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ArmA II too Good to believe!

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Hi all

The advantages for PC developers of doing a console version are:

1) The lesser capabilities of a Console make you develop more efficient code.

2) The error checking software available for consoles is better developed because the environment is restricted which means:

a) bugs get found quicker as there are not a thousand potential hardware causes to rule out.

b) bug checking procedures are shared between developers which:

i) Shares cost

ii) Increases capability

iii) Verifies and validates bug checking capability

iv) Peer reviewed bug checking software

c) Acreditation procedure by console developer ensures external audit of software with costly milestones as a goad to punctuality and quality.

3) It is another market for all the code you have already developed which means:

a) Another market so more cash

b) Another market so more customers (broader market penetration affects a whole range of marketing and sales factors)

c) Economies of scale

And those are just my first thoughts over 5 minutes

Kind regards walker

I wonder why they dont make console versions of LOMAC, SHIII, Blackshark or Steel Beasts ..... oh yeah! thats because gamers on those platforms prefer BF2, FIFA and Tekken whistle.gif

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BI should show more screenshots with the cinematic DOF effect disabled.  wink_o.gif

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72 @ Mar. 03 2009,05:16)]
I have a hard time believing that people think the recent ArmA2 faction videos are pre-rendered.

Did you check the link provided by the OP?

"When we compared Arma II to Crysis some people were a little put-off by the comparison because they assumed that all the footage and the screenshot(s) were from cinematic sequences. Turns out, none of what you’re about to see is cinematic and all of it is in-game."


I did check it, hense my comment of why I have a hard time believing it. Makes me think people have lowered their standards on graphics these days, or maybe I just see glaring flaws that they don't?

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The OFP/ArmA community is generally very picky, myself included. That's why our favourite games are BIS' work. We don't like the watered down arcade games as much, and are used to a higher fidelity than most games offer.

You don't get people on the Halo forums saying the jump animation is bad, or the movement unrealistic. Hence BIS have a very picky community that also makes them work harder. I think this is a good thing and they are proud of it (on the whole).

So when the average gamer sees the Arma II trailer and doesn't care so much about totally realistic movement animations or the flaws we may spot, they just see a game that looks "badass".

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Im pretty sure I could build a PC for less than 800 USD that would still beat the 360 in most multi-platform games.

And when you consider that Microsoft charges 50 USD a year for gold membership, and that games for consoles are roughly 20-30% more expensive,

and cant be modded, its not really the bargain one would think.

Of course you can. You put 4x the money in it + the time 'to build it yourself' and you can 'beat' a 4 year old 199$ device.

Now try the same with only 200$ in the pocket and say 2 hours of manual labour? Don't think so either:)

And the 50$ 'argument' for XBL, yeah well, it is not free, true, but frankly i don't mind. As if Windows is free ... not

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Now try the same with only 200$ in the pocket and say 2 hours of manual labour? Don't think so either:)...

You pay the rest when you buy the games. Xbox and PS3 consoles are sold at a loss and they earn the money from the licensing fees that developers pay.

You don't save as much money as you think in the long run.

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The seamless multiplayer integration of X-Box Live beats PC multiplayer gaming BIG-TIME.

No dicking around with each buddy's favorite 3rd-party instant messenger, voice comm program, or buddy list organizer. No screwing around with IP addresses.

It just works, right out of the DVD case.

It also makes for an unbelievable team-based experience.

And somehow, I don't know how they did it, B.I. managed to make aiming in OFP:Elite as easy as with mouse and keyboard. I had BIG concerns about that before I played it.

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Ill stick to pc but I wouldnt mind the xbox if I could use a keyboard and Mouse... Maybe now days you can but ive never tried to connect them into the usb ports...

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I am a pc player. I have the money and time. I like to tweak and sit infront of my comp, never had any problems with arma as it always been fluent. I cant stand consoles.

Most of my friends are console players, I understand why. They have knowledge and money enough to buy and build a good pc (some of them are programers and IT-staff), but they prefer consoles because they dont have to care. They buy and it works. Thats reason enough (not for me though).

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Guys, not another console war topic.... please!

I agree to Sabres post, the most fans of BIS games are in fact very picky and have high "personal requirements" for the games they play.

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Guys, not another console war topic.... please!

I agree to Sabres post, the most fans of BIS games are in fact very picky and have high "personal requirements" for the games they play.

PC guys should support the idea of ArmA2 on console (360)!

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Guys, not another console war topic.... please!

I agree to Sabres post, the most fans of BIS games are in fact very picky and have high "personal requirements" for the games they play.

PC guys should support the idea of ArmA2 on console (360)!

And watch it get watered down?

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Guys, not another console war topic.... please!

I agree to Sabres post, the most fans of BIS games are in fact very picky and have high "personal requirements" for the games they play.

PC guys should support the idea of ArmA2 on console (360)!

I support it as long as it is made for the PC and then altered (if need be) to fit the 360 and not the other way around. I've never played Elite but all in all I would rather the game come out for PC, PS3, 360, Wii and whatever else than just one assuming it doesn't affect the qualities on the others.

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As much as I liked Elite, the editor was a watered down version of the PC game. Is it possible to get a full editor for the consule? guess we'll see.....but not likely.

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guess we'll see.....but not likely.

tounge2.gif Thats like saying there'll be another patch to OFP. smile_o.gif

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Guys, not another console war topic.... please!

