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Which faction doyou think is next?

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Hi all,

With a day away yet from the next update (5 more seconds have gone by so far..8.. )  I've been thinking BIS will save the best for last, and show NAPA next.  What say you?  wink_o.gif

Edit: The House takes 5% of all bets placed.

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There are other sections of the website that have not been released yet. They don't always need to release factions.

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Since we don't know anything about NAPA, I think it will be saved for last, possibly even for us to find out in the game itself.

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Napa next, then Russia i think...

Russian is most likely the biggest one so.....

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I hope its NAPA first then Russia, Russia will be the most exciting faction to see.

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Start with USMC, end with Russia is my bet. A good 360.

I hope Russia this time around has a chance at taken a shot @ the US.

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I'm of two minds; That Due to the mystery of NAPA, and despite whatever the original promotion plan was, they will probably leave them till last to keep that mystery going as long as possible...

having said that though, and in line with my other theory;

NAPA will be next, and Russia last as that 'good 360' Victor mentioned, as I personally don't think there will be any direct US vs Russian exchanges of fire... at least not in the campaign.

It would be diplomatically 'awkward'. They would be like the to ends of a tug of war, backing their respective 'puppet factions' CDF and ChDKZ who fight it out in the core fire-fights, and merely use the special forces (eg. Team Razor/Spetznaz) to aid or influence in the these faction's efforts. Maybe opposing spec ops teams will come into contact with each other at some point in the campaign.

It seems to me that many of the smaller conflicts of recent year point to orchestration in this way... it would make sense.

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I think it's tough to call. I mean, so far the factions have been released along a storyline - first it was the USMC dossing around, then the citizens were featured with the bomb attack and tensions rising, then it was the turn of the ChDKZ announcing the start of their campaign, then it was the CDF retaliating...now I personally think it might be Russia accusing the CDF of infringing Russian sovereignty, resulting in "reciprocal military measures aimed at defending Russian national security"... So in come the Russians, out go the CDF with their arses handed to them on plates, and next week along come NAPA - a local resistance group if a lot of people here are correct which I think they are - claiming their struggle against "outsiders". This leads nicely to a picture of the northern Chernarus Razor Team will find themselves in very soon.

I guess we'll find out tomorrow. I could easily be talking bollocks. nener.gif

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Im gonna take a gamble on Russia first.

BI may have seen the What's the NAPA faction?" thread and decided to keep us in pain wondering tounge2.gif

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That's a pretty strong theory also Zedder. I just noticed watching back in the USMC vid that it mentions President Medvedev and secretary Rice... that's strangely RL for what is essentially a fictional country.

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It'll probably be NAPA tomorrow or friday, then Russia next week. It also seems that each video is becoming a little bit less conservative with the content they show. I expect the last trailer, (Russia), will show off a lot of what we've yet to see, whether it's regarding the AI, sound, graphics, ect.

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But if its the USMC and Russia aren't fighting because of the diplomatic "awkwardness", what is it going to be?

The modern military vs guerrillas? Oh no! Iraq! Or, 1985 Vs. 2009. Or, OFP meets Arma2 and they don't like eachother so they pull out their guns, only OFP has a capgun and Arma2's got a 120mm cannon.

sad_o.gif I want to have some sorta balanced online gameplay.. unless you can switch some of the faction's allegiances. Then that'd rock.

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Well to be honest I wish for another section of the site to be uncoverd .

But i would do with russia also

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Napa for sure, they started with the USMC and will probably end with russia but mm maybe russian forces and US forces do some coop stuff peacekeeping but covering from different angles? smile_o.gif

I dunno really, aw man Im so exited about the new campaign in Arma 2 biggrin_o.gif

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Isn't the current trend in games to have a "mysterious alien faction"? I'm thinking there will be greys with ray guns :P

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I think that NAPA will be the last as we dont know anything about it. Russia will be next affter CDF, at least I hope so. tounge2.gif

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I told everyone a faction wouldn't be released this week, but people don't know how to listen!

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oh well... the pics are better than nothing... what is going to happen on the 3rd week ?

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Looks like no new video this week. We have very few new pics though. I guess NAPA next week. I think it was like that after USMC too, Im not sure. Although, this is probably the best graphics I have ever seen. Crysis on ultra looks nice but this though, wow. Cu, next week.

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Yup, still working on the vids, must be something special!  (that or we've finally caught up with their video production capacity)  Ahh well, around 6 days, 12 hours, and a few minutes left  wink_o.gif

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A couple of screenshots captured ingame this week to supply our dedicated fans with the latest Intel. We are continuing our work on new videos introducing the last two factions - NAPA and Russian Armed Forces which will be released over the next two weeks. Be sure to check out the previously released HD videos which already feature four of the six factions, or take a look at other in-game pictures we've released.

Looks pretty clear for me, but you never know  tounge2.gif

My guess is allso the misterious NAPA faction at last

Grtz Ra!dar (i would like to have these sceenshots in high res, need a new wallpaper tounge2.gif)

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