Sorry for confusion

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i'm guessing no, because it was released seperatley by another person.

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So the TH-55 is in the mod?

No, it's not

It's from SAP_Air

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Project 85 needs a little support, we have a huge variety of original vehicle sounds but need someone who has some good sound editing skills and knows how to make them sound well in ArmA.

If anyone feels capable please PM me.

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Quote[/b] ]Well.... Actually it's a Bell-206 by Sgt.Ace

oh58 is military version of Bell-206, isn't it ?

what about a closer shot ? wink_o.gif

I wonder if there's any campaign story being developed for this mod ?

Yes, that is correct. But unfortunately I believe this is the civilian Bell-206 released in the SAP Air Addon-Pack by Brilliant mr. Sgt.Ace

gun1.jpg dor.jpg air1.jpg sa5.jpg sa6.jpg

Seeing as the Famazing *Military* *With several Military Loadouts and Variations* Kiowas served at least a limited amount of time in the late 80s (Obviously not counting Vietnam) might we be seeing perhaps a few in the Project '85 mod?

=p and sorry for my one tracked mind, I love this bird haha

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That is an enormous effort there after going through each of those screens individually. Good job so far! I know the East German units are also in the works, but is there a plan to release them along with the rest of the mod once it's ready?

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Yeah there will be NVA Infantry and they will get a few vehicles for the first release.

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I don't know what you mean by Kiowa's flew limited in late 80's. I flew the crap out of OH-58 A, A+, C models. Even OH-58D models were flying in the TARPS platoons at the time. The OH-58A/C was the backbone of all Cav squadrons and Attack companies. The Kiowa's flew way more hours than the AH-1's and AH-64's due to their reliability and cost per flight hour. All Army missions begin with the Scouts (air or ground) out front. No Scout or Attack mission was ever without one or two OH-58's, even in AH-64 Attack battalions

Find the enemy. Fix the enemy in place. Utterly destroy the enemy with all assets available. That is the mission of the OH-58 then and now.

Scout's Out!!!

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I don't know what you mean by Kiowa's flew limited in late 80's. I flew the crap out of OH-58 A, A+, C models. Even OH-58D models were flying in the TARPS platoons at the time. The OH-58A/C was the backbone of all Cav squadrons and Attack companies. The Kiowa's flew way more hours than the AH-1's and AH-64's due to their reliability and cost per flight hour. All Army missions begin with the Scouts (air or ground) out front. No Scout or Attack mission was ever without one or two OH-58's, even in AH-64 Attack battalions

Find the enemy. Fix the enemy in place. Utterly destroy the enemy with all assets available. That is the mission of the OH-58 then and now.

Scout's Out!!!

I was reading stupid Wikipedia and just realized it says that all details of the mid-80s operational history were not correctly filled in.

And you sir are amazing, that must have been a complete thrill-

Well then, *so may we possibly see them as a later project '85 release?* *or expect them later from someone else perhaps*

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**Thread Hijack*** whistle.gif

i might have ago at it in a few months time,

On topic : Great Work guys, keep it up!

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