I agree to Sabres post, the most fans of BIS games are in fact very picky and have high "personal requirements" for the games they play.

PC guys should support the idea of ArmA2 on console (360)!

And watch it get watered down?

Hmmm, some guys never learn:)

Don't you think it is 'important' and your 'duty' to support BIS in making a great ArmA2 (on any platform they desire and think is important to survive in the economic troubled days)?

Or do you think BIS is making a mistake when developing ArmA2 also for 360? If so, speak up and say it (even boycot the company for making 'dumb' decisions like that)?

But remarks like 'watered down' are just BS remarks. Elite campaign was exactly like the pc (only gfx was better). The editor was 'lite', true (but my guess it was also slightly unfinishd cause of the BIS/CM troubles in the end, my 0.02 cents on that). And there was no modding, no. Worse, there was no DLC ... how come? I think the BIS/CM troubles played up once again there.

ArmA2 on 360, with a medium mission editor and DLC ... bring it on. I can't see any fault in that.

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As much as I liked Elite, the editor was a watered down version of the PC game. Is it possible to get a full editor for the consule? guess we'll see.....but not likely.

Thats not a watering down as in more arcade.

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The seamless multiplayer integration of X-Box Live beats PC multiplayer gaming BIG-TIME.

No dicking around with each buddy's favorite 3rd-party instant messenger, voice comm program, or buddy list organizer.  No screwing around with IP addresses.

It just works, right out of the DVD case.

It also makes for an unbelievable team-based experience.

And somehow, I don't know how they did it, B.I. managed to make aiming in OFP:Elite as easy as with mouse and keyboard.  I had BIG concerns about that before I played it.

XBL multiplayer is shithouse;

- It' solely P2P, there's no such thing as dedicated servers and hence everything is laggy as hell and player counts are forced to be low (as in 4-8 people).

- There's no such thing as a server browser, all you get is a join button which you hit and blindly hope that you don't get shunted into a laggy game hosted by some dude with dial up in Bolivia. There's no real control over where you're going.

- It is expensive, here in Australia it works out to like $80 a year which is outrageous.

On the other hand PC multiplayer rocks because;

- Dedicated servers exist allowing games to have high player limits like 32, 64, 128. They also provide lag free gaming and pings like 20ms.

- You actually have a proper server browser or can use a 3rd party server browser which allows you to pick and choose which game you join. You have ultimate control.

- It's free!!!!!

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The seamless multiplayer integration of X-Box Live beats PC multiplayer gaming BIG-TIME.

No dicking around with each buddy's favorite 3rd-party instant messenger, voice comm program, or buddy list organizer.  No screwing around with IP addresses.

It just works, right out of the DVD case.

It also makes for an unbelievable team-based experience.

And somehow, I don't know how they did it, B.I. managed to make aiming in OFP:Elite as easy as with mouse and keyboard.  I had BIG concerns about that before I played it.

XBL multiplayer is shithouse;

- It' solely P2P, there's no such thing as dedicated servers and hence everything is laggy as hell and player counts are forced to be low (as in 4-8 people).

- There's no such thing as a server browser, all you get is a join button which you hit and blindly hope that you don't get shunted into a laggy game hosted by some dude with dial up in Bolivia. There's no real control over where you're going.

- It is expensive, here in Australia it works out to like $80 a year which is outrageous.

On the other hand PC multiplayer rocks because;

- Dedicated servers exist allowing games to have high player limits like 32, 64, 128. They also provide lag free gaming and pings like 20ms.

- You actually have a proper server browser or can use a 3rd party server browser which allows you to pick and choose which game you join. You have ultimate control.

- It's free!!!!!

XBL is about friends, i play with/against friends, no need to go to 'Bolivia'

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Remind me what this thread was about again?  biggrin_o.gif

Indeed, get back on topic people or my wife will bite you, and she has seriously sharp teeth.

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ouch.. i have 1 that bits me already, don't need another one.. hehe

anyway, to be honest i have to agree with the title! In a good way of course..

ATM i think ArmA is already a "tool" for life.. such as OFP was and still is. So its just too good to believe we will have ArmA2 smile_o.gif

What i mean is: There are people that still today are working and making mods with such enthusiastic these days that it is just fantastic and incredible.

I already have huge fun with ArmA in several ways by playing COOP online on the server, editing missions for our lazy community and now working on terrains.

I truly believe ArmA2 will bring and add more and better feelings to the ones i already have with OFP and ArmA.

Its just too good to believe that ArmA2 will be out for us biggrin_o.gif

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The biggest and instant dissapointment so far is the M4 you can see on Arma2 videos.  huh.gif

What happened Bis?

Since you are stuck with this weapon for most missions (it seems) the AR-15 familly should be absolute priority.

I also dislike the design of your team and characters.

You gotta make up your mind: they are either marines or merceneries, cannot make them look loike both.

This reminds me of shooters like BlackSite Area 51 or some console games (you know, where soldiers don't wear helmets... and have cocky nicknames).

The East aircrafts look great, which suggest they bought them from a real fanatic.

The quality of eastern tanks is not up to that standard sadely but it is still avarage or little above what you see in other games. The cupola MG could get updated.

I am most glad because of new AI. From what was shown they are about the intelligence of FC2. Use cover and move tactically.

